Tuesday, February 11


Priyanka Singh’s Neelam Giri Starrer Video Song Pardesiya Went Viral As Soon As Released

Priyanka Singh’s Neelam Giri Starrer Video Song Pardesiya Went Viral As Soon As Released

प्रियंका सिंह का नीलम गिरी स्टारर वीडियो सांग परदेसिया रिलीज होते ही हुआ वायरल ब्लॉकबस्टर हिट गाना छलकत हमरो जवानियाँ फेम पार्श्वगायिका प्रियंका सिंह का गाया हुआ नया भोजपुरी गीत परदेसिया वीडियो सांग वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल यूटयूब चैनल से रिलीज किया जा चुका है। जिसमें प्रियंका सिंह अपनी आवाज का जो जादू बिखेरा है वो सुनते ही बनता है। इस गाने को वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स हिन्दी के ऑफिसियल यूटयूब चैनल से भी रिलीज किया गया है। गौरतलब है कि ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल का खिताब पाने वाली भोजपुरी की नई सेंसेशन ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल ऐक्ट्रेस नीलम गिरि ने परदेसिया वीडियो सांग में अपनी मोहक अदा का जलवा बिखेर रही हैं। उनके साथ अमरदीप फोगट भी दिखाई दे रहें हैं। जो एक सुप्रसिद्ध मॉडल और पंजाबी म्यूज़िक वीडियो का जाना माना चेहरा हैं। इस बेहतरीन विडियो सांग में नीलम गिरि का लुक, उनका कॉस्ट्यूम्स और उनकी परफॉ...
Lantern 2.0 Released By Chhote Baba Basahi As A Singer Actor First Music Video

Lantern 2.0 Released By Chhote Baba Basahi As A Singer Actor First Music Video

छोटे बाबा बसही का बतौर सिंगर ऐक्टर फर्स्ट म्यूज़िक वीडियो "लालटेन 2.0" हुआ रिलीज़ अनोखे म्यूज़िक वीडियो "लालटेन 2.0" से चमक रहे हैं छोटे बाबा बसही संगीतकार छोटे बाबा बसही अब बने परफॉर्मर, पहले म्यूज़िक वीडियो में विदेशी मॉडल्स के साथ नज़र आ रहे हैं भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत की कई सुपरहिट फिल्मों में मधुर संगीत दे चुके सुप्रसिद्ध संगीतकार छोटे बाबा अब सिंगर के साथ-साथ ऐक्टर भी बन गए हैं। जी हां भोजपुरी संगीतकार छोटे बाबा बसही ने अब एक नई पहल किया है और वह अपना पहला म्यूज़िक विडियो "लालटेन 2.0" लेकर आ गए हैं। जिसे उन्होंने खुद गाया भी गई और एक्टिंग भी की है। म्यूज़िक टोन द्वारा यह गाना रिलीज किया गया है। इस गाने की विशेषता यह है कि इसमें छोटे बाबा बसही तीन विदेशी मॉडल्स के साथ डांस करते नजर आ रहे हैं। शुक्रवार को ये गाना रिलीज हुआ है, जिसे खूब पसंद किया जा रहा है। आज के युवा दर्शकों के ...
DJ Kimi’s Song Pari Hoon Mai Released

DJ Kimi’s Song Pari Hoon Mai Released

While everyone loves to play Garba at the holy festival of Navratri, Dj Kimi released her song "Pari Hoon Main", it was liked by everyone. The special thing about this song is that it has been made keeping in mind both Indian and Western music, this song has been shot in Dubai. Kimi explained that the title of the song "Pari Hoon Main" will inspire all girls because every girl is a fairy to her family. Kimi belongs to a musical family. Her father, the late Harish Hingu, has been a famous comedian in the Gujarati film industry, since childhood Kimi has loved singing and has also made a good mark in Gujarati people and performed in different cities of India. Also performed in Africa, London, Bangkok, Singapore, Dubai, Bahrain. She considers Dj Mitzi of Baroda as her mentor, and it i...
Hone De Ishq Shuru Featuring Mishti Chakravarty and Ruslaan Mumtaz Is Out Now
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Hone De Ishq Shuru Featuring Mishti Chakravarty and Ruslaan Mumtaz Is Out Now

