Tuesday, February 11

Month: September 2020



AMARCINE PRODUCTION organised their second virtual Beauty Pageant IAWA MISS INDIA 2020 successfully after conducting IAWA MRS INDIA virtually. This pandemic  has made everyone  connect  each other via internet, Films getting direct releases, musical events also now as virtual concerts. While most of the beauty pageants have got cancelled this year owing to the coronavirus pandemic. IAWA IAWA had put the entry process online to make it as easy as possible to reach more contestants through out the country. There was  no regional auditions, no travel. This was hugely successful where in IAWA INDIA received a record number of entries than last year. There is lots of panic around due to Covid 19, but AMARCINE PRODUCTION made sure to  create awareness for Covid 19  through this Beauty Page...
EaseMyTrip.com Presents India’s First Ever Film  And Webseries TAISH  Produced By Nishant Pitti And Rikant Pitti Of EaseMyTrip.com And  Shivanshu Pandey
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EaseMyTrip.com Presents India’s First Ever Film And Webseries TAISH Produced By Nishant Pitti And Rikant Pitti Of EaseMyTrip.com And Shivanshu Pandey

Co-founders of EaseMyTrip.com, Nishant Pitti, Rikant Pitti, along with Shivanshu Pandey, are all set to produce a revenge drama web series titled Taish directed by Bejoy Nambiar and stars actors Pulkit Samrat, Jim Sarbh, Harshvardhan Rane, Kriti Kharbanda and Sanjeeda Shaikh. It's set to premeire on the 29th of October on Zee5 Premium. Talking about Taish, and his eagerness to release the project, producer Shivanshu Pandey says, “Extremely euphoric and excited to announce that our film Taish is finally getting to see the light of the day and getting a platform like Zee5 which also caters to the target audience the film was made in the first place. The journey has been a gruelling one but I'm very delighted that the film has turned out to be as we had envisioned it!!”. While Nishant says...
Abdul Karim Sheikh to direct big guns in his directorial debut The Android Phone
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Abdul Karim Sheikh to direct big guns in his directorial debut The Android Phone

New crops of filmmakers are foraying into the world of cinema with great vigour. Abdul Karim Sheikh a.k.a Karan is a dynamic filmmaker and wishes to make parallel cinema with commended and compelling ability. He is all geared up to direct his fascinating script in his maiden independent venture “The Android Phone”, to be made under his home banner K.Q. Films.  “The Android Phone” will feature an ensemble of cast with talented actors from the Northern state. The pre-production work for the film in all departments is in progress. Ashok Anchan is designing the project as its executive producer and also as its media and marketing head. “After months of uncertainty and in times of Covid-19 our preparations at K.Q. Films has been different and we were working hard in understanding the econ...
Indywood Talent Hunt International 2020 ; The Biggest Talent Youth Festival to be conducted virtually this year for the first time

Indywood Talent Hunt International 2020 ; The Biggest Talent Youth Festival to be conducted virtually this year for the first time

After the very successful edition in 2019,  Indywood Talent Hunt International 2020 will be conducted online this year due to the struggling scenario caused by the pandemic. Indywood Talent Hunt is organized with an outlook to identify young talents and guide them properly to choose their career at the campus/school level. It also provides an opportunity for the shortlisted ones to get exposed to the Film Industry via Indywood. It has always been a roaring success in all the conducted years. The 2019 edition witnessed around 2000 finalists with an overall reach of 2 million. The International Cultural Fiesta is ready to gear up with the new standard online edition picking up the most recommended categories, including music, dance, art, acting, and social media. The music category is bro...
Shree Saini At National Stage Of Miss World America
Trending News

Shree Saini At National Stage Of Miss World America

Miss World America recently announced its 2020 contestants list. The 2020 Miss World America pageant will see Indian American Shree Saini. She is the chosen representative of Washington state. She is a survivor of heart surgery at age 12 for a pacemaker implant and she is a burns survivor. She is a global motivational speaker who has been invited to address audiences about her life experience and messages of resilience and kindness, in more than 8 countries and 30 states in the United States. A graduate of University of Washington, Saini has been a visiting student at Harvard, Stanford and Yale Universities.  She has earned the “Best Pageant Titleholder” award and recognitions from the Secretary of State, Senate, Governor and the American Heart Association CEO. Miss World has fund...
Ganpat Of UP Is Ready To Enter Bollywood With Storm
Actors, Exclusive News

Ganpat Of UP Is Ready To Enter Bollywood With Storm

बॉलीवुड में एंट्री करने को तैयार हैं यूपी के गणपत ऐक्टिंग का कोर्स कर चुके गणपत ने थियेटर में अपनी प्रतिभा सिद्ध की है । बॉलीवुड में हीरो बनने का सपना देश मे लाखों लोगों का होता है। मगर मायानगरी सब पर मेहरबान नहीं होती, उत्तर प्रदेश के रहने वाले एक शख्स की कहानी भी पूरी फिल्मी प्रतीत होती है, वह हीरो बनना चाहते थे, उन्होंने इसके लिए स्ट्रगल भी किया पर सफलता नहीं मिली। लेकिन इसका मतलब यह कतई नहीं था कि वह निराश हो जाते और जब उनके बेटे भी यह ख्वाहिश जाहिर की कि वह फिल्मों मे एक्टर बनना चाहता है तो उसके पिता ने उसकी हौसला अफजाई की और कहा कि मै पूरी कोशिश करूंगा कि तुम फिल्मों मे  एक्टिंग करो। यह होता है एक बाप का जज्बा । इस युवा का नाम गणपत है जो उत्तर प्रदेश ग्राम बन्ना टुंडला, जिला फ़िरोज़ाबाद के रहने वाला है। ऐसा भी नहीं है कि गणपत ने बिना किसी तैयारी के हीरो बनने का निर्णय लिय...
Ruchita Awasthi Top 15 Finalists Of Miss And Mrs India Universe 2020 Her Journey From  Masters In Business Administration In HR And Finance To Pageant
Virus Events

Ruchita Awasthi Top 15 Finalists Of Miss And Mrs India Universe 2020 Her Journey From Masters In Business Administration In HR And Finance To Pageant

