Tuesday, February 18

Month: February 2024

WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave “Organized  Business Networking Meet”  On Saturday, 24th Feb
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WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave “Organized Business Networking Meet” On Saturday, 24th Feb

The Networking Event was organized to connect the members to Elite Guests, Corporate, Celebs and Influencers and expand their business by promoting themselves. Stage introductions by Members, Stage Presentations, Product display, One-on-one Networking were part of the Forum throughout the day followed-by Networking Hi-Tea. Exclusive Speakers for the Event were Rahul Modi, Owner of "Sapphire Organic Foods", Seema & Prashant Trivedi, Founders of "Uprise Grrow", Ranjana Ghoshal (Leadership Coach & Amazon Best Selling Author) and Maharukh Sarkari (Wellness Advocate  of doTerra Pure Essential Oils) The Event was well-supported by members Wellness Buddy Sangeeta Mishra, Co-Founder of "Jiten Pyramid" (Vaastu Consultants & Wellness Products), Seema & Prashant Trivedi, Founders of ...
Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates Honored With KISS Humanitarian Award
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Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates Honored With KISS Humanitarian Award

केआइएसएस  मानवतावादी सम्मान से सम्मानित किए गए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के सह संस्थापक बिल गेट्स माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के सह संस्थापक तथा वैश्विक समाज सेवी, बिल एंड मेलिंडा गेट्स फाउंडेशन के सह-अध्यक्ष बिल गेट्स को उनके सामाजिक कार्यों के लिए  के आइएसएस मानवतावादी सम्मान 2023 से सम्मानित किया गया। यह समारोह 28 फरवरी, 2024 को ओडिशा की राजधानी भुवनेश्वर में हुआ, जिसमें वैश्विक स्वास्थ्य और शिक्षा को बढ़ाने और असमानता को कम करने के उद्देश्य से नवीन प्रौद्योगिकी समाधानों के माध्यम से जलवायु परिवर्तन को संबोधित करने में श्री गेट्स के अद्वितीय योगदान को स्वीकार किया गया। सम्मान समारोह में पूर्व छात्रों के साथ-साथ केआइआइटी और केआइएसएस के कर्मचारियों और छात्रों ने आभासी भागीदारी की। इस आयोजन का एक उल्लेखनीय क्षण लिंग समानता पर एक सार्थक बातचीत में श्री गेट्स की भागीदारी थी, जो केआइएसएस की एक पूर्व छात्रा के एक प्रश्...
Shankhnad Of Sanatan Sanskar Yatra By Doing Sanatan Manthan
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Shankhnad Of Sanatan Sanskar Yatra By Doing Sanatan Manthan

By making the eternal sutras of Sanatan Dharma its style of life,Hindutva incorporated it into subtle conduct and created sanskars in a systematic manner from birth to death so that no life can be deprived of the experience of the Supreme Being. These things were said by Kabir Ji Maharaj, the founder of Sanatan Sanskar Yatra, in the Sanatan Manthan Shankhnad program organized at the Constitution Club of India, New Delhi. He further said that today Hindutva itself is searching for its existence and the main reason for this is the end of the processes in Hindu families. This is a very rare time where the public consciousness is full of inspiration to return home. If they we restore the processes in the form of values in every home, then no one can stop our dream of Ram Rajya from being fulf...
Manoj Tiwari’s Bhojpuri Dabanggs Is Now Ready To Roar In Hyderabad After Dubai
Breaking News

Manoj Tiwari’s Bhojpuri Dabanggs Is Now Ready To Roar In Hyderabad After Dubai

सेलिब्रिटी क्रिकेट लीग के अगले मुकाबले के लिए भारत राइजिंग की भोजपुरी दबंग्स के सभी खिलाड़ी जमकर मैदान पर पसीना बहा रहे हैं । खिलाड़ियों में जोश भरते हुए कप्तान मनोज तिवारी और दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ ने सभी खिलाड़ियों की जमकर प्रशंसा करते हुए कहा कि यह हमारी बेस्ट टीम है जो इसबार सीसीएल के ख़िताब के लिए जीजान से जुटी हुई है । यह पहली बार है कि सेलिब्रिटी क्रिकेट लीग का आयोजन देश के बाहर दुबई शारजाह में हो रहा है । इसको लेकर भी टीमों के अंदर खासा उत्साह रहा है । भोजपुरी दबंग्स की टीम ने अपना पहला मैच इसी दुबई के शारजाह इंटरनेशनल स्टेडियम में खेली। मैच के बाद बात करते हुए भोजपुरी दबंग्स के कप्तान मनोज तिवारी ने बताया कि यहां का वातावरण बहुत ही जबरदस्त है । हमारे खिलाड़ियों ने यहां के मौसम , खान पान और स्पोर्ट्समैनशिप के विहेवियर को बेहतर तरीके से संतुलित रखा है । यहाँ की एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन भी हम भारतीय...
Producer And Actor Shantanu Bhamare Awarded As Best Producer – Actor In Maharashtra Ratna Gaurav Puraskaar !
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Producer And Actor Shantanu Bhamare Awarded As Best Producer – Actor In Maharashtra Ratna Gaurav Puraskaar !

Producer & Actor Shantanu Bhamare Awarded as Best Producer & Actor in Maharashtra Ratna Gaurav Puraskaar on Sunday 25th February 2024 at Royal Connaught Boat Club, Pune. This Award is Presented by Shalini Foundation and Celebrity India News. Founder and President of the Foundation is Vishal Gore,  Dr. Shailesh Chaubey is a Secretary & Anand Keshav is Treasurer of the Foundation. Shantanu Bhamare also received Award from London Book Of World Records in the award function. Chief Guest of the Award Function was Anirban Sarkar - Founder/Chairman of Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd, Deccaleap, TOP News TV Channel, Deccan AV Media, Hair Care Studio, Decca Green & Producer of Movie "Farzand", Veer Sawarkar Web Series & upcoming movie Daryasarang. Along with Shantanu Bhamare,...
Shooting Of Aditya Ojha, Shruti Rao’s Manoj Ojha Directed Film ATRANGI DULHANIYA Ends In Lucknow.
Breaking News

Shooting Of Aditya Ojha, Shruti Rao’s Manoj Ojha Directed Film ATRANGI DULHANIYA Ends In Lucknow.

