Tuesday, February 18

Month: February 2020

SOCH EK FULL STOP.. Actor Krishna Kaurav And Others Produced by Tofail Khan
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SOCH EK FULL STOP.. Actor Krishna Kaurav And Others Produced by Tofail Khan

Waterdrop Entertainment Presents "SOCH ek full stop.....", A series by TK Films & Entertainment, Produced by Tofail Khan It stars Anamika Singh, Prateek Dixit, Krishna Kaurav& Neeti Sharma, Ankita Khare, Riya Singh & in a very important character. "SOCH ek full stop....." will be coming on  Rapchee Originals which got launched on 20th February 2020           "SOCH ek full stop.....", it is a story of a girl who thinks that love and sex are two different things, she married a boy who is older in age, but from lower cast and poor by money from her. But she couldn't change her fate, a incident changes her life completely, her husband leaves her for whom she had revolted to get married. But she doesn't lose her hope and finally....
The film Paglu Will Be Released Alongside Tiger Shroff’s Film Baaghi 3
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The film Paglu Will Be Released Alongside Tiger Shroff’s Film Baaghi 3

टाईगर श्रॉफ की फिल्म बागी 3 के साथ रिलीज़ होगी फ़िल्म 'पगलु' । हीरो मंतोश कुमार टाइगर श्रॉफ की तरह मार्शल आर्ट के माहिर हैं हिंदी फिल्मों के एक्शन स्टार टाईगर श्रॉफ की फिल्म बागी 3 जहां 6 मार्च को रिलीज होने जा रही है वहीं भोजपुरी में भी एक जबरदस्त एक्शन थ्रिलर फिल्म पगलू उसी दिन रिलीज़ हो रही है। साथ यह भी महज इत्तेफाक है कि पगलू के हीरो मंतोश कुमार भी टाइगर श्रॉफ की तरह मार्शल आर्ट के माहिर हैं और इस फिल्म में उनके नए नए तरह के एक्शन देखने को मिलेंगे.यह एक ऐसी अनोखी फ़िल्म है जिसमे फ़िल्म के एक्टर मंतोश कुमार के स्टंट और अभिनय के आप कायल हो जाएंगे। फ़िल्म ' पगलु' का ट्रेलर दर्शकों के दिलों पर राज कर रहा है। 'पगलु' का ट्रेलर माँ एटरटेनमेंट म्यूजिक द्वारा रीलीज किया गया है। माँ एटरटेनमेंट के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री राजेश राजा गुप्ता का कहना है कि जो कॉमेंट आ रहा है उसे साबित हो रहा है कि...
R-Vision Pvt Ltd Launches Their Latest Music Video Munde Bad Ne Saare
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R-Vision Pvt Ltd Launches Their Latest Music Video Munde Bad Ne Saare

Music album 'Munde Bad Ne Saare' was released by Managing Director of R-Vision India Pvt. Ltd Mr. Ravindra Singh at preview theatre in Sahara Star hotel. The music video features versatile female singer Anaya Brahma and guest appearance by Tiktok influencer and a trend setter Eshaan Masih, music composed by Mr. Praveen Heera, directed and choreographed by Mr. Chinni Chetan. This item song has already received over whelming seven lakh views on YouTube. Mr. Ravindra Singh had made his appreciation very clear by heaping on the praise for Anaya Brahma and Eshaan Masih and the entire team of this musical peppy number. On this occasion Anaya quoted her heart out that she had butterflies leaping her around when producer Mr. Singh and music composer Mr. Praveen Heera showed confidence in her...
The Biopic Rizwan of the famous Social Worker Rizwan Adatiya has been Released in Theaters from 28th February In Maharashtra-  Gujarat and many States
Latest Films

The Biopic Rizwan of the famous Social Worker Rizwan Adatiya has been Released in Theaters from 28th February In Maharashtra- Gujarat and many States

प्रख्यात समाज सेवी रिज़वान अदतिया की बायोपिक"रिज़वान"आज 28 फरवरी से सिनेमा घरों में पहुँच रिलीज हो चुकी है महाराष्ट्र, गुजरात सहित कई राज्यों में आज से फ़िल्म देख सकते है । पूरी फिल्म बहुत ही अच्छी है फ़िल्म में अलग से कोई मशाला नही डाला गया है । फ़िल्म की पूरी कहानी बिजनेस टाइकून रिज़वान की जीवन कहानी है फ़िल्म को जो भी देखा बहुत ही तारीफ किया । ऐसा माना जा रहा है कि फ़िल्म युवाओं के लिए एक प्रेरणा होगी युवाओ में नवर्स भावना को खत्म कर ऊर्जा भरने का काम कर सकती है।फ़िल्म से जो भी कमाई होगी वह शतप्रतिशत रिज़वान अदतिया फाउंडेशन में जाएग   ताकि बड़े पैमाने पर गरीब और असहाय लोगो को मदत मिल सकेगी और काफी लोग समाज सेवा का हिस्सा बन सकेंगे ।        आपको बतादे रिज़वान अदतिया फाउंडेशन फाउंडर  श्री रिज़वान अदतिया ने बताया कि उन्हें इस बात की खुशी है कि देश के विभिन्न कोने से लोगो को फ़िल्म देखने का काफी दि...
Hindi Film MISS MASALA DOSA Song Shoot at Auli Uttrakhand with Lavina Israni & Ojas Rawal
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Hindi Film MISS MASALA DOSA Song Shoot at Auli Uttrakhand with Lavina Israni & Ojas Rawal

MISS MASALA DOSA Team returned  back to Mumbai after a shooting schedule for Song at Auli Uttrakhand. The Song was picturised on Lavina Israni & Ojas Rawal The Film is written & directed by  Alok Shrivastava. Being produced under the banner of Gold Coin Entertainment. D.o.p.Ashok jamuar,  Lyricist Meenu Singh and Rapper Sakshi Holkar, singers Sana Aziz , Lavina Israni, Bappi Lahiri.    The films post production work will be started from 1st week of March 2020 for an very early release.
Madhusudan Global School’s 5th  Annual Festival

