Monday, February 17

Archerz 2018

Surbhi Wali Zalpuri – The Archerz Mrs India 2018 Winner
Archerz 2018, Breaking News, Latest News

Surbhi Wali Zalpuri – The Archerz Mrs India 2018 Winner

Surbhi Wali Zalpuri, the winner of Archerz Mrs India 2018 has a very multicolor and multicultural background, she belive that she could spread the meaning of her name Surbhi means fragrance in entire world by her effortfull work. Let's know some thing more about her. Surbhi is also associated with her maternal side, as she was brought up by her grandparents,  where is also known by name of Jalali. She is a Kashmiri Pandit from Delhi, since childhood her passion was dancing, Surbhi has won National Award in Kathak dance in Kolkata. She also got selected for 'DID MOMS MUMBAI' held in Dubai.        Surbhi is a mother, a wife, an MBA graduate and a HR consultant by profession, and is a choreographer also. She has won MDRT award and executive council in Insura...