Monday, February 17

Month: February 2021

Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore Making His Bollywood Debut Through – Dabangai

Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore Making His Bollywood Debut Through – Dabangai

Every year Bollywood is deluged by talented new actors. But 2020 was an unusual year and many actors’ dream of their much-awaited Bollywood debuts remained unfulfilled. Now, with things slowly getting back on track and films slated for release on the big screen, many young, up-and-coming talents are set to be introduced in the Tinseltown. Here is Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore making his Bollywood debut through romantic action thriller Dabangai - A different Musical Love story written & directed by Sajan Agarwal. The film based on the story of Rajasthani True Love incident. Actor Azaz Khan & Pallavi Singh playing lead character opposite Surjeet Singh Rathore. Surjeet Singh Rathore said, " I'm happy to announce my debut movie Dabangai - A different Music Love Story. we are going on ...
Kallu’s Secret Revealed Holi Dhamaka Of Worldwide Records Arrived

Kallu’s Secret Revealed Holi Dhamaka Of Worldwide Records Arrived

खुल गया कल्लू का राज, आ गया वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्डस का होली धमाका लो भइया आज खुल ही गया कल वाला राज। जिस प्रोमो ने कल भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में तहलका मचा रखा था, उस गाने का फुल वीडियो सांग यूट्यूब पर रिलीज हो गया है। अब यह देखना है कि यह रिलीज हुआ वीडियो गाना किस सिंगर ने गाया है और किस एक्टर ने परफॉर्म किया है। तो आप ज्यादा दिमाग पर जोर ना दें। हम आपको बता देते हैं कि वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल से धमाकेदार होली सांग रंगवा ना ही नहीं था तो बुलाई काहेला। इस होली गाना को धूम धड़ाके के साथ लेकर आये हैं भोजपुरी के सुपरस्टार अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू। जिसमें उन्होंने धमाकेदार एंट्री की है। जिसे बहुत ही अच्छा रिस्पांस मिल रहा है। इस गाने को खास  शैली में अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू और शिल्पी राज ने गाया है। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत इस वीडियो को एक स्टोरी की तरह नरेट किया गया है। हो...


Iconic Glamour Miss World 2021 , Miss Asia Continental 2020, Bollywood Actress, International Actress Model, Bollywood and Hollywood Film Producer & Politicians. Vandana Gautam is a super star diva, born in India to Gopal Dutt Gautam and Urmila Gautam in Delhi. She is loving princess of her parents. Vandana Gautam received her primary and part of her Secondary Education in Delhi. Vandana Gautam is a Bollywood film actress, model, film director, script writer, producer and a national spokesperson of political party in India. She is a CEO of Gautam Production House (GPH) and CEO of Gautam Law Associates Law Firm( GLA). She is a brand ambassador of Gautam Law Associates a Law Firm and Brand Ambassador of Gautam Production House as well as she is a brand ambassador of Internationa...
Breaking News

This World NGO Day CWATY Launches Out Of Home Adoption Movement – OOHA

Urges everyone to come together and support OOHA, a solution based animal welfare movement to co-exist with innocent animals  27th February 2021, Mumbai: Today on World NGO day, CWATY, the world’s first digital animal influencer, in association with Nargis Dutt Foundation, Sparsh Trust, Make Earth Green Again MEGA Foundation and Cowin launches the animal welfare movement – OOHA (Out Of Home Adoption) a solution based animal welfare movement for human beings and Indian street animals to coexist with love and care. Pledging their support with CEP (Celebrating Excellence in Philanthropy), a not-for-profit event IP, where senior and upcoming philanthropists are honoured based on their contribution and dedication shown towards making a better tomorrow, the day marked the announcement of t...
Mohit Garg Young Talented Digital Marketing Expert  From Arun Digital Promotion Company
Business News

Mohit Garg Young Talented Digital Marketing Expert From Arun Digital Promotion Company

Arun Digital PR company is providing Jobs (Mohit Garg is one of them ) opportunities to many youths. It's immense pleasure to share with you that Arun Digital PR company is providing job to many youths, via Digital world.  This company is providing platform to youths to explore their potential one such example is Mohit Garg. He is a student still studing in TDC and he is earning online along with his studies now his is earning sufficient to meet his family needs. Mohit did digital marketing courses from Arun Digital promotion company and earned his position As Marketing Head. He Has given many novel  ideas to customers to get promotions in Social Media and to boost their sales, which have won clients hearts and reputation of Arun Digital Promotion Company.
Dr Reena Mehta And Dev Negi’s Music Video Meri Ashiqui Launches With T Series

Dr Reena Mehta And Dev Negi’s Music Video Meri Ashiqui Launches With T Series

The melodious Love anthem ‘Meri Ashiqui’ sung by play back Singer Dev Negi and Reena Mehta featuring Aditya Singh Rajput with Aishani Mehta from Sydney, Australia is released, under the banner of India’s largest record label and film production company T Series. Music is given by Composer Gufy and lyrics by Shailendra Sharma. The launch was a grand success as everyone tuned in to the song really well. The Music Video ‘Meri Ashiqui’ is well directed and by associate Director Sunil Agarwal, beautifully choreographed by Saurabh Khatri and edited by Ballu Saluja. The most beautiful thing on earth which cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt in the heart is ‘ love’ says Reena Mehta and Dev Negi and this is well represented in ‘Meri  Ashiqui’ video by entire producti...
Mr silent is a fictional drama based on a realization of relationship and realization of a freak
Breaking News

Mr silent is a fictional drama based on a realization of relationship and realization of a freak

Mr silent is a story of a freak and three friends Mr silent story revolves around a freak who kill's girl for his passion and in this chain he break's a chain of friendship of three friends malang ,sanchi and raj ....     Story present a beautiful realization revenge . Mr kashyap entertaining ott with his different different zoner webseries after maskmen and blackmail mr silent is in que of his experiment. Mr silent is produced by nehaal singh and jayesh. After the release of mr silent mr kashyap said that small ott need's genuine producers those want's to make a good cinema because he said atlast we are making 75 min films in comparison of big ott small big budget film's. Mr kashyap upcoming series fucking drama office is world first hiv aids comedy content ...
Pawan Singh completed shooting of the film Mera Bharat Mahan in the same schedule in Jaunpur and Lucknow

Pawan Singh completed shooting of the film Mera Bharat Mahan in the same schedule in Jaunpur and Lucknow