Madhusudan Global School’s 5th Annual Festival

मधुसुदन ग्लोबल स्कूल के वार्षिकोत्सव में जमकर थिरके बच्चे मीरारोड, मीरा भायंदर के मधुसुदन ग्रूप आॅफ स्कूल द्वारा संचालित मधुसुदन ग्लोबल स्कूल का पांचवा स्थापना दिवस और वार्षिकोत्सव समारोह भायंदर पूर्व के इंद्रलोक के विश्वकर्मा वाड़ी में रंगारंग समारोह के साथ मनाया गया। समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि मधुसुदन ग्रूप आॅफ स्कूल के चेयरमैन मधुसुदन शर्मा ने दीप प्रज्वलित कर कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ किया । मुख्य अतिथि ने उपस्थित लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए मधुसुदन ग्लोबल स्कूल के बढ़ते कदमों एवं उपलब्धियों के बारे में जानकारी देते हुये हुए प्रतिभागियों का उत्साहवर्धन किया। वद्यालय की डायरेक्टर प्रियंबदा शर्मा ने बताया कि किस प्रकार बहुत ही कम समय में यह विद्यालय नई ऊंचाइयों को छूने के साथ-साथ विद्यार्थियों के चहुंमुखी विकास में अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहा है।उन्होंने विद्यालय द्वारा किए गए उल्लेखनीय कार्यों ...
Discussion On Shooting in Kashmir – People From The Film Fedration Meet Governor
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Discussion On Shooting in Kashmir – People From The Film Fedration Meet Governor

हरी भरी वादियों में शुटिंग पर चर्चा - गर्वनर से मिले फिल्म जगत के लोग मुंबई, फेडरेशन आॅफ वेस्टर्न इंडिया सिने एम्पलाईज के पदाधिकारियों ने जम्मू कश्मीर के गर्वनर लेफ्टिनेंट गिरीश चंद्र मुरमू से मुलाकात कर वादियों में शुटिंग को लेकर चर्चा किया। फिल्म जगत से जुड़े इस संगठन के पदाधिकारियों और उनके प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने गर्वनर से मुलाकात कर फिर से हरी भरी वादियों शुटिग करने को लेकर पहल शुरु की। इस मुलाकात में जम्मू कश्मीर में फिल्म की शु्िटंग के सिलसिले में बातचीत हुयी। साथ ही यहां के स्थायी लोगों को फिल्म इंडस्ट्रीज में काम करने को प्रोेत्साहित करने और मौजूदा फिल्म इंडस्ट्रीज के वर्करों और टैक्निशियनों की समृद्धि एवं सुरक्षा के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा की। एक समय में फिल्म की शुटिंग के लिये घाटी एवं वादियों के रुप में जाने वाले जम्मू काश्मीर में प्रोडक्शन हाऊस, डायरेक्टर और अभिनेताओं की...
DHANTAAL JIYA Gold Non Alcoholic Beer launched by Miss India SIMRAN AHUJA At Bhuj Kutch
Business News

DHANTAAL JIYA Gold Non Alcoholic Beer launched by Miss India SIMRAN AHUJA At Bhuj Kutch

SANDEEP SOLANKI DESERVE KUDOS FOR CHOREOGRAPHY AND DESGNING THE EVENT. Launching product of Dhantal jiya gold non alcholic beer at Bhuj Kutch.. and same as they launched their musical jingle also- announced by managing director Mr. Prabhakar Dhantal and inaugurate by miss india 2013 miss Simran Ahuja from Mumbai..on this event professional models are walked on ramp on live Garba and Dhol with classical fusion played by famous school from bhuj is Sanskar Dchool- garba group and musician group perform by sanskar school team and supported by m/s Neeta Bhatt from sanskar School Group.Sandeep Solanki from Mumbai choreograph and design the show. gujarat.saurastra.kutch distributor attain this event and make this event successful.moto is to have an non alcoholic beer consider as healthy drink....
Dilshad Khan Honored With Bollywood Iconic Award 2020
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Dilshad Khan Honored With Bollywood Iconic Award 2020

बॉलीवुड आयकोनिक एवार्ड  2020 से सम्मानित दिलशाद खान उत्कृष्ट पत्रकारिता के लिए दिलशाद खान को मिला ‘बॉलीवुड आयकोनिक एवार्ड’ मुंबई में ‘बॉलीवुड आयकोनिक एवार्ड -2020’ फंक्शन का आयोजन किया गया। फाउंडर तथा डायरेक्टर कृष्णा चौहान के इस शानदार व यादगार इवेंट की शुरूवात योगेश लखानी ने दीप प्रज्वलित करके की तथा समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि थे प्रसिद्ध म्युजिक डायरेक्टर दिलीप सेन। इस एवार्ड फंक्शन के दौरान उत्कृष्ट पत्रकारिता के लिये सीनियर जर्नलिस्ट दिलशाद खान को बॉलीवुड आयकोनिक एवार्ड प्रदान किया गया। उनके अलावा एक्टर-कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल, दीपा नारायण झा, म्युजिक कम्पोजर-सिंगर संतोख सिंग, गीतकार सुधाकर शर्मा, एक्शन डायरेक्टर आर पी यादव, शिरीन फरीद, शोएब अहमद, सुष्मिता बिस्वास, पत्रकार राजाराम सिंह, संतोष साहू, तथा बेस्ट पी आर ओ के लिए अब्दुल कादिर, फरहा अंजर खान व चाहत खन्ना को बॉलीवुड आयकोनिक एवा...
Prof. Engg. Meheck Hemnani – Transformational Coach – Counsellor, Access Consciousness Facilitator
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Prof. Engg. Meheck Hemnani – Transformational Coach – Counsellor, Access Consciousness Facilitator

Meheck is a Healer, Counselling Psychologist, Children’s and Relationship Counsellor, Access Consciousness Facilitator, Radio Project Speaker, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Parenting Coach, Life Coach, Professor at Business Management Schools. She holds a Gold Medal at University of Mumbai as she graduated as Biomedical Engineer. She has always excelled at school, college university be it the Arts, Literature, Sanskrit, Mathematics or Sciences as well as at Dance and the performing arts. Meheck has come a long way in the journey of her life from being a perfectionist, extremely logical and practical to being pragmatic and fully aware energy worker. She was born in a middle class business family with a strong value base and orthodox mindset. As she carved her way from the conventional ed...
Pallavi Kulkarni  Actress  Latest Photo Shoot Gallery