Everybody has a past, no matter bitter or sweet. Director Raajeev Walia brings you an emotional single Hone De Ishq Shuru featuring gorgeous Mishti Chakravarty and Ruslaan Mumtaz. The song compells you to let go the past and embrace the present. The single beautifully showcases the journey of a newly wed couple where the girl is trying to forget her bitter past and fall in love all over again with her husband. Producer Dhavan Kodrani and Kamlesh Thakkar along with director Raajeev Walia and lead actress Mishti Chakravarty launch the music video on Thursday afternoon.    Elated director Raajeev Walia says, “My music videos always have a story and I like to choreograph my own videos. My producer Dhavan supported me a lot throughout but it was tough to find the leading girl for it. Me ...
Producer Director Alok Shrivastava’s Film END COUNTER Releasing on 8th February 2019 All Over
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Producer Director Alok Shrivastava’s Film END COUNTER Releasing on 8th February 2019 All Over

निर्देशक अलोक श्रीवास्तव की फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ 8 फरवरी को होगी रिलीज उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी सरकार द्वारा अपराधियों के सफाये को लेकर चलाया गया एनकाउंटर अभियान इन दिनों काफी सुर्खियों में रही है। मगर, अब आगरा (उत्तर प्रदेश) से ताल्‍लुक रखने वाले लेखक – निर्देशक आलोक श्रीवास्‍तव अपनी बॉलीवुड फिल्‍म ‘एंड काउंटर’ लेकर तैयार हैं, जो देशभर में 8 फरवरी को रिलीज हो रही है। मूलत: यह फिल्‍म शहरों में क्रिमिनल्‍स के हो रहे एनकाउंटर पर रोक लगाने और कई अलग व्‍यवस्‍था होने के थीम पर बेस्‍ड है। फिल्‍म पूरी तरह से कमर्सियल है और इसमें पुलिस और क्रिमिनल्‍स की कहानी के साथ – साथ एक खूबसूरत सी लव स्‍टोरी भी चलती है। फिल्‍म में मर्डर 2 फेम अभिनेता प्रशांत नारायणन, अभिमन्‍यु सिंह, मृनमई कोल्‍वालकर, सज्‍जन सिंह, एहसान कुरैशी लीड रोल में हैं।      फिल्‍म ‘एंड काउंटर’ के प्रोड्यूसर आलोक श्रीवास्‍तव और जतिन उपा...
RAKESH SAWANT’s  Amavasai Tamil Movie Releasing on 12th October
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RAKESH SAWANT’s Amavasai Tamil Movie Releasing on 12th October

Producer-director  Rakesh Sawant of  Jaya's Films And Music will release the Tamil version of AMAVASYA on 12th  October in 150 cinemas of Chennai from Jaya's Film Distribution . He  had  recently picturised a seductive item number on Raakhi Sawant amd Ejaz Khan recently for his trilingual film ( also in Telugu and Hindi).  It was choregraphed by Bobby Khan.   Jaya's Music have tied up with Hungama.com for the audio marketing and over 400 digital channels will be promoting the music of the film.   The film is co-produced by Naresh Kumar(of Delhi)., Siddharth Chand Ram, Bhupender Singh Tomar of Dharam Productions and Lalit Verma.    The  Tamil  version has already been passed by the censors with an A certificate.  Jai Akash ( of South ),  Nupur Mehta, Shravan,Jeeva,Sabu, Kota Srinivas, R...
Amavasai Tamil Movie Trailer Film Releasing On 12 October 2018 All Over Tamilnadu
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Amavasai Tamil Movie Trailer Film Releasing On 12 October 2018 All Over Tamilnadu

Jaya Films and Musics’  Amavasai  is a Tamil movie releasing 12th October All over TAMILNADU. Starring Jai Akash, Kota Srinivas, Mumait Khan, Rakhi Sawant, Ajaz Khan and Nupur Mehta. Directed and Produced by Rakesh Sawant and co-produced by Siddharth Chand Ram of Dharam Productions. Horror movie AMAVASAI is bilingual film made in Tamil and Hindi Language. Cast : Jai Akash ( of South ),  Nupur Mehta, Shravan,Jeeva,Sabu, Kota Srinivas, Rakhi Sawant, Ruby Khan, Rishabh Jain, Pankaj Pareek,,Preeti Singh and Late Rajesh Vivekji( Veerana and Lagaan  fame and also this film will be the last film of Rajesh Vivek) alongwith sensational and sexy Mumaith Khan in a seductive dance number.
India’s New Kissing Sensation Jaey Gajera Is Emraan Hashmi Part Duos!
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India’s New Kissing Sensation Jaey Gajera Is Emraan Hashmi Part Duos!

