Tuesday, February 11

Month: May 2020

Debutant Director Haider Khan Gives World Cinema Its First  Feature Film On World’s Biggest  Rohingya Genocide  Based On True Events – About Unsung Special Forces INDIAN Paras Which Are Known As The Maroon Berets Of Our Nation
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Debutant Director Haider Khan Gives World Cinema Its First Feature Film On World’s Biggest Rohingya Genocide Based On True Events – About Unsung Special Forces INDIAN Paras Which Are Known As The Maroon Berets Of Our Nation

For the first time ever in the history of world cinema finally, one patriotic Indian army feature film is made on ROHINGYA’S directed by the debutant director HAIDER KHAN who has directed Salman Khan starrer Dabang 3 promo, song for notebook movie with Salman Khan, his dear friend Vidyut Jammwal starrer junglee promos and 100 plus ad films and videos for the top brands all over the world. ROHINGYA is produced by Thunder Dragon Productions from Bhutan. It’s a film of its own kind which tells us about the unsung SPECIAL FORCES INDIAN paras which are known as the maroon Berets of our Nation. The director himself is a son of ex Indian army paratrooper so this subject is very close to his heart. He has shot this film in Bhutan, North East of India where very few films have been shot and the bea...
Shramik Special Train Left For Lucknow Carrying 1230 Workers From Mumbai
Breaking News

Shramik Special Train Left For Lucknow Carrying 1230 Workers From Mumbai

मुम्बई से 1230 श्रमिकों को लेकर,लखनऊ के लिये रवाना हुईं श्रमिक स्पेशल ट्रेन मुम्बई से 25 मई 2020 को ईद के सुभ अवसर पर.1230 श्रमिकों को लेकर रवाना हुई श्रमिक स्पेशल ट्रेन, देश भर में लॉकडाउन के चलते लोगो को भारी मुसीबतों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, ऐसे में भाजपा सांसद पूनम ताई महाजन सुषम सावंत भाजपा अध्यक्ष (उत्तर मध्य जिला) एंड अनिल उपाध्याय यूथ आइकॉन व (भाजपा लीडर कालीन विधानसभा) के अथक प्रयास से ये कठिन कार्य सम्भव हो पाया है. *अनिल उपाध्याय * भाजपा लीडर ने बताया की पूनम ताई महाजन और राधा कृष्णा सेवा मंडल, कालीन वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन के मदद से अब तक 6000 प्रवासी मजदूर को उनके गॉव भेज चुके है,उन्होंने कहा की तमाम कठिनाइयों के बावजूद,मैं और मेरी पूरी टीम दिल से काम कर रही है,काम करते करते ये भी डर बना रहता है कि,कही कोरोना वॉरियर्स संक्रमित ना हो जाय,इसके बावजूद युद्ध अस्तर पर काम चल रहा है, प्र...
Surviralists  Phir Tera Time Aayega Could Well Be The Lockdown Anthem!
Albums, Breaking News

Surviralists Phir Tera Time Aayega Could Well Be The Lockdown Anthem!

“Kyun Karta Hai Fiqr, Aakhir Hoga Kya, Tu Soch Ke Dekh Zara, Kya Kya Hai Paaya..." These words, from the new video and song track ‘Phir Tera Time Aayega’ resound in your ears when you listen to this peppy and josh-bhara composition. As India fights the Covid-19 pandemic with extended lockdowns and people feeling more and more dispirited, an eclectic group of artists called The SurViralists have come together to boost the Nation’s mood with zest and energy through their latest song. Led by Padmashri and National Award winner Hariharan, the band that calls themselves ‘The SurViralists’, comprises of celebrities from various fields including Padmashri Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, playback singers Roop and Sunali Rathod, Mika Singh, Neeti Mohan and Ishaan Dutta, MasterChef Ranveer Brar, India’s king o...


Vraddhi Sharma In THE PERFECT ROOM MATE Actress Vraddhi Sharma has spent most of her time in lockdown in creativity either being associated with other team or creating her own with her team and friends. Vraddhi Sharma and Sonny Ravan  have created a  music video along with a social message "The Perfect Roommate " in which Vraddhi Sharma and Sonny Ravan not only acted but also taken care of direction from the places..we made it during lockdown shots our footage from our places...in which music and song is done by well known singer SHREE D and Lyrics and Rap done by Sonny Ravan..Edited by Siddharth Banerjee. Vraddhi Sharma adds:" Apart from this my other short movie For God's sake of Vicky Khandpur released in Mxplayer,, I also acted in a short film Corona Yodha as a nurse of Kuma...
Even After Ostracizing For 9 years 999  Is Crossing 9 Cherishing Memories

Even After Ostracizing For 9 years 999 Is Crossing 9 Cherishing Memories

A movie that made us foresee the crumbling of the Mullaperiyar dam predicted to fall in July 2020 by Nostradamus. Even the supreme Indian Parliament standing still in the name of a movie. Two states closed their borders and involving in a fight between each other. Thousands of volunteering protesters flowing into Mullaperiyar daily. Tamil Nadu Government is continuing the ban even after the Supreme court granted permission for the release. They also denied putting up of posters through movie organizations and asking whichever theatre that came forward to show the movie to pay the entire revenue as fine. They banned satellite rights of the film, which almost got to the final step of gaining the most prestigious Oscar and assigning hundreds of Cyber soldiers to tamper with the IMDB rating. E...
Rapper Hiteshwar’s New Song For The Labours Went Viral
Exclusive News

