Tuesday, February 11

Month: June 2020

International Business School of Washington (IBSW)-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India
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International Business School of Washington (IBSW)-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India

Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. Due to the global lockdown measures implemented and its commitment to delivering value to its students, International Business School of Washington (IBSW) is now offering a hybrid model which offers students the opportunity to continue their education online through its LMS (Learning Management System) and online webinars. As such, this new hybrid model affords students more flexibility by enabling them the options of completing their academic semesters on campus or 100% online. Through this new initiative, IBSW continues sparing no efforts to engage with and facilitate the process of pursuing degrees in the fields of fashion, design, business, technology and hos...
Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar Shoots for A Magazine Cover Amid Lockdown
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Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar Shoots for A Magazine Cover Amid Lockdown

Amid the Coronavirus lockdown, Bollywood celebrities are keeping their fans updated with their daily lives. They are doing their bit to keep their fans entertained and motivated through these tough times. During The lockdown Bollywood and Hollywood Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar had started online Dance Classes for dance lover. Now he had recently shared a post on his social media account Featuring on Two Magazine cover page Mystique June Edition and Loud Applause March – April edition during the lockdown. The actor dancer shot for the cover while in quarantine. Sandip Soparrkar Said, “I am humbled and truly honoured that both Loud Applause and Mystique Magazines had me grace their cover during lockdown time. Through dance we can uplift our soul and also create positivity and remain hap...
Miss World Washington Shree Saini Received Heart Warming Message From Indian Orphanage
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Miss World Washington Shree Saini Received Heart Warming Message From Indian Orphanage

Miss World Washington Shree Saini and her family helps underprivileged children around the World get a better education and healthcare facilities. During this Lockdown, she received heart-warming messages from many India Based NGOs, including Child Help Foundation. While expressing her feelings she said, "I love these kids and can't wait to visit them when our world becomes a safe place. Stay home and stay safe." The children in the picture are seen holding thank you signs. Shree notes “look at their hearts behind even the Thank You signs they made. They added flowers, clouds, hearts, leaves at the outline of my name.” Shree expresses that seeing others suffer continues to pain her, but she chooses to turn that pain into her purpose to serve. This purpose was instilled in her when sh...
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Nafih Mohammed Naser is the new youth icon for the Indian National Congress. He was brought up in Kasargod district of Kerala, on the 13th of December 1988. Mohammed Naser completed his schooling from Saadiya Senior Secondary school, and he was graduated from PA College, Mangalore, with Bachelor's in Commerce. He is recently appointed as the Social Media cordinator of the Youth congress, in Bangalore. Nafih Mohammed believes that, " Power does not corrupt people, it is corrupted by the people only." This is one of the many reasons behind him joining the Politics, when the young generation detests the niche. Youngsters hate the corruption surrounding politics, which favours the powerful man but not the poor people of the country, though we are living in democracy. He is a zestful pers...
A Thought Of Pratush Mishra Need A Promote To New Talent Then Start A New Era In Bollywood After Sushant Untimely Death
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A Thought Of Pratush Mishra Need A Promote To New Talent Then Start A New Era In Bollywood After Sushant Untimely Death

From the film diary of Pratush... India has become independent from the British rule but even today our souls are mentally enslaved as the budding talents are getting unnoticed in our country. Today all the resources that take our country to a pinnacle of  advanced level have become reserved after independence. I believe in a country where capable individuals are not given any opportunity or don't get the desired result according to your calibre means the souls of those talented individuals are also enslaved and by doing so no nation can succeed but will only give rise to a new revolution.     Sushant Singh Rajput, a poster boy, his passing away suggest two things, either become a slave of some self proclaimed gate keeper of the bollywood or be happy with whatever u have achieved.    Thoug...
R Madhavan Starrer 7TH SENSE And Jimmy Shergill Starrer LINE OF FIRE To Start Filming In UAE Next Month
Leo News

R Madhavan Starrer 7TH SENSE And Jimmy Shergill Starrer LINE OF FIRE To Start Filming In UAE Next Month

Producer Gaurang Doshi to arrive along with a cast & crew of 100 members under the patronage of His Excellency Suhail Mohd. Al Zarooni  To be shot first, the murder mystery ‘7th Sense’ features superstars R Madhavan, Ronit Roy, Chunky Pandey, Tanuj Virwani, Aashim Gulati, Sana Saeed, Ahsaas Channa, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Sajjad Dela Frooz and Manuj Sharma among other popular Bollywood actors.  The second web series “Line of Fire” features Prakash Raj, Jimmy Shergill, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Tanuj Virwani, Vijay Raaz, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Kabir Singh, Sana Saeed, Manu Rishi and Tanvi Azmi.  26th June 2020; Mumbai: After a brief lull in the wake of Covid-19, the glittering world of Bollywood productions will be back in action and that too in the UAE. Renowned Bollywood pro...
The Efforts Of Actress Kanak Pandey And Saikat Kumar Made The Return Of Purvanchal Residents Possible
Exclusive News