Actor Jaey Gajera features in the latest new musical video backed up by Zee. He has established himself as latest kissing sensation of Bollywood after Emraan Hashmi with this video. Jaey Gajera has once again brought to the forefront the Emraan Hashmi's era and style of hot and sultry passionate romance in Zee Music's latest musical video "Zindagi" with European actress Vitaliia Pustovit. This video has been directed by Babulal Gajera and sung by Luv Poddar.  Actor Jaey Gajera also had featured in Zee Music's sensuously hot and hit single "Zariya" in last year in 2017.    Talking about Zindagi, it has 14 smooches and liplocking hot scenes. It actually matches up with Emraan Hashmi's passionate romance. After Emraan Hashmi, India has actually found it's new kissing sensation in act...
Kahar Bhojpuri Film Releasing On 28th Sept 2018 In Bihar & Jharkhand
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Kahar Bhojpuri Film Releasing On 28th Sept 2018 In Bihar & Jharkhand

28 सितम्बर से बिहार , झारखण्ड में भव्य प्रदर्शित की जायेगी गौरव झा की कहर भोजपुरी सिनेप्रेमियों के स्वस्थ मनोरंजन हेतु निर्मित की गई सिनेस्टार गौरव झा स्टारर बहुप्रतीक्षित भोजपुरी फिल्म कहर का भव्य प्रदर्शन 28 सितम्बर से बिहार , झारखण्ड में किया जायेगा। यह फुल इंटरटेनिंग फ़िल्म है, जो दर्शकों का खूब मनोरंजन करने वाली है। नाथ फिल्म प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले निर्मित की गई हैरतअंगेज, रोमांच, मारधाड़, रोमांस एवं हास्य से भरपूर यह फिल्म कहर दर्शकों का बहुत मनोरंजन करने वाली है। इस फिल्म का वितरण बिहार, झारखंड में खुशी फिल्म्स के सुबोध कुमार द्वारा किया जा रहा है। फिल्म का ट्रेलर सुप्रसिद्ध म्यूजिक कंपनी एंटरटेन ने यू ट्यूब पर लांच किया था, जिसे बहुत अच्छा रिस्पांस मिला है। इसके पहले फ़िल्म का फर्स्ट लुक जारी किया गया था, जिसमें नायक का रौद्र रूप दिख रहा है। साथ ही सभी कलाकारों को अलग-अलग लुक में ...
Khesarilal Yadav Starrer Balamji Love You Bhojpuri Film Trailer Gets Viral On Social Media
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Khesarilal Yadav Starrer Balamji Love You Bhojpuri Film Trailer Gets Viral On Social Media

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी द्वारा लांच खेसारीलाल यादव की ‘बलमजी लव यू’ का ट्रेलर हुआ वायरल , पहली बार भोजपुरी में एक ही दिन में 3 मिलियन व्यूज का रिकॉर्ड भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुपरस्टार खेसारीलाल यादव अभिनीत भोजपुरी फिल्‍म ‘बलमजी लव यू’ का ट्रेलर रिलीज होते ही वायरल हो गया। सुप्रसिद्ध म्यूजिक कपंनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी द्वारा लांच किया फिल्‍म का ट्रेलर को मात्र एक ही दिन में 3 मिलियन व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। किसी भोजपुरी फिल्म के ट्रेलर को एक ही दिन में इतना बड़ा हिट मिलना वाकई नया रिकॉर्ड है।  उल्लेखनीय है कि श्री रामा प्रोडक्‍शन हाउस प्रस्‍तुत फिल्‍म ‘बलम जी लव यू’ के जरिये भोजपुरी के रुपहले परदे पर बहुत समय के बाद दंगल देखने को मिलेगा। खेसारीलाल यादव और बॉलीवुड खलअभिनेता अशोक समर्थ अखाड़े में धोबिया पछाड़ कुश्ती लड़ते हुए नजर आयेंगे, जो फिल्‍म के ट्रेलर में भी देखने को मिल रहा है। नायिका...
Official Trailer: Satyameva Jayate | John Abraham | Manoj Bajpayee | Aisha S | Milap Milan Zaveri
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Official Trailer: Satyameva Jayate | John Abraham | Manoj Bajpayee | Aisha S | Milap Milan Zaveri

