Tuesday, February 18

Niharika Honakeri First Virtual Model for Fashion Lifestyle Magazine 2020

l am Niharika Honakeri from Dharwad,Karnataka State, 22 years of age BE in Biotechnology . Blessed to be as Born as the first child to My Ever Loving Parents and Have A very loving and caring little Brother. Since my childhood | was always a sincere, hardworking, talented and a curious child wanting to explore other co-curricular activities and have won many prizes in various fields like Dancing, Singing , Painting and also

later on won titles like Miss Fresher , ‘Miss Kumar, for South Zone of an International Organization called JCI and yet another one as Elite Future Star- 2017 | also walked the ramp in a Fashion Show conducted by Ayush Channel…Participated in a flash-mob dance program for awareness on donating blood…Part of some social groups where | participated in Awareness of wearing Helmets and following traffic rules…and Go Green…..My journey so far has been very exciting where | was able to explore my interests and forte .

My Philosophy is © Believe in Yourself and Give Yourself the Love and Time to Grow and Heal . In a world where everything is about competition , one should not forget their originality.

My vision Is to see my country prosper and live in peace . Everyone stay united and fight against the wrong . These may seem like very simple thoughts but when put into action , can have a great impact on/for the country.


Presently is the first Virtual Model for Fashion Lifestyle Magazine 2020 My Aim to have chosen my career , was to help the mankind . It is obvious that where there are humans , there will be diseases and with the current scenario where one has to put efforts just to stay healthy, diseases become an inevitable part of human race. In order to help eradicate such diseases | chose this career . | hope everyone takes their health seriously cause *HEALTH IS WEALTH*