Tuesday, February 18

Month: October 2022

Towering Personality Satish Ramchandran Restaurateur And Actor In The Making

Towering Personality Satish Ramchandran Restaurateur And Actor In The Making

In every Bollywood or Hollywood film, a character as villain, stuntman, commando, police officer or martial art is of prime importance. Without such characters there is no highlight in a movie. Their presence in a frame is  kinetic enough to add weight to the movie. Be it a romantic film, patriotic film or an historical film or a tragedy film there needs the presence of a character. Without them the film will be like a "ship without a radar". Infact, these characters have audiences rooting for them. At other times, they make viewers hate them, as they are sucked into a dangerous world of corruption. But love them or hate them, such characters are iconic. They go down in the history of Bollywood movies. Meet a new entrant to the dazzling world of glamour and neons in Satish Ramchandra...
3rd Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Awards Ceremony at Marwah Studios
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3rd Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Awards Ceremony at Marwah Studios

Noida: The most prestigious Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Awards were presented to the popular and prominent writers of the country in a grand function at Marwah Studios in the annual  third edition on the first day of 8th Global Literary Festival Noida 2022 at Noida Film City. “Feelings and Thinking of a man drive his activities and the quality of work. Think good feel good so that you can act good and convert this earth into heaven,” said Sandeep Marwah Chancellor AAFT University and President of the festival congratulating the awardees present in the auditorium from different parts of the country. He also narrated in short the struggle of Suraj Parkash Marwah during partition days. On this occasion veteran poet and author Savita Chaddha, talked about the value of relationship...
मुंबई आर्ट फेअरच्या तिसऱ्या  पर्वात ३५० कलाकार सादर करणार ‘मूर्त -अमूर्तकला संगम’
Art Exhibition

मुंबई आर्ट फेअरच्या तिसऱ्या पर्वात ३५० कलाकार सादर करणार ‘मूर्त -अमूर्तकला संगम’

देशभरातील चित्रांचा रंगोत्सव २८ ते ३० ऑक्टोबरदम्यान नेहरू सेंटर येथे मुंबई २०२२ : मुंबई हे देशातील सांस्कृतिक केंद्र असून कला महोत्सव, कला दालने, वस्तुसंग्रहालये हे या शहरातील जीवनशैलीचा अविभाज्य घटक आहेत. मुंबईत कला महोत्सव  कोरोना पूर्व काळापासून  लोकप्रिय असून या माध्यमातून उदयोन्मुख कालाकारांना प्रसिद्धी मिळते आणि त्यांना या क्षेत्रातील प्रस्थापितांसोबत एकाच व्यासपीठावर आपली कला सादर करण्याची संधी मिळते. मुंबई आर्ट फेअरच्या तिसऱ्या  पर्वात ‘‘मूर्त -अमूर्तकला संगम’ या मध्यवर्ती संकल्पनेवर आधारित कला प्रदर्शन आयोजित करण्यात आले आहे. या प्रदर्शनामध्ये प्रस्थापित कलाकारांपासून ते उदयोन्मुख कलाकारांपर्यंत, वय किंवा पात्रतेचे कोणतेही बंधन न ठेवता आणि लडाख ते कन्याकुमारीपर्यंतच्या कलाकारांच्याकलाकृती या प्रदर्शनात पाहायला मिळणार आहेत. या वर्षीच्या रंगोत्सवात ३५० कलाकार एकत्र येणार आ...
Mumbai Art Fair Making A Grand Comeback After Two Years Of Pandemic
Art Exhibition

Mumbai Art Fair Making A Grand Comeback After Two Years Of Pandemic

Mumbai Art Fair, a contemporary Art fair for independent artists is making a grand comeback in the Art Market after two years of pandemic with 350 artists exhibiting in 130 air-conditioned booths at Nehru Centre. Mumbai Art Fair is designed specially for independent artists who look for affordable options to exhibit their artworks in the metro cities and reach to the wider arts audience and potential art buyers. More than 3500 paintings in various mediums such as oils, acrylics, water colour, pastels, charcoal with sculptures in stone, metal, and photographs by over 350 talented artists, few of them young, upcoming, mid-career as well as established are selected for presentation in this edition of Mumbai Art Fair. The diverse mix of landscapes, abstracts, figurative art and spiritual pa...
Sir Sohan Roy Honored By I & B Union Minister For States At The 5th Innovative International Film Festival In Bengaluru
Breaking News

Sir Sohan Roy Honored By I & B Union Minister For States At The 5th Innovative International Film Festival In Bengaluru

Played an instrumental role in taking 23 Indian Feature Films and 3 documentaries to the Oscars in the last 10 years launch the 10 billion Dollar Project Indywood in 2014 to integrate the Indian Film Industry under one umbrella. More than 200 Film festival recognitions Latest venture is to transform the education sector through industry-focused Educational Content in Movie Format. Bengaluru: Hollywood Director Sir Sohan Roy was honored by India's I&B Union minister for States L. Murugan at the 5th Innovative International Film Festival in Bengaluru for his impressive and long-standing contributions to the Indian Film Industry. Scheduled from Oct 6 to 9, 2022, the event was hosted at the Innovative Multiplex Film Centre, Bengaluru. He stepped into the shoes of a director wit...
पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम जी की जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में कार्यक्रम आयोजित -तहरीक अमन ए हिन्द समिति की ओर से हुआ आयोजन
Leo News

पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम जी की जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में कार्यक्रम आयोजित -तहरीक अमन ए हिन्द समिति की ओर से हुआ आयोजन

तहरीक अमन ए हिंद समिति की ओर से भारत के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति, मिसाइलमैन, भारत रत्न डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम जी की जयंती के उपलक्ष में कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। तहरीक अमन ए हिन्द समिति के अध्यक्ष अमीन पठान ने बताया कि दोपहर 02:00 बजे से इंदिरा गांधी पंचायती राज एवं ग्रामीण विकास संस्थान, जेएलएन मार्ग जयपुर पर आयोजित हुए कार्यक्रम में प्रदेशभर से कई संस्थाओं से 500 से अधिक संख्या में युवा, महिलाएं एवं अन्य लोग शामिल हुए। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत में अतिथियों ने पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम साहब की तस्वीर पर फूल चढ़ाकर खिराजे अकीदत पेश की। कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि के रुप में जांबिया अफ्रीका से (एनआरआई) जनाब जुनेद युसूफ साहब मौजूद रहे साथ ही तहरीक अमन ए हिंद समिति के अध्यक्ष अमीन पठान जी, भाजपा राजस्थान अल्पसंख्यक मोर्चा के प्रदेशाध्यक्ष जनाब एम सादिक खान साहब, सरदार अजय पाल सिंह जी, भाजपा ...
Najma Akhter’s 11th Solo Show  Lyrical Abstraction – Bangladesh At The Core Well-Received At The Jehangir Art Gallery Mumbai
Art Exhibition

