Tuesday, February 11

Month: December 2022

MAHA AROGYA FREE CAMP Organized By RK HIV AIDS Research And Care Center At Osmanabad
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MAHA AROGYA FREE CAMP Organized By RK HIV AIDS Research And Care Center At Osmanabad

More than 3 lakh patients took benefit, medicines worth crores were distributed. Biggest Free General Medical Camp “Maha Arogya Shivir Maharashtra” at Bhum Paranda Osmanabad, Maharashtra was organized by Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Maharashtra on 26th & 27th November 2022. Dr Dharmendra Kumar chairman Guinness Book of World Record holder RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre. A total of 3.2 lakh patients came to this camp, 1 lakh 27 thousand people were examined for their eyes and spectacles were distributed. Medicines worth 2 crore 70 lakh were distributed, 22 thousand blood sugar tests, 1800 surgical patients, 2000 wheelchairs were distributed. RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records and Asia Book of ...
Sunrise Production’s Proposed Production Plans Include Short Films – Web Series – Music Videos – Reality Shows – Comedy Shows
Business News

Sunrise Production’s Proposed Production Plans Include Short Films – Web Series – Music Videos – Reality Shows – Comedy Shows

Who says in the sky Can't be a hole Throw a stone with your health, friends...!  Sunrise Production, is moving forward in the direction of realizing this proverb, united with its entire team, Mr. Chandrashekhar Bora, Govind Yadav and Rajesh Mandapalli and Komal Alhat, executive producer, is supporting them with full dedication. Recently 'Crystal Plaza' at New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai Sunrise Production and Sunrise Trade Solutions office inaugurated by Deepak Rajwade, Maharashtra Police Officer Senior Bollywood PRO Puneet Khare, Actress Model Shilpi Chugh, Poonam Lubna, Shalini Singh, Madhu Manda, Actors Ravi Shankar, Nishant, Karthik Vyas , Jitendra Jha and Yogendra Srivastava in the presence of many eminent personalities from Bollywood. Dynamic banner with the aim of bringing t...
PADMASANA – The Perpetual Perception Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Alpa Palkhiwala In Jehangir Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

PADMASANA – The Perpetual Perception Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Alpa Palkhiwala In Jehangir Art Gallery

From: 26th December 2022 to 1st January 2023 Padmasana – The Perpetual Perception Solo show of Paintings By Contemporary artist Alpa Palkhiwala VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7 pm. Contact: 92650 20945, 98795 68993 A solo art exhibition showcasing the thematic work of a contemporary artist from Ahmedabad, Alpa Palkhiwala is showing in Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001 from 26th December, 2022 to 1st January, 2023 between 11 am. To 7 pm. This show was inaugurated on 26th December 2022 by Mr. Rishiraj Shetty(Director Aura Art Pvt Ltd.), Jeenendra Bhandari(Partner MGB, Vice Chairman, JITO JIIF), Bharat Shah(President MDMA) in the presence of  Gayatri Mehta(Eminent Artist), Mr. Jayesh Labdhi(MDMA), Mr....
COLORFEST Solo Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Dr Dattatreya Phadke In Jehangir Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

COLORFEST Solo Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Dr Dattatreya Phadke In Jehangir Art Gallery

27th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023 “COLORFEST” Vibrant Fabric Collages – Solo Art Exhibition by contemporary artist Dr. Dattatreya Phadke VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G.Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm. Contact:  +91 9423055114 www.dattatreyaphadke.com  COLORFEST A solo art exhibition of vibrant fabric collages by  contemporary artist Dr.Dattatreya Phadke is showing in Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 27th December, 2022 to 2nd January, 2023 between 11 am. to 7 pm.    Dr.Dattatreya Phadke is a self-taught artist.  He is a practising Histopathologist in Pune. He has been inspired by the varied textures and colours of fabrics. His journey of making fabric collages started about a decade ago while in the USA. Since ch...
First Look Of Ritesh Pandey – Richa Dixit’s Bhojpuri Film Tamanna – Ek Aur Prem Katha Out On Tulsi Pujan Day
Breaking News

First Look Of Ritesh Pandey – Richa Dixit’s Bhojpuri Film Tamanna – Ek Aur Prem Katha Out On Tulsi Pujan Day

तुलसी पूजन दिवस पर आउट हुआ रितेश पांडे, ऋचा दीक्षित की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म 'तमन्ना - एक और प्रेम कथा' का फर्स्ट लुक माँ शारदा कला जगत व जी ब्रदर्स फिल्म प्रोडक्शन, एक्चुअल मूवीज़ एवं मड्स मूवीज़ प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे और ऋचा दीक्षित स्टारर बहुप्रतीक्षित भोजपुरी फिल्म  'तमन्ना - एक और प्रेम कथा' का फर्स्ट लुक तुलसी पूजन दिवस पर सोशल मीडिया में आउट किया गया है। कई सुपरहिट फिल्मों के जाने माने डायरेक्टर उमर खान के निर्देशन में बनी यह अनोखी फ़िल्म रूपहले परदे हर किसी का दिल जीतने वाली है। इस फ़िल्म के पहले लुक का यह पोस्टर रोमांटिक बनाया गया है। जिसमें रितेश पांडे तथा ऋचा दीक्षित रोमांटिक मूड में एक दूसरे की नजरों खोये हुए दिख रहे हैं। साथ ही गुलाबी रंग का उड़ता हुआ दुपट्टा प्रेम का प्रतीक दिख रहा है। रोमांटिक बैक ग्राउंड में उड़ते हुए दो पंछी का जोड़ा प्यार का संदेश दे रहे हैं...
City Girl Raveena Has Become Aaranyak  Joins Anvayins Kaziranga Ultra Run To Protect Rhinos
Breaking News

City Girl Raveena Has Become Aaranyak Joins Anvayins Kaziranga Ultra Run To Protect Rhinos

