Tuesday, February 11

Month: December 2018

Priyanka Arora Bollywood Actress – Hot Model Winner of Miss Empower World India 2018
Actress, Breaking News

Priyanka Arora Bollywood Actress – Hot Model Winner of Miss Empower World India 2018

Priyanka Arora Actress-Model  has the distinction of winning the prestigious Miss Empower World India 2018 tiltled this year. Priyanka Arora is popular in modelling industry and has done Print & Add modelling for many popular brands. Above all she has done 3 films which are yet to release in a very important and lead roles. Priyanka Arora the charming actress is the right choice for any lead role for any films, albums, TV serials and Web series. She can speak fluently, Hindi, English, Marathi & Punjabi. She does not hesitate in working in language film as far as her character is important. She can Swim, Car Drive and Bike Driving very comfortably. For modelling assignment she is suitable for Indian Look Costumes,  Indian & International Jewelry,  Saree Styles shoot,  Wedding S...
Ayush Samir Shah Talented Upcoming Star
Latest News, New Comers

Ayush Samir Shah Talented Upcoming Star

Ayush Samir Shah is new aspirant to bollywood who hails from Ahmedabad. This young smart looking actor is suitable for all college & school student roles, Brother role, young Lead Pair. He has worked in One Video Album tilled DILBARO And one TV Serial for crime coverage. The  ardent fan of Salman Khan whom he respects as his idol. He was lucky to have his family and friends full support which encouraged him to enter this glamorous world. Though professionally  he wants to persue his carrer as an CA in one hand and Acting on Other side.      He says once given opportunity I am capable of handling my both carrers in future. Still i m studing to get my Commerce Degree. As well as interested in working in films, albums, web series & TV serials in  Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati a...
Mood Indigo – IIT Bombay’s Annual And Asia’s Largest College Cultural Fest
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Mood Indigo – IIT Bombay’s Annual And Asia’s Largest College Cultural Fest

Mood Indigo - IIT Bombay’s Annual and Asia’s Largest college cultural fest - is currently in its 48th edition. With a footfall of nearly 1,41,000 and 1700+ colleges as part of Mood Indigo, we have conducted 220+ events from 20+ different genres in our last edition. Among these events and workshops, we also have a large number of competitions that encompass different cultural activities from dance, dramatics, music, literature and many more. From last 3 years founder of smita patil street theatre is one of the judge for street plays ,this year also Yusuf Qasmi ,Azad singh , and Hashim Sayed the team from smita patil street theatre will be judges for street plays on 29th December 2018 .
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They are an inspiration to the young generation, the youth icons Benafsha Soonawalla, Bhumanyu are marked by their single-minded quest for success and achievement. While others equate success with being famous & rich, Benafsha Soonawalla, Bhumanyu who will feature in "THE ILLUSIONER"- most awaited calendar's for the year equate success by excelling in their chosen field. No matter how ambitious or humble their dreams, they show a strong will to work towards them. The weight of expectation can be crushing , especially if you are the torch bearers of spanning brilliance in entertainment & fashion industry. But both Benafsha & Bhumanyu seem unruffled, coming across very much as their own personalities—faces that encapsulates young, modern, intelligent India. How do they react...
Ritesh Pandey Song  Records 10 million Views On Youtube  In Twenty Days
Actors, Breaking News, Songs

Ritesh Pandey Song Records 10 million Views On Youtube In Twenty Days

रितेश पांडे का बीस दिन में 1 करोड़ का रिकॉर्ड अपनी मधुर गायन शैली से जन जन में लोकप्रियता हासिल कर सिनेस्टार बने रितेश पांडे इन दिनों लगातार एक के बाद एक फिल्मों  की शूटिंग में व्यस्त हैं। साथ ही समय समय पर वे संगीतप्रेमियों के लिए एक से बढ़कर एक अच्छे और मधुर गाने भी देते रहते हैं। इसी कड़ी में इन दिनों रितेश पांडे का गाया हुआ गाना गोरी तोर चुनरी के वीडियो को मात्र 20 दिन में 1 करोड़ से ज्यादा व्यूज मिले हैं। इसके पहले इस गाने के ऑडियो को भी बहुत ज्यादा प्यार मिल चुका है। यह गाना सुप्रसिद्ध म्यूजिक कंपनी वेव से रिलीज किया गया है। गायक व नायक रितेश पांडे की लोकप्रियता का आलम यही है कि इतने कम समय में करोड़ों लोगों का उन्हें प्यार, आशीर्वाद मिलना बहुत बड़ी बात है।    गोरी तोर चुनरी गाने को लिखा है गीतकार प्यारेलाल यादव कवि, विमलेश उपाध्याय ने और मधुर व कर्णप्रिय संगीत से सजाया है संगीतकार आशी...
Shah Rukh Khan Arrives At Celebrity Talk Show
Actors, Breaking News

Shah Rukh Khan Arrives At Celebrity Talk Show

सेलेब्रिटी टॉक शो में पहुंचे शाहरुख खान रवि किशन के सवाल पर कहा- पटना का प्यार देखकर लगता है, यहीं रह जाऊं पटना. दैनिक भास्कर उत्सव में गुरुवार को सेलेब्रिटी टॉक शो में शाहरुख खान पहुंचे। इस दौरान शाहरुख से अभिनेता रवि किशन ने करियर और जिंदगी से जुड़े सवाल पूछे। बॉलीवुड के किंग खान ने कहा कि आज तक कभी यह महसूस नहीं हुआ कि वे बड़े एक्टर बन गए हैं। मैं तो पटना का फैन हो गया- शाहरुख टॉक शो के दौरान रवि किशन ने शाहरुख को गमछा पहनाया। शाहरुख ने उनसे कहा- जब मैं यहां आया तो मुझे बताया गया कि पटना में मेरे बहुत बड़े फैन है। मैं आपको बता दूं कि पटना में मैं दो बार पहले भी आया हूं। हमेशा बहुत प्यार लेकर गया हूं। आज मुझे ऐसा प्यार मिला है कि मैं आपका फैन हो गया हूं। मुझे ज्यादा नाचना नहीं आता, क्योंकि मेरी बैकअप टीम नहीं है।    दिल्ली वाले भी पटना वालों की तरह हैं। पटना ने इतना प्यार दिया कि मन ...
Rahul Sharma Launches Teaser Of – Jaaga All Night
Albums, Breaking News, Singers