Gulshan Kumar and T-Series in association with Emmay Entertainment present the official trailer of the upcoming Bollywood film of 2018 "Satyameva Jayate", Written & Directed by Milap Milan Zaveri. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Nikkhil Advani (Emmay Entertainment), Monisha Advani & Madhu Bhojwani. The movie features John Abraham & Manoj Bajpayee, Amruta Khanvilkar and Aisha Sharma in lead roles The Movie Is Releasing on► 15 AUGUST 2018 ___ Enjoy & stay connected with us! ► Subscribe to T-Series: http://bit.ly/TSeriesYouTube ► Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tseriesmusic ► Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tseries ► Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramTseries
Pooja Misra proves, she’s hotter than you!
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Pooja Misra proves, she’s hotter than you!

# Producer, theater actress, item girl, author and now singer, is there anything that Pooja misra can’t do? # Well she is all prepped up to unveil her debut dance track, "Hotter than you", with a sizzling hot music video and that not all !! Along with this song she will launch her limited edition perfume...in snazzy skull shaped bottles declaring an end of an era of frigidity. Yup the old school romantic is donning a very sexy avatar in the whole hotter than you campaign... All the other celebrities take the short cut of affiliating with a brand to launch a perfume but this hard working trendsetter actually took a course and learnt how to make her own perfume and is launching it on her own steam. Wow now that’s a gutsy chic everyone would like to date! So when you take a whiff of her...
Pagalpanti Sets A New Benchmark In High Budget Movie In Gujarati Cinema
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Pagalpanti Sets A New Benchmark In High Budget Movie In Gujarati Cinema

Pagalpanti Gujarati movie is all about Indianpanti where a group of tourist go on Fiji island and where they encounter various situations. It is the first Gujarati movie with high budget and lot of actors and actress. We have seen more Bollywood and Marathi movies where the film budget is high but this time the Gujarati cinema is not lacking back. It includes famous actors like Rahul dev and Ali Asgar and the film is directed by Jackee Patel. Here the film is shooted in Fiji island with a lot of characters. Since it was a high budget movie the teaser of the movie was launched in an event at Ahmedabad. It will be also screened as Pagalpanti Bollywood movie. The music for the movie is given by Bollywood’s sensational singers Aamantrika, Arvind Vegda, ParthOza, JigardanGadhavi and Himal...
Pagalpanti Is More Of Patriotism Than A Family Romcom Movie
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Pagalpanti Is More Of Patriotism Than A Family Romcom Movie

Pagalpanti isa upcoming Gujarati movie and the script is a mixture of everything which includes action, romance,comedy,suspense,thriller and the main thing is Patriotism. We have seen more Bollywood and Marathi movies which support patriotism and make India proud But this time it is the Gujarati Cinema which has made Indian proud by making a patriotic movie including some drama. It is one of the cinematic experience for Gujarat cinema. It is a movie based on patriotism where a tourist group from all parts of India gone on holiday to Fiji Island encountering various situations and their holiday turns into a patriotic mission. It is a movie where they carry on a mission to make India proud where they succeed over international wanted criminal Kazaamwith the help of inspector (Mukul de...
Being Tusshar Dhaliwal “Mrs India Universe 2018” Season 2, Grand Media Launch Celebration
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Being Tusshar Dhaliwal “Mrs India Universe 2018” Season 2, Grand Media Launch Celebration

It was a great evening of 21st May 2018, when a great function was held at 'Bora Bora' in Andheri, for Media Launch celebration “Mrs India Universe 2018, Season 2”. The event was organised by ‘Being Tushar Dhaliwal’ and ‘Archana Tomar’. The celebration was attended by lots of media person and Bollywood celebrities like Super Model Alesia Raut, actress Bhumika Gurung, actor Siddhaanth Suryavanshi, singer Yash Wadali, actor Dev Sharma, actor Vijay Bhatia, actor Kunal, actress Smriti Khanna, DJ Sherwood and producer Rakesh Sabharwal, of course hosts founder Tushaar Dhaliwal, president Archana Tomar and chairman Manish Luthra were there to welcome all guest's. Four contestants were crowned on the occasion as they are representing India in "Mrs Universe 2018" in Philippines. They are Surbhi Wa...
Did You Know Pooja Misra Sings Her Own Jingles ?
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Did You Know Pooja Misra Sings Her Own Jingles ?