शहर की लड़की रवीना बन गयी हैं आरण्यक! अनवाईन्स काजीरंगा अल्ट्रा रन से जुड़कर होगी  राइनो की रक्षक! बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस रवीना टंडन हाल ही में अंवायिन्स काजीरंगा अल्ट्रा रन को अपना सहयोग करती हुई दिखाई दी। भारतीय जानवर राइनो के रख-रखाव और उनकी सुरक्षा के लिए अंवायिन्स काजीरंगा अल्ट्रा रन द्वारा उठाया गयी इस नेक पहल का रवीना ने खुले दिल से स्वागत किया । आपको बता दे कि अंवायिन्स काजीरंगा अल्ट्रा रन 28 जनवरी, 2023 को होनेवाला हैं। इस अल्ट्रा रन का सबसे बड़ा उद्देश्य हैं कि  दुर्लभ-एक सींग वाले गैंडों के लिए समर्थन व्यक्त करना और जनता को इस बात से अवगत कराना की ये जानवर हमारे देश के लिए बेहद गौरवशाली हैं। एक वन्यजीव उत्साही और एक कार्यकर्ता, रवीना भी इस नेक पहल के लिए बेहद उत्साहित हैं जो खुद साल 2023 की शुरुआत में अंवायिन्स के साथ काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान का दौरा करेंगी जहाँ वो पशु और उसके संरक्षण ...
SHEHER KI LADKI – Raveena Tandon goes the Aranyak way for the Rhinos with the Anvayins Kaziranga Ultra Run
Breaking News

SHEHER KI LADKI – Raveena Tandon goes the Aranyak way for the Rhinos with the Anvayins Kaziranga Ultra Run

The Anvayins Kaziranga Ultra Run 2023 scheduled for January 28, 2023 has a unique social objective - to express support for the rare-one horned rhinoceros and deepen public consciousness for the glorious animal.Noted Bollywood actor, Raveena Tandon has come on board to support the cause of rhinos while promoting Northeast India. A wildlife enthusiast and activist herself, Raveena will also be visiting the Kaziranga National Park in early 2023 with Anvayins for a rendezvous with the animal and understand the various efforts for its conservation. Speaking at the press conference held at Mumbai on December 21, 2022, Raveena said, “It is important for mankind to understand that life is about coexistence. When you build roads across the jungle, it is important to fence them and make overhead or...
My Dream Of Working With Vikram Gokhale Remained Unfulfilled – Shabana Azmi’s Pain Spilled Over At The Condolence Meeting Organized By CINTAA
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My Dream Of Working With Vikram Gokhale Remained Unfulfilled – Shabana Azmi’s Pain Spilled Over At The Condolence Meeting Organized By CINTAA

'विक्रम गोखले के साथ काम करने का मेरा सपना अधूरा रह गया' ! सिंटा द्वारा रखी गई शोक-सभा में छलका शबाना आज़मी का दर्द ! फिल्मी पर्दे के चहेते, अभिनय की खान और दर्शकों के दिल को छू लेनेवाले लीजेंड अभिनेता श्री विक्रम गोखले आज हमारे बीच नही हैं लेकिन उनके द्वारा किये गए अद्भुत अदाकारी के नजराने फिल्मी इतिहास के पन्नों में सुनहरे अक्षरों में दर्ज हो चुके हैं। सिंटा ने हाल ही में दिवंगत विक्रम जी के आत्मा की शांति के लिए मुम्बई के इस्कॉन मंदिर में एक शोक सभा का आयोजन किया जहा पर विक्रम गोखले जी की पत्नी ऋशाली गोखले के अलावा शबाना आज़मी,जॉनी लीवर, सिंटा जनरल सेक्रेटरी अमित बहल,सिंटा खजिनदार अभय भार्गव, संजय भाटिया,स्मिता जयकर, गजेंद्र चौहान,वरुण वडोला,राजेश्वरी सचदेव,रवि झांकल,सुधीर पांडे,दीपक काज़ीर केजरीवाल,अनंग देसाई और सिंटा एग्जीक्यूटिव कमिटी के मेंबर्स मौजूद थे।डोमिनिक लुकर, जनरल सेक्रेटरी ऑफ...
My Dream Of Working With Vikram Gokhle Will Always Remain Unfulfilled – Shabana Azmi At CINTAA Tribute Prayer Meet
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My Dream Of Working With Vikram Gokhle Will Always Remain Unfulfilled – Shabana Azmi At CINTAA Tribute Prayer Meet

A prayer meeting in fond remembrance of veteran Artistes Vikram Gokhle was held at ISKCON Mumbai and was graced by the late actor's wife Vrushali Gokhle as well as actors of the likes of Shabana Azmi, Johnny Lever, CINTAA General Secretary Amit Behl, CINTAA Treasurer Abhay Bhargava, Sanjay Bhatia, Smita Jaykar, Gajendra Chauhan, Varun Badola, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Ravi Jhankal, Sudhir Pandey, Deepak Qazir Kejriwal, Anang Desai, and the CINTAA Executive Committee Members among others.Dominick Luquer, General Secretary, FIA expressed his solidarity on behalf of the global union. "The International Federation of Actors (FIA), representing performers' unions, guilds and professional associations in more than 25 countries around the world, mourns the passing of National Film Award winner Vikram G...
MELODIES OF NATURE Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Aparna Deshpande In Jehangir Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

MELODIES OF NATURE Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Aparna Deshpande In Jehangir Art Gallery

From: 20th to 26th December 2022 “Melodies of Nature” An Exhibition of paintings by well-known contemporary artist Aparna Deshpande  VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 98904 04970, +91 98500 81034 About Aparna Deshpande  A picture speaks a thousand words,’ goes a saying that Aparna Deshpande seems to prove absolutely right. A natural dancer with vivid imagination, Aparna, at a very young age, with limited scope for communication in a regular way, began to immerse in the world of colours that threw up enchanting visual stories. Supportive parents –Kalpana and D P Nerkar – identified her innate talent, at a very young age, and encouraged her to explore and experiment. Aparna, post her schooling, pursued a diplom...
Dr Niranjan Hiranandani Honours Swimming Champions Of Forest Swimming Club By Giving Appreciation Certificate In Mumbai
sports special

Dr Niranjan Hiranandani Honours Swimming Champions Of Forest Swimming Club By Giving Appreciation Certificate In Mumbai

Students Of Forest Swimming Club of Shri P M Reddy were Honoured with Appreciation Certificate In Mumbai by Dr Niranjan Hiranandani in a lavish Award ceremony held at Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai. HONOR AWARD *           Aryan Dadiala Aryan has created 2 World Records in Nov 2022. 1) Youngest swimmer to swim Chapora Fort To Panjim Jetty at Goa. 2) Fastest swimmer to swim Chapora Fort To Panjim Jetty a distance of 32 kms covered in 05 Hour 36 Minutes 40 Seconds with a cause "SAY NO TO DRUGS" He has won a silver medal at "Stuttgart International Swimming Championships" Germany. He is a brand ambassador of 'Spire Institute Academy' Ohio USA since 2018. He was declared state champion at the 2022 Haryana state championship. He has represented the state of Haryana at multip...
Breaking News