Rapper Hiteshwar’s New Song For The Labours Went Viral

मज़दूर के लिए रैपर हितेश्वर का नया सोंग हुआ वायरल। सारी दुनिया और अपने देश मेे भी करोना महामारी का प्रकोप जारी है, लेकिन ऐसे में कलाकार गीत संगीत के जरिए भी लोगों का हौसला बढ़ा रहे हैं। मशहूर रैपर हितेश्वर ने हाल ही में  मज़दूर भाई के लिए रैप सॉन्ग रिलीज़ किया है। करोना है एक महामारी बीमारी के नाम से रैपर हितेश्वर ने इसमें प्रभावी ढंग से रैप किया है। करोना करोना वाह रे करोना जैसे शब्दों के साथ हितेश्वर ने बतौर रैपर अपने टैलेंट का प्रदर्शन किया है। आपको बता दें कि हितेश्वर का भोजपुरी रैप  सांग 'माई की गोद में" काफी हिट हुआ था, जिसके बाद गीत "बिहार के बानी" भी  रिलीज़ हुआ जिसे लोगों ने बेहद सराहा था और उनका नया अंदाज श्रोताओं और दर्शकों के दिलों पर असर कर गया था। करोना महामारी पर अपने नए गाने को गाया इसके बाद अब मज़दूर भाई के लिए अलग अंदाज़ रैप सांग गया ।  इस गाने को उन्हों...
Actor Rajveer Singh Of Punjab Is Very Excited About The Punjabi Film ROSHNI

Actor Rajveer Singh Of Punjab Is Very Excited About The Punjabi Film ROSHNI

पंजाब के फाइन अभिनेता राजवीर सिंह पंजाबी फिल्म "रौशनी" को लेकर हैं बेहद उत्साहित। पंजाबी स्टार गुरदास मान के साथ स्क्रीन शेयर करने जा रहे हैं राजवीर सिंह। पंजाब से सम्बन्ध रखने वाले अभिनेता राजवीर सिंह इन दिनों बेहद उत्साहित हैं क्योंकि उनके हाथ एक बड़ी पंजाबी फिल्म लगी है जिसमें उन्हें गुरदास मान जैसे कलाकार के साथ स्क्रीन शेयर करने को मिलेगा। इश्मित सिंह अकेडमी द्वारा प्रस्तुत इस पंजाबी फिल्म का नाम "रौशनी" है जिसके लेखक निर्देशक विक्रांत सालसकर, निर्माता जतिंद्र सिंह सराभा, माता परवीन अकथर हैं।  लॉक डॉउन खुलने के बाद इसकी शूटिंग शुरू होगी जिसमें गुरदास मान, राजवीर सिंह और सोनल मोंटरियो दिखेंगे। आपको बता दें कि निर्देशक सनोज मिश्रा की फिल्म 'राम की जन्मभूमि" से अपने फिल्मी करियर की शुरुआत करने वाले अभिनेता राजवीर सिंह आजकल देश में चल रही करोना महामारी और लॉक डॉउन से विचलित हैं म...
Don Cinema Releases  Oscar Nominee Director Majid Majidi’s Film Muhammad The Messenger of God
Breaking News

Don Cinema Releases Oscar Nominee Director Majid Majidi’s Film Muhammad The Messenger of God

Don Cinema releases Oscar nominee Director Majid Majidi's film ‘Muhammad The Messenger of God" which is releasing on Don Cinema OTT platform in June, Music by Oscar winner Music Director  A R Rehman. Trailer released this Eid on 25th May on Don Cinema. Majid Majidi is one of the well-known awarded director, He has directed many iranian, english and hindi films. Recently he had directed the hindi film Beyond The Clouds with Ishaan Khattar. The founder of Don Cinema Mehmood Ali says ‘it is an Iranian movie with an exceptional concept and is a 300 Crores budget. Mehmood Ali said that there are many upcoming hindi, English and regional blockbuster films and web series as well which was about to release, it got delayed due to lockdown. Soon it will be released with a big bang! डॉन सिन...


Jay Lodhiya Presents  you the very sad story about Rape  a Short Film, JAHAN DARINDE RAHTE HAI Is  a story and message to society & our legal system. Jay Lodhiya has come up again with a nice short film on a very different subject but the burning topic of the present situation of India. We hope abortion gets legal again !! Because being murdered is far away better than Being Raped ! A girl is not raped because of her attire, she is not raped because of her dress , she is not raped because she goes for job at night , she is not raped because she demands independent life , she is raped Because She is raped !! I stand against rape ! Let's together kick this evil act out of society! Little Know Facts About Jay Lodhiya Jay  Lodhiya  who has the distinction of havi...
Addatimes Web Series SIN Receiving Overwhelming Response From The Audience Globally
Trending News

Addatimes Web Series SIN Receiving Overwhelming Response From The Audience Globally

Whodunits, murder mysteries, Investigation and edge-of-the-seat suspense thrillers, Bollywood has dazzled us with several tales based on these themes. From the era of black-and-white films to the present day, we have witnessed an avalanche of iconic crime mysteries. Addatimes Media Private Limited is now streaming SIN, a premium Hindi web-series, directed by Arunava Khasnobis, and starring Aryan D. Roy, Sweta Mishra and Lakshya Punjabi, among others. The six-episode series, shot across Kolkata and other parts of Bengal is an investigation drama focusing on the world of carnal fantasies, Drugs, and deep criminal conspiracies. SIN is an assertive blend of crime detection, raw fantasy, and millennial lifestyle. This web series will keep you hooked till the very end and you just cannot take yo...
Rajkumar Khurana Is Busy In His Shooting Schedule