All our dreams can come true..... If we have the courage to pursue them.... Ruchita Awasthi Masters in Business Administration in HR and Finance from the city Kanpur (U.P) now living in Bhilai Chhattisgarh from the last two years is selected in top 15 finalists of Miss and Mrs. India Universe 2020. They are four sisters from middle class conservative family. When parents wanted her to get married. She fought with everyone for the further studies and after completing MBA she started her career with an NGO (HelpAge India) and moved to Delhi. After 2 years of struggled she proved herself and settled as an HR Manager. In 2009 she got married and now she is a mom of 7 years old boy. As a responsible Mother She quit her career because she wanted to see her son's growing stages. She is al...
Miss Masala Dosa Film Ms Mrinmai-Kolwalkar And Mannu Punjabi  Will Be Seen In Very Different RoleA Film By Alok Shrivastava

Miss Masala Dosa Film Ms Mrinmai-Kolwalkar And Mannu Punjabi Will Be Seen In Very Different RoleA Film By Alok Shrivastava

मिस मसाला डोसा' में दिखेंगे दबंग पुलिस वाले, मृण्मयी कोलवालकर और मनु पंजाबी निभाएंगे लीड रोल मुम्बई. फ़िल्म 'मिस मसाला डोसा' की टीम ने कोरोना काल के दौरान मुंबई में अपने शूट का आखिरी शेड्यूल पूरा कर लिया है. फिल्म के निर्देशक आलोक श्रीवास्तव ने मुंबई में शिमला पुलिस स्टेशन के सेट को फिर से बनाया क्योंकि लॉकडाउन के चलते वे वास्तविक स्थान पर शूटिंग नहीं कर सकते थे. इस फ़िल्म में अभिनेत्री मृण्मई कोलवलकर ने हिमाचल प्रदेश की एक महिला पुलिस की भूमिका निभाई है. वह फिल्म में अपनी भूमिका को लेकर बहुत खुश हैं. उनके चरित्र का नाम शालू कपूर है. जो अपने काम और परिवार के प्रति बहुत समर्पित और कर्तव्यबद्ध है. मृण्मयी बताती हैं कि उन्हें इसके लिए एक सख्त फिटनेस शासन का पालन करना था. मेरी भूमिका को ध्यान में रखते हुए निर्देशक आलोक जी ने मुझे हिमाचल प्रदेश महिला साई के साथ बातचीत करने के लिए मिलवाया...
Ajaz Khan Supports Hindu Pandit Brahman The Owner Of Jipzop App
Leo News

Ajaz Khan Supports Hindu Pandit Brahman The Owner Of Jipzop App

Actor Ajaz Khan, who is always in controversy, is once again in the discussion. This time Ajaz Khan hit the media. Ajaz has also commented on Sushant and Deepika Padukone while talking to media personnel during the promo shoot of Jip Zop app. The Government of India has banned 59 Chinese apps including TikTok. Which has greatly affected the youth of India. Millions of youth have made a mark and identity with Tik Tok itself, but the closure of the app had blinded their lives. Now the golden opportunity for those youth to make their mark in social media by making videos similar to Tik Tok is coming. Or bars are coming in India like Tik Tok app Jip Zop. The brand ambassador for the Jip Zop app has been created by actor Ajaz Khan, who is a social media enthusiast. According to Asho...
Leo News


EPFame Awards 2.0 Event Industry Day 2020 - EPF Colosseum 3.0 •• In an unprecedented year where  it is important everyone continues to social distance, Event Planners Federation will be taking the Award Show from the stage to your Screen with Recognising The Best in 50+ Categories shortlisted out of 2700+ applications Who Have Been Pushing The Boundaries of Excellence. The Acclaimed Award Show will be paying a Tribute to The Global Events Fraternity by celebrating Event Industry Day on 27th September (World Tourism Day) after EPF helped popularise the Event Managers Day Concept as a Global Phenomenon which was Celebrated with much pompous in 50+ countries worldwide . EPF Colosseum 3.0 is the bedrock philosophy of EPFAME Awards which in its third outing brings together Veterans of The ...
Breaking News

Several Leaders Hold Meeting Including BJP’s Vishal Bhagat To Win The Bihar Election

बिहार चुनाव को जीतने के लिए भाजपा की विशाल भगत सहित कई नेताओ की  बैठक । मीरा भाइंदर में बिहार के बौद्धिक के साथ बैठक में नेतृत्व बिहार इलेक्शन प्रभारी श्री देवन्द्र फ़नणवीस जी, महाराष्ट्र प्रदेश अध्यक्ष चन्द्रकांत दादा पाटील जी माझी मंत्रि जनाब हैदर आजम साहेब के मार्गदर्शन में डी एन ठाकुर जी के साथ महाराष्ट्र राज्य अन्य जिला मे बैठक श्री  विशाल भगत जी के  नेतत्व मे सम्पन्न हुआ श्री सम्पति झा जी श्री रमन झा जी अहमद डॉ अहमद राने  श्री अभय झा विनीता झा रुपम झा  जी मनोज झा, अभय झा , प्रेम कुमार झा, शुभंकर रॉय, संतोष मिश्रा, बाबुल सोनी ,ममता झा, वि सी कुमार और बिनटू झा उपस्थित हुए ।     जिसका आयोजन अधिवक्ता श्री नीतीश वर्मा जी को  मीरा भाइंदर का प्रभारी बनाए गये बिहार इलेक्शन को लेकर महाराष्ट्र राज्य के अन्य जिला मै भी बैठक हुई । ...