Rahul Sharma Launches Teaser Of – Jaaga All Night

Indo-American singer, Rahul Sharma, who made his singing debut recently with song ‘Sun Sada’, is all set to release his second track very soon. It’s a groovy Punjabi club song titled ‘Jaaga All Night’, for which Rahul has collaborated with none other than Hard Kaur. The song has been shot at Headlines Lounge in Dubai. The teaser of the song was launched recently at The View in Mumbai. Speaking about his singing inspirations, Rahul, who is an IT professional, says, “My parents have been my singing inspiration. Both have dedicated their entire lives to music. My father, Mr. Vinod Sharma is music composer based out of Delhi and was closely associated to Late Shri Ravindra Jain and my mother, Mrs. Vani Sharma was an All India Radio Grade A singer.”   Besides the song with Hard Kaur, ...
Miss Bihar 2018’s Top 25 Contestants Glamourous  Photoshoot Before Finale
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Miss Bihar 2018’s Top 25 Contestants Glamourous Photoshoot Before Finale

फिनाले से पहले मिस बिहार 2018 की टॉप 25 कंटेस्‍टेंट ने कराया ग्‍लैमरस फोटोशूट मिस बिहार 2018 का ग्रैंड फिनाले 28 दिसंबर को पटना। ‘बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ और दहेज हटाओ’ की थीम पर मिस बिहार 2018 का ग्रैंड फिनाले 28 दिंसबर को पटना के गांधी मैदान स्थित श्रीकृष्‍ण मेमोरियल हॉल में आयोजित किया जायेगा। इसमें मिस इंडिया 2017 सना दुआ और मिस्‍टर इंडिया 2017 अभी खजुरिया भी शामिल होंगे। वहीं, फिनाले में इससे पहले आज पटना में मिस बिहार 2018 की टॉप 25 कंटेस्‍टेंट ने ग्‍लैमरस फोटोशूट में बता दिया कि बिहार की बेटियां किसी मामले में बड़े शहरों की लड़कियों से कम नहीं है। फोटोशूट के दौरान इन कंटेस्‍टेंट ने अपनी लाजवाब अदाओं और पोज से ये बता दिया है कि फिनाले की दौर आसान नहीं होने वाली है। इन टॉप 25 कंटेस्‍टेंट को बॉलीवुड फैशन डायरेक्‍टर कौशिक घोष ने ग्रूम किया है। कौशिक घोष ने बताया कि मिस बिहार 2018 बेहद अ...
Actress, Latest News, Leo News


Marwah Studios Hosted Miss Teen Universe India 2019
Latest News, Leo News

Marwah Studios Hosted Miss Teen Universe India 2019

In a spectacular show, ten beautiful teens enthralled the audience as they competed for the most coveted title ‘Miss Teen Universe India 2019’ at Marwah Studios, Noida Film City. In a contest that lasted three-hours, this year’s Miss Teen Universe India pageant had it all – from being beautiful to have an exceptional blend of mind - and the crown went to Miss Apurva Thakur.  “It is a great pleasure to see young Indian girls representing India on such a prestigious platform. We are no less than any other country when it comes to competition in fashion, design and modeling. Indian girls have proved that beauty and brains go together,” said renowned media personality Sandeep Marwah the President of Marwah Studios as chief Guest while inaugurating the show.   Apurva hails from Mumbai and is cu...
Mega Star Ravi Kishan  Awarded The – Uttar Pradesh Pride Award – By Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh
Actors, Awards, Breaking News

Mega Star Ravi Kishan Awarded The – Uttar Pradesh Pride Award – By Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह के हाथों ‘उत्तर प्रदेश गौरव अवार्ड’ से सम्‍मानित हुए मेगा स्‍टार रवि किशन अपने लाजवाब अभिनय से लोगों के दिलों में बसने वाले अभिनेता रवि किशन को केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने ‘उत्तर प्रदेश गौरव अवार्ड 2018’ से सम्‍मानित किया है। इस अवार्ड का आयोजन उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ में रविवार 23 दिंसबर को की गई थी, जहां सिनेमा के क्षेत्र में उत्तर प्रदेश को गौरवान्वित करने वाले अभिनेता रवि किशन को राजनाथ सिंह ने यह अवार्ड दिया। यह अवार्ड मां फाउंडेशन द्वारा आयोजित किया गया था, जिसमें गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह चीफ गेस्‍ट थे। अवार्ड मिलने के दौरान रवि किशन ने राजनाथ सिंह का आभार प्रकट किया और कुछ गुफ्तगू भी करते नजर आये। रवि किशन ने कहा कि आदरणीय गृहमंत्री के हाथों यह सम्‍मान मिलना मेरे लिए बहुत मायने रखता है। वे हमारे अभिभावक तुल्‍य हैं। मैं जौनपुर का हूं। खून मे...
Ajay Dixit Actor  Honored At 13th Bhojpuri Film Awards
Actors, Bhojpuri News, Breaking News

Ajay Dixit Actor Honored At 13th Bhojpuri Film Awards

अजय दीक्षित सम्‍मानित 13वें भोजपुरी फिल्‍म अवार्ड समारोह में भोजपुरी एक्शन स्टार अजय दीक्षित 13वें भोजपुरी फिल्‍म अवार्ड समारोह में भोजपुरी फिल्‍म ‘फूहड़ सनीमा’ के लिए यूपी के कैबिनेट मिनिस्‍टर नंद गोपाल गुप्‍ता, अभिनेता सुरेंद्र पाल और आयोजक विनोद गुप्‍ता के हाथों विशेष अवार्ड से सम्‍मानित किये गए। इस सम्‍मान के बाद अजय दीक्षित ने कहा कि वे 13वें भोजपुरी फिल्‍म अवार्ड समारोह को धन्‍यवाद कहना चाहते हैं कि इस अवार्ड में उनकी फिल्‍म ‘फूहड़ सनीमा’ को नोटिस लिया गया और यह‍ सम्‍मान मुझे दिया गया । यह फिल्म भोजपुरी फिल्मों की वल्गरिटी के खिलाफ थी। इसके अलावा मेरी फिल्म बेटवा बाहुबली - 2 चार कैटगरी बेस्ट डिजाइन, बेस्ट एक्शन, बेस्ट आइटम सांग और बेस्ट सपोर्टिंग एक्टर के लिए नॉमिनेशन में आया। इससे पहले बेटवा बाहुबली 1 के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ नवोदिता  अभिनेता का अवार्ड मिल चुका है। बेस्ट राष्ट्रीयता एकता...
Massaab Elicits Applause For Aditya Om At The 17th Asian Third Eye Film Festival
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Massaab Elicits Applause For Aditya Om At The 17th Asian Third Eye Film Festival