Rajkumar Khurana Is Busy In His Shooting Schedule

Rajkumar Khurana, a Table Tennis player, also coach for Indian Table Tennis & Bronze Medalist has carved his place in Bollywood also. He is another Yograj Singh in making, Yograj Singh was an ex-cricketer and an famous actor also father of Yuvraj Singh. Rajkumar's daughter is also a Tennis player of National level. His movies are as follows Mughalsarai Junction, Maria The Murder Mystery, Soul, Start Up, also aTamil Movie 'Wake Up', and a Hollywood film of producer Sunil Babbar. He has also appeared in Serials like Narak House Full, Bandhan, Bhabhi Jawan Devar Pareshan, Umang Tarang etc. Rajkumar Khurana, a young talented actor from Delhi, started his career from theatre, got chance from Mohammad Aziz Qureshi for his serial ‘Super Six’, followed by many short films, also acted in ...
Leo News


कम उम्र में फिल्मो के टॉप पीआरओ बने सोनू निगम ऐसी रही उनकी फिल्मों की सफर दर्जनों फिल्मो से अधिक फिल्मो के प्रचार प्रसार के माध्यम से हिट करवाया आज भोजपुरी के टॉप पीआरओ के नाम से जाने जाते है । आये दिनों किसी भी प्रोजेक्ट को मार्केंटिंग, ब्रांडिंग तथा प्रमोशन के बिना  बेचना या इसकी जानकारी दूसरे तक पहुँचना  बड़ी ही असंभव है।ऐसे में हर कंपनी सेलेब्रेटी, राजनेताओं आदि के प्रोमोशन के लिए एक पीआरओ को नियुक्त किये जाते है और उनके सबो के अति आवश्यक होता है।ऐसे में फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में अपनी प्रचार प्रसार से दर्जनों के फिल्मो के सुपर हिट कराने वाला  सोनू निगम एक ऐसे शख्स है जिन्होंने बड़ी ही कम उम्र में सफलता के ऊँचाईयो को छुवा है।अपनी दमदार लेखनी के बदौलत भोजपुरी व बॉलीवुड फिल्मो में अपनी खासे जगह बनाने वाला टॉप पीआरओ सोनू निगम की इनदिनों किसी को परिचय देने को मोहताज नही है । 2012 ...
Rapper Hiteshwar New Song On Corona Goes Viral
Exclusive News

Rapper Hiteshwar New Song On Corona Goes Viral

कोरोना पर रैपर हितेश्वर का नया सोंग हुआ वायरल सारी दुनिया और अपने देश मेे भी करोना महामारी का प्रकोप जारी है, लेकिन ऐसे में कलाकार गीत संगीत के जरिए भी लोगों का हौसला बढ़ा रहे हैं। मशहूर रैपर हितेश्वर ने हाल ही में इस महामारी पर एक कोरोंटाइन रैप रिलीज़ किया है। करोना है एक महामारी बीमारी के नाम से रैपर हितेश्वर ने इसमें प्रभावी ढंग से रैप किया है। करोना करोना वाह रे करोना जैसे शब्दों के साथ हितेश्वर ने बतौर रैपर अपने टैलेंट का प्रदर्शन किया है। आपको बता दें कि हितेश्वर का भोजपुरी रैप  सांग 'माई की गोद में" काफी हिट हुआ था, जिसके बाद गीत "बिहार के बानी" भी  रिलीज़ हुआ जिसे लोगों ने बेहद सराहा था और उनका नया अंदाज श्रोताओं और दर्शकों के दिलों पर असर कर गया था। करोना महामारी पर अपने नए गाने को गाया है हितेश्वर ने जो बहुत अच्छा रैप करते है और इस गाने को उन्होंने ही लिखा भी है.माई की गो...


She is Sulachna K, 26 years old born in Mumbai and brought up as well as studied in California, USA. Sulachna’s childhood dream is to be a acclaimed actress and a model. She has also been a part of theater, where she has been a part of many shows like Rasik Sampadak, Do Bhai, Bade Ghar Ki Beti, Sugandhi, Chakma, Aahuti etc. She has also done TVC for the brands like Johnson and Johnson Baby soap, D'amas jewellery, Hyundai brand etc. Sulachna has also acted in Zee Music Video (Sun Zara). She is now here in Chandigarh to be part of a Punjabi album, ads and films. She has already signed a film with Maxor Movies - Producer Vibha Dutta Khosla, who has recently completed a Punjabi film 'Mera Vyah Karado' staring Dilpreet Dhillon and Mandy Takhar, directed by Sunill Khosla, which is ready for r...
UAE-Based Aries Is Now Saudi Aramco Approved

UAE-Based Aries Is Now Saudi Aramco Approved

13.05.2020, Saudi Arabia: UAE-based Aries Marine Services Est is one among the very few listed NDT companies based in Saudi Arabia that have received the approval of Saudi Aramco, the largest multinational petroleum and natural gas company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aries Marine has received approval for its Conventional NDT services. Recently, Aries Marine also secured the approval of SABIC, which has accelerated the organization's reach in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Reckoned as one among the best inspection and maintenance companies in the world, Aries Marine and Engineering Services boasts of the most extensive Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing division in the Middle East. The team consists of experienced destructive and non-destructive testing (NDT)/ OCTG/Thermography/Eddy...
Ashutosh  Sinha  Actor Promoting Video Of His Of Coming Film Miss Masala Dosa  A Film By Alok Shrivastava

Ashutosh Sinha Actor Promoting Video Of His Of Coming Film Miss Masala Dosa A Film By Alok Shrivastava

Ashutosh Sinha the welknown actor of rare calibre and artistic bent of mind have made many videos during lockdown, but our team saw this video and was realy inspired the way in which he was promoting his coming film. Producers will be feeling proud of casting him in their film. Do Watch the video below . About Their coming venture Miss Masala Dosa the subject of the film is a romcom of todays world The Film is written & directed by Alok Shrivastava and is being produced under the Banner of AJ Digital Entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainment. Dop: Ashok Jamuar & Bharni Kannan. Music Bappi lahiri & Rsr.singers Bappi Lahiri, Shabab Sabri & Sana Aziz. The film Stars Ojas Rawal, Hiten Tejwani, Manu Punjabi, Mrinmai Kolwalkar, Lavina Israni, Sajid Bubere, Bri...
Playback Singer Hrishikesh Chury Plants 200 Plus Saplings Amid Lockdown

