Tuesday, February 18

Month: April 2019

Srishti Sharma  Actress Her New Bridal Shoot and Concept Shoot Pics
Actress, Models

Srishti Sharma Actress Her New Bridal Shoot and Concept Shoot Pics

Srishti Sharma after succesful released Bollywood and regional Films & Albums  Srishti Sharma Says : as I have fully prepared myself for it. I have few offers, which I am considering minutely. Shortly a big announcement & launching event is to be held with Big Bang & Bash. She was recently spoted at lavish shoot of her modelling Bridal Shoot  and Concept Shoot .         When I look back into my life, I feel quite well. Still as an artist, my urge to do something better, always pushes me ahead. I was born  at Delhi, on 16 Sep. 1992 where I was brought up & did my graduation from Delhi University. I started my career as a Model. I started with ACC Cement & B.S.N.L. apart from Music Albums TV Serials. I had been fan & a...
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मर्डर मिस्ट्री 'नेवर गिव अप - ए रिवेंज स्टोरी' १० मई को रिलीज होगी मित्तल एडवरटाइज़िंग एंड डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन कम्पनी कर रही है फिल्म को रिलीज़ बॉलीवुड में आजकल थ्रिलर मूवीज का जमाना है। ऐसी ही एक थ्रिलर फिल्म जल्द रिलीज़ होने जा रही है, जिसका नाम है 'नेवर गिव अप' ए रिवेंज स्टोरी। बदले की भावना की कहानी पर आधारित यह फिल्म १० मई को रिलीज होने जा रही है। इस फिल्म की मार्केटिंग और रिलीज़ की जिम्मदारियां मित्तल एडवरटाइज़िंग एंड डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन कम्पनी निभा रही है। पिछले दिनों मुंबई के अंधेरी में स्थित द व्यू थियेटर में इस फिल्म का प्रमोशनल इवेंट रखा गया जहां फिल्म के निर्माता निर्देशक और सभी कलाकार उपस्थित थे। इंडियन सिनेमा मेकर्स के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म नेवर गिव अप' ए रिवेंज स्टोरी के प्रोड्यूसर शलाका मिलिंद निकम और युके (उन्मेष काब्रे) एवं डायरेक्टर युके (उन्मेष काब्रे) हैं। फिल्म में सरिश कनुगो,...
Dr. Atlanta Kaashhyap  Honoured With Best Dress Designer CHITTARA AWARD  At Bangalore

Dr. Atlanta Kaashhyap Honoured With Best Dress Designer CHITTARA AWARD At Bangalore

Banglore में ATLANTA KAASHHYAP को  बेस्‍ट ड्रेस डिजाइनर CHITTARA AWARD से नवाजा ग'या Atlanta Kaashhyap ने CLOTH CAN CHANGE YOUR LUCK लांच किया। मगर क्या  एक कपड़ा एक इंसान का लक बदल सकता है ?  जानिये यहां - रविवार को Banglore के होटल Lalith Asoka में आयोजित फैशन शो Awards के दौरान Dr. Atlanta Kaashhyap को बेस्‍ट Dress Designer के खिताब से नवाजा गया। इस फैशन शो में देशभर से मॉडल्‍स और डिजाइनर आये, जिसमें अटलांटा के कलेक्‍शन को खूब सराहा गया और उन्‍हें बेस्‍ट ड्रेस डिजाइनर का अवार्ड मिला। दरअसल,  Atlanta Kaashhyap का कलेक्‍शन एस्‍ट्रोलॉजी के हिसाब से बनाये जाते हैं। उनके कपड़े दिन के शुभ मुहूर्त में तैयार होते हैं। राहू काल में कपड़े का कुछ काम नहीं किया जाता है। अगर आपको बर्थडे डिटेल्‍स या हॉरोस्‍कोप नहीं मालूम तो आप उनके कपड़े नहीं खरीद सकते, क्‍योंकि उनके कपड़े जन्‍म...
Neeraj Sharma has been conferred with Doctorate by National American University, United States of America
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Neeraj Sharma has been conferred with Doctorate by National American University, United States of America

Famous celebrity writer, creative producer and vedic-astrologer Neeraj Sharma was recently honored with a doctorate in the creative writing and directions  that got conferred by National American University,  United States along with National Institutes of Education and Research, Asia- India. The writer has been in entertainment and media industry at Mumbai. Hailing from the city of Jammu, he has been an active theatric and creative writer for  the last 18 years. Ever since, in Mumbai he has written many plays, play-lets, stories, designed and crafted many events in zonal and national levels for cultural festivals, have written content for television and digital media.   He has been entitled as an extremely creative person who is known for talent and innovations. A...
Stars Will Fade Content Is The Future: Chanderkant Sharma
Breaking News

Stars Will Fade Content Is The Future: Chanderkant Sharma

New Delhi: Chanderkant Sharma who made headlines for coming up with a movie on demonetisation called ‘The Great Indian Casino’ has announced a set of new plans of his production company Cinemirchi Productions on Saturday. The function which was held in Janakpuri ‘Delhi Haat’ was presided by acclaimed actor Yashpal Sharma. One week before the capital city witnessed the grand teaser launch of his movie by actor Dharmendra who had showed praises on the new venture. “The era of only big companies having all the fun is over in Bollywood. After the advent of OTTs the scenario has gone upside down. Even the bigger stars are chasing good writers now. Without a script, the film making  has become impossible” said Chanderkant Sharma.   Director Rupesh Paul who is in news for his Rahul G...
Tarot For U celebrates its 20th anniversary Launches womanofsubstance.in For Women With Inspiring Stories
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Tarot For U celebrates its 20th anniversary Launches womanofsubstance.in For Women With Inspiring Stories

Ms. Shambhavi Chhugani, an award-winning celebrity tarot reader celebrated the 20th anniversary of her enterprise Tarot for U on 10th April 2019 in Powai, Mumbai. Shambhavi started her journey with tarot cards in 1999 and since then has been offering solutions, healing and touching lives of people reaching out to her from across the globe. At the event were celebrated eminent personalities like the renowned writer and journalist Mrs. Nandita Puri, Mrs. Universe Business Lady 2017 and Mrs. Asia 2017 - Mrs. Pinky Rajgarhia, Celebrity singer and chef Anaida, social media influencer Virali Shah, poet Mr. Rakesh Tiwari, curator of Kala Ghoda festival Geeta Castelino amongst many others.     Along with reminiscing the memories of her glorious 20-year-old journey and t...
Kayastha Community List Of Some Very  Popular Personalities In Various Sectors In India
Kayastha Comunity

