Tuesday, February 11

Month: June 2021

Leo News


SELF INTRO I, Raj Kumar Sharma was born on 24th August 1970. I Was born in the village Lohani of District Bhiwani in the state of Haryana in India. The birth took place on the day of Janmastami night which is the night of Justice. At the childhood I was unhealthy due to many skin diseases. I took my education in Mumbai. After Graduation I was involved in the tradeing business of Electronic goods from China to our country India. In the year 2004 I suffered heavy loss in the business which changed my attension of mind on the subject of Spirituality. I started searching and researching on the subject with deep thoughts and came to amazeing results, at the begning itself. I noticed that the human of present time Kalyuga is just wasteing his life as he is very far away from the enjoyme...
Ritesh Pandey’s Song Lavandiya London Se Layenge Crosses 200  Millions Views On Youtube

Ritesh Pandey’s Song Lavandiya London Se Layenge Crosses 200 Millions Views On Youtube

रितेश पांडे का गाना "लवंडिया लंदन से लाएँगे" 200 मिलियन का जश्न वाराणसी में वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने मनाया भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे के बम्पर सांग "लवंडिया लंदन से लाएँगे" ने 200 मिलियन व्यूज का आंकड़ा पार कर लिया है। इस बड़ी सफलता का जश्न वाराणसी के फाइव स्टार होटल ताज गंगा में एक बेहतरीन केक काटकर बहुत धूमधाम से मनाया गया। इस सेलेब्रेशन के मौके पर इस धांसू गीत से जुड़ी हुई पूरी टीम को एक शानदार ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मानित किया गया। इस अवसर पर वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार, रितेश पांडे, नीलम गिरी, प्रियंका रेवड़ी, प्रियांशू सिंह, पल्लवी गिरी, संगीतकार आशीष वर्मा, गीतकार आर एस प्रीतम, वीडियो डायरेक्टर रवि पंडित सहित भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री की कई दिग्गज हस्तियां मौजूद रहीं। सभी ने जश्न मनाया और पूरी टीम को बधाई और ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं दीं। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के ओनर रत...
Aflaiz Khan’s Bollywood Debut With TERE ISHQ NE Music Video
Actors, Albums

Aflaiz Khan’s Bollywood Debut With TERE ISHQ NE Music Video

The industry with a Golden Heart - Bollywood has been ever willing to embrace new and talented budding artists. Alfaiz Khan is the new artist who pursued his passion for acting and finally gets rewarded with his debut launch in the music video TERE ISHQ NE that is produced by the Join Films Academy. Not only this, this handsome lad has also had a dream debut in a recently released short film. Gorgeous Sakshi Singh plays Alfaiz's love interest in the song that is performed by Aman Kumar. The music video is directed by Jagannath Das (JD), cinematography by Sajid Khan, Music direction by Ashwin, lyrics penned by Aman Kumar, edited by Bhautik Nandha and is produced by Virendra Rathod, Shikha Malhotra and Anup Malhotra. Alfaiz reveals that he has signed up for 2 more ablums and a coupl...
Passion Vista – A Global Magazine By Unified Brainz Group
Latest News

Passion Vista – A Global Magazine By Unified Brainz Group

Passion Vista, a quarterly global magazine on luxury, lifestyle & business, promises to entertain its readers with the latest trends in the high fashion lifestyle of the most aristocratic and charismatic people from society and business. It features the most happening trends in health & fitness, fashion & brands, food & beverages, culture & style, travel & leisure and adventurous & classy sports besides showcasing the lifestyle habits and success stories of renowned business leaders & celebrities from fashion & films. A creative publication is released quarterly by Unified Brainz Virtuso Limited (UBVL), a Media & Publication House, founded and chaired by the ingenious Dr GD Singh who himself is a distinguished author and writer. Dr GD Singh concei...
Nilkamal and Neelam Giri’s Sad Song  Janwo Se Jaada Released From Bhojpuri Worldwide Records – The video is touching the hearts
Bhojpuri News

Nilkamal and Neelam Giri’s Sad Song Janwo Se Jaada Released From Bhojpuri Worldwide Records – The video is touching the hearts

भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के मोस्ट पॉपुलर सिंगर और एक्टर नीलकमल सिंह और ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल नीलम गिरी का छू लेने वाला सैड सांग "जनवो से जादा" वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। नीलकमल और नीलम गिरी के सबसे दर्दभरे वीडियो सांग  को रिलीज होते ही खूब लाइक और शेयर किया जा रहा है। कुछ ही घन्टे में गाने को काफी व्यूज मिल गए हैं और यह तेजी से मिलियन क्लब में शामिल होने की तरफ बढ़ रहा है। इस सैड सांग का फर्स्ट लुक और टीज़र जब सोशल मीडिया पर लांच किया गया  तभी से फैन्स और दर्शक इस गाने का इंतजार कर रहे थे, गाना रिलीज होते ही सभी ने हाथों हाथ उठा लिया। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स प्रस्तुत इस गाने में नीलकमल सिंह और ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल नीलम गिरी की एक प्यारी सी लव स्टोरी दिखाई गई है। वीडियो में नीलम गिरी नीलकमल की पत्नी के रोल में हैं, एक सड़क हादसे से दोनों की जिंदगी प्रभावित होती है। यह ह्रदय...
Breaking News

Worldwide Records Punjabi Will Be Releasing Rimmy’s Marriage Song Soon

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स पंजाबी से जल्द आएगा रिम्मी का मैरिज सांग सिंगर रिम्मी का जल्द ही वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स पंजाबी से 'मैरिज' सांग रिलीज होने जा रहा है। ये सांग 29 जून सुबह 9 बजे वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स पंजाबी के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज हो रहा है। सांग का फर्स्ट लुक आउट कर दिया गया है। जोकि सोशल मीडिया पर चर्चा का विषय बना हुआ है। इस पोस्टर में सिंगर-एक्टर रिम्मी और एक्ट्रेस याशिका आनंद शादी के जोड़ा पहने नजर आ रहे हैं। बात दें कि रिम्मी की संगीत यात्रा 12 साल की छोटी उम्र में शुरू हुई थी, जब उन्होंने अपने स्कूल के एक कार्यक्रम में कव्वाली गाई थी। यही वो क्षण था जब उन्हें इस बात का एहसास हुआ की उनकी रुचि संगीत में हैं और उन्होंने इसी क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ाने का फैसला किया। इसके बाद उन्होंने औपचारिक प्रशिक्षण लिया है और वे गैरी संधू और देबी मखसूसपुरी से प्रेरित हैं तथा वे उन्हें अपना आ...
First Look Of Rahul-Reshma’s Film Tu Hi Yaar Mera Out  Poster Going Viral On Social Media
Breaking News

First Look Of Rahul-Reshma’s Film Tu Hi Yaar Mera Out Poster Going Viral On Social Media

राहुल-रेशमा की फ़िल्म "तू ही यार मेरा" का फर्स्ट लुक हुआ आउट, सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहा पोस्टर एम बी एंटरटेनमेंट और श्री मित्तल मूवीज के बैनर तले निर्मित फिल्म तू ही यार मेरा का फर्स्ट लुक लांच करते ही सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहा है। इस फ़िल्म के जरिये केंद्रीय भूमिका में रैबल हीरो राहुल सिंह और ग्लैमरस अदाकारा रेशमा शेख एक बार फिर फुल टू धमाल मचाने आ रहे हैं। फ़िल्म की निर्मात्री मधु लता मित्तल, मदीना बानो और सह निर्माता साहिल कुरेशी हैं। इस फिल्म का कुशल निर्देशन टैलेंटेड डायरेक्टर मंजूर अली कुरैशी ने किया है, जिन्होंने अपने अमेजिंग डायरेक्शन से बहुत ही बेहतरीन फ़िल्म की मेकिंग की है। गौरतलब है कि फ़िल्म "तू ही यार मेरा" का फर्स्ट लुक काफी यूनिक और कलरफ़ुल है। फ़िल्म के हीरो राहुल सिंह इसमें बांसुरी बजाते नजर आ रहे हैं। वहीं हीरोइन रेशमा शेख बहुत सारे आभूषण पहने दुल्हन के लुक में दिख रह...
Producer Aditya Sharma Sad song star Prashant Bhatt Kriti Verma Swapna Pati directed by Vikas Phadnis
Breaking News

Producer Aditya Sharma Sad song star Prashant Bhatt Kriti Verma Swapna Pati directed by Vikas Phadnis