Najma Akhter’s 11th Solo Show Lyrical Abstraction – Bangladesh At The Core Well-Received At The Jehangir Art Gallery Mumbai

Najma Akhter's Lyrical Abstraction: Bangladesh at the Core was on display at the Jehangir Art Gallery 3 from Oct 18-24. The exhibition  exploreed nature and human settlements through abstraction as a method.         The artist presents the lyrical aspect of Bangladesh through the free-flowing strokes and texture as a context in this  exhibition. Bangladesh is known to be a green and fertile land for centuries. It is a riverine country. Rivers create new lands and wash away localities to be rebuilt by the resilient people. The landscape is constantly evolving creating a multitude of visual possibilities that an abstract painter would translate and transfer to the surface of the canvas. This abstraction differs from the west or the grand tradition of abstract expressionism, although connecte...
Cinebuster Magazine Owner Ronnie Rodrigues Organized A Grand Celebration Of Diwali Milan
Breaking News

Cinebuster Magazine Owner Ronnie Rodrigues Organized A Grand Celebration Of Diwali Milan

Many celebrity guests including Dilip Sen, Aarti Nagpal, Naira Banerjee, Pankaj Berry, Arun Bakshi, Sujay Mukherjee, Leena Kapoor and Jyoti Saxena were present, unique gifts were also given to media persons. It's festival time again as India's biggest festival, the festival of lights, Diwali, is being celebrated across India and by Indians abroad. Back home, Mr Ronnie Rodrigues along with his Cine Buster team, just like last few years,  celebrated Diwali with people from all walks of life. The housekeeping staff, security personnel and people involved in menial work of the Entire Complex were given Diwali goodies and handsome amount of legal tender so as for them to celebrate this biggest festival with dignity and fervour, especially with their children and family. Ronnie Rodrigues has ...
C2B VOICES – SEASON 2 Winners Get Playback Singing Offers For A Bollywood Film And Hollywood Project

C2B VOICES – SEASON 2 Winners Get Playback Singing Offers For A Bollywood Film And Hollywood Project

C2B Voices – Season 2, Grand Finale ends on a high! A scintillating finale was held in Mumbai on 10th October hosted by Khushboo Kamal and co-hosted by Joy Banerjee. This one of its kind unique Online Singing Reality competition where 7000+ singers from 162 countries in various age categories went through grueling rounds of selections and challenges, starting 4 months ago fighting to make it to the finale. All contestants performed so well in the Studio round that the judges had to increase the number of finalist spots from 10 to 18. They were neck to neck in all the 3 categories (male, female and junior). The top 18 were Aantariksha Saval, Tapti Das, Arijit Deb, Rakshak Bhatt, Charul Singh, Sahil Khan (visually impaired), Khushi Singh, Vikas Sharma, Yashshree Karnarkar, Sakshi Bi...
धनतेरस पर अभिनेता विनोद यादव की भोजपुरी फिल्म कर्मपुत्र को मिला यू/ए सर्टिफिकेट

धनतेरस पर अभिनेता विनोद यादव की भोजपुरी फिल्म कर्मपुत्र को मिला यू/ए सर्टिफिकेट

धनतेरस यानी कि छोटी दीवाली भोजपुरी के राइजिंग स्टार विनोद यादव के लिए खुशियों से भरी नजर आ रहे हैं । अभिनेता की भोजपुरी फिल्म कर्मपुत्र को केंद्रीय फिल्म प्रमाण पत्र बोर्ड से यू/ए प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त हुआ है। उनकी फिल्म को बिना किसी कट के ये सार्टिफिकेट मिला है। फिल्म 'गुंडा' से अपने अभिनय की शुरुआत करने वाले विनोद यादव को आज इंडस्ट्री के दिग्गज लोगों में चर्चा का विषय बने हुए हैं। उन्होंने अभिनय के साथ साथ अब सिंगिंग भी शुरू कर दी है। जिसका परिणाम है कि उनके पहले ही देवी गीत ने अभिनेत्री अक्षरा सिंह के देवी गीत को पटखनी दी थी। जल्द ही विनोद यादव को दो फिल्में कर्मपुत्र, बल और बलिदान सिनेमाघरों में दस्तक देने को तैयार है। इन दोनों ही फिल्मों को सीबीएफसी से बिना किसी काटछांट के प्रमाण पत्र दे दिए गए हैं। गौरतलब है अन्नी फिल्म्स के बैनर तले बनी अभिनेता विनोद यादव की कर्मपुत्र का निर्देशन इ...
Mr – Miss – Mrs International Glam Icon Season 3 Finale To Be Held In Mumbai At Radisson On 9 November 2022
Breaking News

Mr – Miss – Mrs International Glam Icon Season 3 Finale To Be Held In Mumbai At Radisson On 9 November 2022

India's beauty and glam is not anymore unknown to the world. With three Miss Universe crowns, six Miss World crowns and even one Miss Earth crown, India's yearning for the crown has soared even higher. India's men and women have got the unwavering ambition to win these international and national titles. Competing in any beauty pageants takes much more than good looks, poise, an impressive talent or a noble profession. And to prove that, there is A GRAND PAGEANT to be held in Mumbai, the city of dreams, on the 8th and 9th of November and that is - THE INTERNATIONAL GLAM ICON season 3. With the unabashed success of the season 1, Mrs. Sunita Bhagat has come again with the Season 3 of the Grand pageant. This will be a two-days event full of exciting grooming and choreography sessions, ph...
Aaria K’s New Song TERI HEER  Going Viral Now Featuring  Aaria K And Sushant Pujari (ABCD Fame)

Aaria K’s New Song TERI HEER Going Viral Now Featuring Aaria K And Sushant Pujari (ABCD Fame)

