Monday, February 17

Payal Singh Nail Artist – Brand Ambassador Of Mrs India Globe 2020

Mumbai: Bollywood model, actress, nail artist, Payal Singh becomes brand ambassador

Yes Payal Singh was crowned as the brand ambassador of Mrs. India Globe 2020, Payal Singh remains in the limelight due to modeling as well as nail artist, Payal Singh in Crown Ceremony organized by Redwing Production in Mumbai, Ravi Ranjan,and Archana,was made the brand ambassador for Redwing,the upcoming fashion show Mrs. India Globe 2020,on the occasion Ravi Ranjan,Archana Pal,Payal  Singh, Donal Bisht,actor Anand Balraj Vij,actor Ali Khan, comedian Sunil Pal,music director Dilip Sen,actor Rahul Rajvardhan,Actress Saloni and to all the guests present.

Let me tell you that Payal Singh attended in a beautiful style,when he was being crowned, everyone’s eyes were on him,Payal Singh looked very beautiful in gray silver gown,Payal Singh’s look was different.  It was like, Payal Singh is a nail artist who always keeps experimenting,


Payal Singh also runs an academy under the name of Nail Art, where by giving a simple training of three months, people  Programming makes 15 worth to earn 20 thousand, it’s a big deal in itself, the anklets Singh said, please see the full report.