Whenever we feel low, we often want to listen to sad songs. Hindi sad songs make us feel associated instantly and give us a sense of belongingness too. These Hindi sad songs are evergreen and we feel like singing and humming them every now and then. Some of the famous Bollywood Hindi sad songs are our instant favourites. Adinic Action Films & Music world Pvt. Ltd. is coming up with another sad song “SAWARE” directed by Vikas Phadnis. Adinic films owned by Nicky and Aditya Sharma. Saware the beautiful lyrics penned by young producer R.K Sharma known as Aditya Sharma. Director Vikas Phadnis roped Actor Prashant Bhatt and two beautiful actresses Kriti Verma, Swapna Pati for song which is soon to be released. The beautiful song sung and Music Directed by Pankaj Saini. While talking to t...
Adv. Mrs. Rubina Akhtar Hasan Rizvi Announces Vaccine Drive for Mumbai Police Families and Community People Around
Breaking News

Adv. Mrs. Rubina Akhtar Hasan Rizvi Announces Vaccine Drive for Mumbai Police Families and Community People Around

Empowered and ambitious Entrepreneur and Criminal lawyer Adv.Mrs. Rubina Akhtar Hasan Rizvi, believes that Mumbai Police are COVID-Warriors of purest form and with her Vaccine drive to the Police families, she is trying to pay back for the selfless kindness shown by them throughout the pandemic and still continues. Director of Rizvi Builders, Rizvi Education Society, Dr. Akhtar Rizvi Educational Trust and Founder of Help Yourself Foundation – Adv.Mrs. Rubina Akhtar Hasan Rizvi through her Philanthropic and Social work, earlier helped people during the Pandemic by donating dry ration,medical supplies, masks, PPE kits, blankets, wheelchairs, free santization drives to rural pockets  and more to people in need. She has also started a cardiac ambulance service for the needy in society and n...
Manoj Kumar Rai Wrote A Inspirational Book Pahalwan Saheb In Freedom Fighter Bhagwat Rai
Exclusive News

Manoj Kumar Rai Wrote A Inspirational Book Pahalwan Saheb In Freedom Fighter Bhagwat Rai

Released by CM Uddhav Thackeray, appreciated by Amitabh Bachchan, Virat Kohli, Ranbir Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Kailash Kher.The biopic on wrestler Bhagwat Rai will be made under the banner of Richa Motion Pictures Bhagwat Rai, the great freedom fighter of the country, was rich in extraordinary talent. He showed his astonishing and miraculous power by making many records in his youth. Bhagwat Rai ji had fought the British by opening a circus company in the country before independence. Now Manoj Kumar Rai has written a book "Pahelwan Saheb" on his grandfather Bhagwat Rai. Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray released the book "Pahelwan Saheb" at his residence. This book is written by Regional Passport Officer (RPO) Manoj Kumar Rai. Messages from Amitabh Bachchan and Shilpa Shetty hav...
Sidhu Moose Wala Tops Billboard Global Charts With Triller

Sidhu Moose Wala Tops Billboard Global Charts With Triller

Sidhu’s track ‘Bitch, I’m Back and ‘Moosedrilla’ peaked #1 on Billboard Triller Global Chart alongside global icons including - Dixie, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Drake & Lil Wayne Tracks from the album Moosetape also entered the Billboard Canadian Hot 100 Chart making Sidhu Moose Wala one of the only Indian artists to do so in recent times. Triller, an AI-powered short video app is doing wonders for Indian Music artists by giving them a fun, engaging platform to promote and interact with their fans spread in more than 50 countries globally. In what could be seen as a testament to the power of Triller's platform and Indian Punjabi music, Sidhu Moose Wala’s exclusive association with Triller has resulted in Sidhu consistently hitting Billboard Triller Global charts with his hi...
Priyansu Singh Actress Signed By Worldwide Records