Kayastha Community List Of Some Very Popular Personalities In Various Sectors In India

Prominent Kayasthas Dr Rajendra Prasad rose to become the first President of the Republic of India. Dr Sampurnanand was the first Chief Minister of U.P. and Governor of Rajasthan, besides being a literary figure. Jayaprakash Narayan brought down Indira Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose fought the British rule militarily. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, Satyendra Nath Bose and Jagdish Chandra Bose were eminent scientists. Munshi Prem Chand, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Satyendra Chandra Mitra a freedom fighter, Raghupat Sahai "Firaque" Gorakhpuri, Dr Vrindavan Lal Verma, Dr. Ram Kumar Verma, Mahadevi Varma, Kamla Chaudhury, Dr Dharm Vir Bharti and Bhagavati Charan Verma have been men of letters. Swami Vivekan...
Actress Chandani Singh Completes Shooting Of New Music Video

Actress Chandani Singh Completes Shooting Of New Music Video

चांदनी सिंह ने पूरी की नये म्युजिक विडियो की शुटिंग चांदनी सिंह म्युजिक और भोजपुरी वर्ल्ड  की बेहतरीन कलाकारों में से एक हैं। एक से बढ़कर एक शानदार फिल्में और सुपरहिट म्युजिक विडियो देने वाली एक्ट्रेस चांदनी सिंह ने जाने माने कोरियोग्राफर रामदेवन के कोरियोग्राफी में एक भोजपुरी म्युजिक विडियो  की शुटिंग विरार के याजू पार्क रिर्सोट में किया। गाने का बोल है लागेला करेजा काढ़ लेबू। इस गाने को भव्य तरीके से फिल्माया गया और जिसने भी इस म्युजिक विडियो  की शुटिंग देखी सबने यही कहा कि भोजपुरी म्युजिक विडियो  के लिये पहली बार वे इतना खर्चा देख रहे हैं। इस म्युजिक विडियो  के नायक और निर्माता हैं समीर और निर्देशन किया है धीरू यादव ने जिन्होने चांदनी सिंह को लेकर फिल्म बद्रीनाथ का निर्देशन किया था। रेड कलर के कास्ट्युम में चांदनी गजब का कहर ढा रही थीं। इस गाने को कंपोज किया है द...
DR. ABDUL REHMAN VANOO –  A MAN OF EXCELLENCE With fundentamental definition Padega Bharat Badega Bharat
Interviews, Latest News

DR. ABDUL REHMAN VANOO – A MAN OF EXCELLENCE With fundentamental definition Padega Bharat Badega Bharat

Exclusive Excerpts From Interview ABDUL REHMAN VANOO has been appointed as General Secretary of Famous Dada Saheb Phalke Film Foundation. Dada Saheb Phalke Film foundation which is working hard with great personalities for arrange, organize, conduct seminar and other social activity to promote and support Indian film culture. His intention is to make Dada Saheb Phalke Film Foundation Awards a remarkable Best Indian Awards. For which he has joined the foundation with great vision for betterment of Foundation. We as a team, Dream to make Dadasaheb Phalke Award,most prestigious and important for Indian Cinema in coming years. That will be the day our Dream come true for respected Dadasaheb Phalke, “Father Of Cinema”. DADA SAHEB PHALKE FILM FOUNDATION AWARDS To Be Held On 11th May 2019 At 6...
Mumbai’s Income Tax Commissioner’s Election Song – Harr Vote Zaroori Hai Captures Young Millenial Minds
Breaking News

Mumbai’s Income Tax Commissioner’s Election Song – Harr Vote Zaroori Hai Captures Young Millenial Minds

In a bid to urge people to exercise their democratic right in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, a young gun from Income Tax Department Mumbai has found a new, musical way to inspire new voters to vote. This new video up and viral with the punch-line " Harr Vote Zaroori Hai" highlights the fact that Voting is not only our Right, it is our Power. Featuring several people from various walks of life, the video is winning hearts online amongst millenials. One can find policemen, govt officials, auto rickshaw drivers, middle-aged women & men, senior citizens etc flaunting their 'inked finger' mark to urge new voters and youth to vote. The song  is sung by Sonal Sonkavde, deputy income tax commissioner from Mumbai. Sonal is from the 2010 batch of civil services.  She came up wi...
Actress Chandani Singh Music Video Gets 247 Million Views On Youtube
Actress, Breaking News

Actress Chandani Singh Music Video Gets 247 Million Views On Youtube

चांदनी सिंह के इस म्युजिक विडियो को २४७ मिलियन लोगों ने देखा चांदनी सिंह को चर्चा में बने रहने के लिये कुछ नहीं करना पड़ता है। अक्सर वह खुद ही चर्चा में आजाती हैं। फिलहाल वह भोजपुरी सुपरस्टार खेशारीलाल यादव के साथ अपनेम्युजिक विडियो मिलते मरद हमके भूल गईलूको लेकर चर्चा में हैं । यह म्युजिक विडियो भोजपुरी मेंअबतक का  दुसरा सबसे ज्यादा देखा गया म्युजिक विडियो है। इस म्युजिक विडियो को अबतक २४७ मिलियन लोगों ने देखा है और यह भोजपुरी में दुसरा सबसे ज्यादा देखा जाने वाला म्युजिक विडियो बन गया है। इस म्युजिक विडियो को जारी किया है आदि शक्ती फिल्म्स प्राईवेट लि मिटेड ने जबकि पहले स्थान पर है वर्ल्ड वाईड का म्युजिक विडियो छलकत हमरो जवनिया ए राजा जिसे अबतक २७५ मिलियन लोगों ने देखा है। तीसरे नंबर पर है वेब म्युजिक का म्युजिक विडियो राते दिया बुताके पिया क्या क्या किया। जिसे १२८ मिलियन लोगों ...
Hindi Film Gunwali Dulhaniya Releasing On 3rd May 2019 All Over
Latest Film