Film Trahimam And Ajay Wardhan Box Office Collection

Bollywood films Trahimam and Ajay Wardhan released in Indian cinemas on 16 December. If we talk about the box office collection of both the films, then the collection of both the films has been around 1 crore. Box Office Collection Of Trahimam Day 1 16-December-2022 (Fri)          Rs.25 lakh Day 2 17-December-2022 (Sat)         Rs.21 lakh Day 3 18-December-2022 (Sun)        Rs.27 lakh Day 4 19-December-2022 (Mon)       Rs.11 lakh Day 5 20-December-2022 (Tue)        Rs.10 lakh Day 6 21-December-2022 (Wed)       Rs.9 lakh Day 7 22-December-2022 (Thu)        Rs.8 lakh   Box Office Collection Of Ajay Wardhan Day 1  16-December-2022 (Fri)         Rs.15 lakh       Day 2  17-December-2022 (Sat)       Rs.20 lakh Day 3  18-December-2022 (Sun)      Rs.28 lakh       Day 4  19-Dece...
CONFLUENCE Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Jotiba Patil In Nehru Centre Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

CONFLUENCE Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Jotiba Patil In Nehru Centre Art Gallery

From: 20th to 26th December 2022 "CONFLUENCE" Solo Show of Paintings by  well-known artist Jotiba Patil   Venue: Nehru Center Art Gallery Dr. Annie Besant Road  Worli, Mumbai 400 018 Timing: 11am to 7pm. +91 87675 55553 / +91 87674 44443   The latest work of a contemporary artist, Jyotiba Patil in Acrylic colours on canvas using palette knife and colour splash technique will be showcased in a solo art exhibition at Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Dr. A. Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018 from 20th to 26th Dec. 2022 between 11 am. To 7 pm.  This series in abstract style will reveal his ode to creativity via pleasant hues of colours and innovations in a typical style and skilful technique. Jotiba Patil is a freelance artist and had his earlier solo exhibitions in reputed art galler...
Ritika Pandey Considers OTT Platforms In The Digital Age As A Good Sign For Bollywood

Ritika Pandey Considers OTT Platforms In The Digital Age As A Good Sign For Bollywood

Popular model in Bollywood, Ritika Pandey is all set to debut in Bollywood after showcasing her talent and skills in the field of modeling and in South films. His film is going to be announced very soon under a big banner. Budding cheerful bindass actress Ritika, who wants to play all kinds of roles, considers yesteryear's famous actress Madhubala and today's actress Alia Bhatt as her role models. Budding cheerful bindass actress Ritika, who wants to play all kinds of roles, considers yesteryear's famous actress Madhubala and today's actress Alia Bhatt as her role models. Ritika considers the proliferation of OTT platforms in the digital age as a good sign for Bollywood. Praising the trend of OTT platform, she says, "In the last two years, the number of OTT platforms has increased a lot ...
International Institute Of Solutions USA Launched In India  Founder President Arun Gandhi – Kalpana Gandhi Was The Chief Guest And Padamshri Dr Soma Ghosh
Breaking News

International Institute Of Solutions USA Launched In India Founder President Arun Gandhi – Kalpana Gandhi Was The Chief Guest And Padamshri Dr Soma Ghosh

International Institute of Solutions (USA) officially launched the organization in India at a glittering ceremony held at Raheja Classic Club, Andheri (West), Mumbai. Many personalities from different walks of life and many film celebrities were present as guests on the occasion. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Arun Gandhi, Founder and President of IIS USA, accompanied by his wife Kalpana Gandhi. While Padma Shri Dr. Soma Ghosh was the special guest. In this special program, Dr. Viral Gandhi (voxtur), Dr. Santosh Pande (Naturopath and Acupuncturist), Shriram Singh (New Age Farmer and Investment Banker), Dr. Nagarjun Vasudeo Rao (Ph.D., Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology International Exchange Program Agriculture), Jainendra Baxi Film maker writer and social activist, SMM Ausaja a...
Successful And Grand Organization Of 4th Bollywood Legend Award 2022 By Krishna Chauhan Foundation

Successful And Grand Organization Of 4th Bollywood Legend Award 2022 By Krishna Chauhan Foundation

Many celebrities including Dr. Yogesh Lakhani, music director Ismail Darbar, composer Dilip Sen, BN Tiwari, Ramesh Goyal, Anil Nagrath, Shyamlal, Deepa Narayan were honored_ Dr. Krishna Chauhan has been organizing the grand event of 'Bollywood Legend Award' for the last 3 years.  Now for the fourth year, the Bollywood Legend Award - 2022 was organized by the Krishna Chauhan Foundation on 10 December 2022.  This time the award ceremony was bigger and better than before.  Those who have made significant contribution to Indian films and its progress were honored with this award.  Many celebrities attended the ceremony. Dr. Yogesh Lakhani of Bright Outdoor Media, Composer Dilip Sen, Devdas and Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam fame Composer Ismail Darbar, BN Tiwari, Ramesh Goyal, Birbal Ji, Vijender Go...
Singer Rekha Bhardwaj And Ravikesh Vatsa Most Awaited Song Swami Ji Trending On Internet
Breaking News

Singer Rekha Bhardwaj And Ravikesh Vatsa Most Awaited Song Swami Ji Trending On Internet

He is not only a writer but also a very good singer and music composer. I am talking about the creative genius, Ravikesh Vatsa. One of the most talented singers has launched his own YouTube channel Ravikesh Vatsa and made his own songs. With captivating posters and an absolutely enthralling Video, RVF music today launched their maiden music video, Swami Ji, which features everybody’s favourite renowned Singer Rekha Bhardwaj & Ravikesh Vatsa.  Rekha and Ravikesh have sung a song, which is gaining high popularity. The song Swami Ji had generated much hype even before its release. Now, the song is finally out. And well, it is just as top trending as we had expected it to be. While talking to the media Ravikesh Vatsa said, "It's an honour for me to work with India's one of the legendary ...
The Viral Village Set To Go Viral
Breaking News