Priyansu Singh Actress Signed By Worldwide Records

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने किया अभिनेत्री प्रियांशू सिंह को साइन वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार ने एक बार फिर से साबित कर दिया है कि उन्हें अच्छे कलाकारों की पहचान है। इसीलिए तो उन्होंने अब तक इंडस्ट्री के सभी टेलेंटेड आर्टिस्टों अपनी कंपनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स से जोड़ लिए है। इसी कड़ी में वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने भोजपुरी की खूबसूरत अभिनेत्री प्रियांशू सिंह को एक्सक्लूसिव्ली साइन किया है। जिसकी जानकारी हाल ही में कंपनी द्वारा दी गई है। अब ये देखना दिलचस्प होगा कि प्रियांशू सिंह, वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के साथ मिलाकर किन-किन प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करती हैं। इस बारे में जल्द ही अपडेट किया जाएगा। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा है कि कंपनी ने अभिनेत्री प्रियांशू सिंह को हालही में साइन किया है। इस बात की हमें बहुत खुशी हैं कि हमने एक बहुत ही टेलेंटेड अभिनेत्री को अपनी कंपनी ...
Superstar Khesari Lal Yadav signed by Technician Film Factory – Shooting Will start soon

Superstar Khesari Lal Yadav signed by Technician Film Factory – Shooting Will start soon

सुपरस्टार खेसारी लाल यादव को टेक्नीशियन फ़िल्म फैक्ट्री ने किया साइन, जल्द होगी शूटिंग शुरू भोजपुरी सिनेमा के मशहूर अभिनेता सुबोध यादव "सेठ" और विख्यात डीओपी आर आर प्रिंस अब फ़िल्म प्रोड्यूसर बन गए हैं। जी हां,  पहली बार फ़िल्म के निर्माण के क्षेत्र में उतरे सुबोध यादव "सेठ" और आर आर प्रिंस एक साथ मिलकर "टेक्नीशियन फ़िल्म फैक्ट्री" के बैनर तले एक भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बनाने जा रहे हैं, जिसमें सुपरस्टार "खेसारी लाल यादव" मुख्य भूमिका में एकदम अलग अंदाज में दिखाई देंगे। इस भव्य सिनेमा का निर्देशन करेंगे पराग पाटिल स्टाइल सिनेमा के रूप में मशहूर फ़िल्म डायरेक्टर पराग पाटिल। इस फ़िल्म का निर्माण बड़े पैमाने पर किया जाएगा जिसमें विशेष सहयोग मार्केटिंग हेड विजय कुमार यादव का होगा। फ़िल्म के लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी और डीओपी आर आर प्रिंस होंगे, जिन्होंने कई सुपरहिट फिल्मों में अपनी काबिलियत का लोहा मनवाया है वि...
On The Birthday Of Desi Star Samar Singh  The Teaser Of FIGHTER KING  Was Launched Showing Samar Singh’s Angryman Action Avatar

On The Birthday Of Desi Star Samar Singh The Teaser Of FIGHTER KING Was Launched Showing Samar Singh’s Angryman Action Avatar

देसी स्टार समर सिंह के जन्मदिन पर  "फाईटर किंग" का टीजर हुआ लांच, दिखा समर सिंह का एंग्रीयंगमैन एक्शन अवतार देसीस्टार समर सिंह के बर्थडे पर लांच हुआ फिल्म "फाईटर किंग" का टीजर, समर सिंह का एक्शन देखकर लोगों ने दांतों तले उंगलियां दबा लीं करोड़ो दिलों के किंग समर सिंह को आज उनके बर्थडे पर खूब बधाइयाँ दी जा रही हैं और इसके उपलक्ष्य में उन्होंने अपने फैन्स को एक बड़ा तोहफा दिया है। समर सिंह की बहुप्रतीक्षित फ़िल्म "फाइटर किंग" का टीजर रिलीज कर दिया गया है, जिसे यूट्यूब पर लाखों लोगों ने देखा और पसन्द किया है। भोजपुरी फिल्‍म ‘फाइटर किंग’ के टीजर में एक्‍टर समर सिंह, बॉलीवुड व साउथ फिल्मों के दिग्गज अभिनेता सयाजी शिंदे, यामिनी सिंह और आकांक्षा दूबे प्रभावी रूप में दिख रहे हैं। समर सिंह का रौद्र अवतार देखने को मिल रहा है। समर फ़िल्म एंटरटेनमेंट के यूट्यूब चैनल पर जारी टीजर समर सिंह के धांसू...
Sanoj Mishra’s Film  SHASHANK Poster Launched On Death Anniversary Of Sushant Singh Rajput
Breaking News

Sanoj Mishra’s Film SHASHANK Poster Launched On Death Anniversary Of Sushant Singh Rajput