Films which are being nowadays on teachers and students are few and far between and very less in numbers but director Aditya Om has made a very thought provoking film on students, teachers and education called Massab. Recently at the 17th Third Asian Film Festival held at Citylight in Matunga Road, Massab was showcased to the media and the delegates in the presence of the director and his cast and crew and drew a lot of applause for its praise worthy out of the box content.T he plot of the film which was shot at Bundelkhand revolves around a honest teacher who changes a school in a village into a role model. The idealistic teacher does not view education as a tool to earn money but to dispel the darkness in society on the whole. On the occasion, Aditya Om reiterate that his film has bee...
Ishmeet Singh Actor Wishes Merry Christmas To All His Fans, Producers, Directors, & Well Wishers
Actors, Latest News

Ishmeet Singh Actor Wishes Merry Christmas To All His Fans, Producers, Directors, & Well Wishers

अगर बादल तारों के बीच आ जाए तो लोगों को उन तारों की चमकती रोशनी नहीं दिखाई देती लेकिन तारा अपनी जगह पर ज्यों का त्यों बना रहता है,और उसकी चमक हमेशा उतनी ही होती है। ठीक इसी तरह इश्मीत सिंह जी भी उन्हीं तारों की तरह है, जिसकी चमक किसी बादलों के पीछे छुप गई थी।पर उनकी चमक उनके चाहने वालों के प्रति हमेशा उनके आंखों और  मन में था। क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी मेहनत उन बादलों के पीछे रहने पर भी नहीं छोड़ी,और अपनी काबिलियत के बलबूते पर अपनी चमक को और ज्यादा चमकीला बनाया जिसका परिणाम हम देख रहे हैं,और आने वाले समय में भी दिखने वाला है।   हाल ही में उन्होंने अपने चाहने वालों को क्रिसमस की बधाई देते हुए कहा कि, "अपने कर्म और काबिलियत को सही दिशा दे उसका परिणाम आपको बेहतर ही मिलेगा चाहे उसमें देरी ही क्यों ना हो"। और जल्द ही इश्मीत सिंह अपने प्रोडक्शन हाउस "मेजर मल्टीमीडिया" के माध्यम से एक बड़े ...
Israeli Artist – BEMET – Releases His New Single – Chicken Masala – In India
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Israeli Artist – BEMET – Releases His New Single – Chicken Masala – In India

The most successful Israeli artist in India today - BEMET (Hod Moshonov) - releases a new clip in Bollywood. Chicken Masala’is the new single from  BEMET, and like all of his songs, it’s contagious from the first second. BEMET’s sound signature is all over this one, as well as his famous humoristic vibe with the trade mark of his custom made golden keytar for this video.  Chicken Masala is about the famous Indian dish (obviously), and about the similarity of the Indian culture and the Middle Eastern one.       The song’s video was shot in a few amazing locations in Rajasthan and  Punjab, and the leading role is played by no other then the Indian famous actress/singer Sara Gurpal. It includes sequences regarding women power and about the colorful culture of the Diwali holiday mixing th...
Roll Model Skaters Sets A New World Record In Skating – A never before feat has been achieved by Coach Rishi Sarode and 12 Kids
Latest News, sports special

Roll Model Skaters Sets A New World Record In Skating – A never before feat has been achieved by Coach Rishi Sarode and 12 Kids

Mumbai December 22nd 2018:  Roll Models Skaters and Ample Missiion came together and made it possible for a new Word Record to be achieved on December 22, 2018 here in Mumbai .The Skating record comprised of two parts – where in 11 kids are  engaged in Zig Zag  Roller Skating while  dribbling the Basketball whereas one Kid “Jash Sarode “will do inline skating with Hoola Hoop while he is blindfolded – which makes it the only one kid to have accomplished this till date for the first time in Skating. Rishi Sarode - Founder & Director, Roll Models Skaters, has been skating for last 34 years and has represented India Worldwide numerous times by creating several world records and is India’s finest skater as per various Reports & Reuters. Rishi Sarode believes that learning is an ongoing...
Hindi Short Film -Antarman – Kahani Ek Kalakar Ki
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Hindi Short Film -Antarman – Kahani Ek Kalakar Ki

Special Screening Press conference was held of  Hindi Short Film. Antarman - Kahani Ek Kalakar Ki at Andheri, Mumbai.    This Short film is Directed by Rishi Dubey,Produced by Pihu Sharma. The special screening and press conference was held with presence of lead Star-cast, Jhanvi Singh, Vijay Shukla, Raj Sachdeva, Khushboo & Bharat Bhushan Sharma.
Popular Singer Stebin Ben Reprises Saajan’s Cult Song Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai
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Popular Singer Stebin Ben Reprises Saajan’s Cult Song Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai

Directed by Lawrence D’souza, Saajan was released in 1991 that starred Salman Khan, Madhuri Dixit and Sanjay Dutt in the lead roles. The film went on to break many records and till date is remembered for its melodious music composed by Nadeem-Shravan and penned by Sameer. Stebin Ben, whose claim to fame is the title track of Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan on television reprises the romantic number Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai. The new version features Stebin Ben himself along with stunning Ritisha Sharma. The music is rearranged by Vicky-Hardik. The video is directed by Charit Desai and produced by Viral Motani.       The makers launched the video at a posh club in the suburbs on Thursday late evening. Present at the launch were Stebin Ben, Ritisha Sharma, producer Viral Motani, Champak Jain from ...
Experience Dagdi Chawl’s Fear Once Again
Latest News, Leo News