भोजपुरी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में विगत बीस साल से अहम योगदान दे रहे निर्देशक मनोज ओझा फ़िल्म निर्देशन के क्षेत्र में कदम रख दिये हैं। वे बहुत ही बेहतरीन व अद्भुत भोजपुरी फिल्म 'अठरंगी दुल्हनिया' लेकर आ रहे हैं। जीएमए फिल्म्स के बैनर तले बिग लेबल पर उम्दा तकनीकी के साथ बन रही भोजपुरी फ़िल्म 'अठरंगी दुल्हनिया' की शूटिंग उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ के विभिन्न क्षेत्र निर्वाणा विला, बख्शी का तालाब, सीतापुर रोड, सुशांत गोल्फ सिटी, इंदिरा नगर, व्हाइट हाउस सहित कई रमणीय लोकेशन पर पूर्ण की गई है। इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग लखनऊ में लगभग एक महीने से चल रही थी। फ़िल्म की शूटिंग समाप्त होने के बाद यह फिल्म अब पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन फेज में है। यह फिल्म पूरी तरह से पारिवारिक परिवेश में भोजपुरिया कल्चर आधारित है, जो भोजपुरी के दर्शकों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने में कामयाब हो सकती है। उल्लेखनीय है कि जीएमए फिल्म्स के बैनर तले ...
Hindi Feature Film THE LOST GIRL Music Released Panorama Music
Breaking News

Hindi Feature Film THE LOST GIRL Music Released Panorama Music

The music of hindi feature film "The Lost Girl," written and directed by Aditya Ranoliya and produced by Admake India Media Pvt Ltd, A.R. Films, and A.R. Studios, released by Panorama Music Company (Kumar Mangat Pathak). The movie features enchanting and heartfelt songs that will directly touch the hearts of the audience. Panorama Studios. International is expected to release the film nationwide in April of this year. "The Lost Girl" is a Hindi film that is a compelling tale of heart and soul. It is based on the brutal Sikh riots of 1984, during which a 5-year-old girl gets separated from her family. The film will give viewers goosebumps and is highly inspirational, motivating children. The film is dedicated to all orphaned children who lose their families in such brutal riots and are left...
“The Visionary Force Behind Delivering Bapa’s Message To The Moon Rests Solely In The Profound Wisdom And Unwavering Devotion Of The Esteemed Pujya Bramvihari Swamiji ,” Says Jay Patel.
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“The Visionary Force Behind Delivering Bapa’s Message To The Moon Rests Solely In The Profound Wisdom And Unwavering Devotion Of The Esteemed Pujya Bramvihari Swamiji ,” Says Jay Patel.

Reflecting on a cherished encounter in Ahmedabad, following his return from the USA, Jay fondly recalls a conversation with Swamiji where he shared his focus on the technological aspect, particularly space exploration. Swamiji’s response was subtle yet deeply insightful, sparking a profound discussion about extending the sacred legacy of revered gurus Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Param Pujya Mahant Swami Maharaj, to the cosmos. This seemingly casual exchange took an extraordinary turn when Swamiji gestured towards a calendar adorned with the serene image of the moon, Bapa’s divine countenance, and a celestial temple. He proposed the audacious idea of etching a message onto the lunar surface—a feat unparalleled in human history. Far from mere speculation, Swamiji expressed a resolu...
Producer -Director Farukh Khan Bringing  Bollywood Diva Rakhi Sawant  As Drama Queen Featuring Anuvaral Hassan And Launching Rapstar Bali In Dubai With Salman Khan Favorite’ Mudassar Khan

Producer -Director Farukh Khan Bringing Bollywood Diva Rakhi Sawant As Drama Queen Featuring Anuvaral Hassan And Launching Rapstar Bali In Dubai With Salman Khan Favorite’ Mudassar Khan

Bollywood's quintessential drama queen, Rakhi Sawant, has once again captured the spotlight with the release of her latest music video, "Baby Drama Queen," alongside Anvarul Hasan Annu. Shot amidst the stunning backdrop of Dubai, the music video has been making waves since its launch, especially coinciding with Valentine's Day. The song “Baby Drama Queen”Produced and Directed by Farukh Khan’s with his vision to all the men in the world to please care of your women ,love them, and give them all the happiness in the world because what they go through for us is no comparison, Accept their dramas, treat them like a queen not just on  valentine day but everyday! I want to take the advantage of the Dubai and international media to help spread my message around the world to make the difference i...
Sumit Singh Chandravanshi, Tanu Shri, Preeti Maurya Starr Sujeet Kumar Singh Directed Film Badhaai Ho  World Television Premiere On 24th February
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Sumit Singh Chandravanshi, Tanu Shri, Preeti Maurya Starr Sujeet Kumar Singh Directed Film Badhaai Ho World Television Premiere On 24th February

24 फरवरी को सुजीत कुमार सिंह निर्देशित सुमित सिंह चन्द्रवंशी, तनु श्री, प्रीति मौर्या की 'बधाई हो’ का वर्ल्ड टेलीविजन प्रीमियर   कई सुपरहिट भोजपुरी फिल्मों के निर्देशक सुजीत कुमार सिंह के निर्देशन बनी सुमित सिंह चन्द्रवंशी, तनु श्री और प्रीति मौर्या के शानदार अभिनय से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘बधाई हो’ का वर्ल्ड टेलीविजन प्रीमियर 24 फरवरी को शाम 6 बजे फ़िल्मची टीवी चैनल पर होगा। इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में गीतकार से गायक व नायक बने सुमित सिंह चन्द्रवंशी हैं। उन्होंने वह कर दिखाया कि जहाँ चाह वहाँ राह… यही वजह है कि इन दिनों सुमित सिंह सिंगिंग और एक्टिंग में व्यस्त हैं। इसी कड़ी में उनके लाजवाब अभिनय से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘बधाई हो’ घर घर में दर्शकों के बीच वर्ल्ड टेलीविजन प्रीमियर किया जाएगा। इस फिल्म सुमित सिंह चन्द्रवंशी, तनु श्री, प्रीति मौर्या की बहुत ही अलग केमेस्ट्री दिखेगी। वही निर...
Bollywood Wig Designer Jeetendra S Salvi (Bala) Honored With Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award For The Film Animal

Bollywood Wig Designer Jeetendra S Salvi (Bala) Honored With Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award For The Film Animal

Mr. Jitendra Salvi i.e. Bala Bhai, under the guidance of his elder brother and guru Mr. Surendra Salvi ji, has been working in the Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada film industry for the last 22 years. Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, Mr. Anupam Kher, Mr. Boman Irani, Mr. Hair wigs for big actors like Sanjay Dutt, Sri Chiranjeevi, Sri Mohanbabu and other veteran actors like Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir, Saif Ali, Prabhas, Ram Charan, Juni NTR, Vicky Kaushal, Ranbir Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh. , beard, moustache, all this is being done very well. He has recently worked on making wigs and hair extensions for lead actors in superhit films like Animal, Donkey, Salaar, Sambahadur, RRR, PS 1 & 2, Baahubali 1 & 2, KGF 2 and a total of more than 150 films. Have done. Akhand Bharat Gaurav Aw...
SRUJANANUBHUTI Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Jitendra Ramesh Divte In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