Hindi Film Gunwali Dulhaniya Releasing On 3rd May 2019 All Over

A press meet took place in 'The View', recently, where entire cast and credits were present. Director Shantanu Tambe said "Censor Board has double standard for films having new star cast, rather then big actors. A new entertaining film "Gunwali Dulhaniya" is releasing all over on 3rd May 2019. Film has been made under the banner of Pashionworld Entertainments, produced by Sarika Vinod Tambe, Kalpana Anant Tambe & Sanjana Vinod Tambe. Poster of this romantic, comedy film is being appreciated all over. Film's trailer is very appreciable, qawwali and a romantic song.    Film has been directed by Shantanu Tambe, a well-known name in Hindi & Marathi film industry. He has made 'Bhootwali Lovestory' in Hindi and 'Majhi Shala' & 'Yaari Dosti' in Marathi. "Gunwali Du...
Latest News, Models


RUBARU MR INDIA SPEARHEADED BY SANDEEP KUMAR (PRESIDENT) & PANKAJ KHARBANDA (VICE PRESIDENT) Dilip has been in the modeling profession since some time. And now has grown as a professional model. Dilipsays that it’s his passion & love for modeling and acting which made him fit from being a skinny guy. Along with his academic Engineering studies, he believes Fit Physique is the prime factor for his passion, so he zealously contributed 4 years of his life to achieve his goal.    Dilip won at the annual Rubaru Mister India 2018 pageant held on March 10, 2018 in Goa. Winning the prestigious title also awarded him with the golden opportunity to represent India at the inaugural edition of Mister Landscapes International pageant. The Rubaru Mister India pagean...
Dr. Sharmila Nayak  Medical Director And Founder Of  The Skin 1st Clinic  Recently Won The Award For Best Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist At Skill Indian Awards 2019
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Dr. Sharmila Nayak Medical Director And Founder Of The Skin 1st Clinic Recently Won The Award For Best Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist At Skill Indian Awards 2019

An esteemed professional in dermatology and aesthetic industry, Dr. Nayak specialises in skin, hair and nail issues among men, women and teens. She was accorded at the award ceremony which was organized to appreciate and recognize the body of work of different professionals from different fields such as media, hospitality, healthcare, events etc. Dr. Sharmila is well known for her holistic treatments and the use of modern skin care technology. She is an expert of facial contouring, sculpting, rejuvenating and in providing anti ageing solutions. She resolves issues like acne, fine lines, wrinkles, scars, hair loss and pigmentation, apart from which she’s also trained in non invasive treatments and injectables like Botox and Fillers. In her 18 years of working experience, her...
Raj Kumar’s Movie Love Post Launched
Breaking News, New Film

Raj Kumar’s Movie Love Post Launched

Recently, Raj Kumar's movie "Love Post" was launched with the recording of a song at Sana Studio located in Andheri, Mumbai. Media persons were also present on this occasion. The film's director is Surya Kant Verma while its writer, producer and hero is Raj Kumar. Raj Kumar, who plays the lead role in the film, said that the film is based on the issue of rape. What is the mood of Victim after the rape? This movie is about this. The story of the film is such that the girl working in a post office is in love with a young man. So the film has been named Love Post. Along with issues like rape, a love story has also been shown.   Its shooting will begin in Dehradun from May 24. Rajkumar has been a co producer of a film called Romeo n bullet before, of which he was also a hero. This...
Tarot For U Celebrates Its 20th anniversary Launches womenofsubstance.in For Women With Inspiring Stories
Breaking News

Tarot For U Celebrates Its 20th anniversary Launches womenofsubstance.in For Women With Inspiring Stories

Launches www.womenofsubstance.in for women with inspiring stories Mumbai, 16th April, 2019 Ms. Shambhavi Chhugani, an award-winning celebrity tarot reader celebrated the 20th anniversary of her enterprise Tarot for U on 10th April 2019 in Powai, Mumbai. Shambhavi started her journey with tarot cards in 1999 and since then has been offering solutions, healing and touching lives of people reaching out to her from across the globe. At the event were celebrated eminent personalities like the renowned writer and journalist Mrs. Nandita Puri, Mrs. Universe Business Lady 2017 and Mrs. Asia 2017 - Mrs. Pinky Rajgarhia, Celebrity singer and chef Anaida, social media influencer Virali Shah, poet Mr. Rakesh Tiwari, curator of Kala Ghoda festival Geeta Castelino amongst many others. &nb...
Producer – Director Aparana S Hosing Shared First Look Of Kaanbhatt
Film Producers

Producer – Director Aparana S Hosing Shared First Look Of Kaanbhatt

Filmmaker Aparana S Hosing took the social media on Wednesday to release first look poster of his film ‘Kaanbhatt’. The poster of Kaanbhatt had a surprise element as the lead actor Bhavya Shinde stunned everyone with his look. Acclaimed Producer Aparana S Hosing, who has been working in Bollywood from last 9 years and was the Producer for films like 'Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal', 'Uttpattang' and 'Dassehra' (Staring Neil Nitin Mukesh), will be debuting as a director with this Marathi movie. Mrs. Hosing says, “The Marathi cinema is setting new benchmarks. This film talks and portrays a story of a young boy about his dream and desire but destiny has something else for him for which he went on a different path. The story depict relationship between Ved and Science. This is style o...
It Was A Special Birthday On The Sets Of Saregamapa Lil Champs Says Hrishikesh Chury
Latest News, Singers

It Was A Special Birthday On The Sets Of Saregamapa Lil Champs Says Hrishikesh Chury

It was a special birthday for singer Hrishikesh Chury, who is part of the grand jury on the musical reality show, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il champs. Though he had a working birthday on April 23, Hrishikesh was in for a surprise when judges Shaan, Richa Sharma, Amaal Mallik, host Ravi Dubey, little contestants and his co- Juries celebrated his special day on the show’s set post pack-up. Noted playback singer Guru Randhawa also wished him on the sets. Hrishikesh, who has rendered songs in films like Housefull 3 and Tera Interzaar, among others, cut a huge cake with his friends from the music fraternity.    “I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday. Though I was not with my family, it felt like home on the sets of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il Champs. Besides having a cake-cutting ceremony...
Cinemirchi Productions Enters  B town With  Casino Movie
Latest Film, Latest News