Experience Dagdi Chawl’s Fear Once Again

Mumbai, December 20th, 2018: The trend of making sequels to hit films have caught up in the Marathi industry. In 2015, Sangeeta Ahir’s Dagdi Chawl, directed by Chandrakant Kanse, featuring Ankush Chaudhary, Pooja Sawant and Makarand Deshpande in the lead, had created waves. Not only did it bring into focus the gang-wars but it also had a touch of romance. The story, dialogues, songs and performances from all actors were talked about for quite a long time.   Now, to follow up the success of the film, Sangeeta Ahir Moviez is coming up with the sequel of the film. Titled Dagdi Chawl 2, the film will be produced by Sangeeta Ahir. While the film will once again be directed by Chandrakant Kanse, the details about the story and cast are still under the wraps. However, an interesting addition to t...
Launch of Dreamz Premier League – First ever underarm  cricket league to be live on Leading Sports Channel
Latest News, Leo News

Launch of Dreamz Premier League – First ever underarm cricket league to be live on Leading Sports Channel

The inaugural edition of the Dreamz Premier League will begin from 24th February 2019, a battle between 20 teams will be seen live on Leading Sports Channel for the 1st time ever in the history of underarm cricket. Saturday evening witnessed the Grand Launch of Dreamz Premier league by its Founder Mr. Wasib Peshimam and Co-Founder Mr. Arhaan Peshimam along with Gulshan Grover, Bruna Abdullah, Zoya Afroz,  Kainaat Adora, Rajneesh Signal, Mrinal Deshraj, Zuber Khan and many more luminaries who unveiled the highest prizes to be given in the history of underarm Cricket. All the matches are to be played at St.Stanislaus Turf,  Bandra and the League is seen a platform for budding youngsters across the country. “There are several over-arm cricket leagues being played i...
Hiya Singh – Negative characters are my first choice
Actress, Leo News

Hiya Singh – Negative characters are my first choice

In her long careergraph, Hiya Singh has done several movies in Bollywood and regional films, but she prefers to do grey shade characters as she enjoys doing it the most. Hiya entered Bollywood Industry way back in 1998. Her debut project was Hamara Faisla in which her co-star was Ravi Kishen, directed by Jeetendra Javed and then onwards she never looked back. In her lucrative career, Hiya has worked with most of the popular names of Hindi Cine Industry to name a few like Sunil Shetty, Aishwariya Rai, Veena Malik, Arya Babbar, Manoj Joshi, Navni Parihar and many others in films Daayan, Zindagi 50 50, Radhe Shyam Seeta Ram, Mahal, Love U Family, Haq -E-Salaami, produced by Mona Sharma and directed by Sandeep Solanki.      Including big screen Hiya was very much busy in televisi...
Nirmala Memorial College Celebrates It’s Annual Day In A Grand Way With Known Artist Amardeep Singh Natt From Dance+3
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Nirmala Memorial College Celebrates It’s Annual Day In A Grand Way With Known Artist Amardeep Singh Natt From Dance+3

On the occasion of Annual Day function of Kandivali's Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce & Science, students and the management organised a grand two day event on 18th and 19th December with some amazing and entertaining cultural shows like dance, singing, fashion show etc along with a very special skit on the social issue of LGBT and it grabbed them many applauds. The glittering show had 'Dance Plus 3' fame and India's #zindarobot aka Amardeep Singh Natt from Dharmesh Sir's group whose presence electrified the atmosphere at Kora Kendra Ground. He rocked the dance floor by performing on some of his fantastic moves. While interacting with media and being ex-student of the college he said, "I'm glad to come home before resuming my shoot of my upcoming television dance show ...
Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap’s Dance Gets Viral On Social Media
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Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap’s Dance Gets Viral On Social Media

एस्‍ट्रोलॉजर अगर डांस करे, तो थोड़ा अजीब लगता है। मगर जब ऐसा हुआ, तो उस डांस का वीडियो वायरल हो गया है। हम बात कर रहे है सेलिब्रिटी एस्‍ट्रोलॉजर अटलांटा कश्‍यप की, जिसका डांस वीडियो मार्केट में आते ही वायरल हो गया है। किसी को ऐसी उम्‍मीद नहीं थी कि गुरूमाता का डांस बाहर आया तो क्‍या होगा। इस बारे में जब उनसे पूछा गया तो उन्‍होंने कहा कि यह किसी इंटेंसन के लिए नहीं है और न ही किसी सेलिब्रिटी को चाइलेंज है। यह डांस मैंने मेरी बेस्‍ट फ्रेंड नाज को उनकी 25वें जन्‍मदिन को खास बनाने के लिए किया था। अगर मेरा ये वीडियो किसी को पसंद नहीं आया और उन्‍हें हर्ट हुआ तो क्षमा प्रार्थी हूं।   बता दें कि अटलांटा इससे पहले भी सलमान खान को लेकर कई भविष्‍यवाणी कर चुकी हैं, जिसका रिजल्‍ट शत – प्रतिशत सही निकला था। अटलांटा ने काले हिरण केस में सलमान खान को जोधपुर कोर्ट से सजा मिलने के बाद सबसे पहले बेल की भ...
Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap’s Gets Viral On Social Media
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Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap’s Gets Viral On Social Media

एस्‍ट्रोलॉजर अगर डांस करे, तो थोड़ा अजीब लगता है। मगर जब ऐसा हुआ, तो उस डांस का वीडियो वायरल हो गया है। हम बात कर रहे है सेलिब्रिटी एस्‍ट्रोलॉजर अटलांटा कश्‍यप की, जिसका डांस वीडियो मार्केट में आते ही वायरल हो गया है। किसी को ऐसी उम्‍मीद नहीं थी कि गुरूमाता का डांस बाहर आया तो क्‍या होगा। इस बारे में जब उनसे पूछा गया तो उन्‍होंने कहा कि यह किसी इंटेंसन के लिए नहीं है और न ही किसी सेलिब्रिटी को चाइलेंज है। यह डांस मैंने मेरी बेस्‍ट फ्रेंड नाज को उनकी 25वें जन्‍मदिन को खास बनाने के लिए किया था। अगर मेरा ये वीडियो किसी को पसंद नहीं आया और उन्‍हें हर्ट हुआ तो क्षमा प्रार्थी हूं।   बता दें कि अटलांटा इससे पहले भी सलमान खान को लेकर कई भविष्‍यवाणी कर चुकी हैं, जिसका रिजल्‍ट शत – प्रतिशत सही निकला था। अटलांटा ने काले हिरण केस में सलमान खान को जोधपुर कोर्ट से सजा मिलने के बाद सबसे पहले बेल की ...
Indywood Creates History: 4 Indian Cinemas Contending Under Mainstream Oscar Awards 2019
Indywood, Latest News

