Monday, February 17

World Records Foundation and Awareness Trusts Project Mera Shahar Swachh, Mera Bharat Swachh is taking Indians by storm

Surat.  In order to make Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship Swachh Bharat Mission successful, World Records Foundation and Awareness Trust began a nationwide campaign called Mera Shahar Swachh, Mera Bharat Swachh on 17th of August. During this ongoing campaign, these two foundations have associated various top Government, Business and Social bodies to help them spread the awareness about the importance of keeping the country clean and green.

Surat Municipal Corporation, The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as Federation of Surat Textile Traders Association are amongst the few who have come forward to extend their support to this noble cause.

World Records Foundation and Awareness Trust along with various other social organizations are educating the youth in masses to stop polluting the environment, plant more trees and stop littering around for a cleaner, healthier atmosphere.


They are stopping the people who are littering around in a Gandhian way. The moment they see someone spitting, littering or polluting the environment, they talk to them in the politest of manners and even offer them a rose to make them realize serenely that if we want to build a healthy nation in the days to come, this habit needs to discontinue with immediate effect.

President of World Records Foundation Nihar Saraswala in a telephonic interview said that time has come when we need to step up and help our own country. We believe that sanitizing India is not the responsibility that lies only on the shoulders of Government of India, but citizens across the nation should also come forward to take this initiative ahead and help the Government fulfill its mission.

Chairman of Awareness Trust Dr Vimal Rathi said that we all have been waiting for this opportunity for the longest time and now it is here in the form of Governments initiative of Swachh Bharat. Let us make a few common, attainable goals, like  the streets should not have a single plastic waste, the garbage should be cleared out in the surroundings on daily basis, thereby keeping a check and involving other people of the society as well. Both the trustees said that they will end the mass awareness campaign on 16th of September and would like to dedicate the details of this colossal campaign to the PM on his birthday on 17th of September.

Activities regarding cleanliness will be continued even in the months to follow.