राकेश गुप्ता इन  डिमांड अपनी पहली फ़िल्म"त्रिशूल"से ही सफल नायको में शुमार हो चुके अभिनेता राकेश गुप्ता इन दिनों काफी डिमांड में है।राकेश गुप्ता लगातार बड़े बड़े मेकर्स व निर्देशकों की शूटिंग कर रहे है।राकेश गुप्ता की" आजाद परिन्दे, स्वर्ग से सुंदर गांव हमार, हिम्मत"प्रदर्शन को तैयार है ,हालिया में राकेश गुप्ता ने निर्माता सन्नी प्रकाश व निर्देशक सुनील मांझी की फ़िल्म पश्यताप" की शूटिंग पूरी की है।इस फ़िल्म में राकेश की नायिका  स्मिता सना है।दोनों की हिट कमेस्ट्री भोजपुरी पर्दे पर जल्द ही देखने को मिलेगा है।गौरतलब हो कि राकेश गुप्ता भोजपुरी के उन अभिनेताओं में से एक जिन्होंने पहली ही फिल्मो से भोजपुरी दर्शको के बीच प्रसिद्धि हासिल कर ली ,यही नही राकेश गुप्ता आजकल अपनी नई फिल्म"इश्कजादे"की शूटिंग की तैयारी में लग गये है उनके साथ इस फिल्म में अरविंद अकेला कल्लू भी नज़र आयेंगे।फ़िल्म जगत से ऐसी भ...
Actor Man Singh And Priyanka Upcoming Film Intezaar Koi Aane Ko Hai  Is Ready For Release After Theatre Opening VEBBI Will Release On Leading OTT Platform

Actor Man Singh And Priyanka Upcoming Film Intezaar Koi Aane Ko Hai Is Ready For Release After Theatre Opening VEBBI Will Release On Leading OTT Platform

Actor Man Singh's film "Intezaar Koi Aane Ko Hai" is ready for release ... The film will be release once theater opens.   In this film, Man Singh will be seen in a completely new look, which is the role of a film maker ... Catholic Character will play.  Actor Man Singh's recently released film Acid was highly Critically highly acclaimed. In this film Man Singh was in a Muslim character which was negative role, One who pressurizes her niece to marry him, but when she does not agree, He puts acid on her face. Actor Man Singh is known for his great acting, he has completely changed his look in "Intezaar Koi Aane Ko Hai" Intezaar Koi Aane Ko Hai" is a suspense horror Bollywood movie in which audiences will get full entertainment with a fresh look with power pack Horror and suspense. All the...
Open your Doors to Health and Happiness with the Meditation Marathon says Meditation Guru Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa

Open your Doors to Health and Happiness with the Meditation Marathon says Meditation Guru Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa

Wishes poured in from all over the world as PM Narendra Modi turned seventy on 17th September. To mark this momentous occasion, meditation expert and transformation coach Dr. Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa is launching a unique initiative. A seven-day Meditation Marathon, offering theme-based meditation sessions that people can avail for no cost. It is an ode to our Prime Minister’s dedication toward health and fitness through the practice of Yoga and Meditation, says Naavnedhi. Time and again, the PM has emphasized upon its importance and urged everyone to incorporate the practice in their daily lives. The Meditation Marathon is an incredible initiative promising to open the doors to a peaceful mind and better health. Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa is a well renowned NLP certified Mind Performance and Trans...
Fox Conn Music Company Launched By Bhojpuri Famous Music Composer Madhukar Anand

Fox Conn Music Company Launched By Bhojpuri Famous Music Composer Madhukar Anand

भोजपुरी के मशहूर संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद के हाथों फॉक्स कोन म्यूज़िक कम्पनी लॉन्च। कोरोना काल में मनोरंजन और संगीत के साधन भी डिजिटल हो गए हैं। अब लोगों को मोबाइल पर ही सारे कंटेंट चाहिए। इसी कड़ी में आज मुंबई में एक भोजपुरी म्यूज़िक कम्पनी फॉक्स कोन म्यूज़िक का उद्घाटन हुआ। निर्माता हरि त्रिपाठी के इस म्यूज़िक लेबल की ऑफिस की ग्रांड ओपनिंग भोजपुरी सिनेमा के विख्यात संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद के हाथों हुई। इस संगीत कम्पनी को खोलने में सत्या सोरेन  मुख्य भूमिका में है  जबकि भीम पांडेय ,जीतू भोजपुरिया का विशेष आभार है। मधुकर आनंद के अलावा मोहन राठौड़, प्रियंका सिंह, संतोष पूरी, राधा मौर्या, अमित आर यादव, राज गाजीपुरी, हैप्पी राय, काया शर्मा, रॉकी राजा,रितेश राजा और विक्की यादव जैसे कई मेहमान इस ग्रांड ओपनिंग पर मौजूद रहे। उललेखनीय है कि फॉक्स कोन मीडिया नेटवर्क के बैनर तले फॉक्स कोन म्यूज़िक कम्पनी ...
The Hamlet Theur – Best Investment Project In Pune

The Hamlet Theur – Best Investment Project In Pune

The hamlet Theur - SELF SUSTAINING HOMES FOR A POST CORONAVIRUS WORLD It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the Hamlet -  Theur. Our world has changed. The coronavirus pandemic has shown us that our earlier way of life had  many faws. The lockdowns and social distancing norms have emphasised  now more than ever before the advantages of living in large open self-sustaining spaces. Homes at the Hamlet can give you back what society has taken away over  the years. You will be far from the crowds of the city, yet close enough to the  conveniences of a large metropolis. A self-sustaining gated community  capable of looking after itself with minimum fuss. Well-appointed houses that make working from home a breeze. The amenities and playing felds offer an  incomparable lifestyle. You ...
Bhamla Foundation – MEGA Foundation Join Hands To Aid Tribals With Megadrive

Bhamla Foundation – MEGA Foundation Join Hands To Aid Tribals With Megadrive

The effervescent Asif Bhamla- helmed Bhamla Foundation, listening to the plea of Make Earth Green Again MEGA Foundation that has taken on the responsibility of giving ration to the tribals of Maharashtra beginning with Madh Island, did a food distribution drive that covered over 1000 people in Madh Island on Sunday. Other than the tribals, those who belonged to the poor strata of society  were also taken care of. Says Asif Bhamla," Bhamla Foundation has always been in the forefront when it comes to service. We are glad we can be of help." Adds Meraj Husain," Anusha Srinivasan Iyer of MEGA and we have a long association. And a familial one. Growth happens when you hold hands and help others."Adds Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, "through the last four months, we have been regularly distributing ra...
Taapsee Pannu, others awarded as lighthouses of vision, resilience and hope in COVID times

