Tuesday, February 18

Actress Srishti Sharma Her New Photo Shoot OF Popular Brand

“A model of outstanding merits” this is how I am called in the field of Modeling. The advertisers & Advertising Agencies, say that I have all the physical assests, mental setup & admirable looks, which make a Model most perfect.

There are 3 basic things which are must for a Model. One is rich vital statistics, fantastic figure & bewitching beauty. The God has given me all the three as a Free Gift. With the help of these Virtues I have made my presence felt in the field of Modelling I have been the part of numberless, print ads, commercial flicks & promotional reels. All the parties, for whom I have worked as a Model, are fully satisfied with my behavior, dealing & the results.


Now, I have ventured in Bollywood, as I have fully prepared myself for it. I have few offers, which I am considering minutely. Shortly a big announcement & launching event is to be held with Big Bang & Bash.

When I look back into my life, I feel quite well. Still as an artist, my urge to do something better, always pushes me ahead.

I was born  at Delhi, on 16 Sep. 1992 where I was brought up & did my graduation from Delhi University. I started my career as a Model. I started with ACC Cement & B.S.N.L. apart from Music Albums TV Serials. I had been fan & admirerer of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan & Kajol with whom, now I am ambitious to work as an artiste. I am optimistic about becoming one of the Top Artistes of Bollywood. I believe in the adage ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ I am on the right track, right now. One thing, for which I am proud of, is the fact, that I am a self-made-artiste, I have taken no help & no faver from anybody, till date. At present I am only interested in playing lead roles & important roles in multi-starrers. The impotance of the role is created by the artiste who perform it. Only an impotant role cannot make an artiste so impotant. I am sure my confidence will turn into real conviction, I am looking for………………SS