"Teri Heer" in which Aaria k has been featuring With Bollywood Actor & Performer Sushant Pujari, and she is making everyone heart rolling into love on YouTube. Her song determines the immortality of love and Loyalty between the couples. Her Previous songs are already been crossed Million views on YouTube Channel Seven Unique Records, Seven Unique Films Pvt. Ltd. has brought this song to the world and Sushant Pujari has put cherry on the Cake to this song by featuring in the song and Paraag Chaudhary & Prayas Choudhary, has Directed this beautiful Video,  Music is given by gaurav and Sandeep, Sung by Sandeep Jaiswal. Written by Sanjeev Shrivastava This is Romantically Sad Love Songs which express feelings of one individual to other . Music  video is beautifully done and Both A...
Rising Indie Music’s Karanvir Bohra And Poonam Pandey Single Is Talked About Even Before Launch
Breaking News

Rising Indie Music’s Karanvir Bohra And Poonam Pandey Single Is Talked About Even Before Launch

Rising Indie Music's Karanvir Bohra And Poonam Pandey Single Is Talked About Even Before Launch The papparazi caught up with Actors Poonam Pandey,  Karanvir Bohra and RIM Producer Karan Patel outside Red Bulb Preview theatre watching the screening of the single Tere Jism Se by Rising Indie Music. Also seen were  Executive Producer Vipin Medhekar, Rapper Giri G, Director OkShravan, Dr Anusha Srinivasan Iyer and Music Director duo Aman-Ayaan.   Rising Indie Music's Karanvir Bohra and Poonam Pandey single is talked about even before launch!!
Sonakshi Sinha – Huma  Qureshi – Wardha Nadiadwala – Ranvir Shorey Rock Mid-Day Glitz And Glam Awards

Sonakshi Sinha – Huma Qureshi – Wardha Nadiadwala – Ranvir Shorey Rock Mid-Day Glitz And Glam Awards

The first season of the mid-day Glitz & Glam Icons (season 1)  was an evening filled with absolute panache, style, grace and elegance topped with entertainment along with well-deserved felicitations. This star studded affair saw distinguished prominent personalities grace the event. Walking the red carpet were none other than Sonakshi Sinha, Huma Qureshi,  Wardha Nadiadwala,  Suneel Darshan, Aparshakti  Khurana, Tusshar Kapoor, Ranvir Shorey, Dia Mirza, Jugnu Ishqui, Tanishaa Mukerji, Preeti Jhangiani, Madhushree,  Deepshikha Deshmukh, Chitrangada Singh, Richa Chaddha, Mugda Godse & Rahul Dev. Also making their presence felt were other B-Town celebs including Praveen Dabas, Harshvardhan Rane, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Angad Bedi, Sikandar Kher, Sonal Chauhan, Madhushree, Leslee Lewis, K...
Rising India Music’s Karanvir Bohra And Poonam Pandey Single Is Talked About Even Before Launch
Breaking News

Rising India Music’s Karanvir Bohra And Poonam Pandey Single Is Talked About Even Before Launch

The papparazi caught up with Actors Poonam Pandey,  Karanvir Bohra and RIM Producer Karan Patel outside Red Bulb Preview theatre watching the screening of the single Tere Jism Se by Rising Indie Music. Also seen were  Executive Producer Vipin Medhekar, Rapper Giri G, Director OkShravan, Dr Anusha Srinivasan Iyer and Music Director duo Aman-Ayaan.   Rising India Music's Karanvir Bohra and Poonam Pandey single is talked about even before launch!!
Dr Swatantra Jain – For A Healthier Tomorrow Let’s Reconnect With Nature
Breaking News

Dr Swatantra Jain – For A Healthier Tomorrow Let’s Reconnect With Nature

Not even the greatest philosophers ever thought to have a One world One family Vision~ My dream is Medicine free world without hunger :- Dr Swatantra Jain It’s very well said and believed that we become what we eat & think. It’s the little habits we form in our daily routine that determine the course of our health in the future. Dr. Swantantra Jain’s practice is very simple and doable and habits we can cultivate within the ingredients found in our kitchen. Albeit simple we all have somehow lost the touch and connection with the little things in life. Everything our body requires Mother Nature very kindly provides sadly we have taken them for granted. We are so consumed in following a mechanical life that we have lost the essence of simplicity. The western world is adapting to our...
Sandeep Marwah Honoured In Dubai
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Sandeep Marwah Honoured In Dubai

Dubai: "It is difficult to get people like Sandeep Marwah who are self-made and spiritual, artist and art promoter, innovative and executer. I congratulate Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his exceptional achievements in media and entertainment industry. His contribution is par excellence,” said Dr. MAC- Munir Ahmed Chaudhry CEO Office of His Highness Sheikh Abdulhakim Almaktoum Investments at Dubai while honouring Dr. Sandeep Marwah with the National Emblem & National flag along with a certificate of appreciation on his visit to the good office of His Highness Abdulhakim Almaktoum. Dr Sandeep Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios, Chancellor of AAFT University, and attained 9 World Records in media and entertainment Industry. He is teacher to 20,000 media professionals fro...
Grand Trailer Launch Of Bollywood Film DHOOP CHHAON To Release On 4th November
Latest Films

Grand Trailer Launch Of Bollywood Film DHOOP CHHAON To Release On 4th November

Veteran artist like Rahul Dev Kailash Kher joined this grand event The trailer of the film Dhoop Chhaon produced by Forever Big Entertainment was launched at a grand event at Infinity PVR, Mumbai. On this occasion, the film's actors Rahul Dev, Abhishek Duhan, Aham Sharma,Simrithi Bathija, Samikssha Batnagar, ashish dixit were present. Film's director Hemant Sharan and producer Sachit Jain were also present at the event. He has described this film as an important part of his journey, he further said that this film will remind the viewers of Hrishikesh Mukherjee's films. Abhishek Duhan and Aham Sharma are in the lead roles of this film. Abhishek said that this film is very close to his heart. He is working with Rahul Dev for the first time on the big screen. "Rahul Dev is an experience...
THE Y  Movie Trailer Is Conquering The Hearts Of Millions Of Viewers. Psychological Thriller Is Back To Hit Big Screens
Latest Films

THE Y Movie Trailer Is Conquering The Hearts Of Millions Of Viewers. Psychological Thriller Is Back To Hit Big Screens