Debut single titled ' Hotter than you soon'. Not many know that producer and actress Pooja is also a singer.She recently revealed at a press conference in mumbai,that she has been singing for the jingles of her webseries,tv shows,and will e debuting with a full fledged dance track as a singer called ,hotter than you.Pooja told the media that when she was making her Lovesutra,a sexy and humorous webseries that airs on hungama play app,she managed to conceptualise,create and put together the jingle for the show within a span of 15 minutes,which she penned down herself.    You can hear the jingle below However her second jingle for her lifestyle magazine format tv show,Abhi To Party Shuru Hui Hai, which aired on e24 bollywood news channel,she almost took 6 months to daily finetune her ...
RABBA ISHQ NA HOVE  Trailer Launched
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RABBA ISHQ NA HOVE Trailer Launched

रब्बा इश्क़ ना होवे का ट्रेलर लॉन्च एक्शन और लवर बॉय के रूप में दिखे अरविंद अकेला कल्लू लेखक निर्देशक प्रमोद शास्त्री की बहुचर्चित फ़िल्म रब्बा इश्क़ ना होवे का ट्रेलर याशी म्यूजिक द्वारा रिलीज किया गया । सिनेमा घरों में रिलीज से पहले बनाये गए इस ट्रेलर में युवा सुपर स्टार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू का जबर्दरस्त एक्शन तो दिखाया ही गया है साथ ही दो दो खूबसूरत बाला रितु सिंह और कनक यादव के साथ उनके रोमान्स का भी बखूबी चित्रण किया गया है । खलनायक अवधेश मिश्रा , देव सिंह के खतरनाक अंदाज़ के बीच मनोज टाईगर को एक सीधे साधे पुजारी के रूप में दिखाया गया है । अपने प्यार को पाने की जिद इस ट्रेलर में साफ साफ दिख रहा है । उल्लेखनीय है कि रियल एंटरटेनमेंट व शगुन एसोसिएट के बैनर तले बन रही इस फ़िल्म के निर्देशक प्रमोद शास्त्री हैं जबकि प्रस्तुतकर्ता हैं गौतम सिंह , निर्मात्री हैं कनक यादव और सह निर्माता...
Bhojpuri Film Kashi Amarnath Film Second Song Released On Youtube On Nauvmi The Auspicious Day
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Bhojpuri Film Kashi Amarnath Film Second Song Released On Youtube On Nauvmi The Auspicious Day

काशी अमरनाथ का दूसरा गाना नवमी पर रिलीज  दिखा निरहुआ आम्रपाली का लटका झटका निर्माण के समय से ही चर्चा में रही भोजपुरी फ़िल्म काशी अमरनाथ का दूसरा गाना दुर्गा नवमी के अवसर पर ज़ी म्यूजिक ने अपने यू ट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज कर दिया । संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद द्वारा कम्पोज किये गए इस गाने को उन्होंने खुद गाया भी है जबकि उनका साथ दिया है इंदु सोनाली ने और लिखा है आजाद सिंह ने । पिछले शुक्रवार रिलीज हुई लेंस नीला नीला के बाद यह दूसरा सांग है जो नवरात्र में ही रिलीज किया गया है । इस कूकर सांग में जुबली स्टार दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दुबे के जबरदस्त लटका झटका को फिल्माया गया है । गाने का फिल्मांकन झारखंड के खूबसूरत लोकेशन पर किया गया है । उल्लेखनीय है कि इस गाने की परिकल्पना खुद निरहुआ ने ही तैयार की थी जिसे मधुकर आनंद ने धुन का रूप दिया । आपको बता दें कि 18 अक्टूबर को दीवाली के अवसर पर रिल...
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Writer-producer-director Dr. Jagdish Waghela's and Shri Educational Films' THE INTERNATIONAL PROBLEM  will be released on 27th  June by Rajesh Mittal of  Mittal Advertising & Distribution all over India.. The film tackles the sex problems and also AIDS alongwith  the hidden fact behind the IPC law 377. Cast: Lata Tippe, Harsh, Master Bhavya Shah,Abhip Singh,Dhruv Kumar,Om Prakash Singh and others. Screenplay-dialogue: Mahesh Rawat.DoP: Devendra Tiwari.E.P.: Kishore Kaustubh.
Kashi Amarnath First Song Launched With Ravi Kishen – Sapna Gill
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Kashi Amarnath First Song Launched With Ravi Kishen – Sapna Gill