The Efforts Of Actress Kanak Pandey And Saikat Kumar Made The Return Of Purvanchal Residents Possible

एक्ट्रेस कनक पाण्डेय और सैकत कुमार की कोशिशों से पूर्वांचल वासियों की घर वापसी संभव पूर्वांचल प्रवासी मिलन संस्था ने कराई मजदूरों की सकुशल देशवापसी स्वदेश वापसी अभियान के तहत सैकड़ों पूर्वांचल के भारतीयों को सयुंक्त अरब अमीरात से वापस भेजा गया पूरी दुनिया इस समय बहुत कठिन दौर से गुजर रही है, विश्व भर में लोग कोरोना की मार से बेहाल हैं, ऐसे में श्रमिकों का हाल किसी से छुपा नहीं है।  देश और विदेश में फैले पूर्वांचलवासी श्रमिक बहुत परेशान और बेहाल हैं। दुबई में लगभग ५ लाख पूर्वांचली श्रमिक कार्यरत थे, पर कोरोना की मार ने उनकी नौकरियां छीन ली, उसके बाद सभी घर वापसी के लिए परेशान हो गए। परदेस से अपने देश लौटने की बेचैनी बढ़ने लगी, पर कोई फ्लाइट न होने के कारण सभी अपने घर नहीं आ पा रहे थे और दर दर भटक रहे थे। ऐसे में दुबई की संस्था पूर्वांचलियों के दुःख-सुख की साथी "पूर्वांचल प्रवासी मि...
Film Actor And Youth President Of Karni Sena Surjeet Singh Rathore Defends T series Owner Mr Bhushan Kumar
Exclusive News

Film Actor And Youth President Of Karni Sena Surjeet Singh Rathore Defends T series Owner Mr Bhushan Kumar

फ़िल्म अभिनेता ओर करनी सेना के युवा अध्यक्ष सूरजीत सिंह राठौड़ ने टी सीरीज़ के मालिक श्री भूषण कुमार का बचाव फ़िल्म अभिनेता ओर करनी सेना के युवा अध्यक्ष सूरजीत सिंह राठौड़ ने टी सीरीज़ के मालिक श्री भूषण कुमार का बचाव करते हुए सोनू निगम पर उनके ही दिए हुए बयान को दोहराते हुये कहा है की सोनू निगम अब्बू सलीम को कैसे जानते हैं? इसकी जांच होना चाहिये,आपको बता दे कि कुछ दिन पहले सोनू निगम ने एक वीडियो बनाया था जिसमें उन्होंने बताया था की भुसन कुमार उनके पास आये थे ओर अबू सलेम से बचाने का गुहार लगा रहे थे, सूरजीत सिंह राठौड़ ने सोनू  निगम से पूछा है कि सोनू निगम जी आप  अबू सलीम को जानते थे तभी तो भूषण कुमार आपके पास आके बचाने का गुहार लगा रहे थे?, सोनू निगम के बोले गये सब्दो पे धयान देते हुये महारष्ट्र सरकार को जांच करानी चाहिये, सूरजीत  सिंह राठौर ने आगे बताया की टी सीरीज़ को पूरी दुनियाँ जानती है...
IFTPC – CINTAA – FWICE Resolve Issues For Shoots To Commence
Breaking News

IFTPC – CINTAA – FWICE Resolve Issues For Shoots To Commence

IFTPC, CINTAA and FWICE have today amicably resolved the outstanding issues which paved the way for the immediate resumption of shootings. These understandings were reached in virtual meeting held between IFTPC, FWICE and CINTAA. IFTPC agreed to provide two sets of insurance coverage i.e Death Cover of 25 lacs due to Covid-19 and also hospitalization cover of Rs. 2 lacs uniformly across all hierarchy of the cast & the crew.  Apart from the insurance, IFTPC also assured that every precautions as per the government’s guidelines will be put in place to ensure utmost safety for the entire cast & crew. Also a decision was taken to reduce the period of credit for cast and crew from  existing 90 days to 30 days for at least the first three months; mutually negotiated pay cuts without ac...
A 4-Line Poem Retorting Back To Enemy Lovers