SRUJANANUBHUTI Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Jitendra Ramesh Divte In Jehangir

From: 19th to 25th February 2024 “Srujananubhuti” Solo show of Paintings by Renowned artist Jitendra Ramesh Divte VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: + 91 9869717246, 9653349164  DIVINE ENDEAVOURS Recent work of a contemporary artist, Jitendra R.Divte in Acrylic colours on canvas has been displayed in a solo art show in Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 19th to 25th February, 2024 between 11 am to 7 pm. It will be open for free public viewing there during the gallery timings and showcase his artistic perceptions about the various temples, religious shrines, vivid places of worship, the buildings of historical and social heritage and relevance etc. in his style via apt colour combinatio...
Windows Of Inner Expressions Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Maitrry P Shah In Jehangir
Art Exhibition

Windows Of Inner Expressions Art Exhibition By Contemporary Artist Maitrry P Shah In Jehangir

From: 19th to 25th February 2024 "Windows of Inner Expressions” Art Exhibition by contemporary artist Maitrry P Shah VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery Hirji Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 8511242653, +91 9825442287 www.maitrryshahart.com Internationally Acclaimed Artist Maitrry Shah Showcases "Windows of Inner Expressions" at Jehangir Art Gallery from February 19 to 25, 2024, art enthusiasts will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Shah's mesmerizing collection, "Windows of Inner Expression." This show was inaugurated on 19th February 2024 by Chief Guest Ganpat Kothari(Business Man, Founder Kothari Fabrics) in the presence of Honorable Guests Ajoykant Ruia Chairman Allstate Group, Saikat Bakshi Author, Zen Vertan Eminent...
Actor Dhananjay Singh Will Now Be Seen In The Bhojpuri Film ‘Gharwali Baharwali 3’ With Yash Kumar And Shubhi Sharma

Actor Dhananjay Singh Will Now Be Seen In The Bhojpuri Film ‘Gharwali Baharwali 3’ With Yash Kumar And Shubhi Sharma

अभिनेता धनंजय सिंह अब भोजपुरी फिल्म 'घरवाली बाहरवाली 3' में यश कुमार व शुभी शर्मा के साथ दिखाई देंगे भोजपुरी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में हर बार एक नए लुक में और नए किरदार में नजर आने वाले धनंजय सिंह अब भोजपुरी फिल्म 'घरवाली बाहरवाली 3' में दिखाई देंगे जिसमें उन्होंने अपने किरदार में कुछ नयापन लाने का प्रयास किया है। शुभी शर्मा, यश कुमार और गरिमा दीक्षित अभिनीत भोजपुरी फिल्म 'घरवाली बाहरवाली 3' में उनकी भूमिका काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग शुरू हो गई है। बता दें कि इस पिक्चर के पहले दो पार्ट सुपर हिट रहे हैं, अब इसके तीसरे पार्ट को लेकर सभी उत्साहित हैं। धनंजय कुमार का कहना है कि फ़िल्म के निर्माता और निर्देशक अजय श्रीवास्तव हैं और इस फिल्म को काफी बड़े लेवल पर बनाया जा रहा है। इस फिल्म की स्टोरी फैमिली ओरिएंटेड है और इसमें दर्शकों को भावनात्मक एहसास होगा साथ ही खूब एंटरटेनमेंट भी मिलेगा।...
The Film MISSION C1000 Exposes The Conspiracy To Defame India As Hindu Terrorism
Breaking News

The Film MISSION C1000 Exposes The Conspiracy To Defame India As Hindu Terrorism

भारत को हिन्दू आतंकवाद के रूप में बदनाम करने की साज़िश का पर्दाफाश करती फ़िल्म "मिशन सी1000" देश के दुश्मन कैसे हिंदुस्तान पर हिन्दू आतंकवाद का धब्बा लगाना चाहते हैं, और इस तरह पूरे विश्व में हिंदुस्तान को हिन्दू आतंकवाद के नामनपर बदनाम किया जाए, इसी ज्वलंत मुद्दे पर आधारित है फ़िल्म मिशन सी1000. यह फ़िल्म हिन्दू आतंकवाद के इसी झूठे आरोप का कड़वा सच सामने लाएगी। एसवी क्रियेशन प्रस्तुत फ़िल्म मिशन सी1000; हिन्दू आतंकवाद के निर्माता किरणमयी, विराट और शौर्या हैं जबकि कहानी, पटकथा और संवाद लेखक तेजेश्वर हैं जिन्होंने फ़िल्म का कुशल निर्देशन भी किया है। यह फ़िल्म तेलगु, हिंदी सहित कई भाषाओं में रिलीज होगी। फ़िल्म में कई सिचुएशनल गीत भी हैं। इसमे एक रामजी पर भी गीत है वहीं एक देशभक्ति भरा गाना भी है। इसमे कालीचरण महाराज का स्पेशल अपीयरेंस भी है। फ़िल्म के एक्ज़ीक्यूटिव प्रोड्यूसर्स डॉ एलसगराम प्रभाकर, वी...
Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award 2024 Ceremony Was Completed With Great Pomp –  Fan – Fare

Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award 2024 Ceremony Was Completed With Great Pomp – Fan – Fare

Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award was organized recently by Rajkumar Tiwari, editor and publisher of Mumbai's well-known and most popular weekly newspaper 'Mumbai Global' and Puneet Khare of 'Mayuri Media Work'  in the auditorium of 'Mukti Cultural Hub' located in Andheri (Mumbai). (Fourth Season) 2024 The ceremony was completed with great pomp. launch the program. Chief guest Bollywood singer Padmabhushan Udit Narayan and Dr. Ajay Sahay and other guests. Mother of 'Mumbai Global' editor Rajkumar Tiwari The lamp was lit by Mrs. Saraswati Devi. The co-organizer of this event was Ram Prasad Sharma. The organizer of this award ceremony, Puneet Khare, has established his unique image in the  entertainment world as a film publicist (PRO) since the 80s. Currently very active in the world  of event ma...
KUSUM KA BIYAAH Indian Hindi Film Based On A True Story Releasing On 1st March 2024
Breaking News

KUSUM KA BIYAAH Indian Hindi Film Based On A True Story Releasing On 1st March 2024