Indywood Creates History: 4 Indian Cinemas Contending Under Mainstream Oscar Awards 2019

A 10 billion USD Project Indywood, was launched to elevate Indian cinema to an international level. Keeping the vision in mind Indywood has contended 4 Indian Movies for this year’s mainstream Oscar awards, which includes Movies like, Dear Molly (English film Directed by Gajendra Ahire), Sound Story (Directed by Prasad Prabhakar), KayamkulamKochunni (Directed by RosshanAndrrews) and Sarpatatwam (the serpant wisdom) by Methil Devika which is contended for documentary short category. Sohan Roy, Founder Director of Project Indywood belives that Indian Film Industry should come forward to conceive and implement big budget international projects instead of following clichéd subjects and treatment pattern. Indywood’s, AickarakkonatheBhishaguaranmaar (Physicians of Aickarakkonam) which was a ...
Gehana Vasisth Did 10 Projects In A Year 2018
Actress, Models

Gehana Vasisth Did 10 Projects In A Year 2018

माया नगरी मुंबई में रोज हजारों मॉडल अपना किस्मत आजमाने आते हैं। कम ही ऐसे मॉडल हैं जिनको सफलता प्राप्त हुई हैं। एक मॉडल जो छत्तीसगढ़ से कुछ साल पहले मुंबई आई और आज सफलता के शिखर पर खड़े हैं।  2018 में सब से ज्यादा प्रोजेक्ट में अभिनय कर नया रेकॉर्ड बनाया है। नाम वंदना तिवारी अपने फिल्मी नाम गेहाना वशिष्ठ द्वारा जानी जाती हैं। Gehana Vasishth एक भारतीय अभिनेत्री, मॉडल और टेलीविजन एक्ट्रेस है।  मॉडल के रूप में कई ब्रांडों के लिए काम करने के बाद, उन्हें ऑनलाइन प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से मिस एशिया बिकिनी के ताज जीती हैं। उसने 85 से अधिक विज्ञापन किए। उनकी पहली फ़िल्म डियायांड नामक तेलुगू सिनेमा में छोटी सी भूमिका निभाई, उसके बाद एक के बाद एक कई साउथ फिल्मों से लेकर हिंदी और कोई भाषाओं में प्रमुख भूमिका निभाई हैं।     100 से ज्यादा हिट वीडियो एल्बम और शॉर्ट फिल्म में काम कर चुकी हैं। 2018 म...
List of Best 25 Members Parliament Announced by Sandeep Marwah
Latest News, Leo News

List of Best 25 Members Parliament Announced by Sandeep Marwah

Renowned Magazine Fame India declared and released the list of 25 Best Members of Parliament finalized by Asia Post Survey 2018 informed by International Media Guru Sandeep Marwah, Founder of Noida Film City and Chairman of Shreshth Saansad Award Committee. "There are 543 MPs who have won the election in the Lok Sabha. The Fame India-Asia Post Survey jointly selected 25 best MPs of the year 2018 through a survey.  Several parameters were designed to finalize the list of best parliamentarians. AAFT Founder Sandeep Marwah and Rajshree, editor of Fame India  jointly informed that Fame India and Asia Post had created 25 categories to select the best MPs, to know that how loyal they are towards their responsibilities and expectations of the general public. The Analyst of the Asia Post worked o...
Actress Julia Bliss on the cover of BE Magazine
Actress, Latest News

Actress Julia Bliss on the cover of BE Magazine

The Bollywood actress Julia Bliss, best known for her role in Bollywood Movie Ghost, has just reached a career milestone by landing her first Be Magazine cover. Actress Julia Bliss along with Chief Editor Shobha Arya launched the December cover of the ‘BE Magazine’. Julia have all materials to set the mercury rising. High on glam and oomph factor, check out her first magazine cover. Julia Bliss is seen celebrating the cover launch of the magazine by cutting the cake and posing for photographs. Julia Bliss is a true DJ at heart and she has passion for profound culture for electronically dance music. Today Julia is an international sensation.       At the Launch Julia Bliss appreciated the work of people associated with the magazine. She praised the team behind the sensational pictur...
ISKCON Radha Gopinath Temple  Celebrating Gita Jayanti with Fervours
Latest News, Religious News

ISKCON Radha Gopinath Temple Celebrating Gita Jayanti with Fervours

*Devotees Undertake “Shastra Daan” by gifting Free Copies of Bhagwat Gita* Mumbai – 18th December 2018 – Devotees at ISKCON’s Radha Gopinath Temple at Girgaon Chowpatty is celebrating the Gita Jayanti last Sunday with festive fervours. As a part of celebrations, a grand yajna was organised at the temple, which saw the participation of devotees from across various sectors like corporate sector, professionals, cine artists and intellectual circuit. On this auspicious days, ISKCON’s spiritual guru Radhanath Swami said, “Bhagwat Gita is 51 centuries old knowledge that was delivered by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, in a battlefield continues to remain relevant even today as a guiding spiritual force. It was God speaking to his devotee 5100 years ago, in about Himself, the Material Nature, Time, Kar...
Raju Shripad Pednekar  Corporator Of  K – West Ward at auspicious Coconut Breaking ceremony
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Raju Shripad Pednekar Corporator Of K – West Ward at auspicious Coconut Breaking ceremony