रवि किशन ने अपनी महबूबा सपना गिल की कुछ इस तरह की तारीफ लांच हुआ काशी अमरनाथ का पहला सांग भोजपुरी फिल्मो के मेगा स्टार रवि किशन इन दिनों एक पंजाबी बाला सपना गिल के दीवाने बने हुए हैं । अब अगर  दीवाने रवि किशन जैसे रोमांटिक स्टार हों तो दीवानगी का अंदाज़ भी कुछ अनोखा ही होगा । जी हां प्रियंका चोपड़ा की दूसरी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म काशी अमरनाथ में रवि किशन के साथ एक पंजाबी बाला सपना गिल लांच हो रही है । पिछले दिनों फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर लॉन्च हुआ था तो उसमें रवि किशन का रोमांटिक लुक की मात्र झलक दिखी थी लेकिन नवरात्रि के दूसरे दिन जब रवि किशन और सपना पर फिल्माया गया एक गाना लांच हुआ तो भोजपुरी फिल्मो के दीवानों ने जम कर तारीफ की । संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद कम्पोज किये गए इस गाने के बोल है - ' लगा के लेंस नीला नीला  , कमाल कैलू जिला ' । इस गाने के बोल जितने अच्छे हैं  उसका फिल्मांकन भी उतनी ही खूबसूरती स...
Transforming real life research to cinema was a real challenge – ISIS – director Yuvraj Kumar
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Transforming real life research to cinema was a real challenge – ISIS – director Yuvraj Kumar

Mumbai, 21st  Sept 2017  Yuvraj Kumar, a Whistling Woods International alumni, is gearing up for his upcoming film 'ISIS - Enemies of Humanity' and says that transforming the real life research, on violent Jihadist millitant group into a cinema was a real challenge. Yuvraj Kumar who hails from a defense background has exposed the commanders of an ISIS camp who indoctrinates the youth for violents act of terror all across the world in his upcoming film 'ISIS- Enemies of Humanity'. ISIS has been declared as a Terrorist organization by the United Nations and various other individual countries. "I am a student of World Politics. Thus when terror attacks gained momentum, it was very natural for me to start looking into it deeply. And through my research on this menace in the era of t...
Fashion Designer, Gazal Mishra wins Ticket to Bollywood at Page3 Fashion & Lifestyle Awards organized by All About Talent
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Fashion Designer, Gazal Mishra wins Ticket to Bollywood at Page3 Fashion & Lifestyle Awards organized by All About Talent

Mumbai: There are many events happening in and across the country but few are the event which understands the value to value the talent. Page3 Fashion and Lifestyle Awards (P3FLA) is among one of them which was organized by All About Talent (AAT) on September15, 2017, at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel, Powai, Mumbai. 8 Fashion Designers and 2 Jewellers participated in the event to showcase their collections, 30 Models walked the runway displaying Haute ensembles by Nations emerging designers. The event witnessed participation from several parts of India and below are the names of winners - Gazal Mishra - Ticket to Bollywood, Winner Mohit & Anjula Falor - Ticket to Tv soap, Runners Up Shivaang Kapoor - creative stylist of the year Versha Sethi - emerging design...
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Arko elated with Aainda’s success
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Arko elated with Aainda’s success

Riteish Deshmukh and Madalina Bellariu staring music video Aainda is rulling chart busters and the makers of the single are super happy about it. The song is sung by Arko Mukherjee and is released by Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt LTD. The music video features Bollywood’s superstar Riteish Deshmukh in a never-seen-before avatar, where his intense aura is bound to make you feel weak in the knees. He is seen romancing the Romanian beauty Madalina Bellariu in the video that shows a couple at the brink of separation trying to find possibilities to find love in each other again. Talking about the same Producer Sujit Tiwari of Yuvraj Entertainment says, " The video is beautiful, and the song is impressive. I am happy that I am associated with the music video, Arko has sung the son...
Dr Ahad Khan’s KBC CLINIC(Beautifully Yours) Popular in Mumbai & suburbs
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Dr Ahad Khan’s KBC CLINIC(Beautifully Yours) Popular in Mumbai & suburbs