Playback Singer Hrishikesh Chury Plants 200 Plus Saplings Amid Lockdown

Due to the ongoing pandemic and global lockdown, we can say that we all are confined to stay indoors since many days. Most of us are working from home and spending time on social media and television. But alongwith this, some of us are doing their bit for the nature and environment too. One such person is singer Hrishikesh Chury who has been busy with his love for nature. From day one of the lockdown till today he has been planting more than 200 saplings and trees in his personal garden. Hrishikesh says, "While living in a concrete jungle like Mumbai, I feel blessed to have a garden in the heart of the city. This is our family home which is surrounded by various trees of mango, banana, papaya, coconut and few flowers. I get this love for nature through my parents who have planted variou...
Hindi Film Miss Masala Dosa Actress Lavina Israni Making Dosas At Home For The Neighbouring Needy People
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Hindi Film Miss Masala Dosa Actress Lavina Israni Making Dosas At Home For The Neighbouring Needy People

In the wake of novel COVID – 19 pandemic outbreak Hindi film Miss Masala Dosa actress Lavina Israni is making dosas at home for the neighbouring needy people she volunteered wholeheartedly in the hour of need during this pandemic. She has requested her fans and the entire Nation to stay home and pray to God. The initiatives taken by the honourable Prime Minister should be respected and applauded by us. About Their coming venture Miss Masala Dosa the subject of the film is a romcom of todays world The Film is written & directed by Alok Shrivastava and is being produced under the Banner of AJ Digital Entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainment. Dop: Ashok Jamuar & Bharni Kannan. Music Bappi lahiri & Rsr.singers Bappi Lahiri, Shabab Sabri & Sana Aziz. The film...
Ratnesh Barnwal A Big Actor With Big Heart

Ratnesh Barnwal A Big Actor With Big Heart

छोटे कद का बड़ा एक्टर है रत्नेश बरनवाल कद छोटा लेकिन कलेजा बड़ा रखते हैं एक्टर रत्नेश बरनवाल भोजपुरी सिनेमा के मशहूर कॉमेडियन रत्नेश बरनवाल हिंदी वेब सीरीज मेे बने मुख्य खलनायक फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में अपनी अलग पहचान बनाने के लिए लंबे कद का होना जरूरी माना जाता रहा है, लेकिन पिछले कुछ वर्षों में कई छोटे कद के उम्दा कलाकारों ने भी अपनी प्रतिभा के बल पर अपनी खास पहचान बनाने में कामयाबी हासिल की है। एक ऐसे ही छोटे कद के एक्टर हैं रत्नेश बरनवाल। उनका कद भले ही छोटा है मगर कलेजा बहुत बड़ा है। भोजपुरी सिनेमा में उन्हें राजपाल यादव का दर्जा प्राप्त है। रवि किशन और दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ सहित भोजपुरी के सभी बड़े स्टार्स के साथ वह काम कर चुके हैं। राजकुमार आर पांडेय जैसे कई बड़े डायरेक्टर्स की फिल्मों में उन्होंने यादगार भूमिकाएं निभाई है। भोजपुरी की ढेर सारी हिट फिल्मों में उन्होंने कॉमेडी क...
Education sector seeking new ways to outgrow the conventional textbook learning and explore scopes of e-learning

Education sector seeking new ways to outgrow the conventional textbook learning and explore scopes of e-learning

COVID-19 has sparked unrest in almost every business in the world, and the education sector is no different. Ever since our usual daily activities have come to a standstill, we have been forced to reform our work culture and try new unconventional means to make our days productive. Students, too, have been forced to take up e-learning, which opens new doors to technology's involvement in the education sector. Even though it has been a scientifically proven fact that having a hearing and visual exposure to curricular concepts and subjects improved a student's grasping power in contradiction to the conventional textbook learning method. It is also proven that learning a topic in such a manner can have a long-lasting impact on a student rather than just reading and learning. Backed by the sci...
Inshallah Denies Misconceptions Against Women
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Inshallah Denies Misconceptions Against Women

AJ Film Entertainment World All India Release Filmmakers now have a new passion. They have understood that if the concept of the film is good, then a hit film can be given by keeping the woman at the center. During the last few years, many women oriented films have made a mark at the box office. In view of this, the makers have got courage and they have come forward with the female head subject, one of which is the film Inshallah. Producer Hemant Yadav and director Nazar Moharsavi Dop are actors of this film of Dilip John. Rajpal Yadav, Raza Murad, Shahid Talwar, Heera Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Amar Mishra, Kuldeep Shukla, Santosh Kumar, Aditya Nath, Akanksha Dixit, Shaifali Singh, Priyanka Yadav, if it is. This film gives a message in society not to make misconceptions about women. Usually, ...
Maa Is New Song Launched On Mother’s Day

Maa Is New Song Launched On Mother’s Day

Maa is new song launching on this Mother’s Day 10th May 2020 dedicated to all mothers. Maa is soulful creation of the Music director Duo Kedar & Bhargav and beautifully sung by Jigardan Gadhavi “Jigra” Lyrics written by Milind Gadhavi and produced by Mahesh Danannavar under Indi Pop Music Label. Maa is soothing song to all the sons and daughters making them nostalgic about their childhood and time spent with mother. Indi Pop Music is a platform to showcase finest Original Indi music. Indi Pop Music is collaborating with biggest Singers, Musicians and Artists as well as introducing new talents and rising stars to the Indian Music scene. Indi Pop Music is a record label company founded by Mahesh Danannavar. Indi Pop Music is venture of MD Media Corp which is into Film Production. Maa...
Singer Ravindra Singh’s Music Video SUNA SUNA Strikes An Emotional Chord Of Every Listener Across

