Tuesday, February 18

Month: May 2023

BISLERI INTERNATIONAL Strengthens Its Carbonated Soft Drink Portfolio With Three New Flavours –  Rev – Pop And Spyci Jeera
Business News

BISLERI INTERNATIONAL Strengthens Its Carbonated Soft Drink Portfolio With Three New Flavours – Rev – Pop And Spyci Jeera

Bisleri International, India's leading packaged drinking water and the pioneer of carbonated soft drinks (CSD) in the country, has launched three exciting flavours – Bisleri Pop (orange-flavoured carbonated drink), Bisleri Rev (cola-flavoured carbonated drink) and Bisleri Spyci Jeera, while it will continue with its zesty lemon-minty flavour. The new fizzy drinks portfolio reflects the modern palette of GenZ, who are looking for the ultimate refreshing taste. Each of the beverage’s has a unique and strong flavour that complements its functional stimulation. Commenting on the launch, Jayanti Chauhan, Vice Chairperson, Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd said, "Bisleri International has a strong heritage of launching iconic products in the country. Taking the legacy forward, we have launched a r...
CHITRAKATHHI ART GALLERY Presents Group Show By 5 Renowned Artists
Art Exhibition

CHITRAKATHHI ART GALLERY Presents Group Show By 5 Renowned Artists

From: 8th May to 7th June 2023 Chitrakathhi Art Gallery Presents "Colours of Life" Paintings Exhibition by Renowned Artists: -  Vitthal Hire, Pradip Sarkar,  Ashif Hossain, Deepak Patil, Paras Parmar VENUE: Chitrakathhi Art Gallery 402, Akruti Orion, Shraddhanand Road Vile Parle(East), Mumbai 400 057 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 9321395514, 9892155680         A group art exhibition showcasing recent works of 5 renowned contemporary artists – Vitthal Hire, Pradip Sarkar, Ashif Hossain, Deepak Patil and Paras Parmar has been displayed in Chitrakathhi Art Gallery, Vile Parle, Mumbai from 8thMay to 7thJune 2023 Between 11:00 am to 7 pm.         Chitrakathhi Art Gallery was started by Anuradha Raikar- a well known Architect and art enthusiast . in 2020. She did her B. Arch from Sir...
MILLENISMAL Art Exhibition By 4 Contemporary In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

MILLENISMAL Art Exhibition By 4 Contemporary In Jehangir

Millenismal - A Melange of Reminiscence & Reality Recent work of a group of 4 contemporary artists – Anupama Dey, Ashwathi Avinash, Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi and Dattaram Sudhakar Nerurkar has been displayed in a group art exhibition at Jehangir Art Gallery – Auditorium hall, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda Mumbai 400001 from 30th May to 5th June 2023 between 11 am and 7 pm. It will illustrate their genuine artistic instincts and skilful techniques in various mediums and norms under one roof. This show was inaugurated on 30th May 2023 by Gourmoni Das in the presence of Tanuja Rane, Prof. Vishwanath Sable, Prakash Rajeshirke, Nilesh Kinkale, Apurva Nandi, Hansodnya Tambe, Smita Kinkale, Tathi Premchand.   Vibing with the aura of a heritage aesthetic existence & the aspiration of a highly advanced ...
Prem Chopra –  Deepshikha Nagpal – Sudesh Berry – Alka Bhatnagar Receive Awards At The Grand Ceremony Of FMBAF Awards 2023 Season 6 By Dr  Anil Nair
Business News

Prem Chopra – Deepshikha Nagpal – Sudesh Berry – Alka Bhatnagar Receive Awards At The Grand Ceremony Of FMBAF Awards 2023 Season 6 By Dr Anil Nair

The most popular award Ceremony FMBAF Awards 2023 Season 6 was grandly organized on May 27th, 2023 at ISKCON, Juhu, Mumbai. Legendary actor Prem Chopra, actress Deepshikha Nagpal, actor Sudesh Berry were present as chief guests in this unique concept award show organized by director Dr. Anil Nair. The award ceremony was attended by people from the entertainment world as well as other fields. International achievers and award winners were present at the event. The winners were overwhelmed after receiving the awards and thanked Dr Anil Nair and his team. The dignitaries of FMBAF inaugurated the program by lighting the lamp. Many other important personalities including many celebrities graced the event. To spread the message of social service and peace in the society, Dr. Anil Nair has als...
Deltin Jaqk Presents Star Struck Extravaganza –  Where Luxury Gaming Meets Glitz And Glamour
Business News

Deltin Jaqk Presents Star Struck Extravaganza – Where Luxury Gaming Meets Glitz And Glamour

~ Deltin Jaqk Sets the Stage for a Spectacular Event in Goa with Bollywood actresses, Vaani Kapoor, Neha Sharma, and Sara Khan~ May 31, 2023, India: India's premier luxury gaming and entertainment brand, 'Deltin', owned by Delta Corp Ltd., is set to mesmerize gaming enthusiasts with the spectacular 'Star Struck Extravaganza' at Deltin Jaqk, Goa. From June 1st to June 6th, 2023, this remarkable event promises an unforgettable experience in the paradise of gamers. Prepare to redefine the concept of luxury gaming at the 'Star Struck Extravaganza,' where a perfect blend of glamour and games awaits. The event showcases top-notch entertainment, heart-pounding excitement, and a delectable culinary journey.  The versatile and talented Bollywood actresses, Vaani Kapoor, Neha Sharma, and Sara Khan...
Ravi Nigam  Director And Mentalist Of Garib Productions  Made His Own Way Even In Adverse Circumstances
Breaking News

