Tuesday, February 11

Educational News

Marine Engineering Courses –  Travel Your Way To A Rewarding Career
Educational News

Marine Engineering Courses – Travel Your Way To A Rewarding Career

Merchant navy is a highly lucrative and dynamic career opportunity as 90 percent of the world’s goods are transported through ships. Apart from handsome remunerations, people employed in the shipping industry enjoy travelling across the globe and interacting with people of different cultures, ethnicity and race. Among various courses offered by marine educational institutes in India, Marine Engineering is an interesting and specialized branch of engineering with highly rewarding prospects. Why Marine Engineering? According to estimates, the number of active Indian seafarers, employed aboard Indian or foreign flagged ships, has grown by about 45 percent in the last few years. The government is planning to hire around 3.5 lakh seafarers in the next three to five years, a move aimed ...
More Than A Thousand Students Joined IBSW-CDP Online Classes During COVID 19
Educational News

More Than A Thousand Students Joined IBSW-CDP Online Classes During COVID 19

During these challenging times, amidst the worldwide pandemic of COVID 19, International Business School of Washington didn’t sit back but immediately swung to action. The first thought was focused on students and their future, second on the staff members, to give them the right platform to enhance the teaching process and third with our parents to continue sharing the bond of trust. Planning commenced for continuous education based on the situation, the need and the requirement. The curriculum was relooked into and tweaked for supporting online teaching. Simultaneously online classes were ascertained and cleared for being user friendly, offering good features and following cybersecurity norms. Teachers, parents and students were trained to use the online teaching to its maximum potential....
Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Education – A Global Summit for More than 300 Educators
Educational News, Latest News, Trending News

Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Education – A Global Summit for More than 300 Educators

The common notion is that the entire responsibility of educating our children lies on the teachers and the school authorities though education is a significant element which affects the development of the entire nation . Hence, the responsibility of imparting education also lies on the community at large. Parisar Asha , a not for profit organisation working in the field of education for the past 36 years have been incessantly working towards imparting quality education and spreading awareness among the underprivileged communities about its importance. On 15th January’2019, it held a global consortium on the topic ‘The R Factor in Education’ which focused on the ‘Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Education’ pertaining to different stakeholders at Kohinoor Continental Hotel, Mumbai.  Th...