Singer Ravindra Singh’s Music Video SUNA SUNA Strikes An Emotional Chord Of Every Listener Across

Ravindra Singh, a well-known singer has lighten up the grim around, a melodious rendition of giving back life to lonely streets of India by his soothing voice which speaks about the feelings of lockdown. The world is witnessing lockdown due to COVID 19. Ravindra Singh sang a lovely song ‘SUNA SUNA’, making every lyrics, every phrase, an ensamble of feelings. Ravindra’s passion towards singing and music is remarkably seen in his previously released songs as well. This time, his song has filled the hearts with joy and love. During lockdown he has always been singing and kept people motivated around him. He said " May all lives live strong, people to stay home safely in-order to avoid getting infected from the deadly virus whereever, which ever country you are in. I love nature an...
Watch SIN A Gripping Series Of Passion And Crime On Addatimes
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Watch SIN A Gripping Series Of Passion And Crime On Addatimes

Whodunits, murder mysteries, Investigation and edge-of-the-seat suspense thrillers, Bollywood has dazzled us with several tales based on these themes. From the era of black-and-white films to the present day, we have witnessed an avalanche of iconic crime mysteries. Addatimes Media Private Limited is now streaming SIN, a premium Hindi web-series, directed by Arunava Khasnobis, and starring Aryan D. Roy, Sweta Mishra and Lakshya Punjabi, among others. The six-episode series, shot across Kolkata and other parts of Bengal, is an investigation drama focusing on the world of carnal fantasies, Drugs, and deep criminal conspiracies. SIN is an assertive blend of crime detection, raw fantasy, and millennial lifestyle. These web series will keep you hooked till the very end and you just cannot take ...
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On the 4th May, 2020, Dr. Rekha Chaudhari, MD of Oneline Wellness Pvt. Ltd. brought together a panel of discussion with the leaders in the beauty and wellness industry along with Honourable Minister, Mr. Nitin Gadkari. Mrs. Vaijayanti Bhalchandra (Co-Founder, YLG Salons), Mr. Vikram Bhatt (Founder - Enrich), Mr. Pushkaraj Shenai (CEO - Lakme Salons), MR. Rahul Bhalchandra (CEO YLG Salons), Mrs. Monica Bahl (CEO - B&WSSC), Ms. Preeti Dias (Franchise - Lakme Salons), Mr Rajeev Nair (CEO - Kaya Clinics), Ms. Spoorthy Shetty (CEO - BBlunt) were the others who joined the discussion. Running for more than 40 days. Multiple industries in nationwide lockdown, the condition is crispy. It has a big number of people with self-employment that are directly connected to beauty and wellness industr...
Alok Shrivastava And Jatin Upadhyay Helps Needy Families With Groceries And Essentials
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Alok Shrivastava And Jatin Upadhyay Helps Needy Families With Groceries And Essentials

In the wake of novel COVID – 19 pandemic outbreak. Alok Shrivastava Of Gold Coin Entertainment & Jatin Upadhyay Of A J Digital Entertainment helped many needy families with groceries and essentials for this noble cause and volunteered wholeheartedly in the hour of need during this pandemic. Together, they successfully served this in Delhi NCR and neighbouring areas.. They have requested their fans and the entire Nation to stay home and pray to God. The initiatives taken by the honourable Prime Minister should be respected and applauded by us. About Their coming venture Miss Masala Dosa the subject of the film is a romcom of todays world The Film is written & directed by Alok Shrivastava and is being produced under the Banner of AJ Digital Entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainmen...
Sachiin J Joshi  – I Am An Indian First An Entrepreneur Who Takes Care Of A 1000 Families Next,  I Will Not Take Armtwisters Lightly
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Sachiin J Joshi – I Am An Indian First An Entrepreneur Who Takes Care Of A 1000 Families Next, I Will Not Take Armtwisters Lightly

"I am an Indian first, an entrepreneur who takes care of over a 1000 families next. It is time we stop thinking 'I' and start thinking 'we' . As an Indian I decided to help give meals to the poor and to give Beatle for the COVID19 patients. That is what every Indian should do for his nation. Every company has disgruntled employees and in our case, it is a handful who want to use media for armtwisting tactics. The investigation of Thinktank dispute is on in Labour Court and we have full faith in the country's judiciary.. How can anyone tell me I cannot help COVID19 victims," storms Sachiin Joshi as he confirms that the employees who are trying to armtwist him using media will be immediately served legal notices. "Are these people asking me not to feed the poor or not to give my hotel to t...
The Malayali Community Embraces Poem COVID-19  Wholeheartedly

The Malayali Community Embraces Poem COVID-19 Wholeheartedly

People were used to complaining about a short time even though they had a long to-do-list, now have enough and more of time in their hands due to the COVID virus. Currently, our social media platforms have turned into an art festival stage as talents in quarantine have geared up to develop their artistic skills choosing COVID as a topic. Among the other such poems which released during this lockdown, Hollywood Director and poet Dr. Sohan Roy’s poem “COVID-19” stands out for its unique style of contents, music, and recitation. COVID-19, which was also written and recited by Sohan Roy, is gaining much recognition like wildfire. In just a few days from its release, the poem, with its English sub-titles and graphics, reached one million views on various social media. The poet’s imagination rel...
Tusshar Kapoor – Esha Deol – Karan Johar – Neha Dhupia – Soha Ali Khan – Amrita Arora Amongst Others Pledge To Protect The Planet
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Tusshar Kapoor – Esha Deol – Karan Johar – Neha Dhupia – Soha Ali Khan – Amrita Arora Amongst Others Pledge To Protect The Planet