A 4-Line Poem Retorting Back To Enemy Lovers

The 4-line poem “Enemy Worshippers” opposing the moves to politicize the clash with China at the border is going viral on social media platforms. Hollywood Director and poet Dr. Sohan Roy wrote this poem and shared it on social media. In the clash that happened in eastern Ladakh’s Galwan where India shares border with China, 20 Indian soldiers had lost their lives for the nation. Even in this situation when each Indian citizen has to stay together to fight against the enemy beyond the border, a tendency to make the issue political, regional and social was evident in the arguments raised by a group of people. This poem got released in the circumstance where various controversial incidents like the odd ways in which many medias pictured the brave demise of the soldiers and the interviews ...
A unanimous decision to issue a press release was taken jointly in a virtual zoom meeting held on 22nd June 2020 at 12 noon by Federation of Western India Cine Employees –FWICE  & Cine & TV Artistes’ Association -CINTAA
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A unanimous decision to issue a press release was taken jointly in a virtual zoom meeting held on 22nd June 2020 at 12 noon by Federation of Western India Cine Employees –FWICE & Cine & TV Artistes’ Association -CINTAA

Meeting was attended by: Shri B N Tiwari President - FWICE Shri Gangeshwar Srivastav Treasurer – FWICE Shri Manoj Joshi Sr Vice President – CINTAA Shri Amit Behl Sr Joint Secretary – CINTAA Ms Rajeshwari Sachdev Joint Secretary - CINTAA Shri Rashid Mehta EC Member – CINTAA Shri Sanjay Bhatia EC Member – CINTAA Shri Ayub Khan EC Member – CINTAA The decision to come out with a press release had to be taken as many of the grievances on working conditions/ payment terms/ duty hours which were submitted to the Producers association through series of joint meetings and communications earlier did not result in any positive reverts from them. There is still uncertainty looming large. Though we have always assured our best support to them they have not taken our concur...
Quarantea Time With Coconut Theatre!
Breaking News

Quarantea Time With Coconut Theatre!

Coconut Theatre’s Chai-Wai and Rangmanch took up a rather ambitious project during COVID-19. It has been bringing together several award-winning playwrights, directors, actors and technicians and provided students of theatre an opportunity to learn from their seniors through their Facebook Live sessions. Currently, global experts have been added to Coconut Theatre’s repertoire with the coming week seeing Writer-Director David Woods from Australia (22nd June), Actor-Director Glenn Hayden, also from Australia (25th June), Writer-Director Ana Cândida Carneiro from the USA (27th June) and Writer-Director Jeff Baron from the USA (30th June). "The objective is to provide students of theatre an avenue of learning," share Rashmin Majithia and and Keyur Sheth of Coconut Theatre."Of the varied sess...
Producer Nilesh N Raghani’s Short Film Love In Quarantine
Latest News, Short Films

Producer Nilesh N Raghani’s Short Film Love In Quarantine

More than 1000 doctors watched the film via webinar before the online release of the movie Corona Epidemic, quarantine, Lock Down All these words have become part of the lives of common people in the last few months. A short film has been made about the case of quarantine, which is named "Love in Quarantine". There is also a message in this short film depicting the life of the doctors who fought Corona. The most important thing is that More than 1000 doctors watched the film via webinar before the online release of the movie. This short movie shown to such a large number of doctors through webinar. The producer of the film, Nilesh N Raghani, claims that this was the first time that so many doctors had shown a film together. It will be released soon on the digital platform. Present...
Zee Music’s Single PASAND AAYA  Made Headlines For Actress Sabhyata Giri

Zee Music’s Single PASAND AAYA Made Headlines For Actress Sabhyata Giri

Even though there is talk of nepotism in Bollywood, there is no shortage of people who make their own identity from hard work and talent without any family background. Sabhyata Giri is one such example, She is from Kathmandu but she has surprised everyone with her performances in regional cinema, Hindi serials, web series and short films. At the moment, there is a lot of buzz about her new single "Pasand Aaya" released from Zee Music. "Pasand Aaya" by Pratibha Sharma featuring Sabhyata Giri and Bhushan Patiyal is being liked by everyone. Actress Sabhyata Giri is thrilled by the great response to her music video. She says "I have acted in many music videos before but this one is my favorite. The response I am getting from my fans is encouraging." Let us tell you that Sabhyata Giri has...
Apeksha Films & Music Announces Contest For Fresh Talent
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Apeksha Films & Music Announces Contest For Fresh Talent