Cinemirchi Productions Enters B town With Casino Movie

New Delhi: Veteran journalist and entrepreneur Chanderkant Sharma enters the league of Bollywood mainstream producers with his crime drama titled  ‘The Great Indian Casino’.  Controversial filmmaker Rupesh Paul and Actor Ameesha Patel are the highlights of the crew. Sharma who did the most shocking interviews with big stars in his journalistic career is not new to the B- Town. His wife Neeraj Sharma is heading the production house based in Delhi. The movie is already stirring controversy as it is  based on the impacts of Narendra Modi’s demonetisation policy. The story revolves around four crooks who uses Indian ‘jugad’ to tackle the ‘notebandi’. The movie is also dedicated to the ‘unknown number of people who died and five million people who lost job’ after demonetisation...
Sanchita Banerjee & Kishan Rai – Mere Pyar Se Mila De
Actors, Actress

Sanchita Banerjee & Kishan Rai – Mere Pyar Se Mila De

संचिता बनर्जी और किशन राय मुँगरा बादशाहपुर में   सुपरडुपर भोजपुरी फिल्म निरहुआ हिन्दुस्तानी 2 एवं  क्रेक फाईटर में अपने अदाकारी का जलवा बिखेर चुकी संचिता बनर्जी इन दिनों स्टाइलिश अभिनेता किशन राय के साथ उत्तर प्रदेश के जिला जौनपुर के मुँगरा बादशाह पुर में भोजपुरी फिल्म मेरे प्यार से मिला दे की शूटिंग में व्यस्त हैं। राय फिल्म्स इंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले निर्मित की जा रही इस फिल्म का भव्य पैमाने पर मुहूर्त करके शूटिंग शुरू कर दी गई है। यह फिल्‍म बेहद सामाजिक और पारिवारिक परिवेश में निर्मित की जा रही है। इस फिल्म में भोजपुरी माटी की मधुरता, रीति-रिवाज, भोजपुरिया संस्कार का समावेश देखने को मिलेगा। यह फिल्म भोजपुरी सिनेमा की दशा और दिशा को बदलने में महत्त्पूर्ण भूमिका निभा सकती है। इस फिल्म में किशन राय सोलो हीरो लांच हो रहे हैं। इसके ...
Being Late Is None Of Daisy’s Business

Being Late Is None Of Daisy’s Business

It’s a norm for audiences finding out stories of actors and stars being late on the sets for the shoot but lately a story of something completely contrasting to this took place. Recently a sequence of Gujarati film Gujarat 11 starring Daisy Shah was being shot in Mumbai and the whole team of the movie were shaken when they saw a dedicated and determined Daisy already practicing on the football field for her character that plays a football coach. People in Gujarat are known for being punctual and thus the team of Gujarat 11 made sure that the whole crew and the cast were on time. Daisy who's a Gujarati herself surprised everyone by being on the sets of her shoot prior to everyone else training with her football coach. "Earlier when we saw Daisy arrived and training before even anyone o...
Hindustan Badhega By Vikrant Shrivastava And Team Creating Buzz
Breaking News, Latest News

Hindustan Badhega By Vikrant Shrivastava And Team Creating Buzz

Group of Indians living in Singapore releases a song recently, which is already garnering views in lakhs. The song Hindustan Badhega is an inspirational and aspirational song which is a tribute to our great nation and it’s amazing people. The song touches upon some key topical subjects related to our country and society in general: women’s safety, cleanliness, children’s education, upliftment of farmers and stand against corruption. It is also dedicated to the brave men and women of our armed forces who sacrifice their lives so we can live and prosper in peace. We salute these heroes and their families, who are our soldiers without arms. The song encourages to vote wisely and delivers an important message … WE are the solution to all problems. WE need to come together and help each. WE can...
Movie On Demonetisation THE GREAT INDIAN CASINO Ready To Release
Latest Film, New Film

Movie On Demonetisation THE GREAT INDIAN CASINO Ready To Release

New Delhi: After Election Commission had stalled the release of all political biopics, ‘My name is RaGa’ Director Rupesh Paul comes out with another controversial movie named THE GREAT INDIAN CASINO. The movie is already stirring controversy as it is  based on the impacts of Narendra Modi’s demonetisation policy. The story revolves around four crooks who uses Indian ‘jugad’ to tackle the ‘notebandi’. The movie is also dedicated to the ‘unknown number of people who died and five million people who lost job’ after demonetisation. Rajesh Sharma, Asif Basra, Pankaj Beri, Deepraj Rana plays the four Mumbai gangsters in the Amisha Patel starrer crime drama.   The teaser was launched by actor Dharmendra at Hotel Piccadily, New Delhi on Friday. “The movie is a mix genre of political ...
Grand Poster & Trailer Launch of Hindi Feature Film On The Ramp Never Ending Show By Lead Actor Ranvir Shorey
Latest Film, New Film

Grand Poster & Trailer Launch of Hindi Feature Film On The Ramp Never Ending Show By Lead Actor Ranvir Shorey

Friday 19th April 2019, was a great evening, a combination of Hanuman Janmotsav, Good Friday and Launch of Poster & Trailer of Hindi Feature Film "On The Ramp Never Ending Show", at 'The View', in Andheri West, by Actor Ranvir Shorey. The Film is Presented by Gabriel Motion Pictures and produced by Rajeev Bhatia & Nitin Arora, Co-produced by S.R. Agarwal, directed by Imran Khalid, written by Dheeraj Rattan, music by Toshi Shaarib, Raaj Aashoo & Rahul Bhatt, music is being released by 'T' Series. The Film stars Ranvir Shorey, Urvashi, Saidah Jules, Supriya Karnik & others. Many media person were also present at the event. The Film will be released by A.J. Digital Entertainment all over India soon.       हिंदी फिल्म "ऑन दी रैंप नेवर एंडिंग...
Laxmikant Pyarelal Utsav Was A Massive Success
Breaking News, Music Directors