Ravi Nigam Director And Mentalist Of Garib Productions Made His Own Way Even In Adverse Circumstances

गरीब प्रोडक्शन के निर्देशक और मेंटलिस्ट रवि निगम ने विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी बनाया अपना अलग रास्ता निर्देशक रवि निगम की जर्नी मायानगरी में अद्भुत रही है। उनका मानना है कि अगर आपको रास्ता नहीं मिल रहा है तो फिर राह को क्रिएट कर लो। उन्होंने इसी सिद्धांत पर अमल करते हुए अपने लिए खुद ही रास्ता बनाया है जो बेहद चुनौतियों भरा है। उनके प्रोडक्शन हाउस का नाम है "गरीब प्रोडक्शन" और इस नाम के पीछे रवि निगम का तर्क यह है कि दुनिया मे कहीं भी किसी भी क्षेत्र में कोई गरीब ही मिसाल कायम करता है। क्या कभी आपने सुना या पढ़ा है कि किसी दौलतमंद शख्स ने कोई मिसाल स्थापित की हो। रवि निगम ने 2016 में गरीब प्रोडक्शन की शुरुआत की थी। उनके यूट्यूब चैनल के लाखों सब्सक्राइबर्स हैं, बतौर राइटर डायरेक्टर उन्होंने कई क्रिएटिव कार्य किए हैं। अमेज़न प्राइम पर रिलीज डायरेक्टर रवि निगम की फ़िल्म "ट्रिप एंड ट्रैप" दर्शको...
India Celebrates Aryan Surjeeta Dadiala’s World Records In Open Water Swimming
Latest News

India Celebrates Aryan Surjeeta Dadiala’s World Records In Open Water Swimming

For achieving 2 World records in Adventures swimming Nationally and Internationally. His exceptional efforts were appreciated by the state and cabinet ministries as well as diplomats of India and Israel both. Aryan's Mentor, Coaches, Swimmer, administrators from swiimming fertinity were present at the Team Aryan's success party. Rahul Chiplunkar Mentor, Dr. P.M Reddy Coach, Mr Subodh Sule Guide, Shri Mahesh Malik All india Congress Secretary, Bosco Martis, Amol  Gajanan Kirtikar, Raju Manwani, Akash Dadlani, Sneha Namandadi,  Punit Tejwani,  Siddharth Hussain...etc. All Medals, Trophies and certificates of Aryan were displayed for the public was hugely appreciated by everyone and look as a point of motivation to youngsters. Aryan's parents welcome all the guests, they were very happy ...
Inauguration Of KAK’s SALON By Prominent Labour Leader Shri Abhijeet Rane As Chief Guest Of Honor
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Inauguration Of KAK’s SALON By Prominent Labour Leader Shri Abhijeet Rane As Chief Guest Of Honor

Kakoli Meghani, owner "Kak's Salon" - a premium beauty and Spa opened her another branch at Four Bunglows Signal , Andheri West in presence of Shri Abhijeet Rane, Ms. Nandita Puri (Chairperson of Om Puri Foundation) and Chaitali Chatterjee (Chairperson of WEE - Women Entrepreneurs Enclave and President of DWEA - Dhadak Women Empowerment Association.) Other DWEA  and WEE members who attended the event were Sonu Juvalkar, Uma Modi, Vijaya Chandak, Ami Mehta, Jane Rodrigues, Shivani Zaveri, Ruchi Srivastava, Neena Shetty, Sharmishtha Roy, Neita Bhonsle, Rekha Kalra, Farida Saroshian, Sangeeta Mishra, Manisha Shekhar Asthana, Amrita Mishra, Malaahat Khan and Sachita Kothari Contact us for appointment: kaksalonspa@gmail.com +91 98212 45565 https://instagram.com/kaks_salon?igshid=NTc4MTIwNj...
Landmark Book On Modi Govt By ICMEI Unveiled In House Of Lords
Latest News

Landmark Book On Modi Govt By ICMEI Unveiled In House Of Lords

London, May 20, 2023 – Prominent educationist  Sandeep Marwah has reasons to rejoice. The ground-breaking publication titled “8 years of Modi Sarkar: A Compilation of Achievements” which has taken the Indian diaspora by storm was unveiled by Lord Rami Ranger in the prestigious House of Lords at the British Parliament in London. Authored and brilliantly compiled by Sandeep Marwah, President of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), this monumental work sheds light on the remarkable accomplishments of the Indian government spanning eight years so far. The release of this book marks a significant milestone as it represents the first-ever book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be presented within the esteemed halls of the House of Lords. The credit for this commen...
COLORFUL DEVOTION An Exhibition Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Sharad Kale In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

COLORFUL DEVOTION An Exhibition Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Sharad Kale In Jehangir

From: 23rd to 29th May 2023 "Colorful Devotion" An Exhibition of Paintings By well-known artist  Sharad Kale Venue:  Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001 Timing -11 am to 7pm Contact: +91 99208 66515 Romanticism has remained a popular subject among artists worldwide, and for good reason. It is a simple and relatable theme that resonates with audiences of all kinds. Masterpieces such as “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt, Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies” series, Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory,” Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch,” Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam,” and many others have served as exemplars of this genre of painting, inspiring artists to continue creating such works since the beginning of civilization. Sharad Kale’s style represents this genre...
A SOULFUL VOYAGE Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Seema Bhargava In Jehangir Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