पवन सिंह ने एक ही शेड्यूल में पूरी की फ़िल्म “मेरा भारत महान “की शूटिंग जौनपुर और लखनऊ में भोजपुरी फिल्मों के गायकी के सिरमौर पावर स्टार पवन सिंह ने मेगाबजट की बनने वाली देशभक्ति फ़िल्म ”मेरा भारत महान” की शूटिंग विगत एक महीनों से उत्तर प्रदेश के जौनपुर और लखनऊ के विभिन्न लोकेशनो कर रहे थे। पूरे एक महीने तक सफलता पूर्वक उन्होंने अपनी इस फ़िल्म की पूरी शूटिंग पहली शेड्यूल में ही कम्प्लीट कर लिया है। वी प्रांजल फिल्म्स क्रियेशन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म के निर्माता सत्यजीत राय औऱ बिपुल राय हैं। जबकि फ़िल्म के निर्देशक और डीओपी देवन्द्र तिवारी है। इस फ़िल्म के संगीतकार आदित्य देव, छोटे बाबा बसही हैं। नृत्य कानू मुखर्जी, मारधाड़ रॉकी राजेश, कला राम बाबू ठाकुर का है। प्रोजेक्ट हेड सुरेश चन्द्र अग्रहरि, लाईन प्रोड्यूसर अभिषेक अग्रहरि, ईपी मिथुन मधुकर, मनोज विश्वकर्मा, प्रोडक्शन मैनेजर ...
HISTORY has been created. First ever woman from the state of Karnataka to win the Icon Glamour Mrs. India Global
Trending News

HISTORY has been created. First ever woman from the state of Karnataka to win the Icon Glamour Mrs. India Global

The Success Story of Sreedevi  is here to inspire thousands of women out there. A Corporate Vetaran from the IT industry with more than two decades of experience, From being an awe-inspiring motivational speaker, a  social influencer, a passionate model to winning the crown of ICONIC GLAMOUR – Mrs. INDIA GLOBAL ICON 2021. In fact, with her sheer hardwork and persona Sreedevi has been lauded with an array of awards & acredition. Be it, The Real Superwomen -2020" Award from “Forever Star India Awards. SIWAA 2020 South Indian Women Achievers awards 2020 for the Most  Outstanding Professional Women. The Motivational Speaker For East Bangalore Karnataka Award from Forever Star India and The Real Superwomen Awards 2020 to name a few. Clearly, Sreedevi has proved that there's no role that ...
Vinod Yadav’s Short Drive Pe Chal Song Released People Liked and It Is Trending on Social Media

Vinod Yadav’s Short Drive Pe Chal Song Released People Liked and It Is Trending on Social Media

विनोद यादव का ‘शार्ट ड्राइव पे चल’ रिलीज, लोगों ने किया पसंद फिल्म गुंडा से चर्चित हुए अभिनेता विनोद यादव पर फिल्माया गाना ‘शार्ट ड्राइव पे चल’ रिलीज के साथ ही लोगों की पसंद बन गया है। इस गाने को दर्शक खूब पसंद कर रहे हैं। इस गाने में अभिनेता विनोद यादव, अभिनेत्री आरती श्री से शार्ट ड्राइव पर चलने की गुहार लगाते हुए नजर आ रहे हैं। गाने में अभिनेत्री भी उनके साथ ड्राइव पर चलने के लिए तैयार हो जाती हैं। गाने को विनोद एंटरटेनमेंट के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। ‘शार्ट ड्राइव पे चल’ बोल वाले इस गाने में अभिनेता विनोद का दर्शकों को एक अलग ही अंदाज देखने को मिलेगा। गाने में विनोद पूरे रोमांटिक अंदाज में नजर आ रहे हैं। दर्शकों के गाने को पसंद किए जाने से उत्साहित विनोद ने दर्शकों का आभार जताते हुए कहा, “इस गाने को बड़े ही मस्ती भरे अंदाज में बड़ी खूबसूरती के साथ बनाया गया। ...
Kesari Lal Yadav – Pradeep K. Sharma And Parag Patil’s Unique Film Litti Chokha’s First Look Went Viral
Bhojpuri News

Kesari Lal Yadav – Pradeep K. Sharma And Parag Patil’s Unique Film Litti Chokha’s First Look Went Viral

खेसारीलाल यादव, प्रदीप के शर्मा और पराग पाटिल की अनोखी फ़िल्म लिट्टी चोखा का फर्स्ट लुक हुआ वायरल सुपरस्टार खेसारीलाल यादव और काजल राघवानी स्टारर बहुप्रतीक्षित भोजपुरी फ़िल्म 'लिट्टी चोखा का फर्स्ट लुक मुंबई में लांच किया गया है, जोकि सोशल मीडिया में काफी वायरल हो गया है। बिहार और उत्तर प्रदेश के दलित, उत्‍पीड़ित और पिछड़ी जातियों के शोषण को उजागर करने वाली फिल्म निर्माता प्रदीप के शर्मा द्वारा निर्मित और डायनामिक डायरेक्टर  पराग पाटिल निर्देशित भोजपुरी फ़िल्म लिट्टी चोखा के फर्स्ट लुक को सोशल मीडिया पर खूब लाइक और शेयर किया जा रहा है। इस मौके पर सुपरस्टार खेसारीलाल यादव, निर्माता प्रदीप के शर्मा, निर्देशक पराग पाटिल, प्रसिद्ध बॉलीवुड सिंगर स्वाति शर्मा और बॉलीवुड अभिनेता पदम सिंह भी मौजूद थे। गौरतलब है कि 9 अप्रैल को रिलीज होने जा रही इस फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर जल्द ही आउट किया जाएगा। इस फ़िल्म क...
Chandni Singh started shooting of Deepak Kirana Bhandar

Chandni Singh started shooting of Deepak Kirana Bhandar

चांदनी सिंह ने शुरू की दीपक किराना भंडार की शुटिंग भोजपुरी फिल्मों की जानी मानी अदाकारा और म्युजिक वर्ल्ड की सनसनी चांदनी सिंह ने गुजरात में अपनी नयी फिल्म दीपक किराना भंडार की शुटिंग शुरू कर दी है। इस फिल्म में उनके नायक हैं सिंगर और एक्टर रितेश पांडे। इस फिल्म के निर्माता दीपक शाह हैं। फिल्म को निर्देशित कर रहे हैं धीरू यादव। नये साल की नई उम्मीदों और चुनौतियों के बीच  इस फिल्म कोलेकर चांदनी सिंह काफी उत्साहित हैं। वह कहती हैंयह फिल्म हल्की फुल्की कामेडी के साथ साथ रहस्य और रोमांच की रीढ़ है जिसे दर्शक जरूर पसद करेंगे। जहां तक मुझे याद है यह पहली फिल्म होगी जो किसी किराना स्टोर को हाईलाईट करते हुए बन रही है। निर्माता दीपक शाह की तारीफ करती हुई चांंदनी सिंह कहती हैंदीपक शाह जी की मैं दो फिल्मों की शुटिंग कर रही हूं दीपक किराना भंडार के साथ साथ एमएलए दर्जी की शुटिंग भी यहीं गुजरात ...
Producer Swatantra (Savi) Goel Making his Directorial Debut with Contract Marriage
Trending News