Laxmikant Pyarelal Utsav Was A Massive Success

The fans of Laxmikant-Pyarelal were in for a treat when their God, the living legend Pyarelalji himself took the stage and performed the evergreen numbers of Laxmikant Pyarelal. The event was presented by Anil Bohra and Datta Salunke in aid of Kiran Foundation. Ashok Khandelkar and Naggesh Kumar designed the concept and produced the show. Another legend Ameen Sayani ji was the Chief Guest of the event along with Manek Premchand who was the Guest of Honor. Veteran singer Suresh Wadkar performed the classics of Laxmikant Pyarelal along with his talented bunch of singers like Sarrika Singh, Sanjeev Chimmalgi, Mohd. Salamat and Alok Katdare. The lovely musical was scripted and compered by Dr. Mrudula Dadhe-Joshi.   When we spoke with Pyarelal ji prior to the show, he said “We are doin...
Sanjay Mishra And Vivan Shah Wrapped Last schedule Of Coat
Breaking News, Trending News

Sanjay Mishra And Vivan Shah Wrapped Last schedule Of Coat

Sanjay Mishra and Vivan Shah, who were shooting for Coat in Madh Island, Mumbai, has announced the wrap up the last schedule of the film. The young producer Kumar Abhishek took to his social Media account to announce the news. The film is directed by Akshay Singh. Actor Vivaan Shah is playing the lead role of a low caste Pig farmer in the film. The Bihar based story will again be an arrow pointed towards the caste problem that exists in the Rural India. Producer Kumar Abhishek who is from Bihar and struggled hard to reach at this level. He is youngest producer in entire Bollywood industry. On the last day of shoot he Said, “The last schedule of the movie Coat is shot. Will Gonna miss everyone. We have just one aiming to give you the best film of 2019”.      Talkin...
Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava Seems A Motto Of Sanjay Dina Patil – NCP’s Loksabha Candidate
Breaking News, Latest News

Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava Seems A Motto Of Sanjay Dina Patil – NCP’s Loksabha Candidate

With Loksabha elections around the corner, all the candidates are busy campaigning in their constituency areas. But we noticed one such candidate who is not just campaigning but also taking the motto of Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava strongly ahead. He is the NCP candidate and Ex- Member of Parliament from Mumbai North East constituency Mr. Sanjay Dina Patil. From his personal social media accounts, we have figured an interesting trail of the same. From meeting His. Excellency Bishop Dr. Thomas Elavanal, Head of Syro Malabar Roman Catgolics in Maharashtra to meeting Param Pujya Acharya Shri Vijay Kulchandra Surishwarji K.C. Maharaj Saheb is an interesting one. Mumbai North East is a mixture of Marathi, Gujarati, Dalit and Muslim voters. Mr.Patil was seen attending events of all the communiti...
Week 8 – Day 2 of Dreamz Premier League (DPL) – Semi-Finals
sports special

Week 8 – Day 2 of Dreamz Premier League (DPL) – Semi-Finals

Finals will have Paradign Daredevils vs Paladin Royale Spearheaded by Wasib Peshimam- Founder & Arhaan Peshimam- Co Founder. Lalit Pandit added his musical touch & Vikas Verma tried their hand at Cricket. A heady mix of best cricketers, corporate bigwigs and Bollywood stars are touted to take the first season of Dreamz Premier League by storm. Dreamz Premier League (DPL) will donate a sum of rupees 10 Lakhs to "Helping Hand" an NGO by DPL. Event Managed by Star Connect Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Anchored by Pritee Kathpal 22nd April 2019 Mumbai- No other cricket event has created such an excitement and interest as the Dreamz Premier League, with the best of cricketers & teams in fray. Dreamz Premier League (DPL) , an...
Run for Little Warriors  Saw Hundreds Hit The Streets For Cancer Campaign

Run for Little Warriors Saw Hundreds Hit The Streets For Cancer Campaign

Hundreds of enthusiastic participants hit the streets of Mumbai on Sunday morning for ‘Run for Little Warriors’, a marathon organized by Crazyholic Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. The run that had 3 categories – 8km, 5km and 3km, was flagged off at 6.30 am from Mumbai Selfie Point by model and actress Zoya Afroz. Winners of the marathon are – Special Senior Citizen – Balabhima Anant Kulkarni ran for 8km. 8km category – Abhay Singh, Subhashini Gupta and Nikhil Basutkar. 5km category - Prasad Haram, Swapanali Chile and Umesh Kambla. 3km category - Swapnil Shanawade, Manali Cheda and Nikung Cheda. Winners were felicitated by well-known TV actress Hina Khan, MLA, Andheri West - Ameet Satam and actress Flora Saini. The event was hosted by Zaiinab Hashmi.   All the people, from dif...
Muhurat with Recording of First Song of Hindi Feature Film ALIGARH BOYZ
New Film

Muhurat with Recording of First Song of Hindi Feature Film ALIGARH BOYZ

The Grand Muhurat of Gabriel Motion Pictures  and Mickey Reel Productions' Hindi feature film, "ALIGARH BOYZ" took place with a song recording on 19th April 2019, at AMV Studios ,Mourya House, Mumbai. The song was rendered by well known singer Payal Dev under the baton of music director Raaj Aashoo.           The Film will be written and directed by Imran Khalid, this mega project is being  produced by Manoj Sharma & Rajeev Bhatia, co-producer is Nitin Arora,dialogues by Patrick Barretto and DoP Neelaabh Kaul. The film will go on the floors very soon. Cast is under finalisation. फ़िल्म "अलीगढ़ बॉयज" का मुहूर्त, गीत की रिकॉर्डिंग द्वारा। गेबरिअल मोशन पिक्चर्स एवं मिक्की रील प्रोडक्शन्स की पृसतुति, फ़िल्म "अलीगढ़ बॉयज" का मुहूर्त, एक गीत के रिकॉर्डि...
Enigma Event Management Co Has Successfully Completed The Grand Fashion Show Contest Title Enigma Miss & Mrs India At Goa
Breaking News

Enigma Event Management Co Has Successfully Completed The Grand Fashion Show Contest Title Enigma Miss & Mrs India At Goa