Kolkata, 15 February, 2024: iLEAD Films and Balwant Purohit Media proudly present the premiere of "Kusum Ka Biyaah," a hindi film based on a true story on 13 February at Mani Square PVR, marking a significant moment in Indian cinema directed by Suvendu Raj Ghosh. Directed by the talented Suvendu Raj Ghosh and written by Vikash Dubey and Sandip Dubey, "Kusum Ka Biyaah" boasts a stellar cast including Lovekansh Garg, Sujana Darjee and Pradip Chopra in leading roles, supported by a talented ensemble featuring Raja Sarkar,  Suhani Biswas, Panya Darshan Gupta,  Atanu Mahata, Samir Kumar Dutta, Khurshid Alam, Manoj Ojha and Raj Singh Sidhu among others. "Kusum Ka Biyaah" narrates the tale of a middle-class mining worker and an aspiring student who agree to marry for the sake of their parents' ...
The American University (AUGP) & United Nations University For Global Peace  (UNUGP) USA, Conducted Peace Mission  In J&K By His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan

The American University (AUGP) & United Nations University For Global Peace (UNUGP) USA, Conducted Peace Mission In J&K By His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan

“An International value Education Seminar on Promoting Peace for making Bharat Sustainable Developed & Strong”, followed by Award ceremony was organized in a befitting manner by The American University, USA ( AUGP )  and UN University for Global Peace ( UNUGP )  in Jammu , at Writers Bhavan, on 13.2.2024 The World renowned Eminent Scientist His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan   was the Chief Guest  & delivered the Key note address and Prof. Dr. Kulbhushan Mothra presided over the program. Other important VIP  speakers were maj General Goverdhan  singhJamwal(Retd) Group Captain Kamal Singh oberh (Rtd.) , Brigadier Dr. Vijay Sagar Dheman (Retd.) etc . Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan  The Chairman cum Chief Rector Of The American University also conferred Doctorate ( Honoris Causa ) Degre...
Actress & Style Icon Sonam Kapoor Graces The 7th Artisan Jewellery Design Awards Held In Mumbai

Actress & Style Icon Sonam Kapoor Graces The 7th Artisan Jewellery Design Awards Held In Mumbai

The 7th edition of The Artisan Jewellery Design Awards, hosted by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) and powered by GIA, challenged designers to tap uncharted territory by integrating unusual materials and cherished objects into their jewellery designs, to infuse their pieces with a unique identity. Actress and style icon Sonam Kapoor graced GJEPC’s 7th edition of Artisan Jewellery Design Awards in Mumbai and presented awards to winners. Sonam Kapoor graced the stage with an aura of elegance and charisma along Mr. Vipul Shah (Chairman, GJEPC); Mr. Kirit Bhansali (Vice Chairman, GJEPC); Mr. Sriram Natarajan (Managing Director, GIA India); Mr. Milan Chokshi (Convener, Promotions & Marketing, GJEPC); Mr. Sabyasachi Ray (Executive Director, GJEPC) bestowed the covete...
Bhargav Bhakti Youtube Channel Is Currently Awakening The Light Of Sanatan Dharma Through Devotional Songs And Music.
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Bhargav Bhakti Youtube Channel Is Currently Awakening The Light Of Sanatan Dharma Through Devotional Songs And Music.

भार्गव भक्ति यूट्यूब चैनल वर्तमान समय में भक्ति से ओतप्रोत गीत-संगीतों के माध्यम से सनातन धर्म की अलख जगा रहा है। जितनी चीजें भार्गव भक्ति के माध्यम से रिलीज हो रही है और हुई है,उसे अभी तक ना ही किसी फिल्म में या ना ही म्युजिक के माध्यम से दिखाया गया है। न ही किसी ने सोचा होगा कि इतनी ज्ञानवर्धक जानकारियां प्राप्त करना इस चैनल पर आसानी से उपलब्ध हो सकता है। एस के तिवारी इसके लिए पिछले कई सालों से मेहनत और लगन से कार्य कर रहे हैं। भार्गव भक्ति यूट्यूब चैनल पर 52 शक्तिपीठ देवियों और बारह ज्योर्तिलिंग के विवरण गीत रिलीज किया जा चुका है। साथ ही 33 कोटि देवताओं (11 रुद्र, 12 आदित्य, 8 वशु 2 अश्वनी कुमार) के विवरण गीत निरंतर भार्गव भक्ति चैनल सभी सनातनी हिन्दू भाईयों-बहनों तक पहुंचा रहा है। भार्गव भक्ति यू-ट्यूब चैनल का कॉमर्शियल बिंदु से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। इस चैनल पर प्रसारित होने वाले धा...
DANGAL TV’s “Sasuma Ne Meri Kadar Na Jaani” reaches 100-Episode Milestone
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DANGAL TV’s “Sasuma Ne Meri Kadar Na Jaani” reaches 100-Episode Milestone

15th February 2024 | Mumbai, India : Sasuma Ne Meri Kadar Na Jaani, the captivating drama that has fascinated audiences with its compelling storyline and memorable characters, is proud to announce the completion of its 100 episodes today. Since its premiere, Sasuma Ne Meri Kadar Na Jaani has captivated viewers with its exploring themes of tradition, family dynamics, and the pursuit of personal dreams. The show follows the journey of Pallavi, a young woman who yearns to pursue her passion for reading but faces resistance from her traditional parents, who believe that a woman's place is solely in her marital home. Pallavi's aspirations clash with the expectations placed upon her by society and her family, creating a compelling story that resonates with viewers of all backgrounds. As Palla...
On The Occasion Of Valentine’s Day, Shreya Entertainment And Productions Present A New Music Album Dedicated To The Youth Of India

On The Occasion Of Valentine’s Day, Shreya Entertainment And Productions Present A New Music Album Dedicated To The Youth Of India

Mumbai, February 14. On the occasion of Valentine's Day, Shreya Foundation and Shreya Entertainment and Productions launched a new music album, including tracks like "Ganesh Vandana," "Saraswati Vandana," "Be Aabru," "Koshish," and "Baaton Mein" at Novotel Juhu, Mumbai, today. Among the dignitaries present were Shri Hemant Kumar Rai, Chairman of Shreya Foundation, along with actors Rahul Roy, Anita Raj, and Imran Khan. Actor Rahul Roy expressed that such events should take place in every city of India to inspire the youth. Renowned actress BHUMIKA CHAWLA mentioned that Shri Hemant Kumar Rai, Chairman of Shreya Foundation, is working across India in a way that promotes unity and integrity, providing significant encouragement to the youth. The singer of "Ganesh Aarti" is Shailendra Bharti...
Popular Influencer Kili Paul’s Debut Song In India, SUPER SEXY Released By AB Bansal Music

Popular Influencer Kili Paul’s Debut Song In India, SUPER SEXY Released By AB Bansal Music