Pallavi Kulkarni Actress Latest Photo Shoot Gallery

Pallavi Kulkarni  Actress of rare acting calibre is busy with the shooting for films and modelling. Recently she did  her south film with writer-director and actor Jay Akash in Chennai. Pallavi Kulkarni is in the leading role and the entire crew of the film  have appreciated her work. She will be seen with Jay Akash in many coming projects which they have finalised. Pallavi Kulkarni  has played a vital role and and 2 songs in Rakesh Sawant’s Tamil Film Amavasai has been appreciated by the audience and critics as well. In a very short span of time charming sensational actress Pallavi Kulkarni has made her presence felt in Film industry, TV and regional films with her acting calibre. With just few releases to her credit but has become sensa...
IBG ENTERTAINMENT Pot Boiler 19th February 2020
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IBG ENTERTAINMENT Pot Boiler 19th February 2020

We hosted a unique Pot Boiler specially for those in the Media and Entertainment Industry. Young film makers had to chance to interact and showcase their talents in front of Senior Industry Doyens We showcased two trailers of young upcoming artists. They evoked the curiosity of the crowd who asked for repeated encore. The trailers shown were: Alia  - By Colorify Productions Maha Pratishodh written & directed by Ramesh Meer The event also witnessed a marvellous singing performance by Singer Santokh Singh, the famous voice behind the hit bollywood song Rashke Qamar. IBG Pot Boiler was a spectacular event with a crowd of over 130 leading lights of the media and entertainment industry.    We had famous celebrities like: Mr. Sunil Pal an Indian come...
The Upcoming Film 22 Chamkila Forever A Biopic on Life of Late Punjabi Music Legends Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur
Latest Films

The Upcoming Film 22 Chamkila Forever A Biopic on Life of Late Punjabi Music Legends Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur

आने वाली फिल्म 22 चमकीला अमर सिंह चमकीला अमरजोत कौर की कहानी को दर्शाती है जैस्मिन राय प्रोडक्शन की फिल्म 22 चमकीला का म्यूजिक और ट्रेलर लॉन्च हो चुका है यह फिल्म अमर सिंह चमकीला की कहानी पर आधारित है जिसके निर्माता जैस्मिन राय  निर्देशक दीपा राय  म्यूजिक सौरव सैनी लेखक कुलविंदर कुक्की और  नीतू पन्धेर कलाकार दीपा राय युव्लीन कौर पूनम सूद सुरेंद्र शिंदे निर्मल ऋषि आदि है कलाकार एशोसियट  डायरेक्टर, स्टोरी राईटर और स्क्रीनप्ले डायरेक्ट  बल्जितेंद्र शिद्धू हैं।फिल्म के ट्रेलर और म्यूजिक लांच के समय अमर सिंह चमकीला के पुत्र जय मनजीत सिंह चमकीला भी मौजूद थे अमर सिंह चमकीला पर बनी यह फिल्म 22 चमकीला उनके साथ हुए हादसे को दर्शाती है जो अभी भी एक रहस्य बना हुआ है 80 के दशक के पॉपुलर पंजाबी गायक अमर सिंह 'चमकीला' और उनकी पत्नी अमरजोत की 1988 में गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई थी। 8 मार्च, को दोपहर 2 ब...
Jay Lodhiya Actor Of Rare Calibre From Akola

Jay Lodhiya Actor Of Rare Calibre From Akola

Jay Lodhiya  who has the distinction of having won 2 times  prestigious Award Dada Saheb Phalke Film Foundation Award for 2017 & 2018 First  Year he won Dada Saheb Phalke Film Foundation Award 2017  for his short film MD The Killer… this movie was about drugs awareness. His acting was well appreciated by public, media and critics. Second time he has won prestigious award  for his short  Best negative role  in short film Shapit 2018  This movie is a nice concept of Afreen Khopekar.  His acting was well appreciated by public, media and critics though he has played a negative role. This is a rare achievement he got which no one can even dream of it. No body can believe that an actor on his debut  short film MD The Killer will be appreciated by one and all and gets the most respected...
Music and Trailor Launch of Film Kehta Hai Yeh Dil
Breaking News

Music and Trailor Launch of Film Kehta Hai Yeh Dil

कहता है ये दिल' फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर लॉन्च निर्माता निर्देशक आर के शर्मा की हिंदी फिल्म 'कहता है ये दिल' का ट्रेलर मुम्बई में कलाकारों व तकनीशियनों की उपस्थिति में लॉन्च की गई। त्रिवेणी फिल्म्स द्वारा निर्मित इस फ़िल्म में रणवीर कलसी, एलिना टुटेजा और श्रावणी सहाय की मुख्य भूमिका है। फ़िल्म की एडिटिंग जगदीप सिंह देओल की है। आर के शर्मा ने ही इस फ़िल्म की कहानी लिखी है। उन्होंने बताया कि यह एक ट्रायंगल लव स्टोरी है। मेरा मानना है कि दर्शक सिनेमाघर में दो घंटे मनोरंजन के लिए आते हैं। इसीलिए मैंने उनके मनोरंजन के हिसाब से फ़िल्म बनायी है। इस फ़िल्म का कंटेंट नया है और सभी कलाकारों ने बढ़िया अभिनय किया है। इस फ़िल्म शूटिंग 40 दिन में पूरी हुई है। इस दौरान हम सभी एक परिवार का हिस्सा बन गए थे। इसके निर्माण में मुझे सभी तकनीशियन ने बेहतर सहयोग दिया है।        फ़िल्म की पूरी शूटिंग इलाहाबाद और ...
Miss World America Washington Shree Saini spotted watching Miss World in London, United Kingdom
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Miss World America Washington Shree Saini spotted watching Miss World in London, United Kingdom