"The Y" Trailer is out now and creating sensation in Indian film industry,  A bollywood movie Directed by a south movie Director Girideva Raaj whose earlier film in Kannada Zero Made in India  touched many hearts and gained more than 100M views on Youtube. Recently Zee music released The Y movie song and impressed many viewers. Rajshri Productions who has  produced a bit hits like Maine Pyar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, Hum Saath Saath Hain, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and upcoming Big B starrer Uunchai has Released. The Y trailer in its own Channel, and trailer got many appreciations from eminent film makers and actors like Akshay Kumar, Govinda,  Piyush Mishra, Jagan Shakti, Shonali Bose, Nikhil Dwivedi, G Ashok and many more Appreciated the content and quality of the film. With in few mins of tr...
Angel Tetarbe Crowned As  Miss Glamourface World 2022 -Photogenic  Queen  In Germany
International News

Angel Tetarbe Crowned As Miss Glamourface World 2022 -Photogenic Queen In Germany

Heartiest Congratulations to Angel Tetarbe for being  Crowned As "MISS GLAMOURFACE WORLD 2022,PHOTOGENIC QUEEN" In Berlin . I feel very blessed to have such a beautiful Crown in my life. Its Goddess Mumbadevi maa n lord Shiva blessings to me."-Angel. Its Gods blessings to me. Very Thankful and Greatful to the Germany organisation CEO owner n founder Mr Gunter Weig. He is such an amazing person, good heart and kind. Thank you for choosing the  best beautiful girls from each country and giving them International platform. Thankful to Mr Ayub Khan E4u Entertainment owner in mumbai, India . Angel Tetarbe lives in New York.and recently received "INTERNATIONAL PEACE  AMBASSADOR " Award in USA.in 2021" Angel is from Small town of Ranchi from India then shifted to mum...
MUSICAL VIBES 5th Solo Exhibition Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Yadnyesh Shirwadkar In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

MUSICAL VIBES 5th Solo Exhibition Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Yadnyesh Shirwadkar In Jehangir

From: 18th to 24th October 2022 “MUSICAL VIBES” 5th Solo Exhibition of Paintings By well-known artist Yadnyesh Shirwadkar VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 9820144640 / 9920144640 www.shirwadkar.com MUSICAL VIBES Recent work of a well known artist, Yadnyesh Shirwadkar is showing  in a solo art show at Jehangir art gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 18th to 24th October 2022 between 11 am. To 7 pm. This series in acrylic colours on Canvas exemplifies subtle nuances of the rhythm of music and its relevance / sanctity in life in order to enable a human being to enjoy the nectar and elixir of eternal divinity in apt perspectives of visual arts. Yadnyesh Shirwadkar had his ...
A Bollywood Hindi Film From A South Director Is Getting Ready To Come On Big Screens Soon
Breaking News

A Bollywood Hindi Film From A South Director Is Getting Ready To Come On Big Screens Soon

'The Y' a psychological horror film produced under the banner of Rocket Films  produced by Madhu G M And Dr. Ajith. Girideva Raaj who earlier directed Zero- Made in India in south has directed his debut film in bollywood. Zee Music has released 'The Y' movie song 'Bepanaah' in their YouTube channel and getting lot of attention and appreciations from the viewers. Posters of the film looks very interesting yet creative. Trailer of the film is astonishing and making a buzz in theatres across india and will be launched officially by Rajshri productions through their YouTube channel on 20th October 2022.    A Bollywood Hindi Film From A South Director Is Getting Ready To Come On Big Screens Soon
Congratulations And  Kudos To Dr Mukesh Kumar Gupta
Breaking News

Congratulations And Kudos To Dr Mukesh Kumar Gupta

DR.MUKESH KUMA GUPTA, President Of Shiksha Daana Abhiyaan Federation Utter Pradesh Was Felicitated By The Governor Of Maharastra SHRI BHAGAT SINGH KOSHYARI JI In Mumbai For His Contribution To The Society. Dr.Mukesh Kumar Gupta, President of Shiksha Daan Abhiyaan Federation Uyter Pradesh was felicitated by the Governor of Maharastra Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari ji in Mumbai for his contribution to the society. Maharastra's Chief Minister Eknath Shinde was present at the event during award ceremony. Dr.Mukesh Kumar Gupta would be venturing the Bollywood Industry and would provide platform to new up comming talents and is positive get new revolution in Bollywood. Dr.Mukesh Kumar Gupta attended the film premier of up coming movie Modi Ki Beti Event at Infiniti Mall, Andheri west, Mumbai al...
Alluring Pictures Of OPERATION MAYFAIR  Star Anjali Sharma

Alluring Pictures Of OPERATION MAYFAIR Star Anjali Sharma

Actress Anjali Sharma has completed the filming of the Bollywood film ‘Operation Mayfair’, in the multi-starrer she will be seen with Jimmy Shergill, Ankur Bhatia, Vedika Dutt and Hritiqa Chheber. Shot in some of the picturesque locations in London, the movie is expected to release in February 2023. The diva is making her debut with the film, which is helmed by Sudipto Sarkar and produced by T-series. Anjali is confident that the role she plays will connect with the audience and that they accept her wholeheartedly. Delhi girl’ Anjali took a leap of faith and pursued her passion and shifted her base to ‘mayanagri’ Mumbai to make big in acting. Coming from a family of engineers, it was a tough decision for her to make. However, she considers herself lucky that her talent was recogni...
Trailer launch of the film Ajay Wardhan| Romil Chaudhary – Pragati Agarwal – Dushyant Pratap Singh
Latest Films

Trailer launch of the film Ajay Wardhan| Romil Chaudhary – Pragati Agarwal – Dushyant Pratap Singh

Film Ajay Wardhan soon to be released, Trailer is out The trend of biopic films is going on in Bollywood nowadays, the audience also wants to see real stories. In this sequence, the official trailer of another biopic film Ajay Wardhan was launched grandly at Red Bulb Studio in Mumbai. Ajay Wardhan, starring Bigg Boss fame Romil Chaudhary, Priya Sharma, Ruslaan Mumtaz, Aham Sharma, Aishwarya Raj Bhakuni, Arjuman Mughal, is directed by Dr Pragati Agarwal and Amit Asim, while the company of famous Bollywood director Dushyant Pratap Singh, Dushyant Corporation is distributing the film. Dr Pragati Agarwal has written its story. Producer is Ajay Aryan and final supervision is done by Dushyant Pratap Singh. Many Bollywood celebrities were present as guests on the occasion of the trailer launch...
On  The  Occasion Of Gandhi Jayanti  Dr  Krishna Chauhan Organized Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Samman 2022