Raju Shripad Pednekar  Corporator started the the work of repairing the streets of Behram Baug, Jogeshwari.   The locals are very happy with his effort which he has taken for the residence of Behram Baug Jogeshwari West. Below he seen withthe local people at auspicious Coconut Breaking ceremony of the road for which  repairing is being done. His key achievements in Public service are: He has carried out Traditional, Social , Cultural work in his ward by conducting the gathering of people from all the sections of the society. He has done the work of road development, storm water drainage system, development of garden , laying of water supply lines in his ward. And now with repairing of these gullys  has been appreciated by the residence of this area.     राजू श्रीपाद पेडनेकर नगरसेवक - ...
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"अवॉर्ड्स जिंदगी के" कार्यक्रम में एम्पल मिशन ने दी वीरों को सलामी डॉ. अनिल काशी मुरारका के नेतृत्व में एम्पल मिशन ने किया वीर सपूतों का सम्मान मुंबई: देश की पहरेदारी और भारत मां की सेवा में दिन-रात जुटे सशस्त्र बल, तटरक्षक दल, अग्निशमन दस्ते, पुलिस, फौज, वायुसेना और नौसेना के जो जांबाज हमारी सुरक्षा के लिए अपनी जान की बाजी लगा देते हैं और देश पर कुर्बान हो जाते हैं, उन जांबाजों को कृतज्ञ राष्ट्र की ओर से सलामी देने के लिए एम्पल मिशन द्वारा राष्ट्रीय सम्मान 'अवॉर्ड्स जिंदगी के ' प्रदान किया गया। देशभक्ति, परोपकार और मानवसेवा को समर्पित डॉ. अनिल काशी मुरारका के नेतृत्व में एम्पल मिशन की टीम द्वारा इस सम्मान समारोह का तीसरा आयोजन हर साल की तरह इस साल भी सम्पन्न हुआ। जांबाजों की कुर्बानियों की याद में और उन्हें सलामी देने के लिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के भाई प्रह्लाद मोदी इस कार्यक्रम ...
Ravi Kishen Will Be Seen in Biopic on Avinash Giri
Bhojpuri News, Breaking News

Ravi Kishen Will Be Seen in Biopic on Avinash Giri

रवि किशन जल्‍द ही नजर आयेंगे अविनाश गिरी बायोपिक में इन दिनों बॉलीवुड में बायोपिक का क्रेज बहुत देखने को मिल रहा है। महापुरुषों , राजनेताओं , फ़िल्मकारों के साथ साथ अब नामचीन व्यवसायियों के जीवन पर भी फ़िल्में बननी शुरू हो गई है। इसी कड़ी अभिनेता रवि किशन भी एक बायोपिक में नजर आने वाले हैं, जो अविनाश गिरी के जीवन पर आधारित है। अविनाश गिरी लखनऊ के चर्चित व्‍यवसायी हैं। उन्‍होंने अपने जीवन के उतार चढ़ाव को बड़े पर्दे पर उतारने का फैसला लिया है, जिसके लिए रवि किशन ने सहमती दे दी है। रवि किशन भोजपुरी के बाद हिंदी, तमिल, तेलगू जैसी अन्‍य भारतीय भाषाओं की फिल्‍म कर चुके हैं और आपनी छाप छोड़ी है। अब वे अविनाश गिरी की फिल्‍म में नजर आयेंगे। रवि किशन ने बताया कि अविनाश गिरी ने ख़ुद के जीवन को परदे पर उतारने का फ़ैसला एक साहसिक क़दम है। मैं इसको लेकर एक्‍साइटेड हूं। बताते चलें कि रवि किशन दिनों ग...
Closeup’s Dealer Meet & Greet Event Held In Banaras
Breaking News, Exclusive News

Closeup’s Dealer Meet & Greet Event Held In Banaras

क्लोज अप के डीलर मीट एंड ग्रीट इवेंट में एक से बढ़कर एक सितारों ने किया परफोर्म बनारस में हुए रंगारंग कार्यक्रम में निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दुबे ने दर्शकों का दिल जीत लिया . बनारस के ताज होटल में जब पिछले दिनों क्लोज अप के डीलर मीट एंड ग्रीट प्रोग्राम का आयोजन किया गया तो यहाँ दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ से लेकर एक से बढ़कर एक सितारों ने परफोर्म करके दर्शको का दिल जीत लिया. आपको बता दें कि इस इवेंट का आयोजन फ्यूज़न मीडिया एंड इंटरटेनमेंट (उदय भगत, अखिलेश सिंह और मनोज कुमार) ने किया था. उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी के ताज होटल में इस प्रोग्राम का अद्वितीय आयोजन किया गया था.   भोजपुरी सुपर स्टार निरहुआ ने यहाँ स्टेज पर कहा कि आज कल देश में स्वच्छ भारत के नारे लग रहे हैं और यह मुहीम कामयाब भी है लेकिन हम आजकल स्वच्छ भारत के साथ 'स्वच्छ भोजपुरी' पर भी जोर दे रहे हैं. जी हाँ निरहुआ एक ऐसे सितारे के रूप में...
Closeup’s Dealer Meet & Greet Event Held In Banaras
Breaking News, Exclusive News

Closeup’s Dealer Meet & Greet Event Held In Banaras

क्लोज अप के डीलर मीट एंड ग्रीट इवेंट में एक से बढ़कर एक सितारों ने किया परफोर्म बनारस में हुए रंगारंग कार्यक्रम में निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दुबे ने दर्शकों का दिल जीत लिया . बनारस के ताज होटल में जब पिछले दिनों क्लोज अप के डीलर मीट एंड ग्रीट प्रोग्राम का आयोजन किया गया तो यहाँ दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ से लेकर एक से बढ़कर एक सितारों ने परफोर्म करके दर्शको का दिल जीत लिया. आपको बता दें कि इस इवेंट का आयोजन फ्यूज़न मीडिया एंड इंटरटेनमेंट (उदय भगत, अखिलेश सिंह और मनोज कुमार) ने किया था. उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी के ताज होटल में इस प्रोग्राम का अद्वितीय आयोजन किया गया था.    भोजपुरी सुपर स्टार निरहुआ ने यहाँ स्टेज पर कहा कि आज कल देश में स्वच्छ भारत के नारे लग रहे हैं और यह मुहीम कामयाब भी है लेकिन हम आजकल स्वच्छ भारत के साथ 'स्वच्छ भोजपुरी' पर भी जोर दे रहे हैं. जी हाँ निरहुआ एक ऐसे सितारे के रूप में...
Manav Sohail’s Comedy Film – P K Lele A Salesman – Fabulous Premier Held In Mumbai
Breaking News, Latest Films