Shree Saini, the 24-year-old Indian American student and anti-bullying activist who was crowned Miss World America Washington, and the winner of five awards at Miss World America 2019, was spotted in London at Miss World with beauty queens from over 110 countries. Shree says “being at the Miss World in London, UK was a profound experience throughout. Just this year, Miss World has fundraised, 60 million for their various charities.” Shree is seen congratulating Miss World 2019 Toni Ann Singh, for her win. “Our newly crowned Miss World Toni’s inspiring words and her sincere voice warms everyone’s heart” Shree is also seen alongside three other Miss Worlds. Miss World 2014 Megan Bata’s speech for Mrs. Julia Morley in 2014 and her work with Zero Hunger UNICEF inspires Shree. Miss World 20...
Industrialist Govind G. Wadhwani Met The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand
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Industrialist Govind G. Wadhwani Met The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand

उद्योगपति गोविंद जी. वाधवानी ने की उत्तराखंड के मुख्यमंत्री से मुलाकात उत्तराखंड की हसीन वादियों में फिल्म की शूटिंग को लेकर चर्चा उत्तराखंड फिल्मों की शूटिंग की एक नई और आकर्षक लोकेशन बनती जा रही है। पिछले कुछ समय में यहां सैकड़ों फिल्म और टीवी सीरियल की शूटिंग हो चुकी है। यहां सरकार फिल्मों की शूटिंग पर कई रियायतें भी दे रही है, सम्भवतः इसी लिए निर्माता निर्देशक यहां शूटिंग को प्राथमिकता देने लगे हैं। मशहूर उद्योगपति गोविंद जी. वाधवानी ने हाल ही में उत्तराखंड के मुख्यमंत्री त्रिवेन्द्र सिंह रावत से मुलाकात की। ए के फायर फिल्म्स नामक प्रोडकशन हाउस के निर्माता गोविंद जी. वाधवानी ने सी एम से वहां अपनी अपकमिंग फिल्म की शूटिंग के सिलसिले में बात की। गोविंद जी. वाधवानी ने कहा कि उत्तराखंड की हसीन वादियां फिल्मों की शूटिंग के लिए बेहतरीन और खूबसूरत लोकेशन हैं। उत्तराखण्ड का ...
Leo News


R. Films Presents POSTER  LAUNCH of " HINDI FILM SAKSHI " Romantic, Thriller, Action, Suspense, Comedy Film, On location Shoot of Unplug Song Sung by lead #ActressMADHUMITABISWAS . Starring Vikram Mastal. Madhumita Biswas, Gehna Vashisth, Yugansh, Shiva, Narender bedi, Directed by Ajay Ram, Music. Asif Iqbal, Swaroop Khan. Lyrics. Jameel Ahmed, D.O,P. Venkat Mahesh, P.R. by DSA Bollywood Channel  Divyesh Satish Agarwal 8108925888.On this occasion R.J. Dilip founder of #RADIOADDA & team , Actress Babita Mishra and other were present. मधुमिता बिस्वास की मुख्य भूमिका वाली हिंदी फिल्म "साक्षी" का फर्स्ट लुक रिवील फिल्म "सस्पेंस" फेम एक्ट्रेस इस मूवी से सिंगर भी बन गई...
Ya Habibi  Blew The Internet Post Release – Musiway In Association With Gudiya Films Production

Ya Habibi Blew The Internet Post Release – Musiway In Association With Gudiya Films Production

Bollywoods new record label Musiway launches 'Ya Habibi' an arabic bollywood dance number Sung by Ash King and Jyotica Tangri featuring the super hot Kangna Sharma in association with Gudiya Films Production which bagged millions of love straight after the release. The creators of this hardcore dance number Abhishek - Amol's vision with the song was to make an international content and taking India to the universall charts. Sung by the swagger Ash king and the sizzling Jyotica Tangri which features the hearthrob Kangna Sharma. With a song that has a catchy Rap by Abhishek Talented who also wrote the song and Srushti Barlewar who wrote the arabic part and the peppy beats which was produced by Amol Shrivastava & Insanez has already crossed millions within very few hours of releases. The ...
Indywood Billionaires Club Inaugurated Its Next Chapter In Chennai

Indywood Billionaires Club Inaugurated Its Next Chapter In Chennai

14.02.2020, Chennai: Indywood Billionaires Club (IBC) has been growing stronger and bigger each year. After successfully launching regional chapters in Dubai, Kerala, Karnataka and Hyderabad, IBC unfurled its new regional chapter in the heart of the ‘Detroit City of India’ – Chennai. Scheduled on 14th February 2020 at Taj Connemara Chennai, the event was attended by Top billionaires from the state of Tamil Nadu where top notch business leaders, women entrepreneurs and young emerging business leaders from the state of Tamil Nadu were honored. The winners included PadmaShri Dr. G Bakthavathsalam, Chairman and Managing Director, KG Hospital; Mr. Kalaipuli S Thanu, Founder, V Creations and Kalaipuli Films International ; M. Lankalingam,   Chairman, Lanson Group; Y. G. Mahendra, Actor/Direct...
Exhibition of Hundred Photographers Inaugurated at  8th Global Festival of Journalism
Breaking News

Exhibition of Hundred Photographers Inaugurated at 8th Global Festival of Journalism

Noida: One Hundred Photographers from all over India participated in the grand photography exhibition titled “AN EYE’ planned during 8th Global Festival of Journalism at Marwah Studios Film City Noida. “It is the custom at Marwah Studios to have an exhibition in every major festival. This time one Hundred photographers from AAFT School of Photography submitted their best work for the exhibition. It was difficult for the department to choose pictures for the show as all of them were very exclusive,” introduced the exhibition by Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Journalism Centre, ICMEI and AAFT at the inauguration of 8th Global Festival. “What a collection! I am sure no picture could have been rejected,” encouraged by H.E. Muhamed Cengic an international photographer and Ambas...
PSJ Media Vision: Emerging name in the World of Production – Post Production and Acting Academy
Business News

PSJ Media Vision: Emerging name in the World of Production – Post Production and Acting Academy