A SOULFUL VOYAGE Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Seema Bhargava In Jehangir Art Gallery

From: 23rd to  29th May 2023 "Voyage" A Long Journey Through Canvas Solo Show of Paintings By Artist Seema Bhargava Venue:  Jehangir Art Gallery 161-, B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001 Timing: 11am to 7 pm Contact: +91 98995 82995 A Soulful Voyage: Melding Memories with Visions, a solo exhibition of paintings by Seema Bhargava, alumni of the college of arts in Delhi.  The artist has a breathtaking level of precision and attention to detail, but what truly distinguishes her is her capacity to stir up strong feelings in the viewer with her exquisite creations. She paints all of her landscapes in oil and in substantial sizes, giving the feeling to viewers that they may stroll into these scenes and inhabit their captivating realms. The basis for Seema's works was formed by her...
Icmei’s Landmark Book On Modi Govt Unveiled In House Of Lords
Breaking News

Icmei’s Landmark Book On Modi Govt Unveiled In House Of Lords

London, May 20, 2023 – Prominet educationist  Sandeep Marwah has reasons to rejoice. The ground-breaking publication titled “8 years of Modi Sarkar: A Compilation of Achievements” which has taken the Indian diaspora by storm was unveiled by Lord Rami Ranger in the prestigious House of Lords at the British Parliament in London. Authored and brilliantly compiled by Sandeep Marwah, President of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), this monumental work sheds light on the remarkable accomplishments of the Indian government spanning eight years so far. The release of this book marks a significant milestone as it represents the first-ever book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be presented within the esteemed halls of the House of Lords. The credit for this commend...
Celebrating Excellence GJEPC Unveils Artisan Awards 2023 Winners
Breaking News

Celebrating Excellence GJEPC Unveils Artisan Awards 2023 Winners

In a grand event held in Mumbai, the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India (GJEPC) unveiled the winners of the highly anticipated 6th edition of Artisan Awards 2023, the country's esteemed jewellery design competition. This prestigious event, organized by GJEPC, showcased the exceptional talent and creativity of jewellery designers from across the nation and around the world. Artisan Awards is an endeavour that aims to provide a platform for creative jewellery designers and industry professionals to maximise their individualistic and creative ideas in jewellery design.  Artisan Awards 2023 is powered by GIA - Gemological Institute of America, The World's Foremost Authority in Gemology.The winners received their trophies from Guest of Honour, Ms. Mira Kapoor, Content Creator ...
Director Rakesh Sawant received Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Award 2023 for Best Director by Mahima Chowdhary

Director Rakesh Sawant received Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Award 2023 for Best Director by Mahima Chowdhary

This is India's first such film which has won 55 international awards including the country including US, Canada, Greece, France, Nepal. The Best Director award for the film 'Mudda 370 J&K' went to Bollywood's renowned director Rakesh Sawant at the hands of Subhash Ghai's Pardes heroine Mahima Chowdhary. Rakesh Sawant has been awarded the "Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Award 2023". The grand ceremony took place on 20th May at Mukesh Patel Auditorium Mumbai where Bollywood actress Mahima Chowdhary was the chief guest who handed over the important trophy to Rakesh Sawant with her own hands. Mudda 370 J&K is the first Indian film in 2023 to win 55 international awards including India, US, Canada, Greece, France, Nepal. Rakhi Sawant has heartily congratulated her brother for this ...
Chief Minister Of Himachal Pradesh Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu Launch JOGIYA By Jagat Gautam Sharma
Breaking News

Chief Minister Of Himachal Pradesh Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu Launch JOGIYA By Jagat Gautam Sharma

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu released the video album ‘Jogiya’ produced by Jagat Gautam sharma Entertainment at Hotel Marina Shimla. On this occasion, the Chief Minister extended best wishes for the success of the album and appreciated the increasing popularity of Himachali artists at the national and international level. He said that all the artists who contributed to the album are from Himachal and through this album they have displayed their unique talent. Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, emphasizing on promoting the traditions and values of the state in Himachali music, said that through such efforts, where the young generation gets an opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the land of God, the culture of Himachal is being promoted in the country and...
Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Awards 2023 Concluded In Mumbai

Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Awards 2023 Concluded In Mumbai

The prestigious award ceremony was held in Mumbai at Mukesh Patel auditorium JVPD juhu and was attended by several film celebrities and television personalities and Great Technitian and press editor  attended the event including Saanand and Binafer Kohli, among others. The Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation is known for not only promoting and supporting Indian film culture but also for its social services. While veteran filmmaker Ramesh Sippy was honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award, KC Bokadia was given an award for 50 Years Of Outstanding Contribution To Indian Cinema. Here’s the complete list of winners from the event: Buta Singh - Best Sound recordist Chetan Sashital - Best Voice Artist Jeevan M. Borkar - Best Makeup Artist Kader Khan Zamir Ahmed Khan - Best Junior Artist Raj...
8 Years Of Modi Sarkar Book Released In British Parliament
Breaking News

8 Years Of Modi Sarkar Book Released In British Parliament

London, May 20, 2023 – A ground-breaking publication titled “8 years of Modi Sarkar: A Compilation of Achievements” has taken the Indian diaspora by storm as it was unveiled by Lord Rami Ranger in the prestigious House of Lords at the British Parliament in London. Authored by Sandeep Marwah, President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), this monumental work sheds light on the remarkable accomplishments of the Indian government over the past eight years. The release of this book marks a significant milestone as it represents the first-ever book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be presented within the esteemed halls of the House of Lords. The credit for this commendable feat goes to Sandeep Marwah, whose unwavering dedication and painstaking efforts h...
Celebrating World Dance Day Curated By KALASHRI Dr Lata Surendra With Conference And Performances Defining ARDHANG
Breaking News