Taapsee Pannu, others awarded as lighthouses of vision, resilience and hope in COVID times

Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu and several international luminaries were commended as lighthouses of hope, vision and resilience during the gloomy world atmosphere of pandemic-hit 2020. Mumbai, 19th September 2020: These honours occurred at the 36th-Anniversary Global Awards for the Priyadarshni Academy on Saturday, September 19 through a YouTube live event broadcast from Mumbai. The Priyadarshni Academy is a socio-cultural organisation, which hosts these awards to honour luminaries in multiple disciplines every year. This time, they decided to continue in the same vein to serve as a symbol of resilience in the glum atmosphere. "This is exactly the time to celebrate the iconic, extraordinary individuals who've demonstrated vision, action and resilience and like lighthouses in turbulent ti...
Bollywood  Famous Kayastha Personalities
Kayastha Comunity

Bollywood Famous Kayastha Personalities

Famous  Kayasthas Dr Rajendra Prasad rose to become the first President of the Republic of India. Dr Sampurnanand was the first Chief Minister of U.P. and Governor of Rajasthan, besides being a literary figure. Jayaprakash Narayan brought down Indira Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose fought the British rule militarily. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, Satyendra Nath Bose and Jagdish Chandra Bose were eminent scientists. Munshi Prem Chand, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Satyendra Chandra Mitra a freedom fighter, Raghupat Sahai “Firaque” Gorakhpuri, Dr Vrindavan Lal Verma, Dr. Ram Kumar Verma, Mahadevi Varma, Kamla Chaudhury, Dr Dharm Vir Bharti and Bhagavati Charan Verma have been men of letters. Swami Vivekanand and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi were philosophers. Alakh Kumar Sinha was the first Indian Inspector-Ge...
Find Peace On September 21 At 8 pm
Breaking News

Find Peace On September 21 At 8 pm

Come September 21 (8 pm) and around 40 million people will be connecting for peace from 8 pm onwards. There will be two virtual events: ‘Celebrate Peace‘ at 8 pm IST, followed by ‘Create Peace’, the synchronized guided meditation at 9 pm.In an event anchored by International film legend Shekhar Kapur, with performances by musicians from Shashank Subramanyam and Mike Hertig to Grammy award winner Ricky Kej, ambassadors and messengers of peace like Daaji, Deepak Chopra, BK Sister Shivani, Bruce Lipton, Bob Boisture, Sharon Salzberg, Thomas d’Ansembourg and Amandine Roche, and sports legends Javier Zanetti, Marta Bassino and Michela Moioli  will transmit the Experience of Peace to 40 million people across the globe. Daaji, the moving spirit behind Heartfulness says, "At Heartfulness, we wi...
NIO – Creating A Vision Of Community Focus
Latest News

NIO – Creating A Vision Of Community Focus

We all are facing unprecedented times these days of COVID-19 pandemic. It is during these situations that we all get a glimpse of how people stand up to each other to help them and try to ease out the situation. Like doctors and paramedics who have been working tirelessly, selflessly for the past several months in fighting this pandemic, we also have seen our police force working endlessly, be it for law and order, or to prevent panic situations or sometimes enforcing safety measures for the public at large! National Institute of Ophthalmology, one of Pune’s oldest eye institutes celebrated its 27th  Foundation Day on 5th of September.  An eye institute which is committed to serving the poor and needy, thought it befitting that these heroes of today’s times be recognized in some way or ...
Pallavi Kulkarni Charming Actress Of Glamour World

Pallavi Kulkarni Charming Actress Of Glamour World

Pallavi Kulkarni  Actress of rare acting calibre is busy with the shooting for films and modelling after the unlock with government guidelines to resume shoots for films & TV Serials. Recently she did of her south film with writer-director and actor Jay Akash in Chennai. Pallavi Kulkarni is in the leading role and the entire crew of the film  have appreciated her work. She will be seen with Jay Akash in many coming projects which they have finalised. Pallavi Kulkarni  has played a vital role and and 2 songs in Rakesh Sawant’s Tamil Film Amavasai has been appreciated by the audience and critics as well. In a very short span of time charming sensational actress Pallavi Kulkarni has made her presence felt in Film industry, TV and regional films with her acting calibre. With just few ...
Manish Tiwari  Actor – Producer With Artistic Bent Of Mind Along With Manager Of Many Stars

Manish Tiwari Actor – Producer With Artistic Bent Of Mind Along With Manager Of Many Stars

Manish Tiwari  is a well known name in Bollywood as an Actor, Producer, Manager, Presenter & Casting Director of many  Films, TV Serials and Web series. He has achieved this success by his hard work, sincerity and passion towards his profession which has made him sought after actor and producer of rare merits. Manish Tiwari with lean physique and charming smile is an actor with great personality who is settled in Mumbai and hails from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (India). He started his Career in 2016 as Theatre artist with Chitralekha Arts Theatre and scaled the heights in Bollywood with his determination and dedication. This versatile Actor, Producer and Presenter can speak Hindi, English, Bhojpuri and Chhattisgarhi very well and can give dialogue delivery with very ease for any confro...
Rajesh Kumar Sheshmal Kalal Choreographer In The Bollywood Industry And A Fitness Trainer
Breaking News

Rajesh Kumar Sheshmal Kalal Choreographer In The Bollywood Industry And A Fitness Trainer

Rajesh Kumar Sheshmal Kalal  was born on 6 August 1992 is an talented Indian dance Choreographer in the Bollywood industry and a best fitness trainer, who has worked predominantly with many  Bollywood celebrities like Mika Singh, Vidya Balan, Govinda, Geeta Kapoor, Bosco Caesar, Kapil Sharma, etc. He has designed and performed a wide range of dancing styles. Little Known facts about Early life & Career He completed his schooling from Ahmedabad. His father was a small shop owner of tobacco. During his struggling days, he worked in an oil factory. His father wants that Rajesh should study hard and work in a reputed place. His family never supported him towards Rajesh's passion. But Rajesh wants to live his dream of becoming the best dancer in India. His passion for dancing never fe...
My Battle Is To Give Hope To Many Others To Fight Against Injustice – Sachiin Joshi