Internationally renowned influencer and viral sensation Kili Paul has debuted in the Indian music scene with "Super Sexy," released by AB Bansal Music. The song has garnered a tremendous response from listeners and viewers alike. Bollywood singer Altamash Faridi makes his debut appearance alongside Kili Paul in this latest offering from AB Bansal Production. The star-studded lineup includes Kili Paul, Altamash Faridi, Bhalu Rapper, Shyna Sunsara, and Abhey Bansal. Directed by Prince 810, this captivating production features music and lyrics by Kuwar Virk, with Shyna Sunsara as the co-producer and Shaikh Sajid Ali as the creative producer. Actress Shyna Sunsara revealed that the song was filmed in Dubai's most picturesque locations. Packed with dance, comedy, and entertainment, the video ...
Shraddha Rani Sharma Is An Actress, Anchor, Dancer And Model

Shraddha Rani Sharma Is An Actress, Anchor, Dancer And Model

Shraddha Rani Sharma is an actress, anchor, dancer and model. She has been an ex-contestant of Bigg Boss 5. Soon she is going to play an important role in a suspense thriller film. Shraddha started her acting career with the serial 'Sarathi'. She was in the lead role in this. After this he acted in many TV shows and regional films. In which 'Jeeva' and 'Jai Ho' etc. are there. Her famous TV serial is 'Har Shaakh Par Ullu Baitha Hai' on Star TV in which she has made everyone laugh with his comedy. She has worked in many serials on Sahara One like 'Suno Har Dil Kuch Kehta Hai', 'Comedy Classes' and 'Neeli Chhatriwale'. She has worked in advertising films for many big brands including Nerolac, Lysol, Dettol, Martin, Philips, Fiat Tyre, Taj, Country Club etc. Shraddha is a very good dancer, h...
To Make Dreams Come True, You Have To Lose Something: Riddhima Tiwari

To Make Dreams Come True, You Have To Lose Something: Riddhima Tiwari

The glow of Mayanagari attracts everyone like a magnet, its attraction cannot be avoided. Since childhood, Riddhima's passion for acting attracted her to Mumbai. Riddhima was born in a middle class Brahmin family of Ranchi (Jharkhand).  Her family background is also not related to the film industry, but dance, art and excellent acting are innate in Riddhima, she is rich in versatility. She did not need to work hard to hone her skills. It is her habit of learning at first sight that enhances her talent. Riddhima is very self-respecting and dedicated, ever since she grew up she earns money through her own hard work, she does not like to depend on others. She is continuously working in modeling, TV and film industry. She has worked in Crime Patrol, Savdhaan India and many web series like 'Dah...
Ode To Sacred Symbols  Curated By Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra
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Ode To Sacred Symbols Curated By Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra

"Symbols adorn our world and mind at every turn. India’s Sages and seers have created symbolic imagery, transforming mudras (hand gestures) into instantly recognized emblems and transmitters of a Deity’s power or a particular frequency of energy. Each of the dozens of Deities in the Hindu pantheon conveys a cosmic function, force or capacity. Today this ancient magic is carried forward in a multitude of ways, from the temple priest’s invocation to the Indian housewife’s drawing of multi-colored designs, called kolams or rangoli, on the ground as auspicious auguries, household blessings and greetings. It was this that inspired the theme for Feb3’2024. Although Malls are the INDRAPRASTH of today that had something for every seeking heart, what it needed was the Arts and thanks to Shri Sandi...
Leens Queens Entertainment Presents: Anis Mirza And Akriti Agarwal’s Latest Song BEGAIRAT

Leens Queens Entertainment Presents: Anis Mirza And Akriti Agarwal’s Latest Song BEGAIRAT

Social media star Akriti Agarwal and Anis Mirza's music video "Begairat" launched, lyricist Arafat Mehmood, music Shabab Azmii, director Ranveer Rajput, singer Aaman Trikha* Nowadays social media has become such a platform through which many new talents become stars. The name of social media influencer Akriti Agarwal can be taken in this list, who has millions of followers. Akriti Agarwal, who was fond of dance and acting since childhood, first became a Tik Tok star, after which her videos gained immense popularity on Instagram also. Due to her lovely smile, beauty and facial expression, she got millions of fans. Her performance in many music videos was also praised. Now Akriti Agarwal and Anis Mirza's new song "Begairat" has been released which is being liked a lot. Akriti Agarwal and A...
Arlin Maitra,  Sharad Malhotra, Altamash Faridi At Omcar Records’ Love And Latte Singles Launch

Arlin Maitra, Sharad Malhotra, Altamash Faridi At Omcar Records’ Love And Latte Singles Launch

She is pretty. She is vivacious, she is dynamic and at 26, she is an actress-music label owner rolled into one. She is an Arlin Maitra, the driving force behind Omcar Records. And she is launching her music label  Omcar Records' with the romantic singles Love and Latte. An interesting song shot in Azerbaijaan, the launch has Arlin, Sharad Malhotra, Altamash Faridi, Saahil Goradia of Sumeet-Saahil, Palash Dutta, Hrishikesh Pandey, Neel Motwani, Aditya Bhansali, Sushweta Tewary, among others. Arts including acting and music have always been Arlin's passion. "After dabbling in modelling and acting. I figured my passion for music. "Music is something that we all love. When I knew music is that something I live for, I needed to be a part of this industry. Being an actress, it was easy for me...
Swiggy And Greater Chennai Traffic Police Join Forces For Road Safety Campaign
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Swiggy And Greater Chennai Traffic Police Join Forces For Road Safety Campaign

Tamil Nadu: February 8, 2024 – On the occasion of Road Safety Week, Swiggy, India’s leading on-demand convenience platform has collaborated with the Greater Chennai City Traffic Police to organize a comprehensive road safety and traffic awareness program for its delivery partners in the city. The program, initiated on February 5th, aims to run over a span of three days, covering key locations such as Anna Nagar and Adyar in Chennai. The program commenced with a safety rally by Swiggy’s delivery partners at Anna Nagar yesterday, witnessing an impressive turnout of over 100 participants. This was followed by informative traffic awareness sessions led by Traffic Inspector Mr. Shakthivel. The inaugural session was graced by the esteemed presence of Mr. Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of Police Tra...
Grand Health Camp Organized By Shri Arjun Kandhari Ji On The Occasion Of The Birthday Of Chief Minister Of Maharashtra Shri Eknath Ji Shinde Saheb
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Grand Health Camp Organized By Shri Arjun Kandhari Ji On The Occasion Of The Birthday Of Chief Minister Of Maharashtra Shri Eknath Ji Shinde Saheb