PSJ Media Vision is a media hub where all the work related to the TV and film world takes place. It is one stop in the entertainment world where film production, post production, acting academy, PR, in film branding, event management, celebrity management, talent pool are many things. PSJ Media has its own specialties in film making, TV shows, music videos, short films, corporate films, ad films, documentary films and web series. The company is managed by a strong and experienced team of professionals, the team consists of people who are experts in creativity, teaching, pre and post production, music, VFX and PR. The founders of PSJ Media are three brothers Pratush, Sumit and Jai. The team of these people have successfully completed many TV shows and feature films. His team consists of ...
KORUM Mall celebrates the Spirit & Might of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at the MAHA Fest 2020

KORUM Mall celebrates the Spirit & Might of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at the MAHA Fest 2020

Mumbai, February 19th: KORUM Mall which is known for conducting extravagant events, organized the celebration of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti. The most popular landmark of Thane, flagged of an all women bike rally marking the start of MAHA Fest 2020, a series of cultural events calendar at Korum. The women were clad in traditional Maharashtrian attire, making for a beautiful and colourful spectacle. The ever powerful Dhol Tasha performance added fervour in the passion of great Maratha power. The Korum MAHA Fest 2020 is a celebration of the rich, spirited Maharashtrian roots and culture. The MAHA Bike Rally was the first event that connected the Thane patrons to join in with great enthusiasm and display their passion for riding that cuts across age and gender. The MAHA fest was fl...
Troubled to see your business stagnate? Reach out to Business Coach Arvind Khinvesra
Trending News

Troubled to see your business stagnate? Reach out to Business Coach Arvind Khinvesra

Entrepreneurs, who are struggling to achieve their targets or goals, are generally focused outwards. They have complaints about the government, market conditions, competition, policies, et al. However, they ignore the area that needs to be looked at urgently – themselves. Arvind Khinvesra, an enterprising Business coach, elevates an entrepreneur’s thought processes and professional skills which, in turn, elevate their business. Are you someone who has the burning desire to succeed? Are you looking forward to multiply your business growth? Coach Arvind Khinvesra of Achieve ThySelf, a leading Business Coach, has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs work on their skills and enabled them to make their business dreams a reality. After working with the top professionals for 20 years in his corpo...
If You Want to Lead, Start With a Vision – Vinay Lamba, Founder & President, International Business School of Washington (IBSW)
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If You Want to Lead, Start With a Vision – Vinay Lamba, Founder & President, International Business School of Washington (IBSW)

Every successful leadership position, regardless of whether it’s a department chair, director, dean, vice president or president, requires the leader to articulate an organizational vision. Mr. Lamba vision is to help develop the knowledge and skills critical to businesses around the world today and learn to navigate a global landscape that is changing faster than ever before. working toward a clearly defined vision can create educational opportunities that not only benefit students but can also give the institution a leadership position in higher education. Vinay Lamba is a bonafide leader who has given the average Indian a glimmer of hope of making it big in the industry. Hailing from a humble and quintessentially middle-class Punjabi household, his meteoric rise to the top is n...
The annual day of the Children Welfare Centre High School and Clara’s College of Commerce was celebrated with Enthusiasm and Gusto
Leo News

The annual day of the Children Welfare Centre High School and Clara’s College of Commerce was celebrated with Enthusiasm and Gusto

Karisma Kapoor, Sunil Shetty, Sonali Bendre, Aditya Pancholi, Chunky Pandey and others add glitter to the annual day celebration of the Children Welfare Centre High School Mumbai.A grand colourful function was organised on the occasion of 39 th annual day of the Children Welfare Centre High School and Clara's College of Commerce, at school’s ground at Yari Road, Andheri West on Saturday, 15 February, 2020. In the program, the prizes were distributed among school and college students at the hands of Principal Ajay Kaul and visiting guests. The students presented a colourful dance, a play based on national integration and various other cultural programmes. Besides, Principal Ajay Kaul, Activity Chairman Prashant Kashid and Shabnam Kapoor, Shiv Sena MP Gajanan Kirtikar, MLA Dr Bharti La...
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Producer: Retesh Narain, Anupama Sharda, Sahil Pareek Production House: Bangg On Motion Pictures Feature Artists: Angel Singh, Simona JesenskyRetesh Narain, Anupama Sharda, Sahil Pareek of Bangg On Motion Pictures dropped a Valentine’s Day melody “Ae Ri Sakkhii”.  This romantic ballad grabs instant attention not only for its layered melody, for its visual extravaganza. Retesh Narain, Anupama Sharda, Sahil Pareek visioned a song to create a significance difference in the music industry. In a bid to revive the musical era of 90s & 2000s, the video highlights the creative aspect with elaborated costumes, stylish jewelry, grand sets, exotic locations & unique visuals. The beautiful melody is created by Music Director & Sung by Vipin Patwa. Retesh Narain, Anupama Sharda, Sah...
Label Pearl and Hariom Dazzles at a Fashion Week
Fashion Week

Label Pearl and Hariom Dazzles at a Fashion Week

Nagpur based Label  Pearl and Hariom showcased Cassava collection at recently held Lakme Fashion Week. The collection was all about nature and natural elements that were present in the form of material and design language. The Bamboo fabrics were used in the said collection and collection had insertions of natural elements such as insects. the collection was made according to the ongoing summer season hence lightweight material and shades were the choices made by the designer. Actors Sahil Anand and Dheeraj Dhooper walked along with the designers.        When asked about experience young designer pearl said “ I was elated as well as nervous as this is the first time I have showcased my collection at the runway ”. The central idea behind the collection was to keep it easy-breezy, mu...
Glimpses from Kakatiya High School 20th Anniversary Celebration
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Glimpses from Kakatiya High School 20th Anniversary Celebration

The 20th Anniversary celebration of Kakatia High School was a fun activity and was witnessed by Asmita Chowdhary a leading name in Bhiwandi, the School is supported by the entire education society from different parts of the country, Alumni and committee members. And its interesting to see how this institute is blooming in exteriors away from the city. It was the year 2000, Ramesh Pasikanti the founder along with  Co-Founder  Chandrakala Pasikanti as   started Kakatiya Education society in Bhiwandi. Initiating a noble cause such as education and serving it for 20 years the team has spread knowledge in the life of more than thousands of students.  Around 1000 students study at the school today and numerous have made their life and careers from Kakatiya high school.    While sp...
Launching Product of Dhantal Jiya Gold Non Alcholic Beer at Bhuj Kutch
Business News