On The Occasion Of Gandhi Jayanti Dr Krishna Chauhan Organized Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Samman 2022

'Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Samman 2022' was held by Dr. Krishna Chauhan on the ocassion of Gandhi Jayanti' Every year on October 2, it is celebrated as 'Gandhi Jayanti' as its the birthday of the Father of Nation, Mohandas Karamchandra Gandhi also known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapu. On this day, several programs are held in the memory of Bapu by many social organizations including various political parties. Dr. Krishna Chauhan, under one such organization named KCF Foundation organized the award show 'Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Samman 2022' for the second time. It took place at the Mayor Hall, Andheri West in Mumbai. Actor Ranjit, director Mehul Kumar, BN Tiwari, music composer Dilip Sen, Anil Nagrath, Pankaj Berry, Lok Sabha MP Dr Sunil Baliram Gaikwad, Union leader Abhijit Rane, actress Sujata M...
बॉलीवुड डायरेक्टर आजाद हुसैन का म्युज़िक वीडियो “किल करदी” आया ट्रेंडिंग में, रॉबिन कृष्णा सिंह के अभिनय का चला जादू

बॉलीवुड डायरेक्टर आजाद हुसैन का म्युज़िक वीडियो “किल करदी” आया ट्रेंडिंग में, रॉबिन कृष्णा सिंह के अभिनय का चला जादू

बॉलीवुड के विख्यात डायरेक्टर आजाद हुसैन के निर्देशन में बना एलबम "किल करदी" रिलीज होते ही पॉपुलर हो गया है। म्यूजिक फॉर यू के ऑफिशियल चैनल पर रिलीज सांग में एक्टर राबिन कृष्णा सिंह और भिंशु वर्मा नजर आ रहे हैं। इमेज प्रोडक्शन एवं म्यूजिक फॉर यू कम्पनी के बैनर तले म्यूजिक एलबम किल करदी के सिंगर और म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर विक्रमजीत रांझा, गीतकार निरंजन गिल हैं। डायरेक्टर आज़ाद हुसैन ने कहा कि किल करदी का विडियो सांग म्युज़िक फ़ॉर यू के ऑफिशियल चैनल पर धमाल मचा रहा है। यह म्युज़िक वीडियो काफी भव्य रूप से शूट किया गया है। निर्देशक आजाद हुसैन ने बताया कि इस वीडियो में बड़ी आकर्षक लोकेशन है और बहुत टैलेंटेड आर्टिस्ट्स ने अभिनय किया है। गाने का कॉन्सेप्ट और डांस लोगों को पसन्द आ रहा है। एक्टर रॉबिन कृष्णा सिंह फिल्मी बैकग्राउंड से नहीं हैं, वह दूसरे प्रोफेशन में हैं मगर उनके अभिनय को इस वीडियो म...
Shabab Sabri foreys into music direction and main stream singer with Alok Shrivastava”s MISS MASALA DOSA
Breaking News

Shabab Sabri foreys into music direction and main stream singer with Alok Shrivastava”s MISS MASALA DOSA

The 'Hud Hud Dabang' fame singer Shabab Sabri has sung for films like Policegiri, Dabangg, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, Jai Ho, Tevar, Welcome Back, Dabangg 3 and more with other noted singers. But as a solo singer and co music director with Bappi Lahiri he has been brought into limelight by none other than but producer- director Alok Shrivastava who offered him 'Miss Masala Dosa' The Director who has a huge profile with films like Guru Mahaguru,Jane Hoga Kya,Missmatch has always been know for hunting talents. 'Murder 2' fame  Prashant Narayan and actor Abhimanyu Singh also claims that 'we were lost some where in between, but came back with a bang after doing his film 'Endcounter' Shrivastava's last film 'Miss Masala Dosa' featuring Lavina Israni,Ojas Rawal,Vijendra Kala, Hiten Tej...
Au Fils Du Temps – Over A Passage Of Time – AQUARELLES BY Renowned Artist Subhash Awchat
Art Exhibition

Au Fils Du Temps – Over A Passage Of Time – AQUARELLES BY Renowned Artist Subhash Awchat

From: 13th October to 15th November 2022 AU FILS DU TEMPS | OVER A PASSAGE OF TIME AQUARELLES BY Renowned artist Subhash Awchat  VENUE:  Art & Soul 11, Madhuli, Shivsagar Estate Worli, Mumbai – 40018 Contact: (022) 2496 5798/ 2493 0522 / 8080055450 www.galleryartnsoul.com  What happens when you search solitude within the construct of an artistic practice? Subhash Awchat’s present series of watercolours is a reflection of time, its structure, not measured by a watch but one that is witnessed when we fall humble into a magnificent landscape. In French we would say “aquarelles au fils du temps” or watercolours over the passage of time. We now face an artist with age. Loneliness is a facet of time. The pandemic allowed us to face our interiority with great ...
RB Rajesh Bhardwaj Big Name In The TVC And Advertising World
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RB Rajesh Bhardwaj Big Name In The TVC And Advertising World

Born in Mathura. Rajesh is a student of Asian Academy of Film and Television. From Ajay Devgan to Hrithik Roshan have done writing and directing work. Mumbai Born in Mathura, RB Rajesh Bhardwaj has become a big name in the advertising world today. Born on 30 April 1982 to Late Shri Rajendra Kumar Sharma and Late Smt. Urmila Sharma, RB Rajesh Bhardwaj started his early studies from Jawahar Vidyalaya, after that he moved to Noida. Completed a course in film making from the Asian Academy of Film and Television. RB Rajesh Bhardwaj has become a big name in the TVC and advertising world today, there will hardly be any artist who has not worked under Rajesh's writing and direction Rajesh has shot advertisements for many big brands Rajesh has so far shot Lancer Footwear, Paras Elaichi , Gree...
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United Sikhs’ Staff And Volunteers Extend Condolences To The Family Of The Victims Of Kidnapping