Mumbai: On the occasion of birthday of Maharashtra State Chief Minister Shri Eknathji Shinde Saheb today 8th February 2024, a free grand health camp was organized by Maharashtra State Executive Member Shri Arjun Kandhari. YuvaSena Working President Shri Purvesh Pratap Sarnaik ji and local MLA Advocate Shri Ashish Shelar ji paid a goodwill visit to this camp. Arjun Kandhari ji thanked Shri Purvesh Saranaik sir who gave so much time and inspired and guided us to work more enthusiastically. Arjun Kandhari ji said that Shri Purvesh Saranaik sir who is a real youth role model, always guides us. Arjun ji said we are looking forward to get more common man and serve them as per instructions of our dear Chief Minister. Arjun Kandhari ji also thanxed our CM Shri Eknath Shinde Saheb and Shri Srik...
Sagar Pictures Entertainment Premieres Internationally Acclaimed WALKING WITH M Documentary At The Iconic Royal Opera House, Mumbai
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Sagar Pictures Entertainment Premieres Internationally Acclaimed WALKING WITH M Documentary At The Iconic Royal Opera House, Mumbai

~ Directed by the versatile film marker Akash Sagar Chopra the documentary was received warmly by a full house, with a remarkable 7-minute standing ovation~ India, 9th February: Sagar Pictures Entertainment, rooted in the storytelling legacy of Ramanand Sagar, in association with the Manav Ekta Mission, proudly presented the Mumbai premiere of the award-winning documentary ‘Walking With M’ at the Royal Opera House in Mumbai. The documentary, 7 years in the making, made with over 1800 hours of archival footage, is a cinematic marvel directed by the visionary Akash Sagar Chopra. The 1hr 37min feature, unveiled the monumental journey of Padmabhushan Awardee and Best-Selling Author Sri M, as he embarked on an epic 7,500-kilometer odyssey across India, traversing 11 states from Kanyakumari to...
Anita Sharma – I Am A Hardcore Sports Lover, Model And A State Level Swimmer
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Anita Sharma – I Am A Hardcore Sports Lover, Model And A State Level Swimmer

Hi, My name is Anita Sharma, I am a hardcore sports lover, model and a state level swimmer and for the last little while, I’ve been a model.” Sharing my beautiful journey, so far. Since my childhood I was a person who always refused to be an ordinary  and always have been attracted towards the passion of being different. Be it an outdoor or Indoor, I was always the favorite player for my Games Faculty while in school.  I played for my Basket Ball and Badminton Team, I won the Inter Schools Championship for Carom for three consecutive years, and I was the state  level Champion for three consecutive years in swimming too. It doesn’t ends here, my passion for being different, gave me an opportunity for the Ramp modelling. I thoroughly enjoyed and loved everything about being glamorous and ...
Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024 Awarded To Angel Tetarbe By Indo European  Business Council
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Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024 Awarded To Angel Tetarbe By Indo European Business Council

Congratulations to Angel Tetarbe as she received “Miss International Peace Beauty Queen”  Award  by Indo European Business Council in Europe. Angel lives in USA  but she had travelled many countries and received  Beauty n Peace Awards in India, Germany ,Chicago n Los Angeles too . Angel says “ million thanks  to Indo European Business council for choosing  me for this Beautiful Award . God is Great n kind . It’s  my mom dad’s blessings. Thank u my lovely mom & dad for supporting me in every step of my life Thank u my sis too. V thankful to my family n sweet loving frends . We are Peace Loving people and we are born to spread peace love n happiness in this World . Let’s Unite Together for “ Mission World Peace “ Pls join Hands With  me for World Peace . Jai Hind Angel Tet...
Anita Goel’s Art Exhibition Avataran From 4th February
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Anita Goel’s Art Exhibition Avataran From 4th February

अनीता गोयल की एकांकी कला प्रदर्शनी 'अवतरण' 4 फरवरी से भारत में ब्रिटिश राज की समाप्ति के बाद देश में कई तरह के आमूलचूल परिवर्तन हुए मगर कहीं ना कहीं हमारी शिक्शा व्यवस्था पर पुरातनपंथी सोच अब भी हावी है. यूं तो सदियों से तमाम कलाकार अपनी कला के माध्यम से अपनी निजता का परिचय देते आ रहे हैं मगर इसके बावजूद कला की शिक्षा देने वाले स्कूलों पर आज भी पाश्चात्य देशों का प्रभाव देखने को मिलता है जो एक ख़ास तरह की कला को बढ़ावा देते नज़र आते हैं. उल्लेखनीय है कि जानी-मानी आर्टिस्ट अनीता गोयल ने पाश्चात्य कला के प्रभाव को अपने सोलो कला प्रदर्शनी 'अवतरण' के ज़रिए चुनौती पेश करने की कोशिश की है. इस कला प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन 4 फ़रवरी से किया जा रहा है जिसके माध्यम से अनीता गोयल आज की शैक्षणिक व्यवस्था को बदलने और कला के क्षेत्र में एक क्रांतिकारी बदलाव लाने की उम्मीद रखती हैं. वे कहती हैं, "कला संबंधी...
Eminent Painter Anita Goel’s Solo Show Avataran From 4th February
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Eminent Painter Anita Goel’s Solo Show Avataran From 4th February

प्रख्यात चित्रकार अनिता गोयल यांचा सोलो शो 'अवतरण' ४ फेब्रुवारीपासून ब्रिटीश भारतातून गेल्यानंतर भारतामध्ये अनेक महत्वपूर्ण बदल झाले, परंतु शाळांमधील कला शिक्षण मात्र त्याच पारंपरिक ब्रिटिश राजवटीतीलच राहिले असे म्हटले तर चूक ठरणार नाही. भारतातील शाळांमध्ये कला प्रशिक्षण पाश्चात्य पद्धतीने शिकवले जात असतानाही, गेल्या शतकभरात भारतातील अनेक चित्रकारांनी स्वतःचे वेगळे अस्तित्व निर्माण केले. प्रख्यात चित्रकार अनिता गोयल याच पाश्चात्य शिक्षण पद्धतीला आव्हान दे्ण्यासाठी स्वतःचे सोलो चित्रप्रदर्शन ‘अवतरण’ भरवत आहेत. ४ फेब्रुवारी रोजी अनावरण होणाऱ्या या प्रदर्शनातून अनिता गोयल भारतीय शैक्षणिक संस्थांमध्ये प्रचलित कलात्मक नियमांमध्ये क्रांती घडवून आणण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार आहेत. अनिता गोयल आपल्या प्रदर्शनाबाबत बोलताना म्हणाल्या, “शाळांमधील कला शिक्षण पद्धत कलाकारांची सर्जनशीलता दाबून ठेवत अविभाज्य ...
CRESSANDA : A Boon  For Indian Railway!
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CRESSANDA : A Boon For Indian Railway!