Celebrating World Dance Day Curated By KALASHRI Dr Lata Surendra With Conference And Performances Defining ARDHANG

  KALASHRI DR LATA SURENDRA (CURATOR- ARDHANG )  'Art from the heart with Diksha 'then to now ' by eminent practitioners of the art transformed the conference room of Mysore Association, Mumbai to a pulsating cosmos . The speakers were Dr Uma Rele (Principal Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya, Juhu, Mumbai . Padmashri Sunayana Hazarilal ( Kathak), Kalaratna Guru Smt A.B. Balakondala Rao-Balakka ( Kuchipudi) Dr Jayashree Rajagopalan( Bharata Natyam), Smt Rajashree Shirke ( Kathak) , Guru Lata Raman( BharataNatyam), Dr Aruna Bhikshu( Kuchipudi) Prateesha Suresh ( Sattriya) Jigar Soni( Folk-Garbha). Eminent Speakers at conference The timeless journey when Diksha was an absolute communion unto their eminent Gurus was so intensely absorbing for some that time stood still for them . In fac...
Miss And Mrs Royal Global Queen 2023 – Mr Royal Global King And Royal Global Achiever Awards Season-3 Successfully Concluded  At Club Emerald Mumbai

Miss And Mrs Royal Global Queen 2023 – Mr Royal Global King And Royal Global Achiever Awards Season-3 Successfully Concluded At Club Emerald Mumbai

After the huge success of Miss & Mrs India Global Queen 2021 & 2022, Dr Neelam Paradia and The Topaz Events organized Miss & Mrs Royal Global Queen 2023, Mr. Royal Global King and Royal Global Achiever Awards Season 3 on 7th May at Club Emerald, Mumbai. It was a grand and successful event, in which the contestants and celebrities of India, Bangladesh, Canada, Singapore & Iran were present making our message of International & National Integration strong, loud and clear. On this unique concept, Dr Neelam said that we believe in national & international integration. through this program, Dr. Neelam Paradia spread the message of national and international unity, love and harmony as all the participants belonged to different cultures and religions. It was an internati...
Prem Sagar Singh Started Shooting Of Film PYAAR NA MANE PEHREDARI In Lucknow From Today
Breaking News

Prem Sagar Singh Started Shooting Of Film PYAAR NA MANE PEHREDARI In Lucknow From Today

प्रेम सागर सिंह ने आज से लखनऊ में शुरू किया " प्यार ना माने पहरेदारी" सीपी पैराडाईज मोशन पिक्चर प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के बैनर तले बन रही भोजपुरी फ़िल्म "प्यार ना माने पहरेदारी " फ़िल्म की शूटिंग आज से लखनऊ में शुरू हो गई है । नवाबों की नगरी लखनऊ में एक प्रेस सम्बोधन में निर्देशक प्रेम सागर सिंह ने शूटिंग से सम्बंधित डिटेल साझा करते हुए बताया कि पूरी टीम आज से लखनऊ के विभिन्न लोकेशन्स पर फ़िल्म की शूटिंग में व्यस्त हो गई है । सीपी पैराडाईज मोशन पिक्चर प्राइवेट लिमिटेड लगातार एक से बढ़कर एक फिल्मों के साथ लगातार ट्रेड के बीच सुर्खियों में छाई हुई है । रिश्तों की बेहद मुलायम डोर के इर्द गिर घूमती फ़िल्म प्यार ना माने पहरेदारी की शूटिंग आज से उत्तरप्रदेश की राजधानी नवाबों की नगरी लखनऊ में शुरू हो गई है  । जैसा कि फ़िल्म का शीर्षक है उसी से अंदाजा लगाया जा सकता है कि फ़िल्म में एक्शन व रोमांच का तड़का जबरद...
Tushar Kapoor Performs At Grand Finale Of Sandip Soparrkar’s India Dance Week – Dance For A Cause Season 7 Concludes With Great Fanfare
Breaking News

Tushar Kapoor Performs At Grand Finale Of Sandip Soparrkar’s India Dance Week – Dance For A Cause Season 7 Concludes With Great Fanfare

Mumbai, India - On April 30th, 2023, Sandip Soparrkar’s India Dance Week - Dance for a Cause season 7 came to a close with a spectacular grand finale event sponsored by Phoenix Market city Kurla and India Fine Arts Council. The event was a celebration of dance, culture, and charity and brought together some of the finest dance groups from across India. The first prize was awarded to the Angel Dance Group, while The Give Start Crew was awarded second place. The competition was tough, and all the contestants showcased incredible talent and creativity. The event was graced by several notable guests, including Tushar Kapoor, Manjari Fadnnis, Shanthi Priya, Pooja Sharma Rekha, Chitrashi Rawat, Anshuman Jha, Krishan Bharadwaj, Deepak Parashar, Sini Shetty, Ruchi Gujjar, Kunika Lal, Nikita Rawa...
Bollywood Actress Mandakini Inaugurates Sandip Soparrkar’s India Dance Week Season 7
Breaking News

Bollywood Actress Mandakini Inaugurates Sandip Soparrkar’s India Dance Week Season 7