Producer Swatantra (Savi) Goel Making his Directorial Debut with Contract Marriage

In India, if cinema is religion, then the directors and producers are its curators. Today, the face of Bollywood has changed and the reason behind this brilliant alteration is the amazing mind of directors and producers. After making a foray into production with the movie ‘Ashley’ ‘Dessa Dhimmari’ and ‘PENSION’ which is ready to release in next week on Eros now OTT Platform, Savi Goel completed the post production of yet another Marathi movie "Kaalich Lagn…Producer Mr. Savi Goel is now set to venture into Direction with “Contract Marriage” (Marathi Movie) starring Bhushan Pradhan, Neha Mahajan, Dipti Dhotre, Swati karnekar, Prasad Ozarkar music by Dushyant Dubey and Kirti Kiledar. The story, Screenplay & Crispy dailogues also written by Mr. Goel under the Banner of Saveena Creation. Pr...
Indywood Bhasha Puraskar has been announced

Indywood Bhasha Puraskar has been announced

Indywood Bhasha Puraskar, which offers the highest prize money in Malayalam literature world has been announced. Retired IAS officer, K. Jayakumar was presented with the award for collective contribution to Malayalam language. He was entitled to Bhasha Kesari Puraskar, which includes Five lakhs and one rupees cash prize, certificate and the award. “Even without having a direct connection  with language, even after spending a major time of his life in a very responsible work position, the fact that he was able to contribute to different stratums of the language is what earned him the award.” Says Indywood’s founder, Dr. Sohan Roy. “The existence of a language depends entirely on the community of the people who is in love with it. Even though in love with our language, majority of us are in...
Karshini Nagendra Maharaj Of Mathura  (Vrindavan) Facilitates Producer & director Mr  Alok Shrivastava
Breaking News

Karshini Nagendra Maharaj Of Mathura (Vrindavan) Facilitates Producer & director Mr Alok Shrivastava

Karshini Nagendra Maharaj Of Mathura  (Vrindavan) Facilitates Chief minister (Uttar Pradesh) – Honorable Shri Yogi Adityanathji, Defiance Minster- Honorable Shri Rajnath Singhji and Producer & Director Mr  Alok Shrivastava  by presenting them his spiritual book (BRIJ RAS PRAVAAH). Our team congratulates Shri Karshini Nagendra Maharaj on his his spiritual book(BRIJ RAS PRAVAAH)
Exclusive News


Actress IndraneeTalukder"s long awaited movie" Return of Ranveer" is streaming on OTT platform Phunflix. Indranee Talukder has done this movie when she has started her career in B Town.Now she is an established name of Bollywood after her several successful releases.The movie "Return of Ranveer has been directed and produced by Ashok Jamuar.Music of this movie has been launched by T SERIES. The film is entirely shot in Rajasthan,is inspired by Ranveer sena.The story is based on an outfit formed to fight against land grabbing system in Bihar and save the environment and fight against jungle Mafia. The leading actress Indranee Talukder said that her movie was set to released in 2020.But due to the pandemic,the releasing of this movie got postponed and finally it got released on "Phu...
Indywood Billionaires Club opens up an investment platform for revolutionary products/ concepts through Indywood Billionaires Club startup awards

Indywood Billionaires Club opens up an investment platform for revolutionary products/ concepts through Indywood Billionaires Club startup awards

AIMRI, in association with Indywood Billionaires Club and Kerala Startup Mission, has announced an interesting investment opportunity for unique and innovative global startups. Scheduled on April 16th, 2021, the maiden edition of the Indywood Billionaires Club  Startup Awards will be hosted virtually. Indywood Billionaires Club Startup Awards 2021 will provide business collaboration opportunities to outstanding startups that have high potential to generate wealth, employment and demonstrate measurable social impact. The event will incorporate a virtual award ceremony, panel discussions, and product presentation opportunities for organizations to present their concept in front of an elite audience. Besides offering organizations a chance to pitch their products in front of investors, AIM...
Kapil Gauhri Is Setting New Milestones In Fashion Industry
Breaking News

Kapil Gauhri Is Setting New Milestones In Fashion Industry

Kapil Gauhri a popular name in the Indian Fashion Industry. He is known as  Director & Show Choreographer. His ingenuity and creativity has attracted the attention of several brands and designers across the globe. The 34 year show director is from Dehradun, Uttarakhand. After completing his Graduation in Fashion Design he pursued Post Graduation in Fashion Design. Kapil has been in the industry for past 10 years. He has won awards and accolades for his amazing work such as UTTARAKHAND YOUNG ACHIEVERS AWARD  BY THE GOVERNMENT OF UTTARAKHAND IN 2018, FASTEST GROWING LEADER OF THE INDUSTRY BY BUSINESS AWARDS 2020 and many more.  He has worked with many known designers such as Rina Dhaka, Ritu Kumar, Rajdeep Ranawat, Pallavi Singh, Sidharth Bansal, Dhruv Sehgal, Arvind Ampula. His work ...
Dr Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa Predicition came true Rubina won Bigg Boss 14
Trending News

Dr Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa Predicition came true Rubina won Bigg Boss 14

After 140 days of gruelling tasks, numerous fights, high-pitched-arguments, emotional meltdown and vote-outs, tonight (February 21) is the deciding night. Host Salman Khan announced Rubina Dilaik as the winner of Bigg Boss 14 on Sunday. The Shakti actor was joined by singer Rahul Vaidya on the finale stage. The winner announcement happened after live voting, allowing fans to vote for their favourites one last time. While making the winner announcement, Salman Khan mentioned that the difference in the number of votes between them were minimal. Renowned Astrologer and Tarot card reader Dr. Dr Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa has predicted in her recent interview Rubina Dilaik has been one of the strongest contestants on the show ever since she entered the Bigg Boss house. Shakti actor will be the winner ...
The PR-Cum-Fashionista  ‘Jainam Vora’ Aka Vorasahab’s Journey Is Inspiring
Breaking News