The Viral Village Set To Go Viral

Producer Lalit Paikray is on a new high! The first shooting schedule of his much-ambitious upcoming Viral Village webseries movie directed by Narayan Shi and co-produced by Sunil Jain and Hiru Bihari Kandhari has been successfully completed in Mumbai without any hitch or hassle."Our movie Viral Village is on course," says Paikray with a note of utter satisfaction.The movie which has veteran Anupam Kher in the lead character revolves around the con story of an uncle and a niece with villagers.Apart from Anupam, the movie has also Tridha Choudhary, Satish Kaushik, Takesh Sharma, Aditya Narayan, Akanksha Puri and beautiful Anchalananda Agarwal."We all are happy that the movie has now taken proper shape and it'll be completed on time," confirm Sunil and Hiru in unison."I can't forget Anupam ji...
World record holder Samudrajeta Aryan Surjeet Dadiala received appreciation certificate by Dr Niranjan Hiranandani
sports special

World record holder Samudrajeta Aryan Surjeet Dadiala received appreciation certificate by Dr Niranjan Hiranandani

वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड होल्डर स्विमिंग चैंपियन समुद्रजेता आर्यन सुरजीत ददियाला को डॉ. निरंजन हीरानंदानी ने दिया विशेष सम्मान मुंबई के रहने वाले मात्र इक्कीस वर्ष के युवा तैराक समुद्रजेता आर्यन सुरजीत दादिलाला ने स्विमिंग के क्षेत्र में वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड बनाकर अपने मातापिता, गुरु और देश का नाम सारी दुनिया मे रौशन किया है। उनकी इस उपलब्धि पर हीरानंदानी ग्रुप के चेयरमैन और मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर डॉक्टर निरंजन हीरानंदानी ने एक भव्य समारोह में उन्हें प्रशस्ति पत्र देकर सम्मानित किया। स्विमिंग चैंपियन आर्यन सुरजीत दादिलाला ने मिस्टर हीरानंदानी से ऑनर पाकर अपनी अद्भुत खुशी जाहिर की। इस अवसर पर आर्यन के पिता, उनके गुरु फॉरेस्ट क्लब के श्री पी एम रेड्डी भी उपस्थित थे। इस फंक्शन में कई स्विमिंग चैंपियन को सर्टिफिकेट से नवाजा गया। बता दें कि गोवा में चपोरा किले से पंजिम जेट्टी तक 32 किलोमीटर की दूरी आर्यन ने तैर ...
ART YARD Presents An Exhibition Of Paintings And Sculptures In Coomarswami Hall
Art Exhibition

ART YARD Presents An Exhibition Of Paintings And Sculptures In Coomarswami Hall

From 18th December 2022 to 20th December 2022 ART YARD presents an Exhibition of Paintings and Sculptures Celebrating 75th year of Independence Art Yard at Coomaraswamy Hall, Mumbai. Venue Coomaraswamy Hall Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalay M.G.Road, Kalaghoda, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Contact : +91 93269 99729 Timing: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm  Participating Artists in this art exhibition are: - Arijit Bhattacharya, Kumud Dash, Sandeep Ashar, Jain Kamal, Rashida Badani, Kalpana Ved, Sanjay Srivastava, Apurba Biswas, Sharmila Gupta, Satyendra Yadav, Rajkumar Sarde, Sahil  Gosavi, Swarnim Moon, Varsha Parikh, Joseph D'souza, Sumana Dey, Ram Thorat, Smruti Bhukanwala, B Lavanya, Ratan Saha, Desh Deepak, Abhang Balasaheb, Nagnath Mankeshwar, Late Deepak Mer, Ghanshyam Gupta, Satyaje...
AMALGAMATION – 9 An Exhibition Of Paintings – Prints And Sculptures In Cymroza Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

AMALGAMATION – 9 An Exhibition Of Paintings – Prints And Sculptures In Cymroza Art Gallery

From: 16th to 19th December 2022  Expopedia Presents “Amalgamation - 9" An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints & Sculptures  Venue: Cymroza Art Gallery 72 Bhulabhai Desai Road Breach Candy, Mumbai 400 026 Timings: 11 am to 7pm   Contact:  98195 11124   This show was inaugurated on 16th December 2022      by Chief Guest  Mr. Anant Gadgil(Renowned Architect),  Guests of Honor – Mr. Ajoykaant Ruia(Chairman, All State Group)   Mr. Pramod Hindoorao (Vice President, NCP & Art Aficionado)    The show is curated by Aparimita Sapru. Expopedia – a Mumbai based art promotional institution presents ‘Amalgamation – 9’  group art exhibition of paintings & sculptures made by 24 artists under one roof at Cymroza Art Gallery, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai   from 16th to 19th December 20...
Painter Shital Keshari Paints A Beautiful World
Breaking News

Painter Shital Keshari Paints A Beautiful World

Real talent is infinite, beyond time and space. What started as a creative passion for Shital Keshari, the woman with beauty, grace and amazing talent, soon turned out to be an intense affair only six months before. Today she has around 25 classy paintings to her credit and still doing more paintings, too. No, Shital's  paintings are not for sale, but only for public viewing like her recent super-hit painting exhibition at the Nehru Centre, Worli.Ironically, Shital's 11-years old prodigious daughter Prakriti followed in her steps and has also started doing paintings which are stunningly beautiful. Both mother and daughter are encouraged to the hilt by Shital's multifaceted senior bureaucrat husband Ajai Keshari who himself is a superb poet as well as an outstanding ghazal writer.Shital Kes...
Yashpal Sharma-Pratibha Sharma Launch Third Bollywood International Film Festival (BIFF) With Presscon At Carnival Cinemas
Breaking News

Yashpal Sharma-Pratibha Sharma Launch Third Bollywood International Film Festival (BIFF) With Presscon At Carnival Cinemas

“A film festival needs to be ethical and impartial, and that is exactly what Bollywood International Film Festival strives to be,” said Bollywood International Film Festival (BIFF) founder-chairperson Pratibha Sharma and actor-director Yashpal Sharma at the media meet of the film festival. Of the 200 plus entries received by the Bollywood International Film Festival, the best were chosen by an eminent team of international filmmakers. The select films from the chosen ones will be on view for audiences at Carnival Cinemas Mumbai from December 17-18. The festival will also showcase a special screening of Yashpal Sharma’s Dada Lakhmi, the Haryanvi film that has won more than 68 awards globally and has been running to packed houses for over six weeks. While the eminent jury comprises of Ash...
Yashpal Sharma-Pratibha Sharma Launches 3rd Bollywood International Film Festival With Presscon At Carnival Cinemas
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Yashpal Sharma-Pratibha Sharma Launches 3rd Bollywood International Film Festival With Presscon At Carnival Cinemas