Mumbai, India - Sandip Soparrkar's India Dance Week Season 7 was inaugurated on April 30, 2023, by the renowned Bollywood actress, Mandakini. The event kicked off with great enthusiasm, and the audience was thrilled to witness the inauguration by such a talented and celebrated actress. Mandakini expressed her excitement and happiness for being a part of the event and said, "I am very happy as it's about dance, which I personally like a lot. Sandip is doing this for such a good cause, which itself is such a great thing. I and 100 others like me want to thank Sandip, who always thinks and assumes in life that they want to do something good, but are never able to do because of some other reason. They are not able to make it happen what they think, but he is doing what he wants, which is real...
DIGNITY OF LOVE An Exhibition of Paintings by Well-known artist Shirish Mitbawkar in Jehangir
Art Exhibition

DIGNITY OF LOVE An Exhibition of Paintings by Well-known artist Shirish Mitbawkar in Jehangir

16th   to 22nd May 2023 “Dignity of Love” An Exhibition of Paintings by Well-known artist Shirish Mitbawkar VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 98201 13616 Dignity of Love  A well known contemporary artist Shirish Mitbawkar will showcase his work in a solo art exhibition in hall no 1, Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001 from 16th to 22nd May 2023 between 11 am to 7 pm. It will reveal his typical artistic perceptions about the dignity of love and its relevance / sanctity in the present materialistic world.  Shirish Mitbawkar had his art education upto G.D. (Arts) Drawing & Painting followed by Art Master's diploma in which he stood 1st in order of merit in Maharashtra. Then he worked ...
British Parliament Honours Sandeep Marwah With Bharat Gaurav Award 2023
Breaking News

British Parliament Honours Sandeep Marwah With Bharat Gaurav Award 2023

London: Sandeep Marwah, the founder of Noida Film City and President of Marwah Studios has not only added another glorious feather to his glittering cap, he has made India proud, too as he was honoured once again at the House of Commons of British Parliament recently for his outstanding contributions to the media and entertainment industry. Marwah, a nine-time world record holder, received the award and medal from Baroness Sandip Verma,  member of the House of Lords, Councillor Sunil Chopra, the Mayor of Southwark and Virendra Sharma, Member of Parliament in House of Commons of British Parliament, in recognition of his valuable contribution to the nation-building also.The event was attended by a distinguished audience hailing from 18 different countries, who came together to celebrate Marw...
Catalyst Entertainment Presents Indian Pride Walk And Indian Excellence Award – Season 1

Catalyst Entertainment Presents Indian Pride Walk And Indian Excellence Award – Season 1

कैटेलिस्ट एंटरटेनमेंट प्रस्तुत करता है इंडियन प्राइड वॉक एंड इंडियन एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड - सीजन 1 कैटेलिस्ट एंटरटेनमेंट, एक प्रमुख प्रोडक्शन हाउस और इवेंट मैनेजमेंट कंपनी, ने 14 जून  2023 को इंडियन प्राइड वॉक एंड इंडियन एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड के पहले सीज़न का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन किया। यह कार्यक्रम मुंबई में आयोजित किया गया था और इसमें शानदार प्रदर्शन, सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता के दौर, पुरस्कार,  और अभिनंदन, भारतीय महिलाओं की प्रतिभा और उत्कृष्टता का प्रदर्शन।  कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत राष्ट्रगान के गायन से हुई, जिसने शाम के लिए माहौल तैयार किया।  इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन और स्थापना श्री हबीब हासिम मिथिबोरवाला द्वारा की गई थी, जिसमें डॉ. स्नेहलता गेदाम सह-आयोजक के रूप में सेवारत थीं, द हबीब शो द्वारा संचालित।  कार्यक्रम की मेजबानी करिश्माई सिमरन आहूजा ने की।  ब्यूटी पेजेंट राउंड में प्रतियोगियों ने अपनी प्रतिभा क...
Juxtaposing Past And Present To Build A Dream Future
Breaking News

Juxtaposing Past And Present To Build A Dream Future

"A Real Building Is One On Which The Eye Can Light And Stay Lit."- Ezra PoundIf our past helps strengthen our future and our heritage makes us unique, you must meet Dr Navneet Kapoor, the multi-talented engineer, developer & an art connoisseur (don't forget he holds a coveted PhD in brand management  and communication from the international organisation UNESCO attached to the United Nations) who has proudly acquired & restored to its pristine glory, a heritage marvel, a Portuguese villa in Anjuna Goa, a 130-years old (yes, you have heard it right) property called Vivendz De Anjuna. Located in the heart of Anjuna within 500 meters of the beach coastline.As is said, 'Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness,' if you love tropical sunsets, open skies...
Sandeep Marwah Honoured With Bharat Gaurav Award At British Parliament

Sandeep Marwah Honoured With Bharat Gaurav Award At British Parliament

London: Sandeep Marwah, the founder of Noida Film City and President of Marwah Studios, has been honored once again at the House of Commons, British Parliament, for his outstanding contributions to the media and entertainment industry. Marwah, who is a nine-time world record holder, received the award and medal from Baroness Sandip Verma, a member of the House of Lords, Councillor Sunil Chopra, the Mayor of Southwark, and Virendra Sharma, a Member of Parliament House of Commons British Parliament, in recognition of his valuable contribution to the nation-building. The event was attended by a distinguished audience from 18 different countries, who came together to celebrate Marwah's exceptional achievements. Virendra Sharma and Pandit Suresh Mishra of Sanskriti Yuva Sansthan spoke about Ma...
SUNNY SHAH The Celebrity Manager Of Legendary Actor Irrfan Khan Is Currently Representing American Actress And Singer Shannon K
Breaking News