 अपेक्षा फिल्म्स एंड म्यूज़िक ने फ्रेश टैलेंट के लिए प्रतियोगिता की घोषणा की भारत, 23 जून 2020: अपेक्षा फिल्म्स एंड म्यूज़िक ने हमेशा नई प्रतिभाओं को एक मंच प्रदान करने के लिए और उन्हें समर्थन देने का लक्ष्य रखा है। इस उद्देश्य के एक हिस्से के रूप में, कंपनी ने 'एएफएम टैलेंट हंट 2020’ की घोषणा की है, जो पार्श्व गायकों, संगीतकारों, वीडियो निर्देशकों और मॉडलों के लिए एक अनूठी प्रतियोगिता है। 'AFM टैलेंट हंट 2020' के विजेता अपेक्षा फिल्म्स एंड म्यूज़िक से अनुबंध साइन करेंगे। यह टैलेंट हंट 23 जून 2020 से प्रविष्टियों के लिए खुलेगा, और पूरे भारत के प्रतिभागियों का स्वागत किया जाएगा। प्रतियोगिता 15 जुलाई 2020 को समाप्त होगी, जबकि प्रत्येक श्रेणी के एक विजेता की घोषणा 31 जुलाई 2020 को की जाएगी। अपेक्षा फिल्म्स एंड म्यूजिक के सीईओ अजय जसवाल ने टैलेंट हंट के बारे में बात करते हुए कहा, “हमें ...
Gautam Chaturvedi’s first ever Short Film as an Actor – Director and Writer Wins the Prestigious Best Shorts Competition in USA
Latest News, Short Films

Gautam Chaturvedi’s first ever Short Film as an Actor – Director and Writer Wins the Prestigious Best Shorts Competition in USA

Mumbai, June 20, 2020: The Kahaani Ghar Ghar ki Fame, Gautam Chaturvedi, the man who dons many hats from an Entrepreneur to an Actor has bagged a prestigious Award of Merit for his short film Work From Home. Starring Mouli Ganguly, Ridhiema Tiwari, Neelu Kohli and Gautam Chaturvedi himself, Work From Home was written and produced during the lockdown in the country owing to the Global Pandemic. A one of its kind production, showcasing how this sudden Lockdown has thrown many a lives off balance financially, emotionally and psychologically was written, shot and packaged keeping the staying at home protocol in check at all times. The movie deals with the intricacies of the life of a couple who have 2 kids and are married for over a decade, but soon enough, the cracks in their relationship ...
Crisp Tabla Recital marked the  3rd  Webaithak of Pracheen Kala Kendra
Breaking News

Crisp Tabla Recital marked the 3rd Webaithak of Pracheen Kala Kendra

Pracheen Kala Kendra has been one of the pioneers of India to organize regular concerts all over the length and breadth of the country and every baithak and concert or a festival features exciting and extremely talented musicians in a bid to promote the art of Indian Classical Music in an effort to promote the artists and their art and art forms. For several years now, without fail, Pracheen Kala Kendra has been providing a glorious stage for young artists to blossom and veteran/maestros to bless audiences with their performances, hence aiding the flourishment of the world of Indian Classical Music. But in these unprecedented times where social distancing has to be followed to stop the global pandemic's spread across communities, dedicated listeners and music lovers, critics, learners, and...
My Talking Tom Friends Is Now Available Worldwide Don’t Miss Out On The Next-Gen Family Fun!

My Talking Tom Friends Is Now Available Worldwide Don’t Miss Out On The Next-Gen Family Fun!

  Family entertainment company Outfit7 today announced the launch of its new game, offering a brand new experience of family fun. The latest title from its award-winning Talking Tom and Friends franchise, My Talking Tom Friends is now available to download worldwide on iOS and Android. “Designed to stimulate the imagination with endless fun possibilities, My Talking Tom Friends takes families on an exciting journey of discovery and connection,” said Barbara Erman, Senior Game Designer at Outfit7. “Players are empowered to create their own unique stories. One day they could sing karaoke, play the guitar, or go swimming. Then next, they could cook dinner for their favorite friends or grow their own food in the garden. It’s a safe, vibrant world for them to explore and make their o...
Bollywood Lost Another Best Actor Sushant Singh Rajput

Bollywood Lost Another Best Actor Sushant Singh Rajput

मुंबई : फ़िल्म अभिनेता सुशांत सिंह राजपूत ने आज अपने घर में फांसी लगाकर आत्महत्या कर ली। उनके घर के नौकर ने यह जानकारी पुलिस को दी। मुम्बई में बांद्रा के अपने फ्लैट में वे फांसी से लटके हुए मिले। परिवारिक मित्रों के अनुसार वे कुछ दिनों से अवसादग्रस्त (डिप्रेशन) थे। सुशांत का जन्म 21 जनवरी 1986 को पटना बिहार में हुआ था। सर्वप्रथम वे टीवी धारावाहिक 'किस देश में है मेरा दिल' से अपने अभिनय करिअर की शुरुआत की थी। लेकिन प्रसिद्धि एकता कपूर के धारावाहिक 'पवित्र रिश्ता' से मिली। इसके बाद उन्होंने फ़िल्म 'काई पो छे' से रुपहले पर्दे पर कदम रखा। क्रिकेटर महेंद्र सिंह धोनी की बायोपिक 'एम एस धोनी अनटोल्ड स्टोरी' की जबरदस्त सफलता के बाद उनका फिल्मी ग्राफ बढ़ गया। केदारनाथ, राब्ता, शुद्ध देसी रोमांस, छिछोरे, सोन चिरैया, ब्योमकेश बक्शी और पीके जैसी फिल्मों से अपने अभिनय का लोहा मनवाया। मरने से पहले उन्...
Ghazal Maestro Pankaj Udhas Sings His First Ever Marathi Song With Apeksha Music
Breaking News, Marathi