Chandigarh, October 10, 2022 This week 4 members of a Sikh family were kidnapped  at gunpoint from a business in central California.  The police identified the victims as Aroohi Dheri, 8 months old, her mother Jasleen Kaur, 27, her father Jasdeep Singh, 36, and Amandeep Singh, 39 as the persons taken. Yesterday, Wednesday October 6, 2022, the Merced County Sheriff stated that the victims had been found.   They had been killed and left in an orchard in rural Merced County, in California.  No motive has yet been uncovered but a suspect has been arrested.  Detectives identified the suspect as 48-year-old Jesus Salgado. We are informed that the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) is monitoring this crime.  “We reached out to the DOJ because this is a crime that may fall within the FBI’s jur...
The RHAPSODY 2022  An Exhibition Of Sculptures By Renowned Sculptor Asish Kumar Das In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

The RHAPSODY 2022 An Exhibition Of Sculptures By Renowned Sculptor Asish Kumar Das In Jehangir

From: 11th to 17th October 2022 “The RHAPSODY 2022” An Exhibition of Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Asish Kumar Das VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B,  M.G.  Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 98243 57739 www.asishsculpture.in Recent work of a renowned sculptor from Baroda, Asish Kumar Das is showing  his recent work at Jehangir Art Gallery, Gallery AC-2, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 11th to 17th Oct. 2022 between 11 am. To 7 pm.    Metaphorical Sculptures of Asish Das Baroda based 56 years old, Asish Kumar Das, is one of the outstanding sculptors working in India today especially in the domain of using human figures and animal imageries. Presently we are witnessing in our country the phenomena of projects like i...
Purple Girl  AASTHA SHARAN Sweeps 2022 Filmfare South Red Carpet With Her Hotness

Purple Girl AASTHA SHARAN Sweeps 2022 Filmfare South Red Carpet With Her Hotness

Movie stars, directors, music directors and other celebrities descended on Bengaluru as Filmfare Awards South returned at full power post-pandemic, with first time going live in front of a cheering audience. Top actors from south including 'Pushpa' star Allu Arjun, 'Jai Bhim' actor Suriya, 'Ante Sundaraniki' Nani graced the biggest award night, which took place in Bengaluru for the first time at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre. Amongst all the celebrities, budding star Aastha Sharan was the cynosure of all eyes on the red carpet as she stunned everyone in a custom-made shimmery gown that turned many heads. Moments after her red carpet appearance, the social media was flooded with her pictures from the award night and netizens hailed her as 'Purple Girl' and showered ...
एक्टर डायरेक्टर इमरान हसनी, निर्माता प्रशांत सिंह की सस्पेंस थ्रिलर फ़िल्म हाई टाइड का ट्रेलर लॉन्च
Breaking News

एक्टर डायरेक्टर इमरान हसनी, निर्माता प्रशांत सिंह की सस्पेंस थ्रिलर फ़िल्म हाई टाइड का ट्रेलर लॉन्च

बॉलीवुड फ़िल्म 'पान सिंह तोमर' में इरफान खान के साथ और डी डे में ऋषि कपूर के साथ काम करने वाले एक्टर इमरान हसनी अब निर्देशक भी बन गए हैं। इमरान हसनी की जल्द आने वाली फिल्म हाई टाइड का ट्रेलर आज मुम्बई के ऐ.जे. स्टूडियो में लॉन्च किया गया, जहां फ़िल्म के कलाकारों सहित निर्माता प्रशांत सिंह भी उपस्थित थे। इमरान हसनी ने इस फ़िल्म को निर्देशित भी किया है और मुख्य भूमिका भी निभाई है। यह सस्पेंस थ्रिलर फिल्म एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के संघर्ष की कहानी है, जो मुश्किल हालात में फंस जाता है, जहां उसकी ज़िंदगी के बारे में कुछ कहना मुश्किल होता है। हर बीतता हुआ पल ज़िन्दगी और मौत के बीच का फ़ासला कम करता जा रहा है। फ़िल्म में इमरान हसनी के अलावा दधि आर पाण्डेय, तरुणा सिंह, सुधाकर मणि, मेघा जोशी, अदनान हसनी, अमित सिन्हा और नवी रौतेला ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। ट्रेलर लॉन्च पर इमरान हसनी, प्रोड्यूसर प्रश...
Sheetal Kale Actress Of Rare Acting Calibre Enjoys Portraying Different Characters In Films

Sheetal Kale Actress Of Rare Acting Calibre Enjoys Portraying Different Characters In Films

Mumbai-based actress Sheetal Kale, who gives flight to dreams, will soon be seen in 'Taali', a biopic on transgender Mr. Gauri Sawant. Actress and former Miss Universe Miss World Sushmita Sen is playing Gauri Sawant's character in this film which is an emotional and society mirroring film. At the same time, Sheetal Kale is playing a strong role in the film Tali. Sheetal has worked in many films, advertisement films and web series before this and is working in many projects in future too. Sheetal is a passionate actress. Sheetal has worked in Kiku Saluja's web series 'White Gold' on drug mafia, as well as in a web series named 'Mohamaya', in which Anupam Kher, Tridha Chaudhary, Satish Kaushik, Manoj Sharma have shown their acting skills. major role. This is a series giving a message w...
Krushna Abhishek’s New Film RED Due For Release All Over On Jan 12 2023

Krushna Abhishek’s New Film RED Due For Release All Over On Jan 12 2023

Actor and Entertainer Krushna Abhishek is now sharing the international platform with the world famous Actor - Star and Producer Morgan Freeman. ‘Oh My God- OMG- Yeh Mera India’ - Season 9 hosted by one and only Krushna Abhishek is now being beamed on History - TV-18 channel and on respective OTT Channel! Krushna Abhishek ‘s ‘OMG-Yeh Mera India’is all about discovering the most incredible and inspiring OMG stories of India and its people, with live wire sensational Krushna Abhishek. Krushna’s extraordinary performance is being overwhelmingly applauded from season 1 to 9 of ‘OMG- Yeh Mera India’ ! Krushna Abhishek’s new film RED is already very hot and sought after in the film trade and RED is Krushna’s most awaited ambitious film which is due for release all over on Jan 12, 2023 !...
Record-Man  Sandeep Marwah In World Book Of Records In London 4th Time
celebrity News

Record-Man Sandeep Marwah In World Book Of Records In London 4th Time

'Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success.' -Wlliam J. H. Boetcker London: "I extend my heartiest thanks to Diwakar Sukul and the complete team of World Book of Records, London for entering my record in the book and presented me with the certification of the same. This is the biggest satisfaction you can get when your efforts are well recognised at that level,” declared an elated Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and founder-President of famed Asian Academy of Film and Television, at House of Commons, British Parliament, London. The prestigious award was presented by the Member of Parliament (MP), House of Commons Hon. Virendra Sharma, a popular British-Indian Labour Party politician and Member of Parliament...
Harsh Punjabee Celebrates His 36th Birthday By Disrupting The Bond Market
Breaking News