SUNNY SHAH The Celebrity Manager Of Legendary Actor Irrfan Khan Is Currently Representing American Actress And Singer Shannon K

Shannon K is a Los Angeles-based American Indian actor and singer who was born in India, raised in London, and studied music at the AB ROYAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC.  Shanon aspires to be recognized in Bollywood.She has always been fascinated by the breadth and diversity of the Bollywood industry. Sunny Shah, a well-known celebrity manager, has joined Shannon K. She is quite enthusiastic and pleased to have hired a celebrity manager with the experience of Sunny Shah, who was close to legendary actor Irrfan Khan. She desired someone who could handle her business professionally and wisely.  Sunny Shah has taken on charge of her Bollywood career guidance. Shannon K will also be featured in the upcoming film 'Chal Zindagi' alongside renowned actor Sanjay Mishra. She has also contributed her voice to...
5th Time Sandeep Marwah Entered Into World Book of Records London
Breaking News

5th Time Sandeep Marwah Entered Into World Book of Records London

Noida 9th May, 2023:Renowned film, television, and media personality Sandeep Marwah has once again made his mark in the global creative arts industry. President of Marwah Studios and the founder of film city, Sandeep Marwah has been recognized by the World Book of Records London for the fifth time for his exceptional contribution to the international film and festival scene. Sandeep Marwah’s passion for the creative arts has led him to organize some of the most prestigious international festivals in the world. From the Global Film Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, Global Literary Festival, Global Fashion Week, International Festival of Cellphone Cinema, AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films, International Children’s Film Festival, Country Wise Film Festivals, ASMS Short Film Festiva...
Sandeep Marwah Presents Book About Modi To Former President
Breaking News

Sandeep Marwah Presents Book About Modi To Former President

New Delhi: Dr Sandeep Marwah, the multifaceted revered Chancellor of AAFT University and President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), presented the first copy of the book “8 Years of Modi Sarkar- A compilation of Achievements” to former President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind. The presentation took place on World Press Freedom Day and on the eve of Buddha Purnima Day, making it an auspicious occasion.The book, published by ICMEI, documents the achievements of the Modi government over the past eight years. It is an essential contribution to the documentation of the government’s works and functioning. The systematic efforts of the ICMEI in compiling it are commendable. The book is sure to be a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers and anyone ...
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संदीप मारवाह ने पूर्व राष्ट्रपति को पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी पर लिखी किताब भेंट की

एएएफटी विश्वविद्यालय के बहुमुखी सम्मानित चांसलर और इंटरनेशनल चैंबर ऑफ मीडिया एंड एंटरटेनमेंट इंडस्ट्री (आईसीएमईआई) के अध्यक्ष डॉ. संदीप मारवाह ने "८ इयर्स ऑफ मोदी सरकार- ए कंपाइलेशन ऑफ अचीवमेंट्स" पुस्तक की पहली प्रति पूर्व राष्ट्रपति श्री राम नाथ कोविंद को भेंट की। यह प्रस्तुति विश्व प्रेस स्वतंत्रता दिवस और बुद्ध पूर्णिमा दिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर हुई, जिससे यह एक शुभ अवसर बन गया। आईसीएमईआई द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तक, पिछले आठ वर्षों में मोदी सरकार की उपलब्धियों का दस्तावेजीकरण करती है। सरकार के कार्यों और कार्यप्रणाली के प्रलेखन में यह एक आवश्यक योगदान है। इसे संकलित करने में आईसीएमईआई के व्यवस्थित प्रयास सराहनीय हैं। यह पुस्तक शोधकर्ताओं, नीति निर्माताओं और पिछले आठ वर्षों में सरकार के काम को समझने में रुचि रखने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए एक मूल्यवान संसाधन है। डॉ. संदीप मारवाह ने पूर्...
Web News

Bhumi Pednekar And Priya Agarwal Hebbar Launch The Water Bowl Challenge For Mumbai’s Stray Animals

Award-winning Actor & Climate activist Bhumi Pednekar graced the event at Father Agnel Ashram as the Chief Guest along with Priya Agarwal Hebbar, Anchor, TACO & Non-Executive Director, Vedanta Over 650 students took part in the #WaterBowlChallenge for strays Mumbai, May 12, 2023 -  With the onset of summer and rising temperatures, Vedanta’s The Animal Care Organization (TACO) together with Climate Warrior launched a water bowl challenge along with a walkathon for the welfare of the city’s stray animals. The event, which saw the participation of over 650 people, was inaugurated by actor Bhumi Pednekar, also the founder of Climate Warrior, and Priya Agarwal Hebbar, Non-Executive Director, Vedanta and Anchor, TACO.  Hosted at the Father Agnel Ashram in Bandra, the event b...
Web News

Indian Actor and Fitness Entrepreneur SAHIL KHAN And His Sister SHAISTA KHAN Believe In Working For The Downtrodden

-----Jyothi Venkatesh Apart from being actor Sahil Khan’s sister, Shaista Khan is a philanthropist who believes in contributing to the community. She is an active member of various NGOs across India who set out to help slum kids, orphanages, old age homes, charitable hospitals etc. Hold your breath. She is also the Vice President - Human Rights Cell under ‘Human Rights Council of India’ and continuously works towards creating a better world. The philanthropist brother-sister duo who recently organised a very successful Eid feast event “Khushiyon Wali Eid with Nanhe Parindey” in Kolkata in tandem with popular and active NGO “Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation, adds that the avowed motive and mission is to make all the marginalized people a part of all the celebrations. Shaista Khan adds, “...
Producer Director BS Ali’s Horror Series EK ADHURI KAHANI Shooting Is Going On
Latest Films