Ghazal Maestro Pankaj Udhas Sings His First Ever Marathi Song With Apeksha Music

गझल सम्राट पंकज उधास यांचे अपेक्षा म्युझिक साठी पहिलेवहिले पाऊसगाणे वर्षा ऋतूला सुरुवात झाली आणि हा पावसाचा आनंद द्विगुणित करण्यासाठी 'अपेक्षा म्युझिक' तर्फे सुद्धा नवीन पाऊसगाणेआले आहे. गझल सम्राट पंकज उधास आणि मधुर आवाजाची गायिका कविता पौडवाल या दोघांच्या स्वरात 'रंगधनूचा झूला' हे पाऊसगाणे वर्षाऋतुतील  प्रेम अधिक गहिरे करणार आहे . हा पाऊस खास आहे कारण जेव्हा पावसाची रिमझिम बरसात होते ,तेव्हा ऊर्जादायक इंद्रधनुष्य तुमच्याशी संवाद साधतेआणि प्रेमाच्या लहरी पसरवते. पावसामध्ये सर्वात चांगली गोष्ट कोणती तर चांगले संगीत ऐकणे . पावसाच्या गीतांमध्ये नेहमीच प्रेमगीतांना महत्वाचे स्थान असते. 'रंगधनूचा झूला' हे पावसातील प्रेमगीत नक्कीच प्रेमाचासंदेश देणारे ठरेल. या संदर्भात 'अपेक्षा फिल्म्स अँड म्युझिक' चे अजय जसवाल म्हणतात, "संगीताशिवाय वर्षाऋतू अपूर्ण आहे. वर्षाऋतूच्यानिमित्ताने 'रंगधन...
Mahi Goswami – The national level gymnastics player of the textile city Bhilwara in the top 15 finalists of the Miss and Mrs. India Universe 2020
Virus Events

Mahi Goswami – The national level gymnastics player of the textile city Bhilwara in the top 15 finalists of the Miss and Mrs. India Universe 2020

Mahi Goswami, the national level gymnastics player of the textile city Bhilwara, has started the journey to prove herself in a new field. The daughter of Bhilwara's middle-class family who is forced to live with her parents due to her failed marital life, defeating this social stigma by making her place in the top 15 finalists of the "Miss and Mrs. India Universe 20 20" contest A great example of strength and self-reliance has been presented. According to organizer Yash Gupta, the competition will be organized by "Virus Film and Entertainment" in mumbai through a reality show in the coming September/October.     The rich versatility of Mrs. Mahi Goswami will surely bring a new identity to her and our wardrobe, so much hard work and experience at all levels of all stages of th...
Mrs Cosmos Fashion Icon 2020 Ropes In Kerala-Based Entrepreneur Abhini Sohan Roy As Brand Ambassador

Mrs Cosmos Fashion Icon 2020 Ropes In Kerala-Based Entrepreneur Abhini Sohan Roy As Brand Ambassador

Abhini is the Executive Director of Indywood Fashion Premier League (IFPL) Initiated the fashion theme named “A walk for a cause,” for promoting the weaver’s community in India through IFPL Season 3 Dubai: Prominent Indian fashion choreographer Dalu Krishnadas has announced Kerala-Based Entrepreneur and Abhini Sohan Roy as the brand ambassador of prestigious Mrs. Cosmos Fashion Icon 2020, presented by Dalu Fashion Factory. He made the announcement in his Facebook post. An unfathomable amalgam of art and trade, Abhini Sohan Roy is a woman with the power to dream and live it. She is everything from Producer at BizTV Network, Managing Director of Aries Telecasting Pvt Ltd, Aries Interiors LLC, the movie production, television, and interior wings of Aries Group of Companies to a g...
Miss Masala Dosa Hindi Film Team Gets Ready For Final Shooting Schedule The Film By Alok Shrivastava

Miss Masala Dosa Hindi Film Team Gets Ready For Final Shooting Schedule The Film By Alok Shrivastava