~ Simone Khambatta of Mama Says brings these celebs together who tell us how they want to heal the world for their children and the future ~ While the human race is facing the toughest time dealing with a worldwide lockdown, our Mother Earth is healing and reinstating herself. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, while each one of us is hoping for a better and brighter future Bollywood celebrities did not forget their social responsibility. India's leading parenting and motherhood blog, 'Mama Says' has brought together these celebrities who have pledged to ensure that our planet continues to thrive when we enter the world again- in its present state with clean air, blue skies and beautiful oceans stays that way, and teach their children how to protect their home, i.e. their planet earth. The v...
Institut Le Rosey – The Hidden Truth Behind The Most Expensive School  In The World
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Institut Le Rosey – The Hidden Truth Behind The Most Expensive School In The World

Distressed Indian parents left to fend for their daughter’s rights with the school’s disgraceful demeanour of protecting the offenders New Delhi, 7 May 2020: Institut Le Rosey, commonly referred to as Le Rosey or simply Rosey and one of the oldest boarding schools in Switzerland is embroiled in a disgraceful situation because of its failure and the serious lack of sensitivity to deal with bullying towards an Indian student. The title of the most expensive private school in the world goes to Institut Le Rosey, with an annual tuition of $115,000 (basic fees plus costs) per year. However, the recent incident of a student from a renowned family from India being subjected to harrowing mental and emotional harassment, at the behest of her fellow students and painfully negligent faculty, puts ...
Gaurav Chanana In 100 hours 100 Stars  A Fever FM Initiative In Aid Of PM Cares

Gaurav Chanana In 100 hours 100 Stars A Fever FM Initiative In Aid Of PM Cares

He has a dashing similarity with Lucifer. His handsome persona, carelessly tossed mane, his quirky sense of humour and of course the unmissable green eyes that look into your soul... Gaurav Chanana is also one person who wears many hats, each suiting him. "The pursuit is of sheer happiness," he reveals. This all-heart feel was evident in the candid interview with RJ Aakanksha on Fever Digital, where Gaurav spoke of his venture Lucifer Circus that has made some of the most memorable films recently. The model-actor, in a candid interview on '100 Hours 100 Stars', talks about everything from work, home, family, life et al. Gaurav took to social media to speak about his familial poetry-shayari recital that encourage a successful lockdown during these trying times! He speaks about the familiar...
In The Wake Of COVID-19  Jaiswal Youth Federation (JYF) In Association With Saraswati Devi Charitable Trust (SDCT) Helped More than 5000 Needy Families
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In The Wake Of COVID-19 Jaiswal Youth Federation (JYF) In Association With Saraswati Devi Charitable Trust (SDCT) Helped More than 5000 Needy Families

Jaiswal Youth Federation (JYF) in association with Saraswati Devi Charitable Trust (SDCT) & with the support of its Trustees Sandipji & Rajdipji Gupta formed ‘Jaiswal Corona Task Team’ to serve more than 5,000 needy families in the wake of noble COVID – 19 pandemic outbreak. In an aim to provide groceries to the needy families, trust members joined hands with several other groups for this noble cause and volunteered wholeheartedly in the hour of need during this pandemic. Together, they successfully served 5,000 plus needy families around Mumbai, Thane & nearby suburbs such as Boisar, Dahanu and Alibaug. CA Ramanand Gupta, President (JYF) said, “I feel proud to say that our JYF CORONA TASK TEAM proved to be the ‘Real Warriors’ under the guidance & supervision of our execut...
Amrita Rao And Hema Malini Ji Come Together For ASSOCHAM’S World Hand Hygiene Day Initiative

Amrita Rao And Hema Malini Ji Come Together For ASSOCHAM’S World Hand Hygiene Day Initiative

Mumbai: Amrita Rao and Hema Malini Ji have come together for The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), an apex trade association of India to celebrate the World Hand Hygiene Day which is commemorated on 5th May every year. To raise awareness for the same, the duo gave out  video and audio messages. The initiative is a part of Honourable PM’s ‘Mission Swachh Bharat’. Speaking on the occasion Amrita said “Hand Hygiene is the topmost measure to prevent the coronavirus. Many people still think coronavirus is a viral-like cold and flu and while they cover their nose and mouth diligently, they are not at all sensitive about sanitizing their hands with immediate effect as soon as they touch anything that has possibly been touched by or passed on from the hand...
Director Kumar Neeraj’s Dream Project Is The Hindi Film Gangs Of Bihar
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Director Kumar Neeraj’s Dream Project Is The Hindi Film Gangs Of Bihar

निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की ड्रीम प्रोजेक्ट है हिंदी फिल्म गैंगस ऑफ़ बिहार । हिंदी फिल्म गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार कोरोना के वजह से आगे बढ़ा दी गई है बता दें कि पहले गैंग्स आफ बिहार की शूटिंग20 अप्रैल से उत्तर प्रदेश के कई खुबशुरत लोकेशनों पर होने वाला था, पर अब शूटिंग कोरोना खत्म होने के बाद किया जाएगा,, गैंगस आफ बिहार ए ए ए इंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बन रही है,निर्माता सफीक सैफी है जबकि खुबशुरत संगीत अफरोज खान का है,सिनेमा के म्यूजिक पार्ट बहुत स्ट्रॉन्ग बनी है फ़िल्म की स्टोरी और यंग जनरेसन को देखते हुए बनाई गई है।सिनेमेटोग्राफी नज़ीब खान है फ़िल्म के स्टार कास्ट है मुकेश तिवारी, गुरलीन चोपड़ा ,राजवीर सिंह, नाज़नीन पटनी, जय शुक्ला अंजलि अग्रवाल,श्रीकांत परतूस,इत्यादि जैसे कलाकार दिखाई देंगे । फ़िल्म के लेखक व निर्देशक कुमार नीरज का कहना है कि " गैंग्स ऑफ़ बिहार "नाम से ही पता चलता है यह बिहार के बाहुवलीयो...
Jagadguru Narendracharya Maharaj Sansthan  Nanijdham Contributes 1 Crore 2 Lacs Towards Relief Funds To combat Covid-19 Pandemic
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Jagadguru Narendracharya Maharaj Sansthan Nanijdham Contributes 1 Crore 2 Lacs Towards Relief Funds To combat Covid-19 Pandemic