Launching Product of Dhantal Jiya Gold Non Alcholic Beer at Bhuj Kutch

Launching product of Dhantal jiya gold non alcholic beer at Bhuj Kutch.. and same as they launched their musical jingle also- announced by managing director Mr. Prabhakar dhantal and inaugurate by miss india 2013 Ms Simran Ahuja from Mumbai..on this event professional models are walked on ramp on live garba and dhol with classical fusion played by famous school from Bhuj is sanskar school- garba group and musician group perform by sanskar school team and supported by Ms Neeta Bhatt from Sanskar School group. Sandeep Solanki from Mumbai choreograph and design the show. gujarat. saurastra. kutch distributor attend this event and make this event successful.        Moto is to have an non alcoholic beer consider as healthy drink.and all family desire to drink non alcoholic beer - here...
Excellent Leadership Award 2020 by Anandshree Organization  Got Excellent Response

Excellent Leadership Award 2020 by Anandshree Organization Got Excellent Response

Mumbai: Andheri,Who contributed in different fields from 8 states were awarded by Anandashree Organization. There were 60+ Leaders Awarded for their outstanding contribution in society. UP  Chief Minister's P.A.  Dr. Ashish B. Gupta (IAS officer), senior musician Dilip Sen, Dr. Sandeep Singh ji, who has made a mark in the medical field, film actress Dr. Pooja Gupta, journalist Akhilesh Singh and model Bhumika Sharma were presented as Chief Guest. The awardees were present from different districts of Maharashtra and Gujarat, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Neelkanth Vyapari (Murbad - Contribution to Education Sector), Jayashree (Mai) Savardekar - Women and Child Development), Sangita Gurav- Industry, Smita Dussane - Social, Prashant Tukaram Mali (Ed...


GLIMPSES OF SHE EVENT  DIRECTOR SHAKEEL S SAIFEE GETS LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENTE AWARDS, HE IS SUFFERING WITH CANCER CAME ON WHEEL CHAIR.  KEVAL KUMAR GETS AWARD 6TH TIME FROM SHE ORGANISATION. KUDOS TO SHAKEEL JI N BINAY SINGH JI. सुरक्षा हेल्थ एंड एजुकेशन एनजीओ की 6th चेरेटी प्रोग्राम व सेवा खबर न्यूज़पेपर की दूसरी वर्षगांठ मे गणमान्य व्यक्तियों का जमघट* सुरक्षा हेल्थ एंड एजुकेशन वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन के 6th चेरेटी  प्रोग्राम व सेवा खबर न्यूज़पेपर की 2nd वर्षगांठ मनाई गई *स्वागत बगीचा रिसोर्ट* मे जहां तमाम जानी-मानी हस्तियां आई और उनका गर्मजोशी से स्वागत किया गया आने वाले अतिथियों की मानवता और भाईचारा इस मंच पर देखने मीला श्री हैदर आजम जी (बीजेपी माइनॉरिटी अब्दुल कलाम से मंत्री) को ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मान कीया श्री असलम शेख जी (कैबिनेट मिनिस्टर ऑफ महाराष्ट्र) के पुत्र श्री हैदर असलम...
Top 50 Indian Icon Awards one of the most Prestigious Award was held on 14th February 2020

Top 50 Indian Icon Awards one of the most Prestigious Award was held on 14th February 2020

Top 50 Indian Icon Awards" one of the most prestigious award was held on 14th February 2020. And it was our honour that some hounarable names who have contributed to make this award more successful was present. We are pleased and honoured with their presence.Sincere thankful for our jury members for their contribution, Mr. Vibhav Tomar, Dr. Ritu Singh, Ms. Simmer Bhatia,Mr. Rajendra Jain, Mr. Atul Mohan, Mr. Vivek Jain, Mrs. Sweety Walia, Mr. Manish Awasthi, Dr. Khushboo Qadri, Kumar Ganesh, Mahamandleshwar Maartand Puri,Mr. Santosh Bhartiya and the award Director Mr. Dushyant Pratap Singh. And we are thankful to our Awardees & many congratulations to Mrs Archana Kochhar, Mrs. Shubangi Atre, Ms. Taranjit Kaur, Ms. Janhavi Singh, Mr. Sandip Soparrkar, Mr. Shahid Sayyed, Dr. Yogesh Lak...
Grand Finale Of Filmora Miss And Mrs 2020 Beauty Pageant To Support Women’s Empowerment

Grand Finale Of Filmora Miss And Mrs 2020 Beauty Pageant To Support Women’s Empowerment

Mumbai: India's largest beauty pageant, Filmora Miss & Mrs. India 2020, was held on 14 February, at Juhu Plaza Hotel, Juhu, on the occasion, prominent guests Aroon Bakshi, Dilip Sen, Sunil Pal, Kamaal Malick, R J Dilip Singh Radio Adda,  Dr.  Chatur Singh Khalsa, Chand Seth, CMD SoS Nightlife, Ajay Gosalia, Actress Poonam Jhawar, organizers Akhilesh Singh and Satish Agarwal were present, the organizer said his key guests and jurors, his Shrest Yogad  Not Given reveal his special gratitude to the jury member Dr. Surana Rane Malhotra, Dr. Puja Mathur, beads Mansukhani, Dr Astute Singh Khalsa,  Actress Tanisha Singh, Let me tell you that the filmora was the winner of Miss and Mrs. 2020, Bhumika Sharma, Ananya Choudhary, Shruti Priya, the same show director and choreography Shubh Malhot...
Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar joins hands with Letsallhelp.org and adopts 2000 girls for their hygiene requirements for a year
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Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar joins hands with Letsallhelp.org and adopts 2000 girls for their hygiene requirements for a year