Producer Director BS Ali’s Horror Series EK ADHURI KAHANI Shooting Is Going On

The shooting of Producer-director BS Ali's horror series Ek Adhuri Kahani is going on in various locations of Mumbai where many important scenes are filming. It is a 52 episode series whose story is a mix of horror and thriller. Producer-director BS Ali told that  This series of mine is inspired by a real incident called "Ek Adhuri Kahani". The entire team associated with the series was present during the shooting of this series by producer-director BS Ali in Mumbai. BS Ali is very excited about this fast-paced series. BS Ali said that the shooting of this horror series is going on in full swing in Mumbai. There is a plan to release the series soon on a major OTT platform. Talking to reporters here, he said that the story of Ek Adhuri Kahani is based on a real incident. The series will ...
Film THE KARELA STORY  An Agenda And Confusion For Sensible Audience
Latest Films

Film THE KARELA STORY An Agenda And Confusion For Sensible Audience

By - Raja Sarfaraz Ahmed Recently released "The Karela Stories"  in Headlines since its trailer furlough When Film Maker Sudipto sen Cliamed " Forceful conversion of 3000 of Non-Muslim girls into Islam"  along with his group of writers Suryapal Singh and Vipul Amritlal Shah, who is also the producer of Film well within few days of trailer release the number was reduced from 30000 to three only and Filmmakers claimed the fact has been taken from some websites which are not obtainable anymore. Well, Bollywood is a medium for Making Films on subjects that can portray any story, and finally, censorship is given by the Film Board called Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)  since 1951. Earlier Films were made on Love, Brotherhood, Faith, Humanities, and Inspirational Fabric but now It s...
Majid Malik  Promising Cricketer Wishes To Join The Film Industry

Majid Malik Promising Cricketer Wishes To Join The Film Industry

By - RAJA SARFARAZ Nowadays when everyone  is attempting to be self-dependent and thousands of start-ups jogging across the country, A Section of society awfully youth is entangled in the Craft of Sports and Entertainment while we notice some of them have both talents, we reached across another inspiring story Of Mr. Majid Malik who is by profession a Cricketer and also he glimpses forward to joining the Film industry as an actorr, something which is standard in both fields is fitness and Performance Here is our Chat with Majid Malik. Tell us about yours, yourself Well, I'm a simple guy who at college level emptied my mind to take bat when terrorism was at its peak in Jammu and Kashmir, I belong to a small village called Bhatyas of District Doda of Jammu and Kashmir. Im also the Distri...
THE AJMER DIARY  – Ajmer Sexual Exploitation – A Timeline of Events
Breaking News

THE AJMER DIARY – Ajmer Sexual Exploitation – A Timeline of Events

The Ajmer gang rape case of 1992 has been referred to as an "open wound" that has yet to heal. The case involved the rape and blackmail of hundreds of young women by the infamous Chishty duo, Farooq Chishty and Nafees Chishty, and their gang. The accused belonged to the extended family associated with the Ajmer Sharif Dargah and had used their religious reach and small-town glamour to commit the crime with impunity. The case may never have gone to court if it weren't for an intrepid city crime reporter who exposed the crime. Now, an upcoming movie titled "The Ajmer Diary" is shedding light on the true events of the Ajmer rape case. Directed and Written by Neeraj Singh and Shraddha Srivastava, the movie depicts the horrific rape of 250 Hindu girls between the ages of 11-20 by the Khadims o...
Dr KHOJA Phd Vastu N Nadi Astrology Awarded At Grand Ceremony Of Fourth Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2023 Held On The Birthday Of Dr Krishna Chouhan

Dr KHOJA Phd Vastu N Nadi Astrology Awarded At Grand Ceremony Of Fourth Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2023 Held On The Birthday Of Dr Krishna Chouhan

Kumar Sanu, Dilip Sen, Ritu Pathak, Ali Khan, Sunil Pal, ACP Sanjay Patil, BN Tiwari, Bhuj director Abhishek Dudhaiya, Amitabh Bachchan's make-up man Deepak Sawant, Dr Khoja and Bright Outdoor Media honored. Dr. Krishna Chouhan, who received the title of show man of the award function, on the occasion of his birthday on May 4, 2023, successfully organized the '4th Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2023' at the Mayor Hall in Andheri West, a famous suburb of Mumbai Metropolitan Region.  In this award ceremony presented by KCF, those celebrities were honored who have established their distinct identity in the film world as well as have done commendable work of social service and human service.  Organized by Dr. Krishna Chouhan, many celebrities were present in this award ceremony, including Sing...
Sandeep Marwah Honoured With Doctorate By French University
Breaking News

Sandeep Marwah Honoured With Doctorate By French University

Raipur: He has done it again! Renowned media personality and dynamic educationist, Sandeep Marwah, has been honoured with a Doctorate in Literature (D.Lit) by a prestigious French university at Raipur for his outstanding contribution to the media industry. The degree was presented to him by the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel and Dr Vivek Choudhary, Vice President of Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon, France. Sandeep Marwah is a well-known figure in the media industry, having made significant contributions as a film and television producer, director, and educator. He is the founder of the fastest growing film city in the world, Noida Film City, the first private film school in the country, Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT), and the first professional film studios ...
The Spectrum Of Colours – Paintings And Sculptures Exhibition By 9 Contemporary Artists In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