Manav Sohail’s Comedy Film – P K Lele A Salesman – Fabulous Premier Held In Mumbai

मानव सोहल की कॉमेडी फिल्म " पीके लेले - ए सेल्स मैन " का मुम्बई में शानदार प्रीमियर  इस सप्ताह रिलीज़ होने वाली निर्देशक मानव सोहल की कॉमेडी फिल्म "पीके लेले - ए सेल्स मैन" का शानदार प्रीमियर मुम्बई के अंधेरी वेस्ट में स्थित फन रिपब्लिक थिएटर में किया गया। जहां इस फ़िल्म के निर्माता निर्देशक और कलाकारों के साथ साथ बॉलीवुड की कई हस्तियां भी मेहमान के रूप में मौजूद थीं। यहां गेस्ट के तौर पर सुनील पाल, राकेश सबरवाल, हॅरी वर्मा इत्यादि उपस्थित थे। यहां मीडिया के लोग और फ़िल्म क्रिटिक ने भी फ़िल्म देखी और इसे एन्जॉय किया। प्रीमियर के अवसर पर इस फ़िल्म के लेखक, निर्दशक और मुख्य अभिनेता मानव सोहल, प्रोड्यूसर शैलेश गोसरानी, अभिनेत्री श्रावणी गोस्वामी, संगीतकार नायाब अली, बैकग्राउण्ड म्यूजिक कम्पोज़र राजा अली और फिल्म के प्रचारक रमाकांत मुंडे मौजूद थे। आपको बता दें कि 14 दिसम्बर को रिलीज हुई निर्देशक म...
Manav Sohail’s Comedy Film – P K Lele A Salesman – Fabulous Premier Held In Mumbai
Breaking News, Latest Films

Manav Sohail’s Comedy Film – P K Lele A Salesman – Fabulous Premier Held In Mumbai

मानव सोहल की कॉमेडी फिल्म " पीके लेले - ए सेल्स मैन " का मुम्बई में शानदार प्रीमियर  इस सप्ताह रिलीज़ होने वाली निर्देशक मानव सोहल की कॉमेडी फिल्म "पीके लेले - ए सेल्स मैन" का शानदार प्रीमियर मुम्बई के अंधेरी वेस्ट में स्थित फन रिपब्लिक थिएटर में किया गया। जहां इस फ़िल्म के निर्माता निर्देशक और कलाकारों के साथ साथ बॉलीवुड की कई हस्तियां भी मेहमान के रूप में मौजूद थीं। यहां गेस्ट के तौर पर सुनील पाल, राकेश सबरवाल, हॅरी वर्मा इत्यादि उपस्थित थे। यहां मीडिया के लोग और फ़िल्म क्रिटिक ने भी फ़िल्म देखी और इसे एन्जॉय किया। प्रीमियर के अवसर पर इस फ़िल्म के लेखक, निर्दशक और मुख्य अभिनेता मानव सोहल, प्रोड्यूसर शैलेश गोसरानी, अभिनेत्री श्रावणी गोस्वामी, संगीतकार नायाब अली, बैकग्राउण्ड म्यूजिक कम्पोज़र राजा अली और फिल्म के प्रचारक रमाकांत मुंडे मौजूद थे। आपको बता दें कि 14 दिसम्बर को रिलीज हुई निर्देशक म...
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14th December, 2018 in Mumbai- Director Sharique Minhaj is dedicating his upcoming feature film Vipul Shah Presents  "Delhi Bus" to the Delhi gang rape victim. The film captures the monstrous incident of December 2012 & raised questions about women safety in the country. The launch of the trailer saw the presence of Director Sharique Minhaj, Creative Director & Screen play Dialogue Dr S. K. Daas,  Divya Singh, Aanjjan Srivastav, Neelima Azeem, Sanjay Singh & Sunil PAL  Infact, the plot of the film is heavy inspired by the 1000 page charge sheet which was filed in the Saket fast track court detailing the roles of the six arrested accused.  The film has come on the sixth death anniversary of Nirbhaya, who had died after her brutal gang rape in a moving Delhi Bus.    ...
Breaking News, Latest News


14th December, 2018 in Mumbai- Director Sharique Minhaj is dedicating his upcoming feature film Vipul Shah Presents  "Delhi Bus" to the Delhi gang rape victim. The film captures the monstrous incident of December 2012 & raised questions about women safety in the country. The launch of the trailer saw the presence of Director Sharique Minhaj, Creative Director & Screen play Dialogue Dr S. K. Daas,  Divya Singh, Aanjjan Srivastav, Neelima Azeem, Sanjay Singh & Sunil PAL  Infact, the plot of the film is heavy inspired by the 1000 page charge sheet which was filed in the Saket fast track court detailing the roles of the six arrested accused.  The film has come on the sixth death anniversary of Nirbhaya, who had died after her brutal gang rape in a moving Delhi Bus.   ...
Bollywood movie Suspense to Release on 18th January 2019
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Bollywood movie Suspense to Release on 18th January 2019

Director / Producer Ajay Yadav has picked 18th January 2019 to release his Bollywood venture ‘Suspense’ under the banner of Serene Films Staring Vikram Matsal, Antara Banerjee, Madhumita Biswas, Arun Mandola, Manisha Jain, Naina Shetty and others.  Ajay’s suspense movie is based on a romantic and action suspense drama. Ajay Yadav who is super excited and eagerly waiting for the release for his film, is busy with his team for promotion. While Talking to the Media Ajay Yadav Said, “Suspense movie is like my baby, I have working on it from long time. And now people will witness one of its kind story which will have a strong message for viewers and make them to think about the subject.”
Bollywood movie Suspense to Release on 18th January 2019
Breaking News, Trending News