The PR-Cum-Fashionista ‘Jainam Vora’ Aka Vorasahab’s Journey Is Inspiring

Being born & raised in Mumbai, Vorasahabas popularly known on Instagram) has made a mark for himself as an influencer by working passionately across sectors with multiple brands - both well-known & nascent. A PR enthusiast by profession and an influencer by passion, Jainam Vora has established his presence as a fashion, travel, & lifestyle influencer across all social media platforms and believes in creating his own unconventional style and identity in this cluttered market of influencers. With more than five years of work experience in Public Relations and even more as an influencer, he is now being identified as a strong collaborator who adds a lot more value to brands by delivering content rather than just creating visibility. Speaking about his brand- Vorasahab, Jainam s...
Joil Entertainment Presents Teen Mr Miss Mrs Supranational 2021 Mumbai Auditions Concluded
Glam World

Joil Entertainment Presents Teen Mr Miss Mrs Supranational 2021 Mumbai Auditions Concluded

Teen Mr Miss Mrs Supranational 2021 Mumbai Auditions were recently concluded In Andheri, Mumbai. Some contestants gave their auditions and displayed their talent in front of Jury ans many contestants gave Virtual auditions from the comfort of their home which was also an option given by Sandy Joil, so that all contestants have an opportunity to show their talent to respected Jury members. The Finale is going to be held In Goa after completing the auditions of many cities from where the participants have applied. Respectable Jury Members were for Mumbai Auditions: Khushboo Khan, Sandy Joil, Ashwin Rajput and  Yash Thorat. Contestants who gave the auditions in front of Jury were Aishwarya Patil, Nisha Shau, GIRISH RAJBHOJ and For Teen Category child Diya Anabhavane who came long ...
Ritesh Pandey – Neelam Giri Change The Trend Of Bhojpuri Songs
Bhojpuri News

Ritesh Pandey – Neelam Giri Change The Trend Of Bhojpuri Songs

रितेश पांडे, नीलम गिरी ने भोजपुरी गानों का माहौल किया चेंज भोजपुरी सिने जगत में हमेशा नया करने वाली म्यूजिक कंपनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी ने एक बार फिर नई पहल की है। जी हां, वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल युट्यूब चैनल से भोजपुरी गानों का माहौल चेंज करने वाला गाना घंटी रिलीज किया गया है। जिसमें सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे और ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल नीलम गिरी की लाजवाब केमिस्ट्री पति-पत्नी के रूप में कमाल की लग रही है।  वाकई इस गाने ने भोजपुरी सांग के माहौल को चेंज कर दिया है। घंटी गाने को लेकर रितेश पांडे ने कहा कि वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार की सोच बड़ी अच्छी थी कि कुछ हटकर गाना बने। वैसा ही उन्होंने परिवर्तन भी किया है। इतना अच्छा पारिवारिक गाना बनाने में जो विशेष सहयोग है, वह वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स का है। गौरतलब है कि पति की कथा और पत्नी की व्यथा को प्रस्तुत करने वाला ...
Find Studioz Introduces Singer NK Naga (Nagaland) Shines in Mumbai With Music Album Kaise Jiyun

Find Studioz Introduces Singer NK Naga (Nagaland) Shines in Mumbai With Music Album Kaise Jiyun

NK Naga recorded 5 hindi songs at Alka Yagnik's studio and today  his music album  was Launched in Mumbai. which is going to be on air very soon under the Banner of FIND STUDIOZ PRODUCTION HOUSE IN MUMBAI.PRODUCED BY REBECCA CHANGKIJA SEMA.  Directed by :Shiraz Henry & Karan Henry with Music by Abuzar Rizvi. Mixing and mastering : Deep Goswami.   Lyricist & sung by N.K Naga, D O.P. Nehal Shah. FIND STUDIOZ PRODUCTION HOUSE IN MUMBAI completed 10 years today . Rebecca Changkija Sema and Director Shiraz Henry shared thier journey.  Credited with 5 Hindi Commercial Movie and 2 documentary . First Movie was released in 2014 , The Dark Secrets of TONHI . (Pan India) Story of a women whom the villagers call as Tonhi or Black magic woman . The superstitious beliefs of the villagers in ...
Celebs – Miss India Beauties – Dignitaries Grace Pro-Panja League Tournament At Radio Club  Mumbai
sports special

Celebs – Miss India Beauties – Dignitaries Grace Pro-Panja League Tournament At Radio Club Mumbai

India's favourite pastime is now in a competitive avatar! Panja or arm-wrestling is one of the most iconic sports of all times. Having successfully drawn people across all ages and genders, Parvin Dabas and Preeti Jhangiani's Pro-Panja League, let the forearms of their participants do the talking. Emulating the league format, arm-wrestling, a sport seeped in Indianness, saw a tough competition. Harman Mann vs Sameer VT saw Sameer VT's victory. Similarly, Attar Singh vs Mohammed Hashim saw Mohammed Hashim emerge victorious. In the women's segment, Karishma Kapoor vs Parampreet Kaur saw the latter's win while Madhura KN vs Anslet Jose saw Madhura KN triumphant. In a bid to promote inclusiveness of the specially abled, Manish Kumar vs Butta Singh was scheduled which saw Manish Kumar score ...
Achievement – Chandni Singh Gets Another Big Film  MLA DARJI

Achievement – Chandni Singh Gets Another Big Film MLA DARJI

अचिवमेंट- चांदनी सिंह को मिली एक और बड़ी फिल्म एमएलए दर्जी अब इसे अचिवमेंटं ही तो कहेंगे। चांदनी सिंह भोजपुरी वर्ल्ड की एक मात्र एैसी नायिका हैं तो म्युजिक वर्ल्ड से भोजपुरी फिल्मों में  बतौर नायिका आईं और आते ही छा गई तथा लगातार बड़े- बड़े कलाकारों के साथ काम कर रही हैं वह भी मुख्य भुमिका में। शुरू में उन्होने कुछ फिल्मों में स्पेशल सांग किए फिर मुख्य नायिका बन गईं। चांदनी सिंह इन दिनों निर्माता दीपक शाह की भोजपुरी फिल्म एमएलए दर्जी की शुटिंग गुजरात में कर रही हैं। इस फिल्म में उनके नायक हैं जाने माने गायक और स्टार रितेश पांडे। एमएलए दर्जी को निर्देशित कर रहे हैं निर्देशक धीरू  यादव। इस फिल्म में मणिभट्टाचार्य भी सेकेंड लीड में हैं। इस फिल्म के डीओ पी प्रकाश अन्ना हैं। इस फिल्म को लेकर चांदनी सिंह काफी उत्साहित हैं। वह कहती हैं दीपक शाह जी भोजपुरी फिल्मों के बड़े नाम हैं। उनके साथ का...
Actor Vinod Yadav helps needy people on their Wedding Anniversary