The Most Trusted Name For Quality Results & Service For Hair treatment, Skin Treatment , Laser, Cosmetic Surgery,  Obesity etc. Has organised Product Launch On 26th January 2017 At GCC CLUB , Hatkesh Udyog, Mira Bhayandar Road, Behind Maruti Show Room between 6.00 to 9.00 pm . KBC is managed by Dr. Abdul Khan, Dr. Syed Tasneefa Razvi Business Counsultant - Karishma Ramnani, Rajkumar Singh. Dr Ahad Khan’s KBC CLINIC(Beautifully Yours) Popular in Mumbai & suburbs Interview published on Popular news Channel.  
Mon Amour Song (Video) | Kaabil | Hrithik Roshan, Yami Gautam | Vishal Dadlani | Rajesh Roshan
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Mon Amour Song (Video) | Kaabil | Hrithik Roshan, Yami Gautam | Vishal Dadlani | Rajesh Roshan

Presenting the Video Song " Mon Amour " from the upcoming Bollywood Movie "KAABIL", The Term "Mon Amour" means "affectionate" in french. It simply translates to"My love".It originates from the Latin word "Amor", meaning love. Kaabil is the story of a man who lived, laughed and loved just like everyone in this world. Until one day, a terrible tragedy struck. Driven by the fire of vengeance, nothing will stop him. Not even the fact that he has been blind since birth. Starring Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam,"Kaabil" is directed by Sanjay Gupta and produced by Rakesh Roshan with music by Rajesh Roshan. A small film with a big heart, it releases in theaters on 25th of January 2017 SONG CREDITS: Song: Mon Amour Singer: Vishal Dadlani Music: Rajesh Roshan Lyrics: Manoj Muntashir Programme...
Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan & Mahira Khan | Arijit Singh & Harshdeep Kaur | JAM8
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Zaalima | Raees | Shah Rukh Khan & Mahira Khan | Arijit Singh & Harshdeep Kaur | JAM8

Red Chillies Entertainment and Excel Entertainment Present An Excel Entertainment Production. Song - Zaalima Music - JAM8 Lyrics - Amitabh Bhattacharya Singers - Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur Choreography - Bosco- Caesar Written by - Rahul Dholakia, Harit Mehta, Ashish Vashi & Niraj Shukla Director Of Photography - K.U Mohanan ISC Produced By - Ritesh Sidhwani, Gauri Khan & Farhan Akhtar Directed By - Rahul Dholakia Sound Design:- Dj Phukan, Sunny M.R. Programmers:- Sourav Roy, Dj Phukan, Sunny M.R., Rohan Chauhan, Arijit Singh Mix & Master:- Shadab Rayeen @ Newedge Assistant:- Abhishek Sortey Shoot Mix:- Ashwin Kulkarni Recording Engineers:- Ashwin Kulkarni, Himanshu Shirlekar, Aaroh Velankar, Kaushik Das Vocal Conductor:- Akashdeep Sengupta, Kaushik Das, Tushar Jo...
HAVEN – (Black Haven), first veg lounge opens in Borivali (West).
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HAVEN – (Black Haven), first veg lounge opens in Borivali (West).

First vegan lounge in suburb Mumbai: The black haven Hip-hop youngsters of suburb, there is a new joint for you where  you can have good vegetarian cuisine and variety of Cocktails.  Actors like Chetan Hansraj, Kushal Punjabi, Santosh Shukla (Big Boss fame), Sazish Siddhu, Arhaan Khanc and many other stars from Bollywood graced this occasion on its opening recently.  Chetan Hansaj, Kushal & Santosh Shukla said that they are delighted to visit this “Haven” as it is the first joint in suburb beside Andheri, Bandra etc, which has all sorts of facilities besides being a Veg only. Mehul Mistry was working so hard on the concept and got a fruitful result. The owner Mitesh Shah is an industrialist, his partners, Jigar Tanna from Share Market, Sandeep Jain (Sanju) is a Jeweller...
Ashley – Bollywood Movie Releasing on 13th January, 2017
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Ashley – Bollywood Movie Releasing on 13th January, 2017