यशपाल शर्मा-प्रतिभा शर्मा ने कार्निवल सिनेमाज में प्रेसकॉन के साथ तीसरा बॉलीवुड इंटरनेशनल फिल्म फेस्टिवल  लॉन्च किया बॉलीवुड इंटरनेशनल फिल्म फेस्टिवल (बीआईएफएफ) की संस्थापक-अध्यक्ष प्रतिभा शर्मा और अभिनेता-निर्देशक यशपाल शर्मा ने मीडिया मीट में कहा, "एक फिल्म समारोह को नैतिक और निष्पक्ष होने की जरूरत है, और बॉलीवुड इंटरनेशनल फिल्म फेस्टिवल वास्तव में यही करने का प्रयास करता है।" बॉलीवुड अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फिल्म महोत्सव द्वारा प्राप्त 200 से अधिक प्रविष्टियों में से सर्वश्रेष्ठ का चयन अंतरराष्ट्रीय फिल्म निर्माताओं की एक प्रतिष्ठित टीम द्वारा किया गया। चुनी हुई फिल्मे 17-18 दिसंबर तक कार्निवल सिनेमाज मुंबई में दर्शकों के लिए दिखाई जाएंगी। फेस्टिवल में यशपाल शर्मा की हरियाणवी फिल्म दादा लखमी  की एक विशेष स्क्रीनिंग भी दिखाई जाएगी l दादा लखमी वैश्विक स्तर पर 68 से अधिक पुरस्कार जीते हैं। प्रत...
STRITVA  Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Shetall In Jehangir Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

STRITVA Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Shetall In Jehangir Art Gallery

From: 12th to 18th December 2022 STRITVA – The Story of Every Woman Solo Show of Paintings By well-known contemporary artist Shetall VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Contact: 9833278824 Email: shetallmahajan@gmail.com   Recent work of a contemporary artist Shetall is showing her recent work in Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 12th to 18th Dec. 2022 between 11 am. to 7 pm.   This show was inaugurated on 12th December 2022 by Mr. Arka Pradhan(Renowned Architect & Founder of Awadh Art Festival) in the presence of Mr. Pradip Sarkar(Senior Artist), Shilpa Nikam(Eminent Artist), Mr. Sunil Waghale and many others. Shetall had her art education at L.S. Raheja School of Art, Mumbai followed by an advanced course in Arts at...
Sandip Soparrkar Crowned King Of Art4Peace In Beverly Hills  Hollywood
International News

Sandip Soparrkar Crowned King Of Art4Peace In Beverly Hills Hollywood

For over a decade Bollywood ace dancer choreographer Sandip Soparrkar has been winning various awards for his contribution in the field of dance and social work. His initiative ‘Dance for a Cause’ has been using dance as a medium to raise awareness and for the betterment of the society and its varied issues. But this year is very special for dancer choreographer Sandip Soparrkar because his worldwide initiative “Dance for a Cause” is getting international appreciation. Dressed in white Shervani designed by Deepak Shah of More Mischief and styled ht Pooja Shah Bhandari and Jashank Bhandari, Sandip Soparrkar was crowned and honoured by Art4Peace Awards with the title of “King of Art4Peace” for his social work through “Dance for a Cause” and Ms Alma Dang an artist and a philanthropist from M...
Mumbai Schools To Benefit From Digital Learning Ecosystem
Breaking News

Mumbai Schools To Benefit From Digital Learning Ecosystem

The power of digital education is coming to 1100 schools in Mumbai, thanks to a partnership between the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai and Ashraya, a digital learning initiative founded by Satish Jha. Synopsis of the Story The Municipal Corporation of Mumbai has partnered with Ashraya to bring a revolutionary Digital Learning Ecosystem to 1100 schools, providing access to personalized learning opportunities for thousands of students. The initiative has seen the transformative power of a comprehensive digital learning ecosystem in improving learning outcomes. This partnership is a crucial step in equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age. By Rusen Kumar MUMBAI: The Municipal Corporation of Mumbai (BMC) partnered with Ashraya, a digital learning initiati...
Ace Wedding Choreographer Sumit Khetan Stole The Show At The Mass Wedding Ceremony Of 551 Girls Attended By PM Narendra Modi In Bhavnagar
Breaking News

Ace Wedding Choreographer Sumit Khetan Stole The Show At The Mass Wedding Ceremony Of 551 Girls Attended By PM Narendra Modi In Bhavnagar

At a grand event held in Bhavnagar in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 551 girls who had lost their fathers tied the knot. The event was choreographed by ace wedding choreographer Sumit Khetan, whose troupe of dancers stole the show with their stellar performances and acts. 'Papa Ni Pari' was a unique mass wedding ceremony planned and executed by Dinesh Lakhani and Suresh Lakhani, founders of Maruti Impex, a leading diamond crafting company in Bhavnagar. Sumit Khetan was responsible for the entire wedding's choreography, which included multiple dance performances, shows, and cultural showcases. "It was a privilege for me and my entire team to design and conceptualise the unprecedented mass wedding ceremony in Bhavnagar when 551 girls who had lost their fathers married in the...
STORYDEK  India’s First Family-Friendly OTT Platform  Launched By Anand And Pallavi Gupta
Business News

STORYDEK India’s First Family-Friendly OTT Platform Launched By Anand And Pallavi Gupta

Exciting family days are here! India now has its first family-friendly OTT platform in the name of Storydek. At a gala event held in Mumbai, Storydek was launched amidst the presence of noted stars of the film and entertainment industry. The channel was unveiled and the exclusive content went live on the platform at the event. Storydek is owned by Anand & Pallavi Gupta. Actors Rahul Mahajan, Samiksha Bhatnagar, Gulshan Pandey, Shagufta, Gurleen Chopra, Sahila Chaddha, & among others attended the illustrious launch event. The launch campaign #SabkaOTT is given to emphasise the fact that the entire content going live on the platform can be viewed with the entire family and from the comfort of their homes. The content will be suitable for all ages and free from any vulgar, sexual or...
Wide Range Of Gaming Options Suited For Indian Players Offered By Wolf777
Business News

Wide Range Of Gaming Options Suited For Indian Players Offered By Wolf777

Tailored specifically for Indian players that suits the Indian likes is wolf777 that is currently the Best Online Gaming Website in India. The search for purely the best online gaming website Indianized is over with extremely positive reviews from players all across India spanning a wide survey across various demographics in India. One doesn’t instantly fall in love with gaming websites, but here is an exception with wolf777.com that offers a wide range of gaming options for Indian players, including cricket, football, kabaddi, horse racing, and more. What sets them apart from other gaming websites is their unflinching commitment to customer service that offers 24/7 customer support so that you can always get help when you need it. Added advantage is that they also have a convenient onlin...
Gahna Wadhwa Actress All Set To Enter Bollywood