Actor Vinod Yadav helps needy people on their Wedding Anniversary

विनोद यादव ने शादी की सालगिरह पर जरूरतमंद लोगों की मदद गुंड फ़िल्म अभिनेता विनोद यादव जल्द ही बॉलीवुड की वेब सीरीज में नजर आने वाले हैं। फिल्म गुंडा में उनके द्वारा निभाए गए बेहतरीन किरदार के बाद अब वे बॉलीवुड की वेब सीरीज में नजर आएगे। जिसमें वे एक खतरनाक किरदार निभाने वाले है। जो दर्शकों को एक बार फिर से मंत्र मुग्ध कर देगा। बतादें कि विनोद यादव यूपी के बरेली शहर के रहने वाले है। वे बहुत ही सरल स्वभाव के व्यक्ति हैं। इस समय विनोद यादव अपनी धर्मपत्नी साक्षी यादव और बेटे अन्नी यादव के साथ में अलीबाग में छुट्टियां मना रहे हैं। इसकी एक खास वजह भी है। विनोद यहां अपनी शादी की तीसरी सालगिरह भी यही मना रहे हैं, जिसके लिए वे अपने परिवार के साथ में अलीबाग आए हुए हैं। इसके अलावा विनोद ने यह श्री विक्रम विनायक मंदिर में दर्शन किए। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने गरीबों को खाने की सामग्री एवं कपड़े बांटे...
Music Video International Bihari Ready To Rock Again – Ammy Kang
Breaking News

Music Video International Bihari Ready To Rock Again – Ammy Kang

म्यूजिक वीडियो "इंटरनेशनल बिहारी" के साथ एक बार फिर धूम मचाने को तैयार : एमी कांग भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के जाने माने रैपर एमी कांग एक बार फिर से सुर्खियों में  और वजह है उनकी आने वाली म्यूजिक वीडियो "इंटरनेशनल बिहारी" जो मार्केट में आने से पहले ही चर्चाओं में बना है । लव चांस,बाबा जी की बूटी,भोजपुरी हिपहॉप,जय जय बिहार जैसे सुपरहिट गाना देकर एमी कांग ने भोजपुरी म्यूजिक इंडस्ट्री में अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाई है । आज एमी भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में एक स्टार रैपर व सिंगर के रूप में जाने जाते हैं खासकर युवा दर्शक वर्ग में उनकी पकड़ काबिले तारीफ है l हाल ही में मीडिया को संबोधित करते हुए एमी ने बताया कि उनकी आगामी आने वाली म्यूजिक वीडियो "इंटरनेशनल बिहारी" बहुत जल्द रिलीज होने जा रही है जिसमें कुल 10 गाने हैं इसके गीतकार व संगीतकार संतोष पुरी है इस एल्बम में भोजपुरी की स्टार गायिका प्रियंका सिंह की भी...
Punjabi Comedy Movie  APPE PEIN SIYAPE releasing this February –  Sharhaan Singh Productions &  Shiwani Sokhey as Creative Producer
Latest News

Punjabi Comedy Movie APPE PEIN SIYAPE releasing this February – Sharhaan Singh Productions & Shiwani Sokhey as Creative Producer

SHARHAAN SINGH PRODUCTIONS in Association with Vikas kansal productions WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY SHARHAAN SINGH Chief ad Kamal pruthi Asso prod Neeraj sahay (ananta film creations) Prinki bajaj Creative prod Shiwani sokhy (S S Production ) Music - Gurcharan singh (chanmusica) DOP- GAGAN SARAO - RAJU GOGNA VISUAL POSTERS PROMO EDITING Rahul Singh Production head SID KALYAN Production manager Sumeet KALYAN Post production studios Full fram studio Sharib raza Sound & mixing Saibal bhattacharya POST PROD GAURAV BABBAR Digitally Powered by - CBitss Digital Pr media events Pankaj bali Paiddy Legal Manbir virk Yogesh arora SOCIAL MEDIA MANISH GAUTAM (hubworld) NANCY GHUMAN (rainbow club) Singer Ab bobby (titel) Lyrics Sharhaan singh Relese & distribution Rimpy arts international & lo...
Actress Devshi Khanduri features Kinna Chauna Music Video out now

Actress Devshi Khanduri features Kinna Chauna Music Video out now

Devshi Khanduri is popular Actress/Lyricst, who has worked predominantly in Bollywood movie industry. Devshi has worked in popular movies like Chargesheet, Khel Toh Ab Shuru Hoga, oppam etc. She is lyricist in movies like Jawaani Jaaneman, Ujda Chaman, Dil Jo Na Keh Saka , Naughty Jatts , Parathe Wali Gali, Thora Lutf Thora Ishq etc, her "Kitthe Jave and Heels Meri High single was also quite popular among youngster .  Recently she released the music video “Kinna Chauna” is getting a whooping response as it has already crossed 1 lakh views in a week of its release. She fainted during the shooting of Song in Uttarakhand. She was shooting at high mountain, Harshil due to low oxygen pressure she fainted on the set of the song. It is a beautiful song with a typical 90’s vibe and sound treatment...
WEE-Members from different parts of the country donated for WEE-Clean Project  by WEE-Women Entrepreneurs Enclave
Breaking News

WEE-Members from different parts of the country donated for WEE-Clean Project by WEE-Women Entrepreneurs Enclave

This Project which is managed by "ShreOM Communications & Solutions" organized donation drive on 2nd February by serving lunch to tribal children and also donated sanitary pads to tribal girls of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali with the help of SEVA TRUST NGO. “WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave” is an interactive platform and forum for Women Entrepreneurs to grow their business together. WEE offers learning and interacting opportunities to all women entrepreneurs. Presently WEE has 8000+ members in 8 locations – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur, Pune, Bangalore, Assam, Singapore. WEE helps these business women to showcase their products & services and scale-up their business. It not only helps established Business Women but also helps aspiring start-up Women Entreprene...
On the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami muhurat of Bhojpuri films Sarkari Dulha And Nakabandi  was completed
Bhojpuri News