My Battle Is To Give Hope To Many Others To Fight Against Injustice – Sachiin Joshi

“An average Indian believes that an investment in gold passes down generations, more so when a celebrity endorses a company that is offering the said gold scheme. My legal battle is merely a representation of many of the investors of Satyug Gold who might have invested in the gold scheme at a discounted rate, only to never receive the gold,” says actor-entrepreneur Sachiin Joshi, who, after paying Rs. 18,57,870 on March 25, 2014, has been asked by the then Shilpa Shetty-Raj Kundra promoted Satyug Gold to pay a penalty of Rs. 25,50,000 in order to collect the gold for which an amount of Rs 18,57,870 had already been paid to them six years ago. “If I am asked to pay Rs 25 lakh to collect Rs 18 lakh gold after six years of my hard-earned money lying with a company, imagine the state of the...
Producer Saif Akhtar Imam Said JO NA NACHE  Will Rock At Parties
Leo News

Producer Saif Akhtar Imam Said JO NA NACHE Will Rock At Parties

The film industry was also completely locked at the time of Lockdown, but Saif Akhtar Imam, a decorator  business man, not only stepped in  film industry for the first time but also made two video albums. Not only this, Saif is also stepping into the web series also. Recently, 2 topics are being discussed loudly in the media, Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide Case and now Kangana Ranaut. Saif believes that Kangana Ranaut is an actress, whoever she wants to talk to should talk like an actress and not like politicians. Media first targeted Rhea Chakraborty and now Kangana but whether the country's economic issue or China issue is missing from all media. The way the news is going on in the media, it is creating a lot of negativity on the young generation of our country. Political parties are al...
Our song  Naman Hai is an ode to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his remarkable leadership  resonate Dhruv Kakadia for Zest Melange
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Our song Naman Hai is an ode to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his remarkable leadership resonate Dhruv Kakadia for Zest Melange

A heartfelt tribute to Covid warriors of India, ranging from high-end officers to daily workers, Naman Hai, talks about empowerment, dedication, selfless act of kindness and our leader PM Narendra Modi. Another Producer Shalini Shrivastav,Owner of Breakfree Meaningful Media and entertainment Pvt ltd, has produced this song as a salute to the warriors in this unique idea with Zest Melange, and together they come out with an extraordinary video song which other corporate houses will follow. The song is out, It’s been written, composed and crooned by Jeet Pramanik and beautifully directed by Rajeev Shrivastava. "Rajeev"had gathered the crew and shown the passion to shoot inside the Corona hospital  . Rajiv also penned down the dialogues which makes “Naman hai “one of the different genre of...
Vivek Sharma’s  Kimaach Based On The Time Of Emergency
Breaking News

Vivek Sharma’s Kimaach Based On The Time Of Emergency

Vivek Sharma, who directed Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan in a film  Bhootnath, is now going to make a film based on the Emergency, 'Kimaach'. The story “KIMAACH” is based on the struggle of Muslim Couple during the times of 1975 – 1976 Emergency. On this Vivek Sharma replies “We will be also recreating that era of 1975. Its a good expensive Big Budgeted film and This will be made in two languages -Hindi and Tamil. Entire Shooting will be held in the state of Uttar Prades. The biggest Surprise factor is that 2 Big Tamil star has been roped in, Name of the star will be revealed as the project progresses. Well, this sounds a bit Prestigious and Hard-Hitting Cinema isn’t it? The film will be Produced by Filmzone and Directed by Vivek Sharma. Which is on a very sensitive and t...
Ajith  P J  MD Aries  Marine  The Youngest Member From The GCC Region Honoured With SNAME Fellowship

Ajith P J MD Aries Marine The Youngest Member From The GCC Region Honoured With SNAME Fellowship

Ajith PJ, The Managing Director of Aries Group of Companies, and Founder Chair of Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers – UAE Section has been honoured with the Fellow Status by Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), USA. The honour is even greater as he is also the youngest member from the GCC region to honoured with this status. An Engineering graduate in Naval Architecture & Ship Building with MBA in Technology Management, Ajith has 20+ years of professional experience in the field of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering. Currently, he is enrolled as Research Scholar pursuing PhD in Port & Shipping. He has been working in GCC for the past 19 years, playing a core role in developing Aries Marine as the largest Marine consultancy in the re...
Kerala-Based Aries Group & Allabout Innovations launches revolutionary foolproof protection for Cinema audiences

Kerala-Based Aries Group & Allabout Innovations launches revolutionary foolproof protection for Cinema audiences

We live in a world where diseases caused by Bacteria and Viruses are found quite often. And COVID 19 is just one among many such viruses which has become a global health concern today. It has profoundly impacting human capital and businesses, including lives, learning, essential well-being, and future productivity. But the sectors which have incurred massive losses during these difficult times are cinema theatres. The last few years have seen a digital shift of audience to OTT platforms. To ward off this competition and to woo the audience back to their properties, most Cinema owners had made significant all-round investments to enhance the cinema viewing experience.They included significant big-ticket investments in cinema interiors, screens, acoustics, projections, etc. Cinema exhi...
Firoz Samnani Founder Of Wild Bull Production Produce Song TERE LIYE HOON MAIN  Inspired by Shahrukh Khan’s Hit Song Tere Liye
Exclusive News

Firoz Samnani Founder Of Wild Bull Production Produce Song TERE LIYE HOON MAIN Inspired by Shahrukh Khan’s Hit Song Tere Liye

You will remember that super hit song "Tere Liye" from Yash Chopra's classic film "Veer Zara", which was filmed on Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta. The song sung by Lata Mangeshkar and Roop Kumar Rathore, composed by Madan Mohan and lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar. The film was released in 2004 and now 16 years later, inspired by that evergreen song, New song "Tere Liye hoon main" which has been released today under the banner of Wild Bull Productions. This melodious song has been composed by composer Aslam Surty,  And filmed in the spectacular locations of America. It is worth mentioning that the first song of Wild Bull Productions "Suna Tu" has become very popular after the release and now this new Bollywood style song "Tere Liye Hoon Main" has been released and the audience is ver...
Navratri Songs Record In The voice Of Anoop Jalota And Sadhana Sargam
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Navratri Songs Record In The voice Of Anoop Jalota And Sadhana Sargam