For over a decade now Bollywood ace choreographer Sandip Soparrkar has been winning various awards for his contribution in the field of dance and social work. His initiative ‘Dance for a Cause’ has been using dance as a medium to raise awareness and for the betterment of the society and its varied issues. His dance for cause went on International Level But this year is very special for him, as he went one step ahead and adopted 2000 underprivileged girls with the support of LetsAllHelp and will support their requirement for sanitary pads for one year.  Sandip, has joined Letsallhelp.org as their Change Maker in their quest to achieve their goal - “No one sleeps hungry or be void of basic personal hygiene.” As a first step in that direction, Sandip has decided to adopt 2000 girls for t...
Girish Nakod Feat Muhfaad And Ankita Thakur Released By Vsquare Music On Valentine’s Day
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Girish Nakod Feat Muhfaad And Ankita Thakur Released By Vsquare Music On Valentine’s Day

It's exhilarating time for Vsquare Music releasing the video of 'Drame Na De..' on the eve of Valentine's Day with great pride. The video is out on Vsquare Music's social media handle which has received a massive appreciation from all across. Looking at the video it seems like a treat to watch. We are all just going gaga over the sizzling chemistry and adorable video which is doing all the rounds across the internet. The music of this video is  produced by Sagar Dhote, composed and lyrics by Girish Nakod, featuring Ankita Thakur, and Muhfaad, directed by Himanshu Tyagi and produced by Vikas Vashistha. This video is all about the insecurities, jealousy and anxiety of a girl who is in relationship with a boy. In spite of getting the best assurances of his commitment and loyalty to her...
Jeetendra  Kapoor To Be The Chief Guest Of Honour For Rahul Education’s Annual Event  UTSAV
Exclusive News

Jeetendra Kapoor To Be The Chief Guest Of Honour For Rahul Education’s Annual Event UTSAV

The theme of the festival is - Mind Your Head Mumbai, - Rahul Education has announced their annual inter-collegiate festival- UTSAV. It is the coming together and synergizing of more than 10,000+ students from colleges all over Mumbai, where they compete across various disciplines like sports, arts, culture, theatre, music, dance, films, technology and many more. In its second edition, 'Utsav' has incorporated the burning issue of mental health awareness as its central theme, calling in ‘Mind your Head’ and a conclave for the same will be held on 16th February 2020. The event will see Legendary Actor Jeetendra Kapoor as the Chief Guest of Honour and the actor will be commemorating and awarding all the winners across colleges. The college festival will aslo see a number of other digni...
Great Grand Opening of 8th Global Festival of Journalism Noida
Breaking News

Great Grand Opening of 8th Global Festival of Journalism Noida

Noida: The most exclusive festival, first of its kind in Asia and second in the World saw the grand opening of its 8th edition at Noida Film City hosted by Marwah Studios. The colorful flags of different nations were quite inviting and speaking about the international presence at the festival. In total 56 countries have been part of this festival where as delegates from all the 28 states and 9 union territories were present in the festival. “ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry-and International Journalism Centre together with AAFT University have designed this festival to mark respect to the decision of having International Day of Journalism on 12th February which was declared nine years back by our association,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah St...
G-PEN accomplishes Worlds first symposium for Crown and Title Winners of Beauty Contests
Leo News

G-PEN accomplishes Worlds first symposium for Crown and Title Winners of Beauty Contests

Surat : Global Professionals & Entrepreneurs Network (G-PEN) recently conducted worlds first face-off and symposium for Pageant Crown and Title Winners. The event was named as Collision of Crowns and participants from all over India as well as Malaysia, Singapore and Australia were parts of this robust convene. This was something quite different than pageants that are conducted on routine basis  Collision of Crowns had all the participants who had experience of participating in pageants earlier and had been awarded either with a title or crown then. The concept was designed by Nihar Saraswala and Dr Vimal Rathi, the founders of G-PEN. They had put in three months of meticulous efforts to make this concept a reality and execute it seamlessly. The participants had a chance of ...
Sahil Khan – India’s Fitness  & Youth Icon Inaugurates Buyceps India-premium Suppplement outlet in Dwarka Delhi
Leo News

Sahil Khan – India’s Fitness & Youth Icon Inaugurates Buyceps India-premium Suppplement outlet in Dwarka Delhi

Buyceps, India's fastest growing health and fitness brand brings the best and genuine supplements to Delhi! Buyceps is known for its premium outlets and hosts more than 80 brands under one roof, the greatest number of supplement brands catering to every fitness enthusiast. The opening of its biggest, grandest and super premium outlet at Dwarka Sector 7, in Delhi presents never before seen authentic and world famous brands to the national capital!    The inauguration on 11th February will be done by Mr. Sahil Khan, Indian Youth Icon, a leading Bollywood personality and fitness inspiration to many. He is also a partner at Buyceps, propelling it to become the biggest supplement retail chain in the fitness industry! Buyceps Delhi, a franchise will have an extensive catalogue of premium ...
Karishma Shetty won Iconic Celebrity Spiritual Coach at Midday Awards
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Karishma Shetty won Iconic Celebrity Spiritual Coach at Midday Awards

Karishma Shetty won "Iconic Celebrity Spiritual Coach" at Midday Awards . She was felicitated by Yogesh Jaiswal director Le Classique, Amyra Dastur & Editor Gujarati Midday Mayur Jani. Starting with healing powers and spiritual knowledge at a tender age, Karishma has been a child prodigy and her expertise in Psychological and Parapsychological therapies, Tarot, Vastu, Numerology, Astrology, Angels, Fairies, Mediumship, Healing, Cleansing, Aura Reading, Candle Healing, Crystal Ball, Crystals, Wicca, Graphology, Methorpher Therapy, Colour Therapy, Tantra, Runes, Cartomancy amongst various others, started at very early age these are few of the things that she excels in and is spiritually blessed by the almighty. Karishma Shetty was conferred upon a Doctorate for Parapsychology...
Actor Zuber K Khan starrer Haunted Hills Trailer Out
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Actor Zuber K Khan starrer Haunted Hills Trailer Out