Today is the death anniversary of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. He committed suicide on the same day on June 14 last year. Paying tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput on his death anniversary, director Sanoj Mishra launched the poster of his film 'Shashank'. Sanoj Mishra  When  started the production of this film, there was a discussion in the corridors of Bollywood that this film is a biopic of Sushant Singh Rajput. Sanoj Mishra says that it is not a biopic of Sushant Singh Rajput, but it is definitely inspired by him. Today Bollywood  How do people who are victims of political persecution take steps like suicide or murder?  This film is based on this, in which Arya Babbar, Rajveer Singh, Ravi Sudha Chaudhary, Aparna Malik, Muskan Verma, and others are in the lead roles.  Produced under the b...
Ajay Kumar Known As Ajay Thakar Is A Popular TV Star

Ajay Kumar Known As Ajay Thakar Is A Popular TV Star

Ajay Kumar Known as Ajay Thakar is a budding television actor from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Ajay's father, (Late) Mr. Suraj Pal Singh worked in the Indian Railways, and his mother Mrs. Bhagwani Thakar was employed in an army school. Ajay had shown interest in acting ever since he was a child. Consequently, he started his career at the young age of 14. Ajay's decision was met unfavourably by his parents who wanted him to work in a government-job instead. Ajay, however, was determined to become an actor. Thereafter, Ajay started performing theatre to learn acting. Prior to working in the television industry, Ajay used to organise and perform in cultural events in his hometown. After coming to Mumbai, Ajay worked several odd jobs from photography to tele-calling in order to support himse...
Beeshal D Bhattarai Little Known Facts About His Life And  Struggle

Beeshal D Bhattarai Little Known Facts About His Life And Struggle

Beeshal D Bhattarai Know As Aka Bishal Bhattarai  Is an wilknown Nepalese Musical Artist. He Was Born On Sep14, 2005AD At Madane Rural Municipality Purkot Daha, Gulmi. Recently Involved In Youtube As Technical Beeshal And Have Interest On Ethical Hacking And Digital Marketing. He Believes In Enjoying Life Rather Than Living Life. ( Be Independent ) Beeshal has always been a popular person in the Musical industry because of his strategies and tactics that he uses while working and in the process of earning money and he is known as underground Nepalese Musical Artist. It is not about how we on the cash, it’s about the type of labour that we do. Profit is something which is common to all kinds of work, the only variation being less or more. However, the Musical industry is a type ...
Manoj Kumar Rai wrote a useful book PAHALWAN SAHEB on freedom fighter Bhagwat Rai Released by CM Uddhav Thackeray And  Appreciated By Amitabh Bachchan-Virat Kohli -Ranbir Kapoor-Shilpa Shetty-Kailash Kher

Manoj Kumar Rai wrote a useful book PAHALWAN SAHEB on freedom fighter Bhagwat Rai Released by CM Uddhav Thackeray And Appreciated By Amitabh Bachchan-Virat Kohli -Ranbir Kapoor-Shilpa Shetty-Kailash Kher

स्वतंत्रता सेनानी भागवत राय पर मनोज कुमार राय ने लिखी उपयोगी पुस्तक "पहलवान साहेब"  मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे द्वारा विमोचन, अमिताभ बच्चन, विराट कोहली, रणबीर कपूर, शिल्पा शेट्टी, कैलाश खेर द्वारा मिली सराहना पहलवान भागवत राय पर बायोपिक फ़िल्म ऋचा मोशन पिक्चर्स के बैनर तले बनाई जाएगी देश के महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानी भागवत राय विलक्षण प्रतिभा के धनी थे। उन्होनें युवावस्था में ही कई रिकॉर्ड बना कर अपनी हैरतअंगेज और चमत्कारिक ताकत का परिचय दिया।भागवत राय जी ने आज़ादी से पहले देश में सर्कस कम्पनी खोलकर अंग्रेज़ों से लोहा लिया था। अब मनोज कुमार राय ने अपने दादा भागवत राय पर एक पुस्तक "पहलवान साहेब" लिखी है। महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे ने अपने निवास पर इस पुस्तक "पहलवान साहेब" का विमोचन किया। यह पुस्तक क्षेत्रीय पासपोर्ट अधिकारी (आरपीओ) मनोज कुमार राय द्वारा लिखी गई है। अमिताभ बच्चन और शि...
Priyanka Rewri Exclusively Signed By Worldwide Records