अनूप जलोटा और साधना सरगम की आवाज़ में नवरात्री गीत रिकॉर्ड प्रोड्युसर समीक्षा सक्सेना और रक्षित उपाध्याय के रील स्कोप फिल्मस इंटरनेशनल के बैनर तले तैयार हुआ माता जी का गरबा संगीतकार दिलीप सेन ने पहली बार अनूप जलोटा और साधना सरगम को एक साथ गवाया देश में नवरात्री का पावन त्योहार बहुत उत्साह और जोश के साथ मनाया जाता है। हर वर्ष माता रानी लोगों के कष्टो को दुर करने आती है और माता के भक्त उन्हें पुरी श्रद्धा के साथ याद करने में लग जाते है।नवरात्री अर्थात माता के नौ दिन बेहद पवित्र माने जाते है। इस दौरान माता के गीत भजन भी गाए बजाए जाते हैं। अगले माह नवरात्री आ रही है इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए निर्माता समीक्षा सक्सेना और रक्षित उपाध्याय ने मुंबई में संगीतकार दिलीप सेन के रिकॉर्डिंग स्टूडियो में माता का एक भजन रिकॉर्ड किया। गीतकार प्रिंस रोडडे के लिखा हुआ गीत को भजन सम्राट अनूप जलोटा और ...
Nivedita Chandel Back With New Song Tere Bina Featuring Tapan Singh

Nivedita Chandel Back With New Song Tere Bina Featuring Tapan Singh

Tere Bina is a Romantic track featuring Nivedita Chandel and Tapan Singh. Nivedita has done some beautiful work in past . Through her banner she Known to make songs with new comers. Nivedita's almost all songs people have liked and extended Support for the songs and for new comers. Tere Bina Song Directed By Rohan Purohit. Song lyrics By Teenu Arora and Video By Sapan Narula. Tapan Singh is also known for his serials and tv commercials. Talking To Us Nivedita said "I had great experience shooting for this song. Whole cast and crew Including Tapan and makers all were very Supportive Also We have taken All the precautions on set for Covid. This is very challenging for us shoot in this pandamic but team makes easier for us". We wish all of you all the best for the song.
INTEZAAR koi Aane Ko Hai – Suspense Horror Coming With Zero Nepotistic Meter… Do Audience Will Like INTEZAAR?
Leo News

INTEZAAR koi Aane Ko Hai – Suspense Horror Coming With Zero Nepotistic Meter… Do Audience Will Like INTEZAAR?

SYNOPSIS Their future is illusive…present is deceptive… and their past shall haunt them to death… A couple (NEIL & ALIA) who believes that marriages are made in heaven discovers the  bitter truth as soon as their married life hits a rough patch. Neil is a Mumbai based film maker while Alia is a former model who has adapted a domestic life to enjoy the marital bliss. But because of Neil’s hectic and erratic  schedule, Alia starts suspecting him of having an extra martial affair with his models. Things turn sour and start affecting their relationship, till finally Neil decides to change the tide and give an environment to his wife to rebuild faith in him. He gets an  assignment at Alibaug and plans to take Alia along with him so they start their  relationship afresh. ...
Bollywood  Famous  Kayasthas – List Of Some Famous Kayastha Personalities In India
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Bollywood Famous Kayasthas – List Of Some Famous Kayastha Personalities In India

Famous Kayasthas Dr Rajendra Prasad rose to become the first President of the Republic of India. Dr Sampurnanand was the first Chief Minister of U.P. and Governor of Rajasthan, besides being a literary figure. Jayaprakash Narayan brought down Indira Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose fought the British rule militarily. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, Satyendra Nath Bose and Jagdish Chandra Bose were eminent scientists. Munshi Prem Chand, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Satyendra Chandra Mitra a freedom fighter, Raghupat Sahai “Firaque” Gorakhpuri, Dr Vrindavan Lal Verma, Dr. Ram Kumar Verma, Mahadevi Varma, Kamla Chaudhury, Dr Dharm Vir Bharti and Bhagavati Charan Verma have been men of letters. Swami Vivekanand and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi were philosophers. Alakh Kumar Sinha was the first Indian Inspector-Gen...
Bhojpuri Actress Sonalika Prasad  Host Big Ganga Channel Show With Ripu Daman
Actress, Exclusive News

Bhojpuri Actress Sonalika Prasad Host Big Ganga Channel Show With Ripu Daman

भोजपुरी अभिनेत्री सोनालिका प्रसाद बिग गंगा चैनल के शो को रीपू दमन के साथ करेंगी होस्ट "रोज होई भोज 4" नामक शो में किचन में सोनालिका प्रसाद लगाएंगी व्यंजन के साथ मनोरंजन का तड़का रोज होई भोज शो 7 सितंबर से शाम 4 बजे सिर्फ बिग गंगा चैनल पर प्रसारित होगा भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत की उभरती अदाकारा सोनालिका प्रसाद जल्द ही “बिग गंगा” चैनल पर एक शो को को - होस्ट करती नज़र आएँगी, जिसके लिए वह बहुत उत्साहित है क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी एक्टिंग के कैरियर की शुरुआत भी बतौर होस्ट ही की थी। आपको बता दें कि इस शो का नाम होगा "रोज होई भोज 4". इस शो के प्रोमो कि टैगलाइन है "रोज होई भोज के किचन में सोनालिका प्रसाद लगई हें व्यंजन के चऊका में मनोरंजन के छऊंका।" 7 सितंबर से शुरू होने जा रहे इस स्पेशल शो को आप सोमवार से शुक्रवार शाम 4 बजे, सिर्फ #बिगगंगा पर देख सकेंगे। इस शो के तीन एपिसोड के लिए सोनालिका...
Kathak’s Antiquity Dates Back To The Mauryan Period Dance Is My pran – Atman And Soul Says Kathak Guru Shovana Narayan
Breaking News