Enigma Event Management Co has successfully completed his Grand Fashion show Contest title "Enigma Miss & Mrs India " On 27th March 2019 in Goa at The Eternal Wave Resort, Now again Enigma Event Management Co is Coming up his New Grand Fashion Show Contest which will be International level title "Enigma Miss & Mrs India International " Finale in Thailand.. Entries are open for all aspiring Female Models and Married womens.. In Goa total 30 Contestants from all over India has participated in this event... Designers from Udaipur Mrs Neelam,  Designer from Chandigarh - Kiara wardrobe Mrs Anju, And Designer from Mumbai Mrs Sneha Gogoi has showcased their Designer dresses.. Enigma Miss India Winner : Miss Saru from Nagpur and Enigma Mrs India Winner Mrs Deepika...
AADHE ADHURE A Music Video Presented By Mantra Music Launched On YouTube
Albums, Breaking News

AADHE ADHURE A Music Video Presented By Mantra Music Launched On YouTube

Music Video AADHE ADHURE, starring Shadman Khan and Pooja Rathi, produced by Jigar Ratan, directed by Sahil Sah & Rajvir Singh, dop Sahil Sah, with music by Manmohan Tiwari. Song is rendered by music director himself. Presented by Mantra Music, which is a You Tube music channel. Shadman Khan is making his debut with this video, beside being a big casting director in TV SERIALS (Telifilms) . Pooja Rathi has already appeared in many TV shows.       It was released on 19th April at Andheri West. Many celebrities and actors of Bollywood were present like Smriti Simwal (Ye Hai Mohabbat fame), Mohit D'souza (Love School fame), Farman Khan (Kasauti Zindagi ki fame), Koonal Aditya , Annie Grover, director Maruti Nandan Dhruv, along with many media person's and other ...
A Fashionably Forward Extravaganza! Designer Students Of INIFD Borivali Showcase  Their Designs At Layer’M  2019
Fashion Designer

A Fashionably Forward Extravaganza! Designer Students Of INIFD Borivali Showcase Their Designs At Layer’M 2019

Mumbai’s biggest fashion and creative institute INIFD Borivali showcased designs by their Designer Students in the first edition of their fashion show calledLayer’M 2019. The fashion extravaganza saw esteemed dignitaries from the world of fashion and design such as Mr. Ashley Rebello, Mr. Kawaljeet Singh, Mr. Salim Asgarally, Mr. Ken Ferns, Mrs. Bhamini Subramanyam, Dr. Vaibhavi Ranavade, Ms.Manjula Jagatramka and many others,attend the event. Layer of a fabric has always been an inseparable part of human life in all the Civilizations all over the world. The journey of layering starts straight from the birth up to the end of human life. Hence, fashion, being the culmination of various creative layers, has become a vibrant phenomenon in our lifestyle.&nbs...
Music Director Parivesh Singh’s New Single – Raanjhna  Released by Zee Music Amazing Chemistry of Vikas Tiwari and Prachi Bohra in Music Video
Albums, Latest News

Music Director Parivesh Singh’s New Single – Raanjhna Released by Zee Music Amazing Chemistry of Vikas Tiwari and Prachi Bohra in Music Video

Nowadays, there is a time of singles in Bollywood. Parivesh Singh's new single, "Raanjhna"has been released by Zee Music. Parivesh Singh  composed it but he of this album. He has given the music of Arbaaz Khan's film Jack & Dil and 22 Days. A press meet was organized on the occasion of the launch of this music video, where Mahesh Shewale, DOP and director of this Singal along with Parivesh Singh, Vikas Tiwari and Prachi Bohra, who starred in this video were present.    Songwriter of this song is NR Neelkanth, Singer Ravindra Mallah and Costume Designer is Amita Dixit. Its styling done by Amita Dixit and Manisha Singh Malik and its editor is Siddharth Garewal. This album, under the banner of Samata Film Production, has been shot in Rajasthan, in which Vikas and Prachi...
Bhagyashree And Sandip Soparrkar Unveils India Dance Week Season 6 trophy
Trending News

Bhagyashree And Sandip Soparrkar Unveils India Dance Week Season 6 trophy

Sandip Soparrkar hosted a press conference to announce dance associates, NGO tie ups and to unveil the trophy of India Fine Arts Council presents “India Dance Week - Dance for a Cause" season 6. Maine Pyar Kiya Actress Bhagyashree and Sandip Soparrkar came together to unveil the trophy of the dance festival which is in its 6th year now at Atrium 6 of Phoenix Market city, Kurla. “India Dance Week - Dance for a Cause” is the first ever two day dance festival celebrated on International Dance Day in India (27-28th April), where varied dance forms be it Indian or International classical, Indian or international folk, Ballroom, Bollywood, Hip Hop or contemporary all come together on one single platform. Soparrkar announced that this year for the day one “India dance Week - Dance for a Cause” c...
We Are Coming With Comic Version Of Othello – Producer Vikas Vashistha
Trending News

We Are Coming With Comic Version Of Othello – Producer Vikas Vashistha

Vikas Vashistha, who has been in the film industry for some time and successfully producing content for Entertainment, says that Shadow of Othello is one of my most special films and predicts that it will sensationally rock.  Keeping his cards close to his heart he says, “Shadow of Othello is one of the most special films I’m Producing. I’m extremely proud of it. It has a great universal appeal including script and actors and word of mouth potential. The main USP of the film, we picked team from NSD including all the actors and director. That’s why I’m confident,” said Vikas. Directed by Isteyak Khan, the film talks about, the comic version of Othello. The film Stars Sanjay Mishra, Isteyak Khan, Ipsita Chakraboty, Vikram Kochar, Tina Bhatia and Ashish Shukla. This is reporte...
EPIC  India Ka Apna Infotainment  Celebrates India This World Heritage Day
Breaking News

EPIC India Ka Apna Infotainment Celebrates India This World Heritage Day

Mumbai, 15th April 2019: On World Heritage Day, April 18 - also known as the International Day for Monuments and Sites - EPIC Channel will be broadcasting a special line up of its premium shows, highlighting India’s well known cultural and architectural heritage. India is home to 37 World Heritage Sites officially recognized by the UN and the UNESCO and to raise awareness of the importance of protecting various heritage sites around the world the strong programming line-up includes episodes from the acclaimed travel-history series ‘Ekaant’. The channel will also broadcast two EPIC Specials: ‘Jungle ke Baahubali’ which is a crusade into India’s scenic and unique wetland canvases and the spectacular wildlife in them. This 2 part film also features the wild Asia...
Tiger Shroff And Remo D’souza To Felicitate The Winners Of IKBA With Ziauddin Khatib
Latest News, sports special