Bollywood movie Suspense to Release on 18th January 2019

Director / Producer Ajay Yadav has picked 18th January 2019 to release his Bollywood venture ‘Suspense’ under the banner of Serene Films Staring Vikram Matsal, Antara Banerjee, Madhumita Biswas, Arun Mandola, Manisha Jain, Naina Shetty and others.  Ajay’s suspense movie is based on a romantic and action suspense drama. Ajay Yadav who is super excited and eagerly waiting for the release for his film, is busy with his team for promotion. While Talking to the Media Ajay Yadav Said, “Suspense movie is like my baby, I have working on it from long time. And now people will witness one of its kind story which will have a strong message for viewers and make them to think about the subject.”
Latest News, Trending News


“CLASSICAL SCULPTURES” By Honoured Sculptor Sudarshan Sahoo From: 11th to 17th December 2018 VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery, Auditorium Hall, 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001. Timing: 11am to 7pm. Exquisite sculptures made by Sudarshan Sahoo, Padmashri Awardee Sculptor will be displayed in a solo art exhibition at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai from 12th to 17th December 2018 between 11am to 7pm. It will showcase his beautifully carved sculptures made in stone, wood mediums with all the hues of spirituality and traditional heritage associated with this unique craft of stone carving in relevant perspectives of visual fine arts to highlight it subtle nuances. This show has been  inaugurated on 11th December 2018 by Chief Guest Dr.Arvind Jamkhedkar, Chairman, Indian Council of Hi...
Latest News, Trending News


“CLASSICAL SCULPTURES” By Honoured Sculptor Sudarshan Sahoo From: 11th to 17th December 2018 VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery, Auditorium Hall, 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001. Timing: 11am to 7pm. Exquisite sculptures made by Sudarshan Sahoo, Padmashri Awardee Sculptor will be displayed in a solo art exhibition at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai from 12th to 17th December 2018 between 11am to 7pm. It will showcase his beautifully carved sculptures made in stone, wood mediums with all the hues of spirituality and traditional heritage associated with this unique craft of stone carving in relevant perspectives of visual fine arts to highlight it subtle nuances. This show has been  inaugurated on 11th December 2018 by Chief Guest Dr.Arvind Jamkhedkar, Chairman, Indian Council of Hi...
We have touched millions of hearts not views with Bismillah song – says Rajdeep Chatterjee
Latest News, Leo News

We have touched millions of hearts not views with Bismillah song – says Rajdeep Chatterjee

Young and Enthusiastic playback singer Rajdeep Chatterjee, who is known for his consecutive hit songs is back again with yet another romantic song ‘Bismillah’. It is an original single sung and composed by Rajdeep himself and released on Zee Music. Rajdeep says, “I love every genre of music but Sufi and romantic songs are dearer to me.  This is my first attempt to composing and am glad that people are loving it.” Talking about Bismillah, he adds “This is also my first original single with Zee music. The song is shot in Dubai with actor Sara Khan and me. It was a great experience to work with her as she is a thorough professional and an amazing actor.” Rajdeep is also a fantastic live performer and has performed around the globe with his band. He has emerged as an idiosyncratic talent i...
We have touched millions of hearts not views with Bismillah song – says Rajdeep Chatterjee
Latest News, Leo News

We have touched millions of hearts not views with Bismillah song – says Rajdeep Chatterjee

Young and Enthusiastic playback singer Rajdeep Chatterjee, who is known for his consecutive hit songs is back again with yet another romantic song ‘Bismillah’. It is an original single sung and composed by Rajdeep himself and released on Zee Music. Rajdeep says, “I love every genre of music but Sufi and romantic songs are dearer to me.  This is my first attempt to composing and am glad that people are loving it.” Talking about Bismillah, he adds “This is also my first original single with Zee music. The song is shot in Dubai with actor Sara Khan and me. It was a great experience to work with her as she is a thorough professional and an amazing actor.”    Rajdeep is also a fantastic live performer and has performed around the globe with his band. He has emerged as an idiosyncratic talent...
The Befikre Boys Come Together
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The Befikre Boys Come Together

Ranveer Singh and Shekhar Ravjiani were spotted together on the sets of Saregamapa. It was like a house on fire when they met. Ranveer’s biggest song ‘Nashe si Chad gai’ from the movie Befikre is composed by Shekhar Ravjiani along with his partner Vishal Dadlani. This song is one of the biggest songs in a film score ever crossing more than 490 million views. Ranveer and Shekhar also performed on this song bringing an electrifying energy on the stage. Shekhar who is currently judging the show Saregamapa also adorns various hats with one that of an actor. They were joined by Sara Ali Khan too but we guess the Befikre boys had lots to catch up on !!
The Befikre Boys Come Together
Latest News, Leo News

The Befikre Boys Come Together

Ranveer Singh and Shekhar Ravjiani were spotted together on the sets of Saregamapa. It was like a house on fire when they met. Ranveer’s biggest song ‘Nashe si Chad gai’ from the movie Befikre is composed by Shekhar Ravjiani along with his partner Vishal Dadlani. This song is one of the biggest songs in a film score ever crossing more than 490 million views. Ranveer and Shekhar also performed on this song bringing an electrifying energy on the stage. Shekhar who is currently judging the show Saregamapa also adorns various hats with one that of an actor. They were joined by Sara Ali Khan too but we guess the Befikre boys had lots to catch up on !!
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Dr. Sharmila Nayak is considered as one of the experienced skin specialists in Mumbai who was overwhelmed when receiving this award said, "I feel honored and humbled to receive this recognition. My focus & endeavor has always been in offering best technology & treatments at affordable prices to all my clients. The journey for me in this field has been challenging yet fulfilling."  The iconic awards is an opportunity to get recognition at national platform. The awards are annually organized by Shalu Jain. The key idea behind this award event is to honor the people who have marked & made difference to the society with their tireless and committed contribution in their respective fields.      Skin is an important part of our body which reflects our appearance and personalit...
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Dr. Sharmila Nayak is considered as one of the experienced skin specialists in Mumbai who was overwhelmed when receiving this award said, "I feel honored and humbled to receive this recognition. My focus & endeavor has always been in offering best technology & treatments at affordable prices to all my clients. The journey for me in this field has been challenging yet fulfilling."  The iconic awards is an opportunity to get recognition at national platform. The awards are annually organized by Shalu Jain. The key idea behind this award event is to honor the people who have marked & made difference to the society with their tireless and committed contribution in their respective fields.      Skin is an important part of our body which reflects our appearance and personalit...