The Spectrum Of Colours – Paintings And Sculptures Exhibition By 9 Contemporary Artists In Jehangir

From: 2nd to 8th May 2023  "The Spectrum of Colours"    An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures  By Laxminarayan  Sharma, Mamta Sharma, Rupesh Patil, Kumar Gaikwad, Raju Autade, Kalpana Arya, Chetan Vaity, Makrand Joshi, Shreyas Khanvilkar. VENUE:  Jehangir Art Gallery  Auditorium Hall  161-B, M.G.Road  Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 9594103078 / +91 9867693692  /  +91 9867693692 Spectrum of colours A group of 9 contemporary talented artists are showing their latest paintings and sculptures in different mediums and styles in Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 2nd to 8th May, 2023 between 11 am. To 7 pm This show was  inaugurated on 2nd May 2023  by Sukanya Mone(Actress), in the presence of Mr. Sandeep Shukla(Genera...
Poster Launch Of Miss Universal 2023  Legend Music Director And Composer Dilip Sen, Models And Organizers Were Present
Exclusive News

Poster Launch Of Miss Universal 2023 Legend Music Director And Composer Dilip Sen, Models And Organizers Were Present

Universal Enterprises & Film in association with ShowTheeme Production is going to organize "Miss Universal 2023" in a grand manner. Its poster was launched at Burn Cafe in Mumbai where music composer Dilip Sen was present as the chief guest, while organizers Sanjeev Kumar and Yusuf Shakir were also present. Several models were also present at the poster launch event. Organizers Sanjeev Kumar and Yusuf ji said that today we have launched the poster of beauty pageant Miss Universal 2023, its grand finale will be held on 16th September 2023 in Mumbai. Girls in the age group of 16 to 29 years can participate in this beauty contest. Apart from India, in this beauty pageant can also be participated from abroad. Auditions for Miss Universal 2023 will be held across the country. Film Fashion...
Sandeep Marwah Blessed By Former President Of India
Breaking News

Sandeep Marwah Blessed By Former President Of India

New Delhi: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, the Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, was honored and blessed by Hon. Ram Nath Kovind Ji, the former President of India, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. During the visit, Dr. Marwah had the opportunity to discussed the various activities and initiatives undertaken by Marwah Studios, AAFT, and ICMEI.   Marwah Studios, the state-of-the-art first film and television studio of North India, has been providing unparalleled services to the media and entertainment industry for over three decades. Dr. Marwah briefed Hon. Kovind Ji about the studio's contribution to the growth of the film industry in India and its successful collaborations with international filmmakers.  Dr. Marwah also shared about the achievements and contributions of AAF...
Panache Glam Model Fashion Show By Designer Vishal Kapoor Vk
Breaking News

Panache Glam Model Fashion Show By Designer Vishal Kapoor Vk

The glamorous evening was enchanted by celebrity showstopper Charrul Malik, Aadesh Chaudhary & Akshaay Sethi for Exclusive Glam Model Fashion Show By Ace Designer Vishal Kapoor VK at Sahara Star, Mumbai. VK's exclusive men's collection & royal couture women's wear were the remarkable statements including the kids fashion show in which the child actor Armaan Bhanushali rocked on the ramp. PANACHE multiple Showopeners & Showstoppers blazed the ramp were Dnyanada Bandodkar, Swati Lanke, Nupur Derola, Bebo Kakkad, Shruti Sunnapu, Barnali Baro, Vidya Suryavanshi, Meenakshi Pange, Zumana Morbiwala & Manjiri Phansalkar. Snehal Shandilya was announced as the winner, Sonal Waghmare as 1st Runner-up & Rashmi Wadhwa as 2nd Runner-up for GMA - Season 2.   Panache Glam Model ...
Tarun Vaishnav Devgarh Rajsamand – Focused On Social Media Got Success
Breaking News

Tarun Vaishnav Devgarh Rajsamand – Focused On Social Media Got Success

Tarun Vaishnav is dominating the social media by becoming a role mode l for the youth.He was born on 07 August 2000 in Deogarh, Rajsamand in a normal Hindu family.Tarun was active on social media since his childhood and later on he decided to start his own social media marketing agency.He is also fond of solo traveling since childhood, he goes to new places and tells the beauty of the culture there to the people through social media.He has more than one lakh followers on his Facebook page and 21 thousand followers on Instagram. Best digital marketing agency Founded by Tarun Vaishnav, Digital Shivay also provides you web development, brand building and promotion, celebrity account management, and other services. Digital Shivay is a digital creative agency with offices in Deogarh.It works ...
Sandeep Marwah Honored With Doctorate By French University For His Nine World Records
Breaking News

Sandeep Marwah Honored With Doctorate By French University For His Nine World Records

Raipur: Renowned media personality and educationist, Sandeep Marwah has been conferred with a prestigious honor by a French university at Raipur for his extraordinary achievements in the field of media. The university has awarded him with the degree of Doctor of Literature (D.Lit) in recognition of his exceptional contribution to the media industry. The Degree was presented to Sandeep Marwah by Bhupesh Bagel Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh and Dr. Vivek Choudhary   Vice President – Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon, France.  Sandeep Marwah is a well-known figure in the media industry, having made significant contributions as a film and television producer, director, and educator. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his work, and holds the unique distinction of holding nine w...