It was a fantastic night by Cressanda Railway Solutions Ltd (formerly Cressanda Solutions  Ltd) at the beautiful Allamanda Terrace of Hotel Marine Plaza overlooking the calm Arabian Sea in night with popular singerJazim Sharma belting out soothing songs. Cressanda, said to be the the first and only BSE-listed high-performing private company "to offer railway auxiliary (concierge) services and leading digital media breakthroughs with incredible growth, value and potential across shareholders, partners, investors and beneficiaries." Among those who attended this eclectic get-together were noted Director Padma Shri Madhur Bhandarkar, power-couple former IPS officer Y P Singh and firebrand advocate and social crusader Abha Singh, Additional Director General of Police Archana Tyagi, actors Ad...
Manushi Chillar Graces The Painting Exhibition Of Ayaan, A 13 Year Old UNESCO Award Winning Artist Who Is Ongoing Battle With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
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Manushi Chillar Graces The Painting Exhibition Of Ayaan, A 13 Year Old UNESCO Award Winning Artist Who Is Ongoing Battle With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

In a heartwarming display of communal solidarity, the story of Ayaan, a 12-year-old prodigy from Gujarat, India, has touched hearts far and wide. Diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) at the tender age of eight—a condition so rare it occurs in one in a million—Ayaan’s journey has been nothing short of inspirational. Despite the daunting odds, including the disease’s singular, globally approved treatment, Ayaan’s family, hailing from a modest middle-class background, faced an uphill battle in securing his medical care. The treatment, Vitilipso, a precious vial procured from a UK-based company, has offered a beacon of hope. Through the relentless efforts of countless individuals and the overwhelming support of society across India, particularly from Gujarat, a fund of approximate...
Anita Sharma – I Am A Hardcore Sports Lover, Model And A State Level Swimmer
Breaking News

Anita Sharma – I Am A Hardcore Sports Lover, Model And A State Level Swimmer

Hi, My name is Anita Sharma, I am a hardcore sports lover, model and a state level swimmer and for the last little while, I’ve been a model.” Sharing my beautiful journey, so far. Since my childhood I was a person who always refused to be an ordinary  and always have been attracted towards the passion of being different. Be it an outdoor or Indoor, I was always the favorite player for my Games Faculty while in school.  I played for my Basket Ball and Badminton Team, I won the Inter Schools Championship for Carom for three consecutive years, and I was the state  level Champion for three consecutive years in swimming too. It doesn’t ends here, my passion for being different, gave me an opportunity for the Ramp modelling. I thoroughly enjoyed and loved everything about being glamorous and ...
Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024 Awarded To Angel Tetarbe By Indo European  Business Council
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Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024 Awarded To Angel Tetarbe By Indo European Business Council

Congratulations to Angel Tetarbe as she received “Miss International Peace Beauty Queen”  Award  by Indo European Business Council in Europe. Angel lives in USA  but she had travelled many countries and received  Beauty n Peace Awards in India, Germany ,Chicago n Los Angeles too . Angel says “ million thanks  to Indo European Business council for choosing  me for this Beautiful Award . God is Great n kind . It’s  my mom dad’s blessings. Thank u my lovely mom & dad for supporting me in every step of my life Thank u my sis too. V thankful to my family n sweet loving frends . We are Peace Loving people and we are born to spread peace love n happiness in this World . Let’s Unite Together for “ Mission World Peace “ Pls join Hands With  me for World Peace . Jai Hind Angel Tet...
Avataran – A Solo Art Show By Anita Goel Unveiled On February 4
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Avataran – A Solo Art Show By Anita Goel Unveiled On February 4

After the British Raj, India experienced profound transformations, yet the art education system in schools remained entrenched in traditional paradigms. Despite centuries of artists asserting their individuality, the Indian school system persists in promoting a specific style of art, echoing Western academic conventions. Renowned artist Anita Goel challenges this status quo with her upcoming solo exhibition, Avataran. Scheduled to unveil on February 4, Goel seeks to revolutionise the prevailing artistic norms entrenched within Indian educational institutions. "The school art system perpetuates undistinguished artworks, stifling creativity," remarks Anita Goel. "My aim is to disrupt this homogeneity and redefine contemporary Indian art." Anita Goel's artistic vision transcends convention...
Anita Goyal’s Art Exhibition Avataran From 4th February
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Anita Goyal’s Art Exhibition Avataran From 4th February

अनीता गोयल की एकांकी कला प्रदर्शनी 'अवतरण' 4 फरवरी से भारत में ब्रिटिश राज की समाप्ति के बाद देश में कई तरह के आमूलचूल परिवर्तन हुए मगर कहीं ना कहीं हमारी शिक्शा व्यवस्था पर पुरातनपंथी सोच अब भी हावी है. यूं तो सदियों से तमाम कलाकार अपनी कला के माध्यम से अपनी निजता का परिचय देते आ रहे हैं मगर इसके बावजूद कला की शिक्षा देने वाले स्कूलों पर आज भी पाश्चात्य देशों का प्रभाव देखने को मिलता है जो एक ख़ास तरह की कला को बढ़ावा देते नज़र आते हैं. उल्लेखनीय है कि जानी-मानी आर्टिस्ट अनीता गोयल ने पाश्चात्य कला के प्रभाव को अपने सोलो कला प्रदर्शनी 'अवतरण' के ज़रिए चुनौती पेश करने की कोशिश की है. इस कला प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन 4 फ़रवरी से किया जा रहा है जिसके माध्यम से अनीता गोयल आज की शैक्षणिक व्यवस्था को बदलने और कला के क्षेत्र में एक क्रांतिकारी बदलाव लाने की उम्मीद रखती हैं. वे कहती हैं, "कला संबंधी...
Eminent Painter Anita Goyal’s Solo Show Avataran From 4th February
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Eminent Painter Anita Goyal’s Solo Show Avataran From 4th February

प्रख्यात चित्रकार अनिता गोयल यांचा सोलो शो 'अवतरण' ४ फेब्रुवारीपासून ब्रिटीश भारतातून गेल्यानंतर भारतामध्ये अनेक महत्वपूर्ण बदल झाले, परंतु शाळांमधील कला शिक्षण मात्र त्याच पारंपरिक ब्रिटिश राजवटीतीलच राहिले असे म्हटले तर चूक ठरणार नाही. भारतातील शाळांमध्ये कला प्रशिक्षण पाश्चात्य पद्धतीने शिकवले जात असतानाही, गेल्या शतकभरात भारतातील अनेक चित्रकारांनी स्वतःचे वेगळे अस्तित्व निर्माण केले. प्रख्यात चित्रकार अनिता गोयल याच पाश्चात्य शिक्षण पद्धतीला आव्हान दे्ण्यासाठी स्वतःचे सोलो चित्रप्रदर्शन ‘अवतरण’ भरवत आहेत. ४ फेब्रुवारी रोजी अनावरण होणाऱ्या या प्रदर्शनातून अनिता गोयल भारतीय शैक्षणिक संस्थांमध्ये प्रचलित कलात्मक नियमांमध्ये क्रांती घडवून आणण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार आहेत. अनिता गोयल आपल्या प्रदर्शनाबाबत बोलताना म्हणाल्या, “शाळांमधील कला शिक्षण पद्धत कलाकारांची सर्जनशीलता दाबून ठेवत अविभाज्य ...
Manushi Chillar Graces The Painting Exhibition Of Ayaan, A 13 Year Old UNESCO Award Winning Artist Who Is Ongoing Battle With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
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Manushi Chillar Graces The Painting Exhibition Of Ayaan, A 13 Year Old UNESCO Award Winning Artist Who Is Ongoing Battle With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