Priyanka Rewri Exclusively Signed By Worldwide Records

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने प्रियंका रेवड़ी को किया अनुबंधित वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री की बहुत ही खूबसूरत अदाकार प्रियंका रेवड़ी को एक्सक्लूसिवली  साइन किया है। अभिनेत्री प्रियंका रेवड़ी पहली बार भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी फ़िल्म पवन पुत्र में भोजपुरी के पॉवर स्टार पवन सिंह के अपोजिट नजर आई थी। अब वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार ने प्रियंका रेवड़ी को अपनी आगामी परियोजनाओं के लिए अनुबंधित किया है। जिसके तहत प्रियंका अब वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स की आगामी फिल्मों और वीडियो एलबम्स में भोजपुरी के सुपरस्टारों के साथ  नजर आने वाली हैं। इस मौके पर वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि प्रियंका रेवड़ी में काफी ज्यादा पोटेंशियल है, जिससे वे आने वाले समय में भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में राज करने वाली हैं। मैंने प्रियंका के अंदर काम के प्रति जुन...
SIMSIM CINEMA – An OTT Platform  Buffet Of Global Content  Owned By Iftekhar Alam
Breaking News

SIMSIM CINEMA – An OTT Platform Buffet Of Global Content Owned By Iftekhar Alam

SIMSIM and chill anyone? After Hotstar, Amazon Prime and Netflix, SIMSIM CINEMA, an international OTT platform is making its inroads to India with its vision to focus on the global viewership and treat its viewers with quality and quantity both. SIMSIM CINEMA is perhaps one of the few salient examples of a major entertainment OTT platform that has not only leaned into, but dived headfirst into its global content strategy. On the winding road SIMSIM CINEMA is journeying towards establishing itself as the go-to entertainment service provider for the vast portion of the world’s population. As their subscription numbers climb, the platform leans towards a novel strategy that would help them continue to grow as they expand internationally; produce local-language content specifically ge...
Keshav Malhotra’s  Song  Nasha Chad Gaya  Out Now

Keshav Malhotra’s Song Nasha Chad Gaya Out Now

After months and months of anticipation, singer, composer, lyricist and digital superstar Keshav Malhotra is out with his track “Nasha Chad Gaya” It seems like Keshav Malhotra and Ramji Gulati are looking out for more trending stuff to connect with the youth. Shot in exquisite locations of Dubai, "Nasha Chad Gaya" is one of the most stylized videos in a long time. Keshav will be seen in a never-seen- before avatar for the music video. "Nasha Chad Gaya" packs in oodles of glamour quotient. It opens with a fun opening verse and then launches into hiphop mode with party beats. Apart from featuring in the song Keshav has given the vocals, penned the lyrics and composed the music to the song. Ramji Gulati says “We are very excited for Nasha Chad Gaya. The video is shot on a very large and ...
Kapil Khadiwala plays a virgin sex medical store owner in web series Ashleel

Kapil Khadiwala plays a virgin sex medical store owner in web series Ashleel

Without a shadow of doubt, Kapil is a gifted actor and versatility breeds in him. He has the calibre to bring life to characters on-screen with his effortless portrayal of roles. A renowned face on the fashion ramp, directors favourite, He will be seen in web series Ashleel playing a medical store owner who is virgin and sells sex medicine “It’s a funny role. It's a spoof on porn industry with a message how porn films destroy children" Kapil plays his characters with absolute conviction, and that rare trait will be on display once again in Ashleel , which has already become a talking point.    His knack in acting is such that no one can leave without noticing his performance. The style in which he showcases his expertise and flair sweeps the audience into a different world.
My Tribute to Late Prince Philip  husband of Queen Elizabeth – Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World  INDIA
Exclusive News

My Tribute to Late Prince Philip husband of Queen Elizabeth – Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World INDIA

My Tribute to Late Prince Philip as he passed away at the age of 99.. I salute him ,may his soul rest in peace. He had a great long journey on this planet with his beautiful Queen in his life. I think he was the  luckiest man to have such a charming , adorable Queen as his wife. Royal Highness loved her so muchh. It's a great loss to Royal family and to his people.. But no one can imagine what the Queen must be going through after he left this world. I am  Queens  big fan and pray to god for her great health. During my visit to London I really wished to meet her,but couldn't find opportunity to see her   as yet.." Right now Angel is in New York and looking forward to travel soon to London.. Due to pandemic travel is not that easy. "We need World Peace. I...
Leo News