The Ashley story is a romantic thriller based on a small time singer of Goa, who ends of with becoming a celebrity singer in Bollywood. He meets Goan girl, Ashley and falls in love with her, running into serious problems. Banner -  Saveena Creation Status - Completed Release Date - 13 January, 2017 Genre - Romantic Triller Producer - Swatantra Goel (Savi Goel) USA NRI EP - Raju Parad Star Cast - Rishi Bhutani – Ronit, Gurleen Chopra – Ashley,  Dinesh Hingu - (Bar Owner) Micheal, Shakti Kapoor - police Officer, Mohit Bagel – Pinto (Ronit Friend), Dolly Chawala - Avantika (Ronit Wife) Music by - Dushyant Dubey Singer - Sunidhi Chauhan, Naqqash, Dev Negi, Deepali Writer  - Mir Munir and Savi Goel Creative Director - Savi Goel Director - Keval Singh Choreographers - Reshm...
Satnam Singh sends his New Year wishes by recapping Indian Sport’s biggest achievements in 2016
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Satnam Singh sends his New Year wishes by recapping Indian Sport’s biggest achievements in 2016

As everyone is ushering in the New Year and sending across warm wishes to their dear ones, the pride of our nation, Satnam Singh has a message for all. Being miles away from his country, the first ever Indian to be drafted to the National Basketball association (NBA), Satnam Singh, still manages to connect to his place of birth with this inspiring video message. The 21 year old from a small village in Punjab, in an exclusive video is seen hailing India’s achievements at the Rio Olympics 2016 and appreciated the undying spirit of our sports women. He further expresses his desire to see our Indian men and women, through their sheer hardwork bring laurels for the country across different kinds of sports such as football, hockey, soccer, badminton, basketball among others at the next O...
Bollywood  Exclusive A Unique Videos on Youtube part 10
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Bollywood  Exclusive A Unique Videos on Youtube part 10

Bollywood Exclusive is the Latest Youtube Channel giving its viewers a unique experience of Video viewing with their Exclusive Video contents, all the contents are definitely a unique videos  mostly never appeared on any other video platform. Watch this channel Bollywood Exclusive Videos regulary which we publishing for our viewers daily. Visit Us On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MoviezUpdates/ Twitter https://twitter.com/BwoodExclusive And subscribe us at Our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJzCNWmQsA8R1a1KsN6Qkg  
Shaheed Chandrasekhar Azaad Movie – Rajesh Mittals most ambitious project after Birsa Munda and Jhansi Ki Rani releasing 11th Aug 2017
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Shaheed Chandrasekhar Azaad Movie – Rajesh Mittals most ambitious project after Birsa Munda and Jhansi Ki Rani releasing 11th Aug 2017

Muhurat of Shaheed Chandrasekhar Azaad was done in Uttar Pradesh by honble Sugarcane chief Minister Mr Ramesh Singhh Kushwaha, 50 percent of shooting is completed in Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Allahabad and Meerut. U making Shaheed Chandrasekhar Azaad isse pehle aap ne Birsa Munda and Jhansi Ki Rani banai to historical movies kyon ? 'Shaheedon ke chitaon par lagenge har bars mele watan par mitne waalon ka yahi  baaki Nisha hoga' Ye hamare real heroes ki Kahani hai ijnhe baar baar  dekh Kar bhi kabhi koi Hindustani bore nhi hota coz they make us feel proud of India , we salute them jai hind ....     Jab Meera ( Pakistani actress ) ko aapne sign kiya tha jhansi ki Rani Laxmi Bai ke liye to kaafi achhi publicity ho rhi thi zoom per interview aa rha tha anchor ka kehna tha Sushmita sen...
Bollywood Exclusive Wishes All A Happy New Year 2017
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Bollywood Exclusive Wishes All A Happy New Year 2017

Bollywood Exclusive Wishes all his viewers, Subscribers  and followers  Happy New Year 2017 Bollywood Exclusive is the Latest Youtube Channel giving its viewers a unique experience of Video viewing with their Exclusive Video contents, all the contents are definitely a unique videos  mostly never appeared on any other video platform. Watch this channel Bollywood Exclusive Videos regulary which we publishing for our viewers daily. Visit Us On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MoviezUpdates/ Twitter https://twitter.com/BwoodExclusive And subscribe us at Our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJzCNWmQsA8R1a1KsN6Qkg