Tuesday, February 18


Vishal Dadlani Is The Most Loved Mentor And Judge On Indian Television Today

Vishal Dadlani Is The Most Loved Mentor And Judge On Indian Television Today

It seems that Indian Idol season 11 has got one of the finest start today with some outstanding performances by contestants in the auditions. Amongst the few who stood out were Sunny and Azmat Hussain. Sunny is a shoe polish guy from Punjab who sang an impeccable rendition of Nusrat Ali Khan's song Afreen Afreen. I promise you, you have only seen the first 1% of these singers. Let them settle in and get comfortable. They're gonna BLAZE so bright, we're gonna need shades! #IndianIdol11 https://t.co/ex5WLmCTmg — VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) October 12, 2019 Judge Vishal Dadlani too was impressed with his rendition but made him sing another song in his own style. Listening to the young boy, Vishal encouraged him and gave the golden mic which is a ticket to the theatre round dir...
A New Age Production House IdeaRack Ventures Into Television Production With Tara From Satara

A New Age Production House IdeaRack Ventures Into Television Production With Tara From Satara

Joining the bandwagon in the world of innovative production is IdeaRack Private Limited, a creative house exploring unique ideas for content curation. Founded by Saeed Akhtar Ex SVP and Head Programming Sony Sab Channel and co-founded by Aisha Faizan, an advertising and marketing expert, IdeaRack Private Limited forays into television production with a grand show Tara From Satara which goes on air from August 19th, 2019 on Sony TV. IdeaRack Private Limited aims to bring ideas to life which can serve both brands and media companies to create value for their business. It is an endeavour to create an ecosystem where ideas can urge and their metamorphosis can give birth to new ideas in a systematic and organised manner. They create ideas that matter, uniquely crafted for the relevant platfo...
Vikas Kapoor’s New Show – Achanak Uss Roz – Filled With Navras To Be On Air From 5 May On Dangal TV

Vikas Kapoor’s New Show – Achanak Uss Roz – Filled With Navras To Be On Air From 5 May On Dangal TV

Now a days, TV viewers are bored watching routine “run of the mill” TV soaps practically on most of channel. But now producers Vikas Kapoor and Sarthak Kapoor are going to present new TV show “Achanak Uss Roz”, which will be full of navarasas (9 emotions) under the banner “Daivida Pictures” on “Dangal TV” from 5 May onwards. One hour soap will be telecast at 1 PM on every Sunday. Each episode will be based on new story related to one of the Navarasas including Shringara (love/beauty), Hasya(laughter), Karuna (sorrow), Raudra (anger), Veera(heroism/courage), Bhayanaka (terror/fear), Bibhatsya (disgust), Adbhut (surprise/wonder) and Shantha (peace or tranquility). The stories related to suspense, romance and rebirth have specifically been woven into these episodes to give altogether differen...
Actor Ahil Khan Starrer TV Serial Beti Ghar Ka Ujala On  DD1From 25th March 2019
Actors, TV

Actor Ahil Khan Starrer TV Serial Beti Ghar Ka Ujala On DD1From 25th March 2019

बेटी घर का उजाला - से छोटे पर्दे पर दस्तक को तैयार आहिल खान अभिनेता बनने के अलावा मैं कुछ सोच भी नहीं सकता क्योंकि अभिनय के अलावा मुझे कुछ आता ही नहीं है,यह कहना है लखनऊ रंगमंच के जाने माने अभिनेता आहिल खान का जो बहुत जल्द डीडी वन के शो "बेटी घर का उजाला" से टीवी की दुनिया में बतौर अभिनेता  दस्तक को तैयार है l इस शो की सबसे बड़ी बात यह है कि यह शो "बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ" जैसे सामाजिक मुद्दे पर आधारित हैl आहिल खान इस शो में लीड रोल "सरताज" की भूमिका में दिखेंगे जो सबों के हक के लिए लड़ता हैl आहिल इस शो में अभिनेता यशपाल शर्मा,रजा मुराद,मकरंद देशपांडे, सुनील पाल जैसे दिग्गज कलाकारों के  साथ स्क्रीन शेयर करते दिखेंगे, आहिल की मानें तो इस सीरियल में उनका काफी सशक्त किरदार है,अभिनय पारी की शुरुआत से ही उनको ऐसे किरदार लुभाते रहे हैं वो इस शो के डायरेक्टर राजू कुमार यादव का दिल से धन्यवाद करते ...