Jagadguru Narendracharya Maharaj Sansthan, Nanijdham (Maharashtra) contributed 52 lacs to PMCares Fund on the 30th of April 2020 to combat Covid-19 pandemic. Sansthan had also contributed 50 Lacs to Maharashtra CM Relief Fund for the same, in addition to distributing grocery packages to the poor during lockdown in Ratnagiri (Maharashtra). Jagadguru’s commitment towards social responsibility and diligence towards the society and the entire nation is remarkable. Jagadguru says, “We wish for complete eradication of this pandemic at the earliest.” HH Swamiji also appreciated and encouraged Covid warriors (ie medical staff, cleaning staff, Police, Govt departments like water supply, electricity supply etc), who are selflessly fighting with this unprecedented disease, through his tweets...
Filmmaker Arsala Qureishi On The New Normal And Cinema
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Filmmaker Arsala Qureishi On The New Normal And Cinema

Arsala Qureishi has launched BLOW MEDIA right before the pandemic hit the world. Blow Media’s manifesto is clear, it will create digital content that is relevant, contemporaneous and relatable on an international platform and with international names attached. Blow Media’s first foray was a Hollywood Bollywood collaboration with STEP UP 2 actor Robert Hoffman in the lead along Actor/Influencer Jas Sagu. It was a music video ‘(Aag Ka Gola L.A.) shot extensively in Hollywood. We were keen to know what the talented director's next step will be in the face of the New Normal that has hit the entire world. We got to know that Arsala Qureishi has great plans for 2020. Her book ‘Separated by Ten Inches’ is slated to release later this year and simultaneously she’s working on a screenplay based o...
Vishal Bhagat A Youth Leader Serving In The Public Interest Is Taking 300 People Daily In Comminity Kitchen
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Vishal Bhagat A Youth Leader Serving In The Public Interest Is Taking 300 People Daily In Comminity Kitchen

Due to the lockdown for the last 40 days, people have a big problem of eating and drinking due to the Corona virus. Many people have stopped earning due to the shutdown of work. Due to this, they do not even have money to eat. * Mahashakti Charitable Trust * came forward to help such people. They are making arrangements for food and drink for the needy people. Today, 'Corona Fighter' youth leaders are getting Vishal Bhagat introduced. Vishal Bhagat is a businessman for money, but he loves to do social service. Due to Vishal Bhagat lockdown, he decided to help the poor people with his team of 20 people. Now, along with his team, he is feeding about 250 to 300 people daily in Mumbai. Vishal Bhagat said that these are people who are homeless. They live on the streets. He could not see t...
Rekha Vyalapalli – There Is A Real Need To Fill The Empty Plates Of The Needy

Rekha Vyalapalli – There Is A Real Need To Fill The Empty Plates Of The Needy

जरूरतमंदो के खाली प्लेटों को भरने की है असली जरूरत : रेखा व्यालपल्ली लॉकडाउन में फँसे हज़ारों बिहार,झारखंड और यूपी के मज़दूर को रोज़ भोजन करा रही “रेखा चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट” हैदराबाद। कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण को लेकर लॉकडाउन के दौरान हैदराबाद और आसपास के शहरों में हजारों की संख्या में बिहार,झारखंड और यूपी के मजूदर फंसे हैं। इन श्रमिकों के सामने खाने-पीने की समस्या आ गई है। इन श्रमिकों की मदद के लिए कई सामाजिक संस्था आगे आई है। इनमें भारतीय टेनिस खिलाड़ी रेखा व्यालपल्ली के नेतृत्व में सामाजिक संगठन “रेखा चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट” दिनरात भरपूर सहयोग करने में लगा है। रेखा चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट प्रतिदिन संकट में फंसे इन जरूरतमंद हज़ारों लोगो को खाद्य सामग्री किट मुहैया करा रहा है। संस्था के संस्थापक रेखा व्यालपल्ली ने बताया कि करीब बीस हजार श्रमिकों के बीच खाद्य सामग्री किट का वितरण किया जा चुका है और हर रोज़ ल...
Music Video Queen Ansh Shekhawats Album FIKAR Is Touching On The Hearts Of People

Music Video Queen Ansh Shekhawats Album FIKAR Is Touching On The Hearts Of People

Music Video Queen Annsh Shekhawat is swaying the hearts of people with her music album “Fikar” Annsh Shekhawat who has earlier acted in several music videos has now won the hearts of all the listeners with her new song Fikar. The song has been sung by Roshan Prince and composed by Milind Gaba. Besides these, Annsh has also worked in a lot of ad films and International projects. Annsh will be seen in a film very shortly in Bollywood. While talking to us, Annsh reiterated that she is now all set to make her debut in Bollywood with the renowned South director Puri Jagannath, with Ananya Panday and Vijay Deverakonda. Says Annsh, who has made a name for herself by taking part in several Miss India contests, "Though I hail from a typical Rajput family, my parents have always encouraged me to ta...
Business After Lock Down Tips By Business Coach Arvind Khinvesra
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Business After Lock Down Tips By Business Coach Arvind Khinvesra