On the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami muhurat of Bhojpuri films Sarkari Dulha And Nakabandi was completed

Bhojpuri film 'Sarkari Dulha' and 'Nakabandi', which is going to be made under the banner of Sai Colors Entertainment, took place on the auspicious occasion of "Basant Panchami", a sacred festival of worship of Godess Saraswati, the godess of knowledge and learning at Lucky Studio in Goregaon.both the film is produced by Rahul Mishra. 'Sarkari Dulha' will be directed by Vishal Dixit, it is written by Shashi Ranjan Dwivedi, cinematographer- Pradeep Sharma, dance director Upendra Kumar Shaw, AND 'Nakabandi' will be directed by Dhananjay Pratap Singh and it is written by Vikash Mandal, action master Dinesh Yadav,  The cast of the film and the rest of the technicians will be Finalized soon. shooting of both the film will begin after the Gram Panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh in Gorakhpur...
Surjit Rathod a friend of Bollywood’s late star Sushant Rajput Will work with R K  Infratech Company
Exclusive News

Surjit Rathod a friend of Bollywood’s late star Sushant Rajput Will work with R K Infratech Company

बॉलीवुड के स्वर्गीय स्टार सुशांत राजपूत के दोस्त सुरजीत राठौड़ आर. के. इंफ़्राटेच कम्पनी के साथ करेंगे काम दुबई की शानदार लोकेशंस पे भव्य ढंग से शूट होगा 5 वीडियो सांग बॉलीवुड के दिवंगत अभिनेता सुशांत सिंह राजपूत के दोस्त सुरजीत राठौड़ फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में दस साल से बतौर निर्माता काम कर रहे हैं। आपको बता दें कि सुरजीत सिंह राठौड़ वही शख्स हैँ जो लगातार सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को इंसाफ़ दिलवाने के लिए उनके फ़ैन्स का सहयोग कर रहे थे। सूरजीत सिंह राठौड़ के साथ केडिया ग्रूप के बाद अब एक बड़ा ग्रूप जुड़ गया है। सुरजीत सिंह राठौड़ ने बताया कि मार्च महीने में हम एक साथ 5 गाने रिलीज करेंगे जिसका निर्माण रामकिशोर जाठोलीया करेंगे जो आरके इंफ्राटेक कम्पनी के मालिक है। हमारे साथ इंडस्ट्री के कई अन्य कलाकार भी काम करेंगे। इन वीडियो सांग्स की विशेषता यह होगी कि इन्हें दुबई की शानदार लोकेशन्स में भव्य...
Pro-Panja League India’s Only Arm-Wrestling League, at Radio Club Mumbai on Feb 14
sports special

Pro-Panja League India’s Only Arm-Wrestling League, at Radio Club Mumbai on Feb 14

One of the most iconic sports of all times, Arm Wrestling is often referred to as India’s favourite pastime! The sport now has a competitive avatar that has successfully drawn people across all ages and the followers including genders, thanks to this competition. In a unique bid in athletics to let your forearms do the talking, Pro-Panja is emulating the league format for arm-wrestling! “Panja is an internationally acclaimed sport, seeped in Indianness! That’s what the Pro-Panja League stands for,” expressed actors Parvin Dabas and Preeti Jhangiani, the brains behind Pro-Panja League, at a press conference held at Sofitel, BKC. Besides Parvin Dabas and Preeti Jhangiani, the press conference witnessed Pran Pratim Chaliha (Treasurer of Indian Arm Wrestling Federation), Hashim Reza Zaveth ...
GLOBAL ICONS OF INDIA – An award ceremony held on 1st of Feb in Pune

GLOBAL ICONS OF INDIA – An award ceremony held on 1st of Feb in Pune

After a long hustle with covid situation, a fresh start to the year 2021 was given by a dazzling event held in Annabhau Sathe Sabhagruh,Pune. GLOBAL ICONS OF INDIA- An award show originated and organised by Kashish Production & Punekar Pratu Foundation powered by Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt Ltd. This spectacular event was organised by Actor and Director Yogesh Pawarwith direction of Pooja Wagh. PR and Marketing was looked after by Mr.Pratik Shukla along with engaging anchoring ofMahesh Soni. This show venerated many well known personalities from different fields including socialites, social workers, entrepreneurs , police officers , actors directors models makeup artists. According to organiser Yogesh Pawar this event was held to honor the struggle and hard work done by these peop...
India Gives Me Her Stories And Canada Gives Me The Freedom To Express Them Says Filmmaker Deepa Mehta
Exclusive Interview

India Gives Me Her Stories And Canada Gives Me The Freedom To Express Them Says Filmmaker Deepa Mehta

9th February 2021, Kolkata: Addressing a virtual session of Ek Mulakat Visesh filmmaker Deepa Mehta said, “Lot of my love for Indian cinema came before I became an NRI and I was very grounded in Indian cinema. I was a reluctant Canadian and for a long time I missed India. But home is actually defined by safety and if I don’t feel safe in India it is not home. I feel if India gives me her stories, Canada gives me the freedom to express them. I am a strange kind of NRI.” Deepa Mehta, who had faced a lot of controversy and outrage for her films Fire and had to close down production of her film Water in India, was responding to a question by Archana Dalmia, member Ehsaas Woman of Delhi - How has being an NRI shaped your Indianness and how has that Indianness moulded your filmmaking? The ...
Actress Reddhima Tiwari, Shweta Sinha,Anjali Pandey, Payal Singh, Were Honored With Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award

Actress Reddhima Tiwari, Shweta Sinha,Anjali Pandey, Payal Singh, Were Honored With Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award

Mumbai.  The Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award 2021 was organized by Filmora Media and Entertainment in Oshiwara, Andheri West Mumbai.  On the same occasion, actress Reddhima Tiwari was awarded the above award.  Along with Amarjeet Mishra, Minister of State for Maharashtra and Vice Chairman of Film City, Dhadak Kamgar Supremo Abhijeet Rane, singer Aman Trikha, musician Dilip Sen, actress Shweta Sinha, Anjali Pandey, Payal Singh, Sandeep Soparkar, including Zafar Peerzada, media persons Shailesh Patel, Priya Singh and  Many distinguished people like Sohail Fidai were honored based on their notable works in Bollywood and social sector. Let us tell you that Reddhima Tiwari has starred in 'Begum Jaan' with Vidya Balan besides many TV shows like 'Rishte se badi pyaas, do dil ek jaan, ...
Digital Star Satish Ray’s quirky new avatar in ‘Pandeyji Zara Sambhalke!’