In a heartwarming display of communal solidarity, the story of Ayaan, a 12-year-old prodigy from Gujarat, India, has touched hearts far and wide. Diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) at the tender age of eight—a condition so rare it occurs in one in a million—Ayaan’s journey has been nothing short of inspirational. Despite the daunting odds, including the disease’s singular, globally approved treatment, Ayaan’s family, hailing from a modest middle-class background, faced an uphill battle in securing his medical care. The treatment, Vitilipso, a precious vial procured from a UK-based company, has offered a beacon of hope. Through the relentless efforts of countless individuals and the overwhelming support of society across India, particularly from Gujarat, a fund of approximate...
CRESSANDA : A Boon  For Indian Railway!
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CRESSANDA : A Boon For Indian Railway!

It was a fantastic night by Cressanda Railway Solutions Ltd (formerly Cressanda Solutions  Ltd) at the beautiful Allamanda Terrace of Hotel Marine Plaza overlooking the calm Arabian Sea in night with popular singerJazim Sharma belting out soothing songs. Cressanda, said to be the the first and only BSE-listed high-performing private company "to offer railway auxiliary (concierge) services and leading digital media breakthroughs with incredible growth, value and potential across shareholders, partners, investors and beneficiaries." Among those who attended this eclectic get-together were noted Director Padma Shri Madhur Bhandarkar, power-couple former IPS officer Y P Singh and firebrand advocate and social crusader Abha Singh, Additional Director General of Police Archana Tyagi, actors Ad...
KIM-100 Launch Marks A Paradigm Shift In Cancer Care, Courtesy Of Narayan Ayurved
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KIM-100 Launch Marks A Paradigm Shift In Cancer Care, Courtesy Of Narayan Ayurved

Jaipur, 4 February 2024: Narayan Ayurved, the leading Ayurvedic medicine manufacturer in Rajasthan, has taken a groundbreaking step in the fight against cancer with the launch of its revolutionary medicine, KIM-100. Unveiled on World Cancer Day 2024, this Ayurvedic remedy is poised to transform cancer treatment strategies and provide hope to millions battling the disease. Anil Singh, the director of Narayan Ayurved, spoke passionately about the significance of KIM-100 in the realm of cancer care. "We are proud to introduce KIM-100 as a powerful and innovative solution in our mission to combat cancer effectively. This medicine is the result of dedicated efforts and collaboration with renowned Ayurvedacharyas and our exceptional research team based in Rajasthan." Singh highlighted the comm...
Motion Poster Of Director Vikas Prajapat, Actor Aman Kumar’s Album NAMO NAMO Released

Motion Poster Of Director Vikas Prajapat, Actor Aman Kumar’s Album NAMO NAMO Released

निर्देशक विकास प्रजापत, ऎक्टर अमन कुमार के अल्बम "नमो नमो" का मोशन पोस्टर हुआ जारी निर्देशक विकास प्रजापत  के म्युज़िक अल्बम "नमो नमो" का मोशन पोस्टर आउट कर दिया गया है जो जल्द ही रिलीज होगा। वीडियो में ऎक्टर अमन कुमार ने शानदार अभिनय किया है। इस गाने की शूटिंग भव्य रूप से मुम्बई के मड आइलैंड में हुई है। इसके निर्माता शिवा सिंह व विकास प्रजापत हैं। बॉलीवुड के मशहूर निर्माता निर्देशक और सेंसर बोर्ड के पूर्व अध्यक्ष पहलाज निहलानी ने भी विकास प्रजापत को इस वीडियो के लिए बधाई और शुभकामनाएं दी हैं। निर्देशक विकास प्रजापत का कहना है कि यह गीत नमो नमो काफी बड़े पैमाने पर शूट हुआ है जो लोगों को अवश्य पसन्द आएगा। इस गाने का पोस्टर काफी अच्छा है, जिसमे प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की तस्वीर है। इस सॉन्ग का कन्सेप्ट भी बहुत अलग है। निर्देशक विकास प्रजापत का मानना है कि सभी आर्टिस्टस और पूरी टीम ने बड़...
Minister- MP And MLA Gold Award 2024 NDMC Auditorium New Delhi
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Minister- MP And MLA Gold Award 2024 NDMC Auditorium New Delhi

The first show of DPIAF- in the first month of January 2024 was completed successfully. DPIAF- Bharat Gaurav Iconic Award, Minister- MP & MLA Gold Award and DPIAF- Iconic Award Delhi on 24th January 2024 at NDMC Auditorium in Jantarmantar, New Delhi, The Organizer of these three programs was Kalyanji Jana, who is known as the Garibo Ke Actor. Every year he Organizes 24 awards in India and abroad which is a huge achievement. Kalyanji Jana has many companies like DPIAF- Roti and Kapda Bank, DPIAF- Book of world Record, S.K.M.H Films Production, Darshnik Mumbai News Paper, KJ Talkies OTT Platform, KJ Water. Along with these, he does a lot of work for the welfare of the society and industry. Kalyanji runs the first NGO in the name of Dadasaheb Phalke, which is named Dadasaheb Phalke Icon...
DPIAF- Bharat Gaurav Iconic Award – NDMC Auditorium New Delhi 24th January
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DPIAF- Bharat Gaurav Iconic Award – NDMC Auditorium New Delhi 24th January

The first show of DPIAF- in the first month of January 2024 was completed successfully. DPIAF- Bharat Gaurav Iconic Award, Minister- MP & MLA Gold Award and DPIAF- Iconic Award Delhi on 24th January 2024 at NDMC Auditorium in Jantarmantar, New Delhi, The Organizer of these three programs was Kalyanji Jana, who is known as the Garibo Ke Actor. Every year he Organizes 24 awards in India and abroad which is a huge achievement. Kalyanji Jana has many companies like DPIAF- Roti and Kapda Bank, DPIAF- Book of world Record, S.K.M.H Films Production, Darshnik Mumbai News Paper, KJ Talkies OTT Platform, KJ Water. Along with these, he does a lot of work for the welfare of the society and industry. Kalyanji runs the first NGO in the name of Dadasaheb Phalke, which is named Dadasaheb Phalke Icon...