Tiger Shroff And Remo D’souza To Felicitate The Winners Of IKBA With Ziauddin Khatib

Mumbai, 16th April 2019: The fighters of the Indian Kickboxing Association have created history again at the first World Muay Thai Festival 2019 held at the new Legend Siam Theme Park in Pattaya. The one-round-knockout format International event witnessed the participation of more than 700 fighters from across the globe, this surely left some lasting memories for IKBA Tiger Shroff and Remo Dsouza who have been an ardent supporter of kickboxing were seen removing some time from their busy schedules and felicitating the Gold medal winner - Qasim Razauddin Ansari entered the Finals under the 54 kg category by defeating Hussain Alam from Bahrain and Sachin Abhimanyu Patil, who bagged silver medal under the 70 kg category. They also felicitated Ziauddin Khatib, the for...
Angel Rai will be seen with MTV Roadies Fame Vivek Bora in Music Video
Albums, Exclusive News

Angel Rai will be seen with MTV Roadies Fame Vivek Bora in Music Video

म्यूजिक विडियो में एमटीवी रोडीज फेम विवेक बोरा के संग नज़र आएँगी एंजेल राय। कंगना रानौत और इमरान हाश्मी स्टारर डायरेक्टर अनुराग बासु की फिल्म 'गैंगस्टर' के हिट गीत 'या अली''से मशहूर हुए सिंगर जुबिन गर्ग और एंजेल राय का नया सिंगल ''एक नज़र'' जल्द ही रिलीज़ होने जा रहा है. इस रोमांटिक म्यूजिक विडियो को जी म्यूजिक द्वारा जारी किया जायेगा. इस सिंगल 'एक नजर' के सिंगर्स हैं जुबिन गर्ग और एंजेल राय. इसके म्यूजिक विडियो में एमटीवी रोडीज एक्सट्रीम से फेमस हुए विवेक बोरा और एंजेल राय नजर आयेंगे. इसके संगीतकार अभिनव बोरा, डायरेक्टर पपलू दास, कांसेप्ट और लिरिक्स राइटर रीता राय हैं जबकि इसे स्ट्रिंग इंटरटेनमेंट ने प्रस्तुत किया है. इस सिंगल के डीओपी बितुल दास, मेकअप मैन दीप शिखा और कौसट्यूम डिज़ाइनर भास्कर हैं. इसके पोस्टर से ही यह लग रहा है कि म्यूजिक विडियो में विवेक बोरा और एंजेल राय की केमिस्ट्री कमा...
Mrs. India World 2019 Announces Its Face – Soha Ali Khan
Latest News

Mrs. India World 2019 Announces Its Face – Soha Ali Khan

Mumbai, 15th April: Mrs. India World 2019, co-powered by The Deltin, India's most thrilling, fascinating and prestigious beauty pageant is all set to commence. Soha Ali Khan who is the face of the brand has teamed up for this marvelous journey of finding that one lady who will represent India at the coveted Mrs. World pageant 2019-20. Mrs. India World 2019 is organized by Mrs. Mohini Sharma, who has been ex Mrs. India in 2016. She has been instrumental in demolishing the notion that marriage diminishes a woman’s glamour. This illustrious pageant gives the ladies a chance to showcase their talent, stride the ramp, and exhibit that they can be cosmopolitan, intelligent and elegant as the 20-something professionals. She has succeeded in giving a platform to ladies to break the shackles and c...
Special screening of Hindi Film Rizwan Based On The Life Of Famous Social Worker Mr. Rizwan Aditya  Was Organized on 14th April 2019 at Mumbai
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Special screening of Hindi Film Rizwan Based On The Life Of Famous Social Worker Mr. Rizwan Aditya Was Organized on 14th April 2019 at Mumbai

Special screening of Hindi Film “Rizwan”, based on the life of famous social worker Mr. Rizwan Aditya, was organized on 14th April 2019 at Juhu, Mumbai. On this occasion, many prominent Businessmen and many celebrities were present including Dr. Imam Umar Ahmad Iliyasi Sahab, who came all the way from Delhi. This film is about to be released soon. It is a inspiration to the big dreamers. The film showed how to achieve goals with honesty, intelligence and perseverance. After watching the movie, the audience expressed that the film is superb and we can learn a lot from this.   The story is based on Rizwan ji’s true life story and biography which it takes you through a journey where Mr. Rizwan Adatia, a famous social worker who reached Africa as young man, who started with sma...
Gagan Kumar Has Designed Couture Garments For Many Celebrities Like Sushmita Sen  Anil Kapoor
Exclusive News

Gagan Kumar Has Designed Couture Garments For Many Celebrities Like Sushmita Sen Anil Kapoor

Gagan Kumar is a designer born in Odisha and now creating wonders in garment design field. Gagan studied designing from J D Institute of Fashion Technology, Delhi. After finishing  his fashion designing studies he got settled in Mumbai. The trend, glamour, Beauty and make somebody happy with the beautiful outfit for her/his special day- really whom you don’t know personally, still you try hard to make them look gorgeous made Gagan inspire towards design field. Gagan loves to design outfits of bright colour with work of zari and sequence, which are basically inspired from Rajputana collection and says hits his speciality. Gagan also use drape, zari with sequence makes the outfit look grand using rich fabrics like satin, broked, cotton silk, raw silk, pure silk, sambalpuri silk (being ...
Trailer Launch Of  Film Never Give Up – A Revenge Story Held  In Mumbai Film Releasing on 10th May 2019
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Trailer Launch Of Film Never Give Up – A Revenge Story Held In Mumbai Film Releasing on 10th May 2019