Digital Star Satish Ray’s quirky new avatar in ‘Pandeyji Zara Sambhalke!’

Today’s urban life is full of stress and strife. Hence the need for some comic moments. The latest of comic offerings, all set to make you laugh, is Pandeyji Zara Sambhalke... a fast-paced, Hindi, young urban quirky comic take on life that revolves around the life of Manoj Pandey, a young man (Satish Ray). Pandey is in a live-in relationship with his long time girlfriend Deboshi (Dolly Chawla). He has always wanted to marry Deboshi, but finds himself attracted to her childhood friend Ishita (Kanika Khanna). Enter Naresh (Prakash Jais) who is keen on Ishita. This quadrangle leads to a comic turn of events, offering the audience side-splitting entertainment, thanks to Pandeyji's discomfort. Satish Ray, whose characters like Imandaar Sharma, Alpha Pandey and Baban Bhola are sought-after...


To be awarded with the most prestigious Padma Shri 2021, 4th highest civilian Award of India, Corona Warriors Mr. Jitender Singh Shunty (Founder- NGO Shaheed Bhagat Singh Sewa Dal), and his son, Mr. JyotJeet (Internationally acclaimed Disaster Management Specialist & Chairperson- Disaster Management Cell, SBSSD), the Father-son duo, both were felicitated at the Indian Television Awards 2021, on 14th February 2021 at Prime Focus, Film City in Mumbai. They have rendered distinguished services during Covid-19 Pandemic as Corona Warriors, working in relief and rescue of the same, by providing much needed services such as Free Hearse Van Services for the Covid-19 Deceased patients, Free Ambulance Services for the Covid-19 suspects and patients and Free Cremation Services for the Deceased of...
Arvind Akela Kallu and Pramod Shastri’s film trailer getting a great response on social media

Arvind Akela Kallu and Pramod Shastri’s film trailer getting a great response on social media

अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू और प्रमोद शास्त्री की प्यार तो होना ही था का ट्रेलर हुआ आउट, मिल रहा है शानदार रिस्पांस भोजपुरी सिनेमा के डायनामिक डायरेक्टर प्रमोद शास्त्री हमेशा कुछ नया लेकर आते हैं। इस बार भी वह भोजपुरिया दर्शकों के लिए एक अनूठी फ़िल्म लेकर आ रहे हैं जिसका नाम है "प्यार तो होना ही था"। सुपर स्टार अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू स्टारर फ़िल्म प्यार तो होना ही था का ट्रेलर आज वेलेंटाइन डे पर डीआरजे रिकॉर्ड्स से रिलीज होते ही खूब पॉपुलर हो रहा है। दिल को छू लेने वाला युवा सुपरस्टार 'अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू' और निर्देशक 'प्रमोद शास्त्री' की भोजपुरी फिल्म "प्यार तो होना ही था" का यह ट्रेलर सभी को बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है। Link -   ए.सी.एच. एंटरटेनमेंट प्रा.लि. बैनर तले निर्मित की गई युवा सुपरस्टार अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू और निर्देशक प्रमोद शास्त्री की हैट्रिक भोजपु...
Pawan Singh and Neelam Giri’s Holi song crosses 10 million views a day

Pawan Singh and Neelam Giri’s Holi song crosses 10 million views a day

पवन सिंह, नीलम गिरी का होली गीत लहँगवा लस-लस करता’ ने एक दिन में किया 10 मिलियन व्यूज पार वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी म्यूजिक कंपनी से रिलीज पावर स्टार पवन सिंह का पहला होली गीत लहँगवा लस-लस करता’ ने जबरदस्त रिकॉर्ड बनाते हुए 24 घंटे में 10 मिलियन व्यूज का रिकॉर्ड बनाया है। यह होली गीत रिलीज होने के मात्र 3 घंटे में ही 2 मिलियन व्यूज, 6 घंटे में 4 मिलियन व्यूज और 8 घंटे में 6 मिलियन व्यूज, 14 घन्टे में 9 मिलियन व्यूज यूट्यूब पर पार करके तांडव मचाया है। इतना बड़ा रिकॉर्ड बनाकर पवन सिंह ने तहलका मचा दिया है। कह सकते हैं कि यूट्यूब पर पवन सिंह और नीलम गिरी का यह वीडियो होली सॉन्ग तांडव मचा दिया है। Link - उल्लेखनीय है कि भोजपुरी के पॉवर स्टार और गायकी के बेताज बादशाह पवन सिंह का 2021 का पहला होली गीत ‘लहँगवा लस-लस करता’ रिलीज होते ही वायरल हो गया है।...
*Music Launch of Dr. Reena Mehta’s Music Video ‘Bechainiyan’ * featuring Romil Choudhary with Aishani Mehta.

*Music Launch of Dr. Reena Mehta’s Music Video ‘Bechainiyan’ * featuring Romil Choudhary with Aishani Mehta.

Dr. Reena Mehta’s Music Video ‘Bechainiyan’ has been released under the banner of Zee Music Company in association with Ocean Music & Entertainment.  The melodious track is sung by Dr. Reena Mehta and playback Singer Amit Mishra. Music and lyrics are given by Aayan Ali Abbas. The launch was a grand success as everyone tuned in to the song really well. Romil Chaudhary was been asked to sing the song as the song was released on Valentine’s day.  Everyone around appreciated the song as they held on to the vibe of the track. The Music Video ‘Bechainiyan’ is directed by Dabbang 3’s associate Director Sunil Agarwal and features Big Boss 12 fame Romil Chaudhary with Aishani from Sydney, Australia. The song is beautifully choreographed by Saurabh Khatri and edited by Ballu Saluja. ...
Saheb Alam brings beauty pageant ‘SA Mr, Miss and Mrs India’ with a twist of jungle adventures

Saheb Alam brings beauty pageant ‘SA Mr, Miss and Mrs India’ with a twist of jungle adventures