Kathak’s Antiquity Dates Back To The Mauryan Period Dance Is My pran – Atman And Soul Says Kathak Guru Shovana Narayan

9 September, 2020, Kolkata: “Dance is my pran, atman and soul. I loved both part of my life - being a dancer and a bureaucrat. I entered the world of dancing when I was barely three-year-old and before my formal education. There is a framed lehenga of mine at home which shows how small I was when I was initiated into dancing,” said kathak guru Padma Shri, Shovana Narayan, while connecting with a cross-section of audience across India through a session of Ek Mulakat presented by Shree Cement and organized by "https://pkfoundation.org/" Foundation. Shovana was responding to a question from kathak exponent and conversationalist Shinjini Kulkarni of Ehsaas Women - “How did you manage to become a dancer and a bureaucrat?” Shovana, a woman of stupendous achievements, is a kathak guru, chor...
Aries International Maritime Research Institute (AIMRI)  Has Now Obtained Affiliation From National Council For Technology And Training (NACTET)

Aries International Maritime Research Institute (AIMRI) Has Now Obtained Affiliation From National Council For Technology And Training (NACTET)

AIMRI (Aries International Maritime Research Institute) has obtained affiliation from National Council for Technology and Training, registered under the Govt.of India. NACTET endeavors to provide industry-relevant education and well-crafted training and skill development programs in different technical areas through its selected affiliates. AIMRI is a next-generation training institute that imparts high-quality education through a comprehensive, well-knit, and most advanced course structure, to equip the young aspirants with skills to enhance their personality and to realize their ambitions. With its reputed presence in the industry, AIMRI ensures Maximum placement for its trainees across various industries. The institute has a proven track record of molding ten batches of young generatio...
Dr Dharmendra Kumar Chairman Of RK HIV AIDS Resarch And Care Centre’s  Mission Against Corona Praised By Bollywood Actor Vivek Oberoi
Exclusive News

Dr Dharmendra Kumar Chairman Of RK HIV AIDS Resarch And Care Centre’s Mission Against Corona Praised By Bollywood Actor Vivek Oberoi

डॉ धर्मेन्द्र कुमार के कोरोना के विरूद्ध मिशन की सराहना की बॉलीवुड एक्टर विवेक ओबेरॉय ने आर के एचआइवी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केयर सेंटर द्वारा एक करोड़ लोगों में  दवाएं, राशन, सेनेटाइजर, मास्क, थर्मल गन मुफ्त मेे वितरित किए गए डॉ  धर्मेन्द्र कुमार के जन्मदिन पर 4 एंबुलेंस और एक मोबाइल वैन लॉन्च करने का ऐलान आर के एचआइवी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केयर सेंटर द्वारा एक लाख लोगों का होगा कोरोना टेस्ट लोगों की मदद करने से मिलने वाली दुआएं मेरे लिए जन्मदिन का सबसे बड़ा तोहफ़ा हैं : डॉ धर्मेन्द्र कुमार गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड एवं एशिया बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स होल्डर आर के एचआइवी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केयर सेंटर कोरोना के विरूद्ध लड़ाई जारी रखे हुए है। आर के एचआइवी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केयर सेंटर के चेयरमैन डॉ धर्मेन्द्र कुमार "मिशन फाइट अगेंस्ट कोरोना" को एक बड़े पैमाने पर चला रहे हैं। इस मिशन के ब्रांड एंब...
Ashar Anis Khan’s Thanda Bukhaar Released Worldwide

Ashar Anis Khan’s Thanda Bukhaar Released Worldwide

Composer & Producer Ashar Anis Khan's 3rd Original "Thanda Bukhaar" released worldwide on TIPS - Volume Channel. An Independent Music Composer & Producer Ashar has also sung the song & penned the lyrics. Video Features Nishhani Borule a Marathi Industry Actress finally debut with this music album. Producer Lalita Mishra, her first venture as a Producer. She has vision of making creative and entertaining content. Video done by Dipanshu Saini Films Team. Ashar has done many Independent Work including labels like, Zee, Tips & Volume. He is currently working on a Feature Film and is very excited for his upcoming ventures and promise to gave best of music and content. Thanda Bukhaar is a very entertaining, visually packed video. Shot in tough times In Corona, Heavy Rain...
Prominent Kayasthas  – List Of Some Popular Kayastha Personalities In India From Various Sectors
Kayastha Comunity

Prominent Kayasthas – List Of Some Popular Kayastha Personalities In India From Various Sectors

Prominent Kayasthas Dr Rajendra Prasad rose to become the first President of the Republic of India. Dr Sampurnanand was the first Chief Minister of U.P. and Governor of Rajasthan, besides being a literary figure. Jayaprakash Narayan brought down Indira Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose fought the British rule militarily. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, Satyendra Nath Bose and Jagdish Chandra Bose were eminent scientists. Munshi Prem Chand, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Satyendra Chandra Mitra a freedom fighter, Raghupat Sahai “Firaque” Gorakhpuri, Dr Vrindavan Lal Verma, Dr. Ram Kumar Verma, Mahadevi Varma, Kamla Chaudhury, Dr Dharm Vir Bharti and Bhagavati Charan Verma have been men of letters. Swami Vivekanand and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi were philosophers. Alakh Kumar Sinha was the first Indian Inspector-...
Turning Wounds Into Wisdom The Shenpenn  Khymsar Way!
International News

Turning Wounds Into Wisdom The Shenpenn Khymsar Way!