Miss Masala Dosa hindi film team is ready to go for final and last shooting schedule in Mumbai & outdoor very soon with accordance with the norms and guidelines framed by Government of India & Film Federation. In the wake of novel COVID – 19 pandemic outbreak producers suggest every citizen to stay safe keep social distancing, using of Mask when they are at public places and using Hand Sanitizer frequently for their safety. Miss Masala Dosa the subject of the film is  a romcom of todays world The Film is written & directed by  Alok Shrivastava and  is being produced  under the Banner of  AJ Digital Entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainment. The film Stars Ojas Rawal,  Hiten Tejwani,  Manu Punjabi, Mrinmai Kolwalkar,  Lavina Israni, Sajid Bubere, Brijendra Kala, Anil Dha...
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फिल्म "ये है मेरा वतन" के पांचवे पोस्टर से खड़ा हो सकता है बवाल ! जैसे की आप जानते ही हैं लेखक, निर्माता, निर्देशक "मुश्ताक़ पाशा" की फिल्म "ये है मेरा वतन" के पोस्टर जैसे-जैसे रिलीज़ होते जा रहे है वैसे-वैसे लोगों की जिज्ञासा फिल्म के प्रति बढ़ती जा रही है। शुरू से अगर हम रिलीज़ हो चुके पोस्टरों पर नज़र डालें तो- सबसे पहले "प्रमोद माउथो" अपने पोस्टर में कह रहे हैं  "हम तो खुशकिस्मत थे कि पाकिस्तान आ गए उनके बारे में सोचो जो नहीं आ पाए…।"   इसके बाद "यशपाल शर्मा" ने अपने पोस्टर में कहा "तुम पाकिस्तान तो चले गए ! मगर पाकिस्तानी आज तक नहीं कहलाये मुहाजिर कहलाते हो मुहाजिर"  तीसरे पोस्टर में "विष्णु शर्मा" ने कहा "इससे पहले की टेरेरिस्ट अपना ट्रेनिंग कैंप छोड़ कर जाये हम अपने मिसाइल उनपर छोड़ देंगे" जहर उगलते चौथे पोस्टर में शक्कू राणा ये कहते हुए नज़र आये "इस आग से पाकिस्तान को जलाओगे ...
Krishna Verma Excited About Release Of Films On OTT Platform

Krishna Verma Excited About Release Of Films On OTT Platform

फिल्मो में ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म पर रिलीज होने से उत्साहित है कृष्णा वर्मा छोटे पर्दे का बड़ा एक्टर कृष्णा वर्मा मुंबई की मायानगरी भले ही आज करोना महामारी की वजह से परेशान है वरना इस शहर ने बेशुमार संघर्षशील इंसानों और कलाकारों को पनाह दी है और उन्हें एक पहचान भी। लखनउ से मुंबई आने वाले एक्टर कृष्णा वर्मा के स्ट्रगल की कहानी भी किसी और स्ट्रगलिंग एक्टर की तरह ही रही मगर उनकी सफलता नए लोगो के लिए प्रेरणा का एक स्रोत है। आइसीई बालाजी से एक्टिंग की बारीकियां सीखने वाले कृष्णा वर्मा ने कई टीवी धारावाहिकों में अहम भूमिकाएं निभाई हैं। सोनी टीवी के पॉपुलर शो इतना ना करो मुझसे प्यार में कृष्णा वर्मा ने बेहद महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा की जिसे ऑडिएंस ने बेहद पसंद किया। दूरदर्शन के शो पलटन और दिया और बाती हम मेे उन्होंने कैमियो रोल किया। क्राइम पेट्रोल और स्टार भारत चैनल के शो चन्द्र शेखर मेे भी वह कैमिय...
Masala King Dhananjay Datar Of Dubai Sends Indians Home A La Sonu Sood !
Breaking News

Masala King Dhananjay Datar Of Dubai Sends Indians Home A La Sonu Sood !

With the UAE being hit by the massive COVID-19 pandemic, Indian migrants in the UAE are queuing up outside the Indian consulate to try and get back to their motherland - India. Thousands of blue- and white-collar workers are unable to deal with the financial crisis and medical emergencies arising due to COVID-19. "I haven't been paid for the last two months," says one worker. "I need money to buy a ticket to get back home," says another. "My wife is thirty-two weeks pregnant and we cannot afford to get the child delivered in the UAE. I have no job and no money. It's a very difficult situation for me." These Indian expatriates have found a helping hand in entrepreneur Dr. Dhananjay Datar from Maharashtra, India. The man behind the Al-Adil group of companies in the UAE has sponsored the tra...
Bollywood Director Imtiaz Ali  Inspires The Generation NEXT Director Shivam Khurana
Breaking News

Bollywood Director Imtiaz Ali Inspires The Generation NEXT Director Shivam Khurana

A new single 'Mainu Chad Ke' music video is released, directed by Shivam Khurana. The song is sung by Adnan Ahmed and the featured Artists are Unnati Pandey pairing with Adnan. With having a passion for writing script and doing editing, Shivam has widely known as Bollywood's youngest director at the age of just 22years achieved a recognition in the Industry. During a media interaction, He mentioned that 'when a star works with a director, the script is bound to have alteration to please the Star actor. Then such interference is visible on screen, This injustice ruins the career, even if he is a capable director. There are many such examples, which leads to a failure of a good project. Whenever I will make a film, I would love to work with a talented artist rather than an interfering ...
Dr Sohan Roy Titled CORONA Warrior For His Fight Against COVID-19