Gahna Wadhwa Actress All Set To Enter Bollywood

The Bollywood industry is currently at a stage where the industry at large is very welcoming to new faces. Since the entertainment industry has gone through a revolution so the filmmakers and the audience are very much eager to experience the kind of content they want to create and watch. In recent years, several new faces have been introduced and wholeheartedly welcomed in the industry. Gahna Wadhwa, a new, young and energetic personality is all set to debut in the Bollywood industry. She is known for her mesmerizing eyes and a hot and sizzling personality. Gahna Wadhwa was launched in the industry at a very young age. She is best known for her fashion sense. The Bollywood industry is currently at a stage where the industry at large is very welcoming to new faces. In recent years, the e...
Anushka Chauhan – The Dream Seen In Childhood Seems To Be Coming True Today

Anushka Chauhan – The Dream Seen In Childhood Seems To Be Coming True Today

While living in Kanpur, he played small roles in many serials, web series and songs, but he had a dream of doing something big and now that dream seems to be coming true. This is to say that model and actress Anushka Chauhan was born in Kanpur on April 14, 2002. After completing her studies from Delhi Public School to Class XII, Anushka completed her graduation from Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University. Anushka, daughter of Shashibhal Singh and Kalpana Singh, had a childhood dream of working in films, so she started giving auditions for upcoming films to be shot in Kanpur and Lucknow. Anushka told that while living in Kanpur, I got work but did not get work of that level which gives me satisfaction and I do not have to tell anyone that I have also worked in this film, I wanted people ...
Ajivasan’s ACT With Suresh Wadkar – Padma Wadkar –  Sonu Nigam – Vijay Prakash Et Al Explores Art – Commerce And Technology Of Music Ajivasan ACT Takes Music To Newer Heights
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Ajivasan’s ACT With Suresh Wadkar – Padma Wadkar – Sonu Nigam – Vijay Prakash Et Al Explores Art – Commerce And Technology Of Music Ajivasan ACT Takes Music To Newer Heights

Suresh Wadkar’s Ajivasan Music Academy has taken a new initiative to spread awareness and knowledge around Music. The idea is to get music lovers to hear from various music professionals about their journey, challenges, career options and exciting nuances. Ajivasan ACT is an initiative that aims at highlighting the Art, Commerce and Technology (ACT) of Music. This event has multiple panel discussions with celebrities and professionals, along with master classes with experts and a thrilling music concert. Besides Suresh Wadkar and moderator Padma Wadkar, The panelists include Padmashri Sonu Nigam, Vijay Prakash, Shreyas Puranik, Yashraj Mukhate, Mohini Dey, Nirmika Singh, Gauri Yadwadkar, Saaveri Verma, Aditya Dev, Vinayak Netke, Nikita Bharani, Avanti Nagral among others. The titles, A...
Shilpi Raj And Abhilash Kumar’s KAMAR KARACHI  Song Released Starring Komal Singh And Dev Singh

Shilpi Raj And Abhilash Kumar’s KAMAR KARACHI Song Released Starring Komal Singh And Dev Singh

शिल्पी राज और अभिलाष कुमार का ‘कमर करांची' पर ठुमका लगाई कोमल सिंह और देव सिंह, गाना हुआ रिलीज़ शिल्पी राज और अभिलाष कुमार का जब कोई गाना आता है तो भूचाल मचा देता है। उनके फैंस और ऑडियंस को उनके गानों का बेसब्री से इंतजार रहता है। ऐसे में शिल्पी राज एक बार फिर कमर को निशाना साधते हुए जबरदस्त  बारात स्पेशल गाना लेकर आये हैं, इस गाने का बोल है – ‘कमर करांची’… इस गाने को  वन्दना म्यूजिक के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। इस गाने के वीडियो में बारात के जनवास में नाच गाने का माहौल दिखाया गया है। जिसमें नर्तकी बनी एक्ट्रेस कोमल सिंह के साथ देव सिंह ज़बरदस्त अंदाज में ठुमका लगा रहे हैं और नौटंकी वाली को रिझा रहे हैं। यह मजेदार बारात स्पेशल सांग ‘कमर करांची’ का पिक्चराइजेशन बहुत ही बढ़िया किया गया है। जो देखने और सुनने में बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है। इस गाने को अभिलाष कुमार ने अपने खास अंदाज ...
New OTT Platform MASK TV To Revolutionize And Captivate The World Of Entertainment From Dec 9
Breaking News

New OTT Platform MASK TV To Revolutionize And Captivate The World Of Entertainment From Dec 9

Just like a Trojan horse it has a catalogue of real and electrifying contents which will be unveiled giving its viewers an unbelievable experience...  Mumbai (Maharashtra) India: This wonderful phrase...'the more, the merrier…’ ‘sounds quite true….  "Mask TV", an arguably and distinctive new OTT platform  is set to ramp up with daring entertainment from this Friday, December 9, 2022. Just like a Trojan horse it has a catalogue of real and electrifying contents which will be unveiled giving its viewers an unbelievable experience.  Confirming the same, Sanjay Bhatt, the Mentor of Mask TV said, "Yes, it is all coming together and will be available from December 9. As per the title, we also wanted to live up with it. So, as a team we bounced off with several ideas and zeroed down concepts w...
Producer And Actor Shantanu Bhamare’s Next Bollywood Pop Album BABY DE EK CHANCE Released

Producer And Actor Shantanu Bhamare’s Next Bollywood Pop Album BABY DE EK CHANCE Released

The Pop Bollywood Hindi Video Song Album ‘Baby De Ek Chance’ is Made and Presented under the banner of “Shan Se Entertainment” and Produced by Shantanu Bhamare is released! Cinematographed by Sunil Gaikwad, Lyrics by Rahul Suryawanshi, Music Composed & Sung by Hrushi (Raisestrom), Still Photography Pravin Kolte, Still Photography Assistant Mayur Gaikwad, Makeup Artist Ashwini Kale & Harshu Shinde. ‘Baby De Ek Chance’ Stars Handsome & Multi talented Shantanu Bhamare (Male Lead) along with newcomers Madhuri Pawar, Ashwini Bhagwat, Anjali Dalvi, Sakshi Kachi, Saroj Dhodi, etc. Other than video it's released in audio format, audio released on YouTube Music, Gana, JioSavan, Spotify, Hungama Music, iTune Store, JioSaavn, Resso, SoundCloud, Wynk, and many other platforms. This Albu...
Grand And Successful Event Of Moral UPPA Bharat Awards 2022 In Mumbai With Bhagyashree – KC Bokadia – Shabbir Shaikh