Filmmaking is among the most creative career options. And Movies are a great way of entertainment that brings life to a story. A good movie is all about the right mix of script, characters, soundtrack, climax, cinematography, and other interesting aspects that bind the audeince to get involved in different ways. To achieve success and growth in this field, a filmmaker should have clarity of thoughts, attentiveness to the details, good communication skills to convey his ideas to his/her team member, intuition ability and visions for how the elements of a film should play out. One such filmmaker who identifies as a Creative-minded filmmaker is none other than Vinod V Menon the writer, producer and director. Yuva's Film Production is the Baby of VINOD V MENON'S Film Production ...
Sham Chavan is planning big with Slow Motion Pictures and Shadow Films Productions Worked on serials like CID and   Dulhan with  movies such as Missmatch
Breaking News

Sham Chavan is planning big with Slow Motion Pictures and Shadow Films Productions Worked on serials like CID and Dulhan with movies such as Missmatch

Sham Chavan, who is associated with Slow Motion Pictures and Shadow Films Productions will soon kick-start some big projects. He has worked as a production designer in entertainment industry. He has worked for Zee TV's show Dulhan, served as the Head of Post and Production for the serial Meri Doli Tere Angna. He also has experience of working with Star Pravah in 2008, UTV in 2010. He has worked for serials Tum Dena Saath Mera Aur Chhukar Mere Mann Ko. Chavan has also acted in the show CID also worked in many Hindi films and Marathi film Missmatch. He also has experience of working with noted director Rahul Bhatt. Slow Motion Pictures Private Limited is involved in many functions related to the film, like complete in-house production services, on-line, sound mixing, motion graphics, colo...
Breaking News

Spiritual Guru’s Kind and Noble Gesture – Sri Jagatguru Extends His Hand For Cremation Of The Dead

Hapur:  Garhmukteshwar in Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh state found a spiritual guru – Sri Jagatguru coming forward for cremation of the dead bodies found floating in the river Ganga. Weeks before, the scary news of several decomposed and bloated bodies in the river had rocked the nation. Multiple instances of dead bodies found buried along the banks of the river have also come to the fore from parts of Uttar Pradesh. Many believed that the bodies were of the people who succumbed to Covid-19. Reports also suggested that the bodies were dumped in the river due to the high cost of expenditure on funeral. There seems to be no relief from the miseries as the second wave of coronavirus pandemic rages across the country. Sri Sri Santoshi Baba a.k.a Sri Jagatguru was moved by the plight a...
Exclusive News

Naresh Midha plans to make it big with several projects under Slow Motion Pictures and Shadow Films Productions

Naresh Midha, who has worked on projects like Welcome, No Entry and Rowdy Rathore plans to make it big with several projects under Slow Motion Pictures and Shadow Films Productions Slow Motion Picture and Shadow Films Productions, both the production houses are making movies and web-series with some of the biggest names in Industry and will promote New Talents as well. Mr. Naresh Midha is a well-known assistant director of Bollywood, who came to Mumbai from Haryana's Panipat city in 1994 and started his career as a unit director and assisted Subhash Ghai. He has worked as an assistant-director in several super-hit Bollywood films such as The Hero, Kisna: The Warrior Poet, No Entry and Rowdy Rathore. His most recent film was "Welcome Back" which was primarily shot in Abu Dhabi and oth...
Ashish Shelar Inaugurates Khar Traffic Police Chowky Renovated By Philanthropist Ronnie Rodrigues
Breaking News

Ashish Shelar Inaugurates Khar Traffic Police Chowky Renovated By Philanthropist Ronnie Rodrigues

Mumbai - In these trying times of Covid-19 the authorities, including police department, are working day-night to keep people safe. The traffic police too was keeping no stone unturned to observe that people are not unnecessarily venturing out of their houses. While doing their duty for long hours they need a shelter to do official work and rest too, at various junctions in a metro city like Mumbai. Bandra Traffic Police Sub-Chowky situated at Khar is one of those places. But unfortunately the protectors of people were not protected as the place was in a dilapidated condition. But a few months back Cine Buster magazine’s executive editor and philanthropist Ronnie Rodrigues happened to visit the place and was astonished to find out that traffic police personnel working diligently despite le...