Lockdown has been a great leveler. It has impacted businesses across the globe, industry and scale of business. However, whether you stay affected or recover lost ground depends on What You Do Now. There is not much one can do about the Covid 19 situation. However, there is a lot that can be done during this period that can impact what happens after this phase of is over. In this article, I am sharing actions that an entrepreneur can take to ensure that once the business start again, he is ready to get rolling. Let’s compare this situation with that of a car parked in your garage. One can’t drive it and go anywhere. And still, it has to be ensured that the car is started and moved around a bit every one or two days. If this part is ignored for a few days, the battery could get discha...
Surat Boy Hardik Tailor Collaborates With Dubai Based DJ Shadow For Quarantine Special

Surat Boy Hardik Tailor Collaborates With Dubai Based DJ Shadow For Quarantine Special

Quarantine and lockdown is the only common word we are probably listening from everyone's mouth these days. And seems like being bored has become it's synonym. But to take away all the blues and induce a healthy spirit in this phase; singer, composer Hardik Tailor who is exclusively managed by Beyond Music has a treat for all. The Surat based artist has collaborated with Dubai's popular, DJ Shadow for an upcoming music video titled Hamara India. A combine effort and initiative by Viral Motani and Pakkhi Hegde's Beyond Music and Nikesh’s Slash Productions, around 19 Indian actors will be featured in this video. The team of the song is totally Indian with a great feeling of joy and happiness. It highlights the merrier future after this dark phase. The artists have shot the video from thei...
Sandeep Yadav And  His Companions Fighting Against Corona Relentlessly Round The Clock To Save Our Country And Vicinity
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Sandeep Yadav And His Companions Fighting Against Corona Relentlessly Round The Clock To Save Our Country And Vicinity

कोरोना के खिलाफ जंग लड़ता योद्धा संदीप यादव एव साथी। जिस वक्त से पूरा विश्व कोरोना नामक महामारी का शिकार हुए है, भारत देश भी इससे अछूता नहीं रह, परंतु इस विषम परिस्थितियों में कोरोना से जंग लड़ने के लिए कई वीर योद्धा मैदान में कूद पड़े। संदीप यादव (भा ज यू मो, BJYM मुम्बई नार्थ वेस्ट के वाईस प्रेसिडेंट) ऐसे ही एक जबरदस्त योद्धा है, वे शान्तनु अगस्ति (भा ज यू मो BJYM नार्थ वेस्ट मुम्बई के प्रेसिडेंट), के सहयोग से जरूरतमंदों को राशन वितरण कर रहे हैं। स्वयम संदीप यादव ने लोखंडवाला, वर्सोवा के शास्त्री नगर के कई बिल्डिंगों में एवं सात बंगला म्हाडा के कई सोसाइटी और स्कूलों में अपने सहायको के साथ सेनिटाइजर का छिड़काव कर रहे हैं। संदीप यादव का कहना है " हमारे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी, महाराष्ट्र विपक्ष के नेता देवेन्द्र फडणवीस जी, भा ज यू मो (BJYM) प्रेजिडेंट पूनम महाजन जी, भा ज यू मो...
13th International Festival Of Cellphone Cinema Announced
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13th International Festival Of Cellphone Cinema Announced

Mumbai: 13th International Festival of Cellphone Cinema has been announced for all those who love short films and ready to shoot stills and movie on their mobile phones, submission of entries to be closed on 15th May, the date has been extended owing to lock down. “We are pleased to announce the 13th edition of our admired festival International Festival of Cellphone Cinema today. The 15th May is the last date of        receiving entries of films made from mobile phone,” said Sandeep Marwah President of the festival who has been earlier titled as Father of Cellphone Cinema. This time, well known actor director Satish Kaushik, film director Raju Parsekar and director of short films Vevek Paul along with Prof. Karl Bardosh and Sandeep Marwah are going to be on the jury to announce and ...
Jai Maharashtra Says Amrita Rao
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Jai Maharashtra Says Amrita Rao

1 May 2020, Mumbai: Actress Amrita Rao who prides in been born and brought up in Mumbai, took time during the lockdown for her special salutations to the State on the occasion of Maharashtra Day. May 1st is annually marked to commemorate the creation of Maharashtra from the State of Bombay on May 1, in the year 1960. Amrita said, “Mumbai which happens to be the heart of Maharashtra has been my ‘Janma’ and ‘Karma’ Bhoomi. Even my grandmother was born here so I feel blessed to be a proud citizen of the state. In school, Marathi was a compulsory subject, hence though my mother tongue is Konkani and we are originally from Karnataka, I can speak good Marathi. As a kid, I have witnessed the parade that is held and the address of the governor at Shivaji Park in our summer holidays. I have grow...
Rishi Kapoor Actor passes away in Mumbai

Rishi Kapoor Actor passes away in Mumbai

Actor Rishi Kapoor died on Thursday after a 2-year battle with leukaemia. He was cremated in the presence of family and friends on Thursday evening. Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, who has had a glorious career in the world of Hindi cinema spanning over four decades, passed away at a Mumbai hospital on Thursday morning. He was 67. The actor, who had charmed his way into millions of hearts with his scintillating debut in 1973's 'Bobby', had been ailing for a while. After being diagnosed with cancer in 2018, Rishi Kapoor is survived by wife Neetu Kapoor, son Ranbir Kapoor and daughter Riddhima. A message from Rishi Kapoor’s family Our dear Rishi Kapoor passed away peacefully at 8:45am IST in hospital today after a two-year battle with leukemia. The doctors and medical staff at t...