Dr Sohan Roy Titled CORONA Warrior For His Fight Against COVID-19

Acknowledging the selfless contribution of Dr. Sohan Roy, Founder Chairman and CEO of UAE based Aries Group of Companies during the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, Bharat Cine & TV Writers Association awarded him with a Certificate of Participation. The award was presented in recognition of Dr. Roy’s outstanding dedication and service to the nation & fight against COVID 19 during the period of lockdown. He was titled and appreciated as “CORONA Warrior” by the association. As a part of its Group’s Social Commitment Scheme, Aries distributed masks to Kerala Police to keep them safe during the COVID emergency in the state. To prevent the exposure of our Police department to any health risk because of lack of healthcare equipment, He also included members of the Police Department along wit...
IBSW-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India
Trending News

IBSW-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India

Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. Due to the global lockdown measures implemented and its commitment to delivering value to its students, International Business School of Washington (IBSW) is now offering a hybrid model which offers students the opportunity to continue their education online through its LMS (Learning Management System) and online webinars. As such, this new hybrid model affords students more flexibility by enabling them the options of completing their academic semesters on campus or 100% online. Through this new initiative, IBSW continues sparing no efforts to engage with and facilitate the process of pursuing degrees in the fields of fashion, design, business, technology and hos...
The Most Hotest And Bachelor Entrepreneur Heartthrob Ksshitij Singh

The Most Hotest And Bachelor Entrepreneur Heartthrob Ksshitij Singh

A fit person is capable of living life to its fullest. Physically fit persons are healthier and are not prone to any disease or illness. It's important to be active and do regular exercise such as going to the gym, doing yoga, acrobats, etc. Besides, did you know that the clothes that you wear during workouts play an important role in your body and your performance?  It gives you comfort, breath ability, durability, protection from the environment, Flexibility, etc... Soliloquy was founded by Ksshitij Singh. Our mission is to provide luxurious and all active sportswear in India to help all ages of women's and men's achieve their highest performance. We are coming up with all active wears and sports wears like shoes, T-shirts, track pants, track shirts, dry fits, Yoga wear, fights, pe...
Bollywood Actor And Producer Man Singh Announced the Shooting Of His New Film VEBBI From July and PLATINUM Schedule Will Also Be Completed Before November

Bollywood Actor And Producer Man Singh Announced the Shooting Of His New Film VEBBI From July and PLATINUM Schedule Will Also Be Completed Before November

Film  INTEZAAR  IS HORROR THRILLER AND READY FOR RELEASE Bollywood actor and producer Man Singh ki film " Platinum" ka agla schedule UP me lag raha hai...jo ki smuggling aur Gangwar ke upar hai... Isme man Singh action karte hue dikhayi denge... ye film Puri UP me shoot ho rahi hai aur isi saal Man Singh ki do aur film aa rahi hai...Intezaar - horror film hai jo release ke liye ready hai aur  Film "VEBBI " Ek Suspense Thriller Hai .. Actor & Producer Man Singh Lockdown khatam hone ke baad apni upcoming  "film VEBBI " ki Shooting start karne ka Announce kiye hai... Ye film suspense thriller hai jo ki Youth ko relate karegi... Aajkal youngster kaise net ke jamane me Galat Rashte me Chale Jaate hai aur Jaane Anjane me Crime ke Jaal me Fas jaate hai. Ye Film Youth ko Jagruk Karegi......
Corona Ends In September So Now This Big Crisis May Come In Front Of Country Says Astrologer Ritu Singh

Corona Ends In September So Now This Big Crisis May Come In Front Of Country Says Astrologer Ritu Singh

This global disaster called the corona virus has put all mankind in jeopardy today. While on one hand this disease is not even taking the name of eradication, on the other hand, people all over the world are waiting for it to end. Some people are making their own guesses about the disease and some people are resorting to astrologers. https://mediahindustan.com/hindi/astrologer-ritu-singh-says-that-after-coronavirus-2020-will-give-more-dangerous-times/ Astrologer Ritu Singh is a well known celebrity astrologer of the country. Like others Dr Ritu Singh has also quarantined herself. The astrologer has predicted that no person will die due to corona virus after the coming September. Thus it can be said that according to Dr Ritu Singh, the outbreak of corona will end after the month of Se...
Writer Director Kumar Neeraj  –  A Name That Needs No Introduction Today Due To Its Hard Work And Passion
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Writer Director Kumar Neeraj – A Name That Needs No Introduction Today Due To Its Hard Work And Passion