Harsh Punjabee Celebrates His 36th Birthday By Disrupting The Bond Market

Harsh Punjabee is a serial entrepreneur and an investor in multiple early-stage and second-stage ventures across India, the UK, UAE. He is also a fixed income enthusiast and has been trading bonds for more than a decade. Harsh saw an opportunity to make bond markets more efficient, transparent and accessible for retail investors, and founded his start up SMEST Capital in 2018. “SMEST” is a combination of smart and invest. “Indians love the stability and fixed returns while investing, but there are hardly any choices for them. I want to fill the gap between FD and Equity, and introduce Indian investors to Bonds, a more stable and inflation-beating asset class.” says Harsh. With SMEST, Harsh is shaking up the status quo and democratizing the Fixed-Income corporate bond market. The p...
Announcement And Poster Launch Of An Upcoming Web Series  Titled ONLINE 24×7  Along With Its Poster Launch
Breaking News

Announcement And Poster Launch Of An Upcoming Web Series Titled ONLINE 24×7 Along With Its Poster Launch

The web series is presented by Ocean Fantasy Production & Events Pvt. Ltd. & directed by Sanjay Sharma 8th October, 2022 in Mumbai- Ocean Fantasy Production & Events Pvt. Ltd. announce & launch the poster of their forthcoming web series titled “ONLINE 24x7” which will be directed by ace director Sanjay Sharma. The production house along with the director & the star cast are set to embark on an exciting new journey of making the web series “ONLINE 24x7” which will be a complete package of entertainment for the audience of all age groups. Without revealing too much, the makers describe the plot of the web series as something the audience has never witnessed before on any Indian entertainment platform. Apart from the titled announcement & the poster launch, the p...
Om Prakash Verma Ventures Into Professional Wrestling Spectacle With Ffw Foundation
celebrity News

Om Prakash Verma Ventures Into Professional Wrestling Spectacle With Ffw Foundation

Raipur based entrepreneur Om Prakash Verma is all out to win over the audience and garner appreciation in media and entertainment. His production house Om Prakash Cinevision has joined hands with a cultural programme for pitching sponsorship and generating business. It is an unique war wrestling show and spectacle  held on Sunday, 9th October 2022 at Sardar Balbir Singh Juneja Indoor Stadium, Chhattisgarh, Raipur and is presented  by Freak Fighter Wrestling Foundation (FFW Foundation). Om Prakash Verma has further joined hands with an illustrious actor - director Raaj Gautam a.k.a Rajendra Pandey to produce his maiden Hindi feature film. The untitled film is being scripted by the versatile writer Nawab Arzoo and is gearing up to mount the sets very soon. Speaking about his foray i...
Actor Imran Rangwala Is Showing His Acting Skills In Web Series And Web Films For Many OTT Apps

Actor Imran Rangwala Is Showing His Acting Skills In Web Series And Web Films For Many OTT Apps

Imran Rangwala is known today as an Actor, who continues to experiment with his characters, Imran Rangwala has shown the colours of his performance in the contents released on many OTT platforms, Imran has done web series, web movies, on several online platforms, including MX Player, Disney+Hotstar, Amazon Prime videos, Zee5, and many other OTT Apps, & impressed audiences with his acting ability & skills, he is also doing several films to be released in theatres. Imran Rangwala a resident of Mumbai has made a place in the industry after much struggle, if seen today is the era of digital and OTT platforms, the entertainment world is also not untouched by this, many OTT platforms are now available where a lot of content exists, in such a situation it is not easy to make an identit...
Actresses Radhika And Khushboo Inaugurate 50th Store Of Sai Silks Kalamandir In Chennai
Business News

Actresses Radhika And Khushboo Inaugurate 50th Store Of Sai Silks Kalamandir In Chennai

Third ‘VaraMahalakshmi’ format store in Tamil Nadu inaugurated by renowned actresses Radikaa Sarathkumar and Kushboo Sundar The store houses premium product offerings including a variety of sarees such as Banarasi, Patola, Kota, Kanchipuram, Paithani, Organza and Kuppadam Chennai, October 7, 2022: Sai Silks (Kalamandir) Limited (Sai Silks or SSKL), one of the leading retailers of ethnic apparel, particularly sarees, in South India in terms of revenue and profit after tax in Fiscal 2019, 2020 and 2021 (as per a Technopak report), opened their landmark 50th store in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The new SSKL store, which operates under the brand name ‘VaraMahalakshmi Silks’, is spread over an area of more than 4000 sq. ft. across two floors and is located at 3rd Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai. The...
Karan Johar helps Maheka Mirpuri raise over 1.5 crore in 2 hours for Tata Memorial Hospital
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Karan Johar helps Maheka Mirpuri raise over 1.5 crore in 2 hours for Tata Memorial Hospital

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it and for every mountain, there is a miracle. Maheka Mirpuri proved this when she celebrated 10 years of MCan with the 10th edition of the MCan Charity Gala at the Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, and raised over 1.5 crore in the span of two hours to help Tata Memorial Hospital treat head and neck cancer. “I like to believe that certain energies synergize beautifully, and that is me and Maheka and Tata Memorial Hospital. I hope to come again and I hope to sell many more articles for much more money, all for a good cause.” Offering his closet for the cause, Karan enthusiastically offered to chip in for the MCan charity. Maheka added that she would love to design clothes for him and have him auction the same. “To me, this endeavo...
करण जौहर की उदारता!  टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ से अधिक राशि जुटाने में की मदद
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करण जौहर की उदारता! टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ से अधिक राशि जुटाने में की मदद