For the first time in the history of Indian glamour industry, a beauty pageant will be organized in a jungle camp. S3 Events & Productions is presenting India’s Biggest Beauty Pageant with a twist of the adventures in a jungle that promises a unique combination of beauty, brains and dare. Mr Saheb Alam is organizing this one-of-its-kind reality show with the support of Deepak Chaturvedi Director Enigma Event Management Co & Shadaman Khan and Miss Guddu Rupani. MR Saanand Verma Fame of Bhabhi ji ghar pe hai & Mrs Ruchita Awasthi who won the title of Mrs Up Era 2021 has also come on-board for this exciting project. The upcoming show ‘SA Mr, Miss and Mrs India’ will be a 10-episodic reality series backed by popular celebrities of the entertainment world. Bigg Boss 13 winner ...
AMETHHYYST Present Runway Thursday – Andheri west

AMETHHYYST Present Runway Thursday – Andheri west

An astounding and enthused show high on adrenaline with party people enjoying each and every moment of it. And looking happy indeed was Amethhyyst owner 24 years old as Youngest club owner “Sushant G Jabare” who was seen meeting and greeting entire fashion industry like fashion blogger, fashion influencers, fashion icons & his friends and guests and as always spreading good cheer all around. One of the most amazing and lively night club in Mumbai - Amethhyyst never fails to excite us with its awesome ambience and music. But it got more leveled up with its Runway Thursday Event featuring international DJ ZAFF ( Muzaffar ) - from Singapore, talented Celebrity Stylist & Fashion Designer Richa Singh showcasing her fashion line in Hip-Hop and Club wear and renowned Beauty Expert, Hai...
Actress Zoya Zaveri To Make Her Debut With Telugu Film Inka Edo Kavali

Actress Zoya Zaveri To Make Her Debut With Telugu Film Inka Edo Kavali

Director and producer Ghantadi Krishna is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film ‘Inka Edo Kavali’ under the banner of G.K. Miracles. It is a remake of the super-hit Tamil film ‘Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru’ that released in the year 2016. Karthick Naren directorial ‘Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru’, also known as D-16 had introduced new cast and crew and gained positive reviews from the audience as well as the critics. Similarly, director Ghantadi Krishna is also giving the new talent an opportunity with his remake version. Young and dashing actors Sandeep, Tagor, Tarun and Vishwesh will be seen sharing the big screen as lead actors while gorgeous divas Zoya Zaveri and Sanya Sinha have been signed opposite them. Ghantadi Krishna is a renowned music director, lyricist and singer who is kno...
Haancock OTT App Will Be Screening Very Soon Web Series SYSTEM UPDATE
Exclusive News

Haancock OTT App Will Be Screening Very Soon Web Series SYSTEM UPDATE

हैंकॉक ओटीटी एप पर बहुत जल्द दिखेगा। वेब सिरीज़ "सिस्टम अपडेट" । हैंकॉक ओटीटी एप की वेब सिरीज़ "सिस्टम अपडेट" में बिग बॉस में नजर आने वाले ऐक्टर एजाज़ खान लीड कैरेक्टर प्ले कर रहे हैं। एजाज़ खान इस वेब सिरीज़ में एक सरदार आई पी एस अधिकारी के स्ट्रॉन्ग रोल में होंगे। इस वेब सिरीज़ की कहानी बेहद दिलचस्प है और बहुत थ्रिलर भी। 11 लड़कियों के अपहरण से पूरा सिस्टम हिल जाता है और इस केस को सुलझाने के लिए इस सीनियर आईपीएस ऑफिसर को नियुक्त किया जाता है। एजाज़ खान का लुक भी इसमें बहुत अलग और प्रभावी होने वाला है। साथ ही इस वेब सिरीज़ में अभिनेता इमरान हसनी भी दिखेंगे। जिन्होंने बॉलीवुड में ही नहीं बल्कि हॉलीवुड में भी काम किया है। बॉलीवुड में इन्होने पान सिंह तोमर फिल्म से अपने अभिनय की शुरुआत की, जिसमे ये इरफ़ान खान के बड़े भाई के रोल में दिखाई दिए थे। द डर्टी पिक्चर, पी एम नरेंद्र मोदी जैसी कई...
Miss & Mrs India Global Queen Finale  Successfully Concluded In Chembur Mumbai

Miss & Mrs India Global Queen Finale Successfully Concluded In Chembur Mumbai

A grand event organised by Mr Aziz Shah and Mrs Sruthi Prasad of Shrazz Events, in Chembur recently, which was attended by large number of Celebrities and VIP's. The event witness contestants participation in Miss & Mrs category from all over India. Jurys of the show had a tough time in selecting the winners  and runner ups as all the contestants had given great performance. The directors of the show were of the opinion such pageants  are the platform to encourage womens to fulfil their dreams and stands to get an opportunity in showbiz. Show was directed by Dr. Neelam Paradia. Mrs. Sunita Bhagat. Jury were Mr. Gaurav Deshmukh - Celebrity Guest – Jury &  Dr. Chetna Agarwal - Renowned Personality & Jury. Mrs. Amita Kumar was Show Opener & Mrs Anjali Parekh was Show Stoppe...
NAARI By SRISHTI  Based In Dubai Gives A New Colors In Lifestyle
Fashion Designer

NAARI By SRISHTI Based In Dubai Gives A New Colors In Lifestyle

Dubai's "NAARI  by Srishti" gives a new color to lifestyle In the field of dress designing, In the field of dress designing, Srishti Tiwari has created a distinct and unique identity. All this is not enough for them. This profession has proved to be a medium to change the lifestyle, that has been proved by Srishti. Created as a stylish dress designer in Dubai, since 2002, Srishti Tiwari began to embody the lifestyle as well as confidence and personality - "Naari by Srishti". It is not only an institution or a platform, but a campaign, a beautiful attempt to accelerate a cultural revolution. "Naari by Srishti" not only inspires women to move towards self-reliance by giving them financial strength but also helps them. This organization committed to the upliftment of women is a classic ...
NAARI By SRISHTI  Based In Dubai Gives A New Colors In Lifestyle
Fashion Designer

NAARI By SRISHTI Based In Dubai Gives A New Colors In Lifestyle

Dubai's "NAARI  by Srishti" gives a new color to lifestyle In the field of dress designing, In the field of dress designing, Srishti Tiwari has created a distinct and unique identity. All this is not enough for them. This profession has proved to be a medium to change the lifestyle, that has been proved by Srishti. Created as a stylish dress designer in Dubai, since 2002, Srishti Tiwari began to embody the lifestyle as well as confidence and personality - "Naari by Srishti". It is not only an institution or a platform, but a campaign, a beautiful attempt to accelerate a cultural revolution. "Naari by Srishti" not only inspires women to move towards self-reliance by giving them financial strength but also helps them. This organization committed to the upliftment of women is a classic ...