राईटर डायरेक्टर कुमार नीरज…. एक ऐसा नाम जो अपने कठिन परिश्रम ओर अपने जुनून की बदौलत आज किसी परिचय के मोहताज नहीं हैंl राईटर डायरेक्टर कुमार नीरज…. एक ऐसा नाम जो अपने कठिन परिश्रम ओर अपने जुनून की बदौलत आज किसी परिचय के मोहताज नहीं हैं... बिहार के वैशाली जिले में जन्मे कुमार नीरज पर भगवान की कृपा कुछ ऐसी रही कि इन्होंने बचपन से ही अपने मंजिल की ओर बढ़ना शुरू कर दिया था...या फिर यूं कह सकते हैं कि बचपन से ही कुमार नीरज को स्ट्रगल करना पड़ा था... महज 2 साल की उम्र में कुमार नीरज ने अपने पिता को खो दिया था... छोटे से उम्र में ही अपने पिता का साया सर से खोने वाले  कुमार नीरज और उनकी फैमली ग़रीबी को दूर करने के लिए अपना जिला छोड़ परिवार के साथ गाजियाबाद के साहिबाबाद में आ गयी... कुमार नीरज की पढ़ाई लिखाई सब गाजियाबाद से हुई,बचपन से क्रिकेट में तेज़ बोलिंग करने के कारण बॉलिंग के लिए अंडर सिक्...
Renowned American Singer And Music Director Edon Molla To Sing For Aries Group’s Upcoming Movie

Renowned American Singer And Music Director Edon Molla To Sing For Aries Group’s Upcoming Movie

Well known American singer, lyricist, and music director, Edon Molla will now be a part of Aries Group's upcoming movie named “Mmmmm…”. The film is produced by Hollywood Director and poet Sohan Roy and directed by Vijeesh Mani. Edon Molla has worked with many reputed artists in the American music industry, including the Grammy Award winners. His music has been recognized by New York’s Brooklyn Marathon, independent movies of Europe and America, and various radio stations. Edon’s first album “Alone” had attained lakhs of streams through digital media platforms, in a short span of four months. 'Mmmmm' will be his debut project in the Indian music industry. Well known music director, Jubair Muhammad is handling the movie’s music section. “Mmmmm…” is a movie which stresses on various environ...
Soni Jha Got Recognition From Unique Poetry Writing

Soni Jha Got Recognition From Unique Poetry Writing

अनोखे काव्य लेखन से मिली पहचान - सोनी झा प्रेरणा और अलग नजरिया जिसमें होता है। वह अपने कविता के जरिए लोगों में एक बेहतर अनुभूति कराता है। अपने काव्य से लोगों में एक उमंग जगाता है। शब्दों की सजावट और शब्दों के साथ उसका सही वर्णन जो कोई करता है उसे ही एक काव्य कलाकार कहते हैं। यह कलाकार हमें निसर्ग एवं समाज से जोड़ें रखते हैं। ऐसी ही एक कलाकार के बारे में हम आपको बताने जा रहे हैं जो अपने काव्य से लोगों का मन लुभा रही है। सोनी झा, जो कि झारखंड के जमशेदपुर शहर से हैं उनके पिता पुलिस में देश की सेवा कर रहे हैं और माताजी ग्रहणी है, सोनी झा अपने बाल रूप से ही लोगों और लोगों के मन के साथ जोड़ी है। शायद यही कारण है कि वह इतनी बेहतरीन कविताएं लिखती है, जो लोगों के मन को लुभा जाती है और लोगों को सोचने पर विवश कर देती है। वह एक तरह से शब्दों को पीरों कर और शब्दों की नक्काशी कर उसे एक काव्य रू...
RK HIV AIDS – On 1st June 2020 Completed 10000000 People Given Cooked Food – Ration Kit – Medicines – Mask – Senitizers – PPE Kit – Funding Across India
Exclusive News

RK HIV AIDS – On 1st June 2020 Completed 10000000 People Given Cooked Food – Ration Kit – Medicines – Mask – Senitizers – PPE Kit – Funding Across India

“Guinness Book of World Records Holder R K HIV AIDS Research and Care Center “ has in the last 66days ( From 23rd March 2020 till now) covered almost 66 Villages distributing food, masks, Sanitizers and preventive materials for the needy people and continue to educate them, to spread awareness relating to social distancing, self isolation, sanitization and hygiene. This activity is being carried out with the use of Mobile Medical Vans by RK HIV AIDS Research & Care Centre team  with doctors, paramedical staff and 150 volunteers. Thanks To Coal India Ltd and ECL, ONGC Ankleshwar, AAI juhu -Dr Dharmendra Kumar  Chairman and the Research team: -Mr Hitesh K Patel (CEO) -Mr Sachin Chavan (Finance Director). Dilip Turi Director West Bengal and team Amit Gala Direc...