कहते हैं कि अगर एक बार इंसान जो चीज करने की ठान ले , फिर उसे पूरा होने से कोई नही रोक सकता। मानव आत्मा में इतनी ताकत हैं कि वो चट्टान को भी हिला सकती हैं । महेका मीरपुरी ने यह साबित कर दिया जब उन्होंने  मुम्बई के पांच सितारा होटल,ताज महल पैलेस में एमसीएन चैरिटी गाला के 10 वें संस्करण के साथ एमसीएन के 10 साल पूरे किए, और टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल को सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के इलाज में मदद करने के लिए दो घंटे की अवधि में 1 करोड़ से अधिक जुटाए। और बॉलीवुड की सबसे बड़ी हस्ती करन जौहर ने इस नेक काम मे उनका साथ दिया । जिन्होंने वहां की मेजबानी की और महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ रुपये जुटाने में मदद की। करन कहते हैं कि "मुझे यह विश्वास करना अच्छा लगता है कि कुछ ऊर्जाएं खूबसूरती से तालमेल बिठाती हैं,जैसा कि मैं और महेका और टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के बीच हूबहू वैसा ही हुआ। मैं उम्मीद करता हू कि ...
How An Indian American Became A Best Selling Author And His New Work Is A Film On Netflix – The Story Of Soman Chainani
Breaking News

How An Indian American Became A Best Selling Author And His New Work Is A Film On Netflix – The Story Of Soman Chainani

Once upon a time, there was a young boy with stars in his eyes and fire in his soul. He was to be Yash Raj’s English wedding film director. The wedding was cancelled when YRF faced several flops back to back in those days and Florida boy Soman Chainani turned to books to tell his tales. His father’s clairvoyance when he called him America’s storyteller turned into reality when despite being in an Ivy League School and passing out from Harvard Institute, Soman found himself in a corner writing stories as a 21 year old and was chucked out of the job. “I was 21 when I was a consultant in a high paying job in a prestigious firm and that is when everyone realized that I was born to tell stories. From telling stories about how a dinosaur ate my lunch box, I delved into fantasy as an escape ro...
8th Global Literary Festival Noida Inaugurated at Marwah Studios
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8th Global Literary Festival Noida Inaugurated at Marwah Studios

Noida: The City of Noida was bubbling with energy and enthusiasm. The excitement of the people could be seen in the well decorated campus of Marwah Studios where people were queuing up to enter the prestigious auditorium to be part of the grand event-The Inauguration of 8th Global Literature Festival 2022. “We are institution of Communication-reading, writing, speaking, and listening are our love, passion & profession. Every year we invite likeminded people from all over the World and promote literature which is need of the hour. Well learned leads to well written and then in return better literature for the masses. “We are proud to be part of this international event, I congratulate the organizers for showcasing literature at such a grand scale. Indo Myanmar Film and Cultural Fo...
संगीत उद्योग में भारतीय टेलीविजन डॉट कॉम के ‘द क्लेफ म्यूजिक अवार्ड्स’ की धूम! लगा सितारों का तांता! अरमान मलिक और धवनि भानुशाली ने मारी बाज़ी

संगीत उद्योग में भारतीय टेलीविजन डॉट कॉम के ‘द क्लेफ म्यूजिक अवार्ड्स’ की धूम! लगा सितारों का तांता! अरमान मलिक और धवनि भानुशाली ने मारी बाज़ी

स्वतंत्र संगीतकारों द्वारा संगीत की उपलब्धियों का सम्मान और सम्मान करने के लिए इंडियन टेलीविज़न डॉट कॉम ग्रुप के अनूठे आयोजन ने एक बार फिर संगीत उद्योग में तूफान ला दिया।  हिंदी और अंग्रेजी भाषा के संगीत बिरादरी के संगीतकारों, गीतकारों, संगीतकारों, बैंडों, रिकॉर्ड लेबलों को सम्मानित करने वाला यह पुरस्कार 77 से अधिक विजेताओं के साथ 40+ श्रेणियों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है। अनिल वनवारी, निशा वनवारी और प्रेरणा वनवारी, लेस्ली लुईस, पद्मश्री डॉ सोमा घोष, कविता सेठ, विजय प्रकाश, विवेक प्रकाश, बृजेश शांडिल्य, सत्य कश्यप, राहुल सेठ, सिद्धांत रूहान कपूर, विजय अय्यर, सिद्धार्थ कश्यप, आरएस मणि जैसे संगीत की दुनिया के उल्लेखनीय नाम  सनी सुब्रमण्यम, गौरी यादवाडकर, मनीषा डे, मिस इंडिया टूरिज्म रूपाली सूरी, अभिनेत्री पायल रोहतगी ने शिरकत की और प्रतिभाशाली उपलब्धि हासिल करने वालों का उत्साह बढ़ाया। चल...
मुंबई में समस्त महाजन द्वारा अब अस्वस्थ – जख्मी मूक जीवो को मिलेगी तुरंत चिकित्सा सेवा, माननीय गवर्नर श्री भगत सिंह कोश्यारी जी ने ११ एम्बुलेंस को दिखाई ग्रीन झंडी

मुंबई में समस्त महाजन द्वारा अब अस्वस्थ – जख्मी मूक जीवो को मिलेगी तुरंत चिकित्सा सेवा, माननीय गवर्नर श्री भगत सिंह कोश्यारी जी ने ११ एम्बुलेंस को दिखाई ग्रीन झंडी

समस्त महाजन ने इस साल फरवरी में पहली बार मुंबई में ‘एनिमल हॉस्पिटल ओन व्हील्स’ की अनोखी सुविधा से बीमार घायल मूक जीवो को चिकित्सा सेवा देने के मामले में अद्भुद उदाहरण पेश किया. अब ये सेवा और भी असरकारक रूप में ग्यारह नई एम्बुलेंस के साथ पुरे शहर में चोबीस घंटे मिलने वाली है. , माननीय गवर्नर श्री भगत सिंह कोशियारी जी के शुभ हाथो से ११ नई एम्बुलेंस  को ग्रीन झंडी दिखाई गयी , उनका लोकार्पर्ण महाराष्ट्र के माननीय गवर्नर श्री भगत सिंह कोश्यारी जी  के शुभ हाथो से उनके आधिकारिक निवासस्थान राजभवन पर आज सुबह दस बजे हुआ । राष्ट्रसंत पूज्य नम्रमुनि महाराज साहेब की कृपा- प्रेरणा से कार्यान्वित हो रही इस असाधारण सेवा के अवसर पर माननीय गवर्नर श्री भगत सिंह कोश्यारी के अलावा केन्द्रीय पशुपालन मंत्री पुरषोतम रुपाला, महाराष्ट्र के कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्री मंगल प्रभात लोढ़ा जी , माननीय मंत्री एनिमल ह...