“In order to write about life, you must first live it.” – Ernest Hemingway He writes poetry in four languages, pens lyrics in three, is a monster shredder who composes rock to heavy metal to pop to Spanish to mellow romantic numbers to dark music alike. If that isn’t enough, he is a world-acclaimed Tibetan activist, international rock-u-mentary filmmaker and now writer-director Shenpenn Khymsar is rewriting history by making Broken Wings, the first Nepali-Hindi-English film from Darjeeling, 72 years after Indian independence. “Broken Wings is the first true representation of the Northeast. To an average Indian, Nepali means momos, security guards and a regiment. In an artistic sense, I am asking for inclusion of people from the Northeast.” It has not been an easy journey for Khymsar. ...
Real Life Aarya – Sushmita Sen Loves Reel Life Sampat  Portrayed By Vishwajeet Pradhan
Breaking News

Real Life Aarya – Sushmita Sen Loves Reel Life Sampat Portrayed By Vishwajeet Pradhan

Miss Universe-turned-Actor Sushmita Sen took to Social Media platforms beginning her appreciation post with “Naam kafi hai.” Meet Vishwajeet Pradhan, the Indian Entertainment industry's rediscovery, all set to win our hearts again with the Sushmita Sen starrer, 'Aarya'. Having been a part of the Indian Entertainment industry for over three decades now, the acclaimed film fraternity veteran Vishwajeet Pradhan's character takes the centre stage as the indispensable Henchman for the mob boss in Disney+ Hotstar's latest web-series, Aarya. Sushmita Sen's social media platform post read, “Introducing #Sampat (Vishwajeet Pradhan's character) in #Aarya. A strong presence with an ability to turn any character into a living being!!!? I love his accents..A gifted actor that can seamlessly add humou...
Kamala Harris’s Rise Sends A Message Of Hope To Young Girls Of Colour And Every Immigrant In The US – Tel K Ganesan
International News

Kamala Harris’s Rise Sends A Message Of Hope To Young Girls Of Colour And Every Immigrant In The US – Tel K Ganesan

US State Senator, politician, lawyer and Vice-Presidential running mate Kamala Devi Harris has scripted history by being the first Indian-American or African-American woman to be appointed as the Vice-Presidential running mate. It is a known fact that Kamala Harris has a huge support base in the Indian-American community. Indian-born Hollywood producer, philanthropist and serial entrepreneur Tel K Ganesan is excited at the power push for the senator as it “sends a message of hope to young girls of colour, and any immigrant, for that matter.” Ganesan, who met Harris at Detroit, Michigan during her political run for the primary race of the Democratic presidential ticket, avers that Harris is “high energy, positive, upbeat and a bubbly person.” Ganesan had an instant connect with her. “...
LA filmmaker Atul Arora To Team With Kangana Ranaut For A Woman-Based Drama
International News

LA filmmaker Atul Arora To Team With Kangana Ranaut For A Woman-Based Drama

ATUL ARORA, Los Angeles resident and comfortable making films on all kinds of genre; especially on human relationship will be teaming up with multiple-award winning Indian actress and filmmaker KANGANA RANAUT for a magnum dream opus. Speaking about the development director Atul Arora reveals, “The subject is woman-oriented and for Kangana ji it is a tailor made character. I have been informed that ad-filmmaker Pratik who has written the film has narrated the script to Kangana Ji and her sister Rangoli ji (who handles her business affairs too). They have immensely liked it and that the talented actress may give her nod to work with me.  If Kangana ji agrees and  finalise this project then I feel it will be a blessing in disguise for me.”  Atul Arora is a die-hard fan of Hollywood’s t...
Singers, Songs

Aashna Hegde’s first cover song Befiker Number one trending song got one million views in one day

नंबर वन ट्रेंडिंग में आया आशना हेगड़े का पहला कवर सांग बेफिकर, मिले एक दिन में एक मिलियन व्यूज आशना हेगड़े का पहला कवर सांग "बेफिकर" रिलीज़ होते ही हुआ वायरल,  नंबर वन ट्रेंडिंग में मिलियन व्यूज के साथ बतौर सिंगर आशना हेगड़े का पहला गीत "बेफिकर" रिलीज़ होते ही वायरल हो गया है। यूट्यूब पर नम्बर वन ट्रेंडिंग में आकर यह कवर सांग सुर्खियां बटोर रहा है। इतना ही नहीं इस गाने को एक दिन में एक मिलियन व्यूज भी मिला है। लगातार दूसरे दिन में ट्रेंडिंग में नम्बर वन पायदान से धीरे धीरे खिसकते हुए 18वें नंबर पर ट्रेंडिंग में रहा है। यूथ में यह सांग बेहद पसंद किया जा रहा है और न सिर्फ आशना हेगड़े की आवाज़ की प्रशंसा हो रही है बल्कि वीडियो में उनकी अदाकारी की भी तारीफें हो रही हैं। लगातार दूसरे दिन भी इस म्यूज़िक वीडियो में तंजील खान और आशना हेगड़े की जोड़ी बेहद प्यारी दिख रही है, उनके बीच गजब की केम...

The Divine Magnitude Organization an NGO that is always dedicated to the betterment of society and is ready to help others- Celebrated its successful 1 Year anniversary on 2nd Sept

डिवाइन मैग्नीट्यूड ऑर्गनाइज़ेशन एक एनजीओ है जो हमेशा समाज की बेहतरी के लिए समर्पित है और दूसरों की मदद के लिए तैयार है। यह संस्था 2 सितंबर 2020 को अपने सफल 1 वर्ष की सालगिरह मना रही है। डिवाइन मैग्नीट्यूड ऑर्गनाइज़ेशन की आरंभ बहुत ही छोटे स्तर पर हुई और अब यह संस्था कपड़ों के वितरण, खाद्य वितरण, पौधारोपण जैसे व्यापक क्षेत्रों में काम करने और लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने और कोरोना के खिलाफ लड़ने में उनकी मदद करने के लिए पूरी प्रयास कर रही है साथ ही कोविड-19 जैसे स्थिति में विभिन्न अभियानों में काम कर रही है। श्री रामदेव पांडे (मुख्य संरक्षक, डीएमओ) श्री अखिलेश पांडे (प्रसिद्ध उद्योगपति, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और माननीय संरक्षक, DMO) श्री राजेश पांडे (माननीय संरक्षक, DMO),  श्री आशुतोष पाण्डेय (संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष, DMO), श्री श्रेयाश कुमार (कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष, DMO) के मार्गदर्शन में एक सामाजिक...