Actor Zuber K Khan starrer 'Haunted Hills’ trailer out Makers of ‘Haunted Hills’ released the much awaited trailer of upcoming horror flick, ‘Haunted Hills’ on Thursday. With a tagline “In this love season, when love comes with fear”, the film is produced under the banner RSBS Films and directed by Sanjeev Kumar Rajput. The lead cast includes Zuber K Khan, Diana Khan, Mansi Gupta, Nitin Dixit, Krishna Chaturvedi, Surendra Pal Singh, Gavie Chahal amongst others. 'Haunted Hills' revolves around a honeymoon couple. The wife dies accidentally and her soul remains in a painting that she leaves incomplete.     The trailer looks scary and fully justifies the genre. Movie is shot at picturesque locations of Mussoorie and Nanital. With powerful performances and frightening background ...
GRAND LAUNCH OF WYSH –  A Two Way Celebrity Engagement App by SUNNY LEONE
Breaking News

GRAND LAUNCH OF WYSH – A Two Way Celebrity Engagement App by SUNNY LEONE

Launch also saw the presence of Jannat Zubair ,Abhishek Kapoor, Abhishek Malik, Aditi Sharma, Anjum Fakih, Avinesh Rekhi, Delnaaz Irani, Dishank Arora, Falaq Naaz, Gaurav S Bajaj, Harsh Rajput, Kanika Mann, Karam Rajpal, Mansi Srivastava, Marina Kuwar, Mayur Verma, Mreenal Deshraj, Neel Motwani, Nibedita Pal, Nishant Singh Malkani, Niyati Fatnani, Paras Kalnawat, Priyanka Kandwal, Reyansh Chaddha, Gulfam Khan, Sanjay Gagnani, Sehrish Ali, Shweta Mahadik, Sonal Vengurlekar, Vindhya Tiwari, Anita Raj, & many more. "For a fan, there is nothing better than getting a personalized message from their favorite star. It truly would make their day. This thought was the inception point for Wysh” said Mahesh Gogineni (CEO Wysh). Co-Founded by Mahesh Gogineni, Manan Maheshwari and Varun MS, WYSH...
This Valentine’s Day Ajay Jaswal & Apeksha Jaswal of Apeksha Films & Music Presents PYAAR KI BAARISH
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This Valentine’s Day Ajay Jaswal & Apeksha Jaswal of Apeksha Films & Music Presents PYAAR KI BAARISH

Featuring- Manish Raisinghan & Alexius Macleod Producer- Ajay Jaswal; Singer- Kunal Ganjawala; Lyrics & Music- Faraaz Ahmed; Director- Aziz Zee Launch saw the presence of Ajay Jaswal, Kunal Ganjawala,Manish Raisinghan,  Alexius Macleo, DJ Sheizwood. "It’s a lovely melody which soars because of its meticulous arrangements," says Ajay Jaswal & Apeksha Jaswal of Apeksha Films & Music who released a romantic ballad titled "Pyaar Ki Baarish" Pyaar Ki Baarish is a song to mull over. Brew some coffee, get a pen and some paper and write whatever comes to your mind while this song plays, it will surprise you at the depths within yourself that you have managed to reach. Simple words, but very layered melodies, and that's the best combination which describes Apeksha Music'...
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Performance by: Kaajal Chandiramani, Jatin Udasi & Mohit Shevani & group Ambassador Of Goodwill- Sonu Nigam, Ramesh Taurani, Rajesh Khattar, Vishal Jethwa, Tushar Hiranandani, Surendra Pal, Faisal Khan, Mahesh Jethmalani and many more.The Vishwa Sindhi Seva Sangam was formed to give voice to the Sindhi community and to resolve all their problems with all the Sindhi’s from all over the world coming together under one roof.          The 3rd International Convention saw the presence of Raju Manwani, Prof Vasudev, Gyan Dev, Ashok Rohani, Dr Nirmala Wadhwani, Ram Jawhar, Gopal Sanjani and Kumar Ailani,Vandana Jaiswal, Balram Khubchand, Asha Chand, Jay Ahuja, Gopal Sajnani- Founder Chairman of VS...
The Poster of Drame na De.. Released by Vsquare Music
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The Poster of Drame na De.. Released by Vsquare Music

It's exhilarating time for Vsquare Music releasing the poster of 'Drame Na De..' on successive month with great pride. The poster is out on Vsquare Music's social media handle which has brought lots of excitement among the viewers as usual. It's well designed with calm and soothing effect says a lot about the chemistry among the actors. The music of this video is produced by Sagar Dhote, composed and lyrics by Girish Nakod, featuring Ankita Thakur, and Muhfaad, directed by Himanshu Tyagi and produced by Vikas Vashistha.    This video is all about the insecurities, jealousy and anxiety of a girl who is in relationship with a boy. In spite of getting the best assurances of his commitment and loyalty to her and further explanation that it's a part and parcel of his job being assoc...
Governor of Maharashtra Inaugurates the Incubation Centre at Govardhan Eco Village
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Governor of Maharashtra Inaugurates the Incubation Centre at Govardhan Eco Village

Mumbai - Honorable Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari inaugurated the incubation centre and accelerator at Govardhan Ecovillage today, the 4th Feb 2020. The collector and district magistrate of Palghar District, Dr. Kailash B. Shinde was also present on this occasion along with HH Radhanath Swami, the Founder of Govardhan Ecovillage and Gauranga Das, the Director of Govardhan Ecovillage. Honorable Governor mentioned on this occasion, “The spiritual power of Govardhan Ecovillage and the prosperity and wealth of BSE along with the intellectual capacity of IIM Ahmedabad will lead to ultimate prosperity of India and not just of Palghar district and it will prove as a milestone. We wish that through Govardhan Ecovillage, message of serving the poor people in villages will go...
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The 4th YESummit was concluded in which 25 ideas selected from 5 different categories for support and mentorships out of 85 ideas presented by youth and women who have come from different parts of India. Mr. Nawab Mallik, Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of Maharashtra and Youth Abhinav Kumar, Vice President, Paytm distributed the prizes for the winners. The program was organised by  YouthAid Foundation in association with various social organisations and support organisations in Pune. Deepika Patil Pune, Prem Kumar Osmanabad, Neelam Ambre Pune, Kaushal Kumar from Raipur, Murali Krishna Hyderabad, won best idea prizes in the categories, Hospitality and Tourism, Agri & Allied Business, Mirco-Business, Social Impact, Technology and Innovation respectivel...