Grand And Successful Event Of Moral UPPA Bharat Awards 2022 In Mumbai With Bhagyashree – KC Bokadia – Shabbir Shaikh

The Moral UPPA Bharat Awards 2022 was grandly organized on 5th December 2022 at Shanmukhananda Hall, King Circle, Mumbai where many Bollywood stars, producers, directors and musicians were felicitated. Moral UPPA Bharat Awards 2022 is organized by Uttar Pradesh Artist Association and managed by Shabbir Shaikh of Fortune Life Line Media & Entertainment. Due to the hard work of Wamiq Khan, Sanjay Singh and Shabbir Sheikh, this program was very successful where hundreds of people were seen. KC Bokadia, Producer Dheeraj Kumar, Actress Bhagyashree, Shahbaz Khan, Dilip Sen, Anup Singh Thakur, Music Director Rashid Khan, Ahsaan Qureshi, Sunil Pal, Rais Ansari, Sanjeev Gupta, Yogesh Lakhani, Arshad Siddiqui, Khalid Hakim, Dr. Vimal Guruji, Syed Hussaini Ashraf, Chandrapal Singh, Director Ane...
Landmarc Films Welcomes Aniruddha Nag As Business Head
Business News

Landmarc Films Welcomes Aniruddha Nag As Business Head

Vidhi Kasliwal-helmed Landmarc Films has made its niche in quality cinema circles with productions like Block by Block [2013] – Trilingual Documentary Short, Building for the Future [2013] – Corporate Film, SanngtoAika...! [2014] – Marathi Feature Film, Memoirs of Prem Ratan Dhan Payo [2015] – 22-part Web-series, Vazandar [2016] – Marathi Feature Film, Ringan [2017] – National Award-winning Marathi Feature Film, That’s What It’s All About [2017] – Documentary Feature, Gachchi [2017] – Marathi Feature Film, Redu [2018] – State Award-winning Marathi Feature Film, Pipsi [2018] – Internationally Acclaimed Marathi Feature Film, Vidyoday [2018] – Biographical Documentary Feature, Nashibvaan [2019] – State Award-winning Marathi Feature Film and their latest differential offering Medium Spicy [202...
EXPLORATIONS Paintings Exhibition By Artist Dr Abdul Salam Khan In Kamalnayan Bajan Art Gallery
Art Exhibition

EXPLORATIONS Paintings Exhibition By Artist Dr Abdul Salam Khan In Kamalnayan Bajan Art Gallery

From: 5th to 10th December 2022 "Explorations" An Exhibition of Paintings by Well-known Contemporary artist Dr. Abdul Salam Khan Venue:  Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery Bajaj Bhavan, 226, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 81302 13839, +91 94371 04486  Beauty of Nature A well known contemporary artist Dr. Abdul Salam Khan will display his recent innovative work on Beauty of Nature and its myriad facets in a solo art exhibition at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Bajaj Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 from 5th to 10th December, 2022 between 11 am. To 7 pm. It will showcase his work in Acrylic colours and mixed medium on canvas to depict the eternal and omnipresent beauty of Nature and the myriad facets thereof in the form of paintings made by him in his un...
Liza Singh Is Not Just Another Newcomer Actress On Bollywood Block

Liza Singh Is Not Just Another Newcomer Actress On Bollywood Block

A fantastic actress, model and an amazing actress, Liza Singh is here to stay in Bollywood. She's also a sportsperson who will now represent Kolkata in next year's gun shooting competition. The other night Liza has a royal entry at  the star-studded Society Awards. Incidentally, the pretty and very talented Liza was the lead actress in legendary Subhash Ghai's movie 36 FARM HOUSE released recently. "I was born in Kolkata. Yes, I was interested in acting since my childhood. It's in my blood which I recognised it later. My mother used to get amused seeing me dancing even the bathroom!(Laughs) Every journey has a beginning and as they say say, 'morning shows the day', tells Liza with her infectious smile. So, how did Liza come to Mumbai? "I came to Mumbai five years ago. But not to join f...
Veganuary 2023 To Reinforce India’s Love For Plants And The Planet
Breaking News

Veganuary 2023 To Reinforce India’s Love For Plants And The Planet

 Celebrating the 10th-year of the global campaign, Monica Dogra, Amy Aela and Mountaineer Prakriti Varshney join Veganuary as Ambassadors. India, December 7, 2022: Veganuary – the global campaign to try vegan for January and beyond – is all set to reinforce India’s love for plants and the planet. It is using humour, hummus, and hope to inspire positive change for health and the environment. Backed by celeb supporters and huge popularity among Indians in its previous avatar (2022), a large number of people are expected to sign up to try vegan for January as registrations open today. On the occasion of its 10th global anniversary, 10 popular Indian vegans are supporting the campaign, including Soundarya Sharma- actor and BigBoss contestant; Arvind Krishna- actor and pro 3x3 basketballer; M...
Bridging The Tourism Industry Connecting Urban Facility To Rural Community DILIP PATEL SIROHI Plays A Vital Role
Breaking News

Bridging The Tourism Industry Connecting Urban Facility To Rural Community DILIP PATEL SIROHI Plays A Vital Role

Dilip Patel, A brave and very passionate man. As a creative young man and a hardcore believer, he has always inclined himself in learning new things. He is not only a production manager and Bollywood filmmaker but also a worldwide record holder of numerous national and international achievements for his bike riding and mountaineering summits. Dilip Patel Sirohi recently visited to one of the village in Maharashtra with the help of Motohom Caravans it was really nice to connect with locals and acknowledged their problem ; As Motohom Caravans not only provides its services to its customer and fellow tourist but also provide a business platform to many rural &  tribal places and their people. These Caravan comes with various amenities It has everything from a living room, a small bedroo...
Singer Chhaya Khandelwal With Her Melodious Voice Is All Set To Come Up With Her New Album

Singer Chhaya Khandelwal With Her Melodious Voice Is All Set To Come Up With Her New Album