मर्डर मिस्ट्री 'नेवर गिव अप - ए रिवेंज स्टोरी' १० मई को रिलीज होगी मित्तल एडवरटाइज़िंग एंड डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन कम्पनी कर रही है फिल्म को रिलीज़ बॉलीवुड में आजकल थ्रिलर मूवीज का जमाना है। ऐसी ही एक थ्रिलर फिल्म जल्द रिलीज़ होने जा रही है, जिसका नाम है 'नेवर गिव अप' ए रिवेंज स्टोरी। बदले की भावना की कहानी पर आधारित यह फिल्म १० मई को रिलीज होने जा रही है। इस फिल्म की मार्केटिंग और रिलीज़ की जिम्मदारियां मित्तल एडवरटाइज़िंग एंड डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन कम्पनी निभा रही है। पिछले दिनों मुंबई के अंधेरी में स्थित द व्यू थियेटर में इस फिल्म का प्रमोशनल इवेंट रखा गया जहां फिल्म के निर्माता निर्देशक और सभी कलाकार उपस्थित थे। इंडियन सिनेमा मेकर्स के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म नेवर गिव अप' ए रिवेंज स्टोरी के प्रोड्यूसर शलाका मिलिंद निकम और युके (उन्मेष काब्रे) एवं डायरेक्टर युके (उन्मेष काब्रे) हैं। फिल्म में सरिश कनुगो,...
Ambedkar Jayanti 2019 Celebrated by Siddharth Vikas Mitra Mandal  Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Nagar Kurar Village Malad East
Breaking News

Ambedkar Jayanti 2019 Celebrated by Siddharth Vikas Mitra Mandal Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Nagar Kurar Village Malad East

डॉ भीमराव अम्बेडकर जयंती 14 अप्रैल को मुम्बई व महाराष्ट्र समेत पूरे देश मे बड़े ही हर्षोल्लास से मनाया जाता है, इस दिन को समानता दिवस के रूप में भी मनाया जाता है, क्योंकि  जीवन भर संघर्ष करने वाले डॉ बाबासाहेब भीमराव अम्बेडकर को समानता व ज्ञान का प्रतीक कहा जाता है,14 अप्रैल के दिन उनके प्रति सम्मान व्यक्त करने के लिए मनाया जाता है, डॉ बाबासाहेब भीमराव अम्बेडकर की पहली जयंती सदाशिव रनपीसे उन्होंने 14 अप्रैल 1928 को पुणे शहर में मनाई थी,रनपीसे बाबासाहेब के अनुयायी थे उन्होंने अम्बेडकर जयंती प्रथा शुरू की थी, साथ ही महामानव डॉ बाबासाहेब भीमराव अम्बेडकर के जन्मदिन पर चैत्यभूमि दादर में लाखों के तादात में भीम सैनिक इकट्ठा होकर अभिवादन करते है   इसी कड़ी में महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले नगर कुरार विलेज मलाड पूर्व सिद्धार्थ विकास मित्र मंडल द्वारा अम्बेडकर जयंती बहुत ही जोरदार तरीके से सम...
BORN 2 DANCE APP – GRAND Launching Of A Unique APP Held In Mumbai
Breaking News

BORN 2 DANCE APP – GRAND Launching Of A Unique APP Held In Mumbai

Amma Charitable Trust launched a marvelous Born 2 Dance App in which a person can register himself and upload his profile and learn Dance at his home. With various more functions. This unique app is the great idea of Shree Babloo Pardesi a Welknown Choregrapher & Event Organiser. This App will be available on Play Store from 22nd April 2019. Born 2 Dance App was launched by the respected welknown personalities Honorable General Secretary Federation of Western India Cine Employees Shri Ashok Dubey,  Honorable President Federation of Western India Cine Employees Shri B N Tiwari, Honorable Treasurer Federation of Western India Cine Employees &  Honorable General Secretary, Film Studio Setting & Allied Mazdur Union - Shri Gangeshwar Shrivastva @ Sanju. The launching cer...
MAX Relaunches Its Vashi Store
Collections, Latest News

MAX Relaunches Its Vashi Store

Max Fashion, country’s largest fashion brand, relaunched its store at Inorbit Mall, Vashi on Saturday. Spread over 12000 sq ft, the store takes on a fresh look by bringing in a wide range of international fashion merchandise, upgraded trial rooms, state-of-the-art digital interface and a more convenient billing process design, thus, ensuring a wholesome and effortless shopping eexperience for its customers. The store launch saw a fashion show galore with models sashaying down in Max Fashion’s new collection looking trendy and stylish. It was wonderful to see a huge crowd making its way to shop and experience the look and feel of the new store.    Devesh Kumar, AVP - West, Max Fashion said, “We at Max Fashion want to bring the best of international fashion experience to our...
Week 7 – Dreamz Premier League (DPL)  Spearheaded by Wasib Peshimam- Founder & Arhaan Peshimam- Co Founder
sports special

Week 7 – Dreamz Premier League (DPL) Spearheaded by Wasib Peshimam- Founder & Arhaan Peshimam- Co Founder

Sandip Soparrkar, SSmilly Suri, Amaan Trikha - Bollywood Singer, Karanvir Sharma - Actor & Model & Arjumman Mughal- Actor & Model tried their hand at Cricket A heady mix of  best cricketers, corporate bigwigs, and Bollywood stars are touted to take the first season of Dreamz Premier League by storm. Dreamz Premier League (DPL) will donate a sum of rupees 10 Lakhs to "Helping Hand" an NGO by DPL. Event Managed by Star Connect Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.  Anchored by Pritee Kathpal       Day1 SCORES: Paladin Royale Won by 8 Wickets VS Superstars Paradigm Daredevils Won by 89 Runs VS Vayu Maverix NBS Superstars Won by 7 Wickets VS Nbs Turf Addi Swayam Kings Won by 10 Runs VS  Team 63 Not Out Shristi Lions Won by 51 Runs VS Turf Addicts Lhons ...
Save the Children Organized Special Screening Of Gully Boy For Street Children From Various Parts Of Mumbai at PVR Goregaon
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Save the Children Organized Special Screening Of Gully Boy For Street Children From Various Parts Of Mumbai at PVR Goregaon

International Street Children Day kicks off across India 800 street children hosted by Save the Children attend ‘Gully Boy’ screening in association with PVR Cinemas Sanspareils Greenlands (SG Cricket) donates shoes to 800 children across states Mumbai 12th April 2019: April 12th is International Day for Street Children: a special day recognising the strength and resilience of millions of street children around the world. Celebrated globally since 2012, it is an opportunity to recognise their humanity, dignity and rights in the face of unimaginable hardships. We want to rally governments and individuals worldwide to work together to ensure their rights are protected no matter who they are and where they live. Join us in our quest to recognize the potential in every street child. To ma...