Singer Chhaya Khandelwal with her melodious voice is all set to come up with her cover songs.  Gopal Khandelwal the producer of the music video gives his full support to the singer and Music Director, and is all set to come up with more such music videos. Famous Music Composer Anandam, who has been in the music industry for more than 3 decade believes in finding hidden talent in the music industry. Anandam has been associated with Legendary Music Deo Kalyan Ji & Anand ji. Anandam was felicitated with Shri Saraswati Dada Saheb Phalke Award recently in Mumbai. According to Chaaya the Music composer Anandam is tank of talent and inspires the singer and trains them with eligence and grace. On the contrary Anandam is confident about Chhaya and believes in the verticality singing talent of...
First Irish Film Festival Of India Saw The Light Of The Day At AAFT
Breaking News

First Irish Film Festival Of India Saw The Light Of The Day At AAFT

Noida: It is a historical day as once again we have been able to create another First ever Irish Film Festival of India along with the opening of 115th Batch of Asian Academy of Film and Television. This new IFFI in New Delhi has already created super vibes in the creative circle,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios at the opening of Irish Film Festival at Noida Film City.  “I am thankful to Sandeep Marwah ICMEI and Indo Ireland Film and Cultural Forum for organizing first ever Irish Film Festival of India. The new chapter has begun in the friendship of India and Ireland. This must continue and we would like to make it an annual event now onwards,” said H.E. Brendan Ward Ambassador of Ireland to India in the capacity of Chief Guest of this glamorous show.  What an excellent ...
APOORVA KAWDE  Winner  Of Miss E&E 2022 (Exclusive And Extraordinary Pageant Season 18 At Goa)

APOORVA KAWDE Winner Of Miss E&E 2022 (Exclusive And Extraordinary Pageant Season 18 At Goa)

Hii, Myself Apoorva kawade....i believe that not failure but aiming low is a crime,so I really aimed High for modelling and acting as well....I have won paegents like Forever Miss India,Miss fabb,Miss diva,Miss icon India and recently E and E(exclusive and extraordinary Paegent) in Miss category.... I am basically into marathi and Hindi film industry....My two marathi films like Funral and samrenu have already been released and the third one Rudra (with pradeep Rawat sir soon gonna release[post production]).... I am also my south debu with Tamanna Bhatia....and looking for more great opportunities to excel my way... I am a professional hip hop and jazz dancer(Was there in Dance India dance season 1).... I have done a commercial face wash ads for kaya And recently done one inter...
POLO ENTERPRISES Showroom At Bhiwandi  Buy Branded Shoes – Luggage Bags – Ladies Handbags And Footwear
Business News

POLO ENTERPRISES Showroom At Bhiwandi Buy Branded Shoes – Luggage Bags – Ladies Handbags And Footwear

"Polo Enterprises" wholesalers for branded Shoes, Luggage, Ladies Handbags and Ladies footwear. It deals with  brands like ALDO, Call-It-Spring, VIP, SKYBAGS, ARISTOCRAT, CARLTON , DELSEY, LEE COOPER, NIKE, WOODLAND, ABROS, CAMPUS, PIERRE-CARDIN. "Polo Enterprises" is 25 years old organization which was started by Shri Shilanand Jha. Today, the organisation is run by his elder daughter-in-law Archana Amit Jha and younger son Sumit Jha. "Polo Enterprises" has 2 showrooms and warehouses in Bhiwandi. Contact: Megdhara-B, Shop no.21 and 22,Anjurphata near bhiwandi railway station road. Bhiwandi amit.j1j@gmail.com   POLO ENTERPRISES Showroom At Bhiwandi  Buy Branded Shoes - Luggage Bags - Ladies Handbags And Footwear  
Ajay Soni Producing 2 Punjabi Videos With Singer Amit Gupta Under Seven Horse Studios
Breaking News

Ajay Soni Producing 2 Punjabi Videos With Singer Amit Gupta Under Seven Horse Studios

Actress Harmisha Mistry is making her Bollywood debut with the film Kuch Khatta Ho Jaye Producer Ajay Soni is working on multiple projects under his production house Seven Horse Studios. Singer Amit Gupta is coming up with two Punjabi music videos soon. The name of one song is Amritsari Jugni, the other song is named Ankhiyaan Nu. Amit Gupta is the composer and singer of both these songs as well as featuring. Whom Raj Gupta is directing and Ajay Soni is the producer of these videos. Actress Harmisha Mistry is also working with Ajay Soni, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut soon. Mumbai based actress Harmisha Mistry is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Kuch Khatta Ho Jaye opposite Guru Randhawa. Harmisha is very excited to do this film with Guru Randhawa, Saiee Manjrekar...
कैंसर से लड़ रहे बच्चों के लिए कलाकार संजुक्ता अरुण की सबसे बड़ी पहल! आर्ट प्रदर्शनी से कमाई गयी राशि लगाई जाएगी बच्चों के इलाज में !
Art Exhibition

कैंसर से लड़ रहे बच्चों के लिए कलाकार संजुक्ता अरुण की सबसे बड़ी पहल! आर्ट प्रदर्शनी से कमाई गयी राशि लगाई जाएगी बच्चों के इलाज में !

कहते हैं न कि अगर धरती पर कही भगवान हैं तो वो खुद इंसान के अंदर हैं,उसकी अच्छी भावनाओ में हैं, उसके सच्चे कर्मो में हैं और उसकी नेकी में हैं।भगवान की जरूरत ही क्या जब इंसान निस्वार्थ सेवा में लीन हो गया हो। जी हा, इसी का एक उदाहरण हैं कलाकार संजुक्ता अरुण, जिनकी नेकी दिलो को जीत लेती हैं। गरीब, लाचार और बीमार बच्चों के लिए उनका सहयोग,अद्भुत हैं। संजुक्ता अरुण,पेशे से एक उम्दा पेंटर हैं। जो जीवन के पैमाने को अपने अनुभव के मापदंड से चित्रों के जरिये कैनवास पर खूबसूरती से उतारती हैं। यू कहे कि पृथ्वी उसका संग्रह है,वो बताती हैं कि जीवन कैसे लहरों की एक श्रृंखला है जिसे गले लगाया जाना है। 29 नवंबर से 5 दिसंबर तक नेहरू सेंटर में प्रदर्शन के लिए कैनवास पर कविताओं के संग्रह की झड़िया लगेंगी। चित्रों की बिक्री और नीलामी से जुटाई गई राशि का उपयोग कैंसर से पीड़ित बच्चों